Action Plan Update and First Quarter Performance Report 2005-2006

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Action Plan Update and First Quarter Performance Report 2005-2006






1.1. To present Cabinet with an action plan update and the first quarter update against Performance Indicators including the LPSA for 2005/2006.


2.1. For Cabinet to note the information and identify any key issues in performance for further consideration or action in relation to the indicators.

2.2. For Cabinet to consider progress in relation to the LPSA.


3.1 A full end of year performance report for 2004-05 was presented to Management Team on 21st June 2005. It was decided that areas of concern would be investigated and agreed action plans for individual Service Units to address under performance were reported to Cabinet at its meeting on 19th July 2005. This report details progress to date made against those agreed action plans as at the first quarter.

3.2 At Appendix A an exception report has been produced where other indicators that are significantly under achieving or exceeding against the target at the first quarter are highlighted.

3.3 Appendix B details the progress and expenditure to date on the stretch targets set as part of BoPs LPSA. This information should be considered with reference to the recent Internal Audit report on LPSA progress.

3.4 Appendix A and B include symbols and shading as follows:-

Significant Improvement Green Shading For BVPIs =Top Quartile against target Performance For LPSAs = Interim Target Met Amber Shading Above Average Heading for Top Significant decline against Quartile target LPSAs = Collection method subject to verification Amber Grid BVPIs = Below Average and Heading for Bottom Quartile Red Shading For BVPIs =Bottom Quartile Performance For LPSAs = Interim Target Not Met



Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BVPI 56 % of items of occupational  Appoint new Project John 20/07/05 (PAF therapy equipment & Officer, Dermody 01/10/05 D54) adaptations delivered within 7  Achieve 100% on line working days ordering, Poole Locality Board ( joint board of PCT & BoP) do monitor monthly performance. Progress:- Indicator is showing an improved performance of 72% for 1st quarter against 04- 05 year end performance of 64.7%. Maintaining performance at this level would take it out of bottom quartile. Target for 05-06 is 85%. OTHER MEASURES BVPI Acceptable waiting times for  Increase capacity for Nick 01/09/05 196 care packages planned respite care, Molland 01/10/05 (PAF56)  Increase capacity of high Nick dependency home care Molland 01/08/05 to 1600 hours per week,  Introduce monthly team Karen performance information, Withers Progress:- For 1st quarter the indicator is at 58.3% against target of 86% for 05-06. Investigatory work into the reasons for delays in waiting times and the planned action detailed above is hoped will improve performance.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: OTHER MEASURES PAFC18 The ratio of looked after 1. Joint meetings with YOT Gerry Dec 05 children aged ten and above to consider strategic Moore who have been cautioned and approach, clarity around convicted during the year roles and responsibilities compared to all children and targeted cautioned and convicted interventions at an earlier preventative stage. 2. Tracking current cases to explore the triggers for offending and interventions that may have prevented this behaviour. 3. Continued training and support to foster carers on dealing with challenging behaviour

2 and involving staff from CAMHS, YADAS, and Parent, Pupil and Youth Services. Progress:- Currently the ratio is at 0.7 which covers Oct 04 to Jun 05. Full year PI to cover Oct 04 to Sep 05. The 04-05 outturn was 5.7. Current performance represents a large decrease in offending by Poole children looked after and is encouraging. Target is 1.5 or below for 05-06.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BV76d Number of prosecutions and Number of Prosecutions Brett Dec sanctions per 1000 caseload waiting DWP agreement. Jones 2005 Meeting to resolve Subject to BFI inspection Oct 05 – Action plan to be generated Progress:- 1st quarter is 0.1 against target of 1.25. A number of sanctions are now in progress for the 2nd quarter. It is anticipated that this will improve performance above previous years actual of 0.5. Performance of above 1.16 per 1000 is needed to move it out of bottom quartile. BV79a Percentage of cases for Accuracy of below 95.13% Brett Nov which the calculation of the will take Poole into bottom Jones 2005 amount of benefit due was Quartile correct on the basis of the This is due to high level of information available to new staff requiring training determination for a sample of Training programme in place cases checked post- and staff performance determination. monitored Progress:- 1st quarter is 88% against target of 98%. The margin between top and bottom quartile is tight. Performance of above 95.13% is needed to take this out of bottom quartile. A number of new assessment staff currently in training has reduced this performance figure for this quarter. OTHER MEASURES BV78b Average time for processing Subject to separate report to Brett Sept notification of change of Management Team Jones 2005 circumstances Workflow to be introduced July 05 Home-working available for September 2005 Consideration being given to use of off-site processing to assist with peaks and troughs Progress:- 1st quarter shows 19.8 days against a target of 9 days. A change of systems to upgrade to workflow has affected performance this quarter. BV79b Percentage of recoverable This PI has been replaced in Brett Sept overpayments (excluding 2005/6 due to data produces Jones 2005 Council Tax Benefit) that misleading results were recovered in the year. Tightened recovery procedures and timetable.

