General Procurement Notice s1
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The Government of Kenya has received from the African Development Fund (ADF) a loan of UA 25.04 million towards the financing of the Green Zones Development Support Project. The project will be jointly implemented by the Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation, in the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Forest Department, in the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
The overall project goal is to contribute to poverty reduction. It is also aimed at improving the national forest cover for water conservation in Kenya. The project objectives are to promote forest regeneration and conservation for environmental protection and to improve rural livelihoods and incomes of communities, especially women, living adjacent to the forests.
The project will have the following components:
1. Natural forest conservation (a) Natural forests rehabilitation (b) Participatory natural forest management (c) Restoration of county council hilltops and watersheds
2. Buffer belt watershed management (a) Restoration of natural forest in environmentally sensitive areas (b) Establishment of fuelwood plantations (c) Consolidation of the tea buffer belts
3. Support to forest adjacent communities (a) Woodlots establishment promotion on farms (b) Agro-forestry development (c) Household livelihoods/income enhancement
4. Project coordination and management (a) Support to Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation (b) Support to Forest Department
The project will finance activities in the categories of works, goods, services (including training), as well as miscellaneous operating costs. All procurement of goods and works, and acquisition of consulting services will be in accordance with Bank’s Rules of Procedure for Procurement of Goods and Works or, as appropriate, Rules of Procedure for the Use of Consultants, using the relevant Bank Standard Bidding Documents. The modes of procurement will include the following: Procurement of civil works contracts will be carried out under National Competitive Bidding (NCB). Procurement of utility vehicles, trucks, tippers, and tractors will be through Intentional Competitive Bidding (ICB) Procurement of motor cycles and bicycles will be carried out through National Shopping (NS) Various plants equipments and office furniture will be through National Shopping (NS) Agricultural and forestry Inputs will be procured from eligible suppliers through National Shopping (NS). Procurement of Consulting Services will be through Shortlist. This include Technical Assistance Staff, Audit Services, Works Design and supervision, Local Area Net Working and MIS Local and Foreign Training for Project Staff, Local Communities, Women Groups will be contracted to appropriate institutions, trainers, NGOs by Direct Negotiations (DN) On-farm adaptive research and demonstration will be through Direct Contracting of service providers including KEFRI.
Interested bidders may obtain further information by contacting:
The National Project Coordinator Green Zones Development Support Project Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation (NTZDC) 11th Floor, Nyayo House – NAIROBI, KENYA. P.O. Box 48552-00100 Telephone (254) 020 315650-6 FAX (254) 020 216777 Email [email protected]