To see if there are new submissions to the blog:

Go to

Log in by level - Elementary: [email protected]; Middle: [email protected]; High: [email protected]

Click on Shared With Me at the left

Click the Resource Bank Submission Form file

Click View Responses

Find an entry that is not yellow. Enter the information into the blog (instructions below).

Highlight the entry yellow after you are finished. Periodically we will delete the yellow entries one the submitter and the blog team are happy with the entry.

To see if there are new attachments sent to the email addresses:

Go to

Log in by level - Elementary: [email protected]; Middle: [email protected]; High: [email protected]

Click on an email

In the attachments panel at the bottom, click the three-headed arrow symbol that means Save to Drive (or Save All to Drive)

Go back to Google Drive

Click on My Drive

Right-click on the attachment you just saved. (If you saved multiple attachments, create a folder first, name it, move all files in the folder, then right-click on the folder.)

Choose Share

Change Private access to Public on the Web

Use the public URL Google Drive provides to copy/paste into the blog

To add a new entry to the lesson plan blog:

Go to

Log in

Go to Posts – Add New

Enter information in three sections formatted with H2 heading: Description, Standards, and Resources Resources should link to an external file storage location, such as Google Drive – URL should open in a new window

Add contact information of the person who submitted the lesson at the bottom of the post

Choose grade level(s) and subject(s) in the categories on the right

Enter tag keywords at the bottom right; click “Choose from the most used tags” to choose from existing list

To add a new user to the blog:

Go to

Log in

Go to Users – Add New

Enter the person’s information, and make sure to choose “administrator” as the role.