3 New on-line legal proceedings now dealt with within the section Progress:- New indicator which breaks down this indicator down further is now in place.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BVPI Violent offences committed Indicator is planned to be Poole On 127d under the influence of dropped this year. However, police going intoxicating substances the Poole safe scheme in the division. town centre specifically addresses this issue. Progress:- Indicator now dropped – not comparable with new definition. BVPI Average length of stay in Policy has been revised and Keith March 183b hostels (in weeks) households are now moved Mitchell 2006 into leased properties from hostels. Performance now stands at 20 weeks which is the target for this year and therefore it can only improve over the rest of the year. Progress: 1ST quarter position is 18.3 weeks which is within target of 20 weeks. This is a big improvement on year end 04-05 which was 53.2 weeks. Achievement of below 14 weeks would take this out of bottom quartile. OTHER MEASURES BoP 117 Average re-let times for local An improvement plan has Poole March authority dwellings (in days) been instituted and housing 2006 performance is currently Partnership running at the target of 30 days. Progress:- A national indicator (BVPI 212) has been created to collect this information as of 05-06. 1st quarter performance is encouraging at 31 days which is 1 day over current target level of 30 days. BoP 120 Percentage of rent lost Action in relation to the Poole March through local authority previous PI will correct Housing 2006 dwellings performance in this area as partnership well. Progress: 1st quarter is 0.69% against target of 0.82% which is an encouraging improvement on year end 04-05 actual of 0.92%.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BV84 Number of Due to the fact that this indicator is Ian Mar 06 kilograms of calculated on the basis of our census Poultney household waste population and that Poole has a high collected per additional tourist population performance

4 head. is unlikely to improve. Additional pressure will be brought by increased dwellings through development. Positive promotional work is being undertaken to maintain low contamination rates in the blue bin recycling scheme. Progress:- 1st quarter is 149.44 kgs per head against an annual target of 578 kgs. Seasonal variations occur because of the nature of this indicator. LPSA MEASURE LPSA Level of street Detritus (grit, sand etc) in industrial areas Steve Nov 05 22 and local is perceived to be the source of the Chappell (BV 199) environment poorer performance. Alternative cleansing cleanliness as regime to implemented in evenings when expressed in roads are free from parked cars. BVPI 199 Cleansing of Leisure and PHP areas now embedded within EPA schedules. Progress:- Mechanisms to improve performance are being implemented. The nature of the survey work to calculate this indicator mean that it can only be undertaken three times a year. The 2nd quarter report will detail progress. OTHER MEASURES BoP 110 The number of Increased due to implementation of blue Steve Dec 05 collections bin scheme. Performance now improving Chappell missed per thanks to close working with crews, + Ian 100,000 liaison and information to residents. Poultney collections of Action to address narrow access locations household waste. in preparation in connection with participation work. Progress:- 1st quarter shows 66.3 complaints against a target of 30 per 100,000. The indicator now includes the recycling collections which are also still subject to new crew arrangements, due to staff turnover.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: OTHER MEASURES BoP127 Countryside Revise indicator to more accurately reflect Matti March Education Events the Unit’s commitment to more broader Raudsepp 2006 environmental issues and healthy lifestyles, which reflects two of BoP’s priorities - clean, green and safe and health and wellbeing. Progress:- This indicator is showing an encouraging performance of 1383 in the 1st quarter against a target of 3000 for the year.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: OTHER MEASURES SocITM Customer ACTION: A detailed study of the survey Katie 31st 1 Satisfaction results has been completed by ICT UMT, this Lacey March information will be used to create an action 2006

5 plan for improvement which will be completed and published in August 2005. Key areas of focus are on demonstrating value for money and shortening time taken from initial request to actual delivery of work. Progress:- The indicator outturn is from an annual survey which will be undertaken and reported later in the year. SocITM SLA target ACTION: As a key part of the next action plan Simon 31st 2b for to improve customer satisfaction a review of Rees March completion of the request for work process has been 2006 minor undertaken. A more detailed action plan for requests for specific improvements in this area will be work. developed in line with the overall improvement plan. Progress:- 1st quarter is 77.23% which is short of the target of 91%.


In relation to Property Services, there is currently only one performance indicator being regularly monitored at Cabinet level. However, Property Services is in the process of implementing a comprehensive Improvement Plan, as it is acknowledged that the Service has not been performing at the level required by the authority. The Portfolio Holder (Resources) is meeting monthly with the Interim Service Unit Head, Policy Directors ( Social Services and Children’s Services) , Head of Financial Services and a Personnel Manager to oversee the implementation of the Improvement Plan. As part of the Improvement Plan, a set of key indicators will be devised which will better enable monitoring of the outcomes and performance of this Service and from January 2006, key indicators will be included in the quarterly Cabinet monitoring report.


