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Greenup County Schools

Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

Unit Overview Map



Standards and Learning Targets:

Standa Knowledge Learning Reasoning Learning Target(s) Performance/Skill Product Learning rd Target(s) Learning Target(s) Target(s) RL: 1.2 Ask Identify key details of a text. and answer Ask questions about key questio details in a text. ns about Answer questions about key key details in a text. details in a text. RI:

RF: 1.2; Recogn Distinguish between long and Produce single-syllable words by: 1 ize: short vowels in single-syllable words   blending sounds lon Isolate sounds : (phonemes)

 initial  consonant blends  sho  medial

 final Pronounce sounds:  in single-syllable words  initial sin  medial

  final con  in single-syllable words

Segment spoken single- syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds

1.3.b.g b. Know grade-level phonics and Apply grade-level phonics and word Read words with Decode word analysis skills in decoding analysis skills in decoding words inflectional endings regularl words y spelled Distinguish between words with Read irregularly spelled one- Recognize common consonant spelling patterns and irregularly sight words appropriate to syllable diagraphs spelled words grade level words. Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

g. Know the sound produced by Recogn that consonant diagraph ize and read grade- approp riate irregula rly spelled words.

W: 1.8 With Identify : Gather information from more than guidan one source to answer a question ce and  experience suppor With guidance and support:  source t from  answer a question using adults, information from recall experience inform ation  answer a question using from information from a experie provided source nces or gather inform ation from provide d

3 sources to answer a questio n.

SL:1.1a Particip Identify: Decide comments and questions Participate in ate in appropriate to the topic of conversations about collabo  ideas from first grade discussion grade 1 topics and texts rative topics and texts Follow agreed-upon convers rules for discussion  agreed-upon rules for ations Listen while others are discussion Observe if agreed-upon discussion with speaking rules are being followed Respond to comments diverse  how others listen partner to continue conversations with s about  how others ask peers and adults grade questions on topic 1 Ask questions to better topics  how others move conversations along understand topic and and texts texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

a. Follow Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

agreed- upon rules for discussi ons (e.g., listenin g to others with care, speakin g one at a time about the topics and texts under discussi on).

1.2 Ask Ask questions about key details Formulate a question based on key Participate in and from : ideas : conversations about grade answer 1 topics and texts questio  a text read aloud  from a text read aloud ns  information presented  information presented about Follow agreed-upon rules key 5 details orally orally for discussion in a text  through other media  through other media read Listen while others are aloud speaking or Answer questions about key inform details from: Respond to comments to ation continue conversations present  a text read aloud or with peers and adults ed  information presented orally orally or or Ask questions to better throug  through other media understand topic and texts h other media.

L: 1.1.a.b. Demo Recognize nouns: Demonstrate command of the Demonstrate command of nstrat conventions of standard English the conventions of  common e grammar and usage when writing to standard English grammar expand sentence types: and usage when speaking comm  proper, and of  complete the  possessive conve  simple ntions  compound of standa rd English gramm ar and Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

usage when writing or speaki ng.

a. Print all upper- and lowerc ase letters.

b. Use commo n, proper, and possess ive nouns.

Demo Apply correct capitalization, 1.2 a.-c. nstrat punctuation, and spelling when e writing comm Distinguish between: and of the  dates and other conve word/number

7 ntions combinations of  names of people and standa other words rd English gramm Capitalize dates and names of ar and people usage when writing or speaki ng. a. Print all upper- and lowerc ase letters. b. Use commo n, proper, and possess ive nouns. c. Use Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

singula r and plural nouns with matchi ng verbs in basic senten ces (e.g., He hops; We hop).

1.5.a With With guidance and support With guidance and support from With guidance and guidan from adults: adults: support from adults: ce and suppor  categorize  distinguish shades of  act out the t from pictures/words by meaning among similar meanings of adults, multiple attributes verbs similar verbs demon  identify real-life  distinguish adjectives strate connections between differing in intensity by underst words and their uses defining, choosing and anding applying them of word relatio nships and 9 nuance s in word meanin gs.

a. Sort words into categor ies (e.g. colors, clothin g) to gain a sense of the concep ts the categor ies represe nt.

1.6 Use Acquire words and phrases Distinguish between words and Demonstrate the ability to words through: phrases, including those that signal frequently use words and and simple relationships, acquired phrases, including phrases  conversations through: conjunctions, acquired acquire through:  reading d  conversations  conversations throug  being read to Ponderosa Elementary – First Grade

h  responding to text  reading  reading convers ations,  being read to  being read to reading Identify and use frequently  responding to text  responding to text and occurring conjunctions to signal being simple relationships read to, and respon ding to texts, includi ng using freque ntly occurri ng conjunc tions to signal simple relatio nships.

11 Assessment Types and Rubric(s): Please check assessment used, describe (if needed) and attach copies. Anecdotal Notes Behavior Checklist Class Discussion Conference/Interview Essay Guided Questions Journals/Learning Log Multiple Choice Observation On-Demand Open-Response Oral Exam Performance-Based Pre-Assessment Portfolio Piece Problem-Solving Project/Product Rubric/Scoring Guide Running Record Self-Assessment/Reflection Other

Modifications/Accommodations (SpEd/GT): Please check modifications/accommodations used and describe (if needed). (Please check only your personal plans, not those going on the server.)

Extended Time Immediate Feedback Prompt and Cue Manipulatives Reader Scribe Assistive Technology Behavior Plan Reduced Assignments Modified Test/Work Enlarged Print Paraphrasing Peer Tutor Acceleration Curriculum Compacting Independent Study Other:

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