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BV43a & Statements issued within Regular monitoring (monthly) to Education Ongoing 43b 18 weeks including and ensure performance meets the Officer excluding time limit targets set. Staffing vacancy (SEN) exceptions now filled. Progress:- 1st quarter performance has increased to 93% and 94% respectfully. The target of 100% is not expected to be reached but performance maintained at this level would take them out of bottom quartile. With both indicators the shortfall currently represents 1 statement issued late. BV159a- Percentage of permanently Indicators deleted from national Manager Ongoing c excluded pupils receiving collection but data will still be of alternative tuition of a) 5 collected internally as a total Learning hours or less; b) between 6 figure showing below 21 hours Support and 12 hours or c) between per week Service 13 and 19 hours per week Progress:- These indicators have now been deleted but information on those receiving less that 21 hours tuition is collated for the purposes of BV159 below (formerly BV159d). BV159 Percentage of permanently Regular monitoring (monthly) Manager Ongoing

6 excluded pupils receiving and redirect resources as of alternative tuition of 21 necessary Learning hours or more per week Support Service Progress:- The definition of this indicator has changed to measure pupils receiving 21 hours or more tuition. The current position of 25% reflects this change and is under the target of 55% set. Some year 11 pupils supported during the summer term will have reduced timetables whilst they are on study leave or exam schedules. It is hoped that progress can be made towards the target in the autumn 2005 and spring 2006 terms. BV192a a) Average days access to Additional Qualified Teacher to Strategy Ongoing & b relevant training and be appointed during the Manager development per Autumn 2005. Both indicators (Early practitioner delivering are deleted from national Years & Foundation Stage collection, however, 192a is an Childcare education. b) Average LPSA cost effectiveness target Develop number of Qualified and will continue to be collated ment) Teacher status teachers for this. per non-maintained settings Progress:- Both indicators have been deleted from national collection after 2004/2005 but BV192a is included in the Authority's LPSA as a cost effectiveness target, and is therefore still reported on. Data for this indicator is not currently available. It is hoped a figure can be provided for the second quarter. OTHER MEASURES BoP88b Percentage of year 11 Incorrect reported figure – Manager Ongoing pupils on the roll of and should have been 87%. of supported by the Learning However, continued monitoring Learning Support Service who will be carried out and Support completed external encouragement given to pupils Service accredited courses they to complete their courses have been entered for. Progress:- Final out-turn figure will reflect the position at the beginning of the Autumn term (Sept). Figures are not currently available BoP96 Percentage of applications Borough staff absence Strategy Ongoing for Home to School procedures are being followed Manager transport processed within and will continue until post (Pupil 10 days holders return Support) Progress:- 1st quarter is 71% against a target of 80%. Post-holder has been absent through illness for all of the 1st quarter and the process has been covered by members of the team in addition to their normal duties. The figure is expected increase towards target if and when post-holder returns to work. LPSA MEASURES BV159 Percentage of permanently Regular monitoring (monthly) Manager Ongoing excluded pupils receiving and redirect resources as Learning alternative tuition of 21 necessary Support hours or more per week Service BV192a a) Average days access to Additional Qualified Teacher to Strategy Ongoing relevant training and be appointed during the Manager development per Autumn 2005. practitioner delivering Foundation Stage education Progress:- Reported as above under bottom quartile measures


Ref no. Description Planned Action: Led by: End date: BOTTOM QUARTILE MEASURES BV48 Percentage of schools In 2003-04 the LEA had one school Jane N/A maintained by the LEA in special measures. In 2004-05 no Portman subject ‘special schools was in special measures. measures’. To be Effectively that means that the LEA deleted from 2005 has moved from bottom quartile to top quartile. Progress:- No schools are in special measures. BoP is expected to move out of the bottom quartile range for this indicator for 04-05. LPSA MEASURES LPSAs The LPSA targets set for the Jane 2006 1,2,3,4 financial year 2005-06 relate to Portman & 5 May/June 2006 results. The LEAs improvement plans for LPSA targets for schools run in tandem with the academic year, commencing in September 2005. However, we would expect to meet the targets for 2005-06. Progress: Performance not available until year end following examination results.


5.1 Rather than list all indicators and their performance, it was decided to highlight those indicators (where information is available) that are significantly under or over performing to target. In this way Members are able to focus on those indicators where intervention may be considered necessary. This information is reported at Appendix A.


6.1 Appendix B shows the progress of the LPSA stretch targets. Cabinet will be aware that achievement of the targets will release reward grant monies to the authority. The comments under the 1st Quarter Performance column explain the current situation. In addition the amount of pump prime grant spend has been included in the table.

6.2 There are some measures where the methods of collection of the information for the indicator need to be verified which are colour coded amber.

Officer contacts:-

Bernie Topham – Policy Director Robert Reid – Improvement and Policy Officer Bridget West – Corporate Performance Manager


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