The Whitby High School
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THE WHITBY HIGH SCHOOL A Specialist Technology College
Sycamore Drive Whitby Ellesmere Port Cheshire CH66 2NU
Telephone No. : 0151-355 8445
Fax No. 0151 357 2955 : E-Mail. [email protected] : Internet website : Headteacher Mrs M. Hughes B.Ed.(Hons)
Chairman of Governors : Councillor M Hogg CONTENTS
Senior Leadership and Pastoral Team 1
Holiday Dates 2
The School Day 3
Map of Lower and Upper School Buildings 4
The Academic Organisation/Citizenship 5
Child Protection/Parents' Evenings 6
Visiting the School 6
General Administrative Points 7
Transport to School 7 - 8
Punctuality and Attendance/Fixed Penalty Notices 9
Absence from School 9
Lunchtime Arrangements 10
School Discipline and Rules / School Property 11
Personal Property 12
Health Care and Medical Welfare 13
Basic Equipment List 14
School Uniform 14 - 17
Girls' P.E. Clothing and Equipment 18 - 19
Boys' P.E. Clothing and Equipment 19 - 20 Welcome to The Whitby High School
You have already received Part 1 of the prospectus and this document explains more of the way the school works. It contains a great deal of useful information covering procedures at The Whitby High School. We hope that you will read it carefully and keep it along with Part 1 for reference.
We are a successful and thriving community. We set high standards to achieve the best for and from our pupils.
The school is over-subscribed. This popularity is attributed not only to the achievements of our pupils and the commitment and hard work of our teachers, but also the disciplined environment which combines friendliness and caring with academic achievement.
We have excellent facilities and offer our pupils many opportunities to develop their talents irrespective of their ability.
Extra curricular opportunities play a large part in the personal development of Whitby pupils. The school has a well know reputation for its sporting achievements and arts activities.
Our main aim is to achieve the highest standards together. We believe it is essential that we establish from the start the continuous support and partnership of all parents.
Our staff and I look forward to meeting you both formally and informally throughout the years to come. We are sure that your child will settle very quickly to the routine of secondary school and take full advantage of the many opportunities which are offered.
Headteacher Mrs M Hughes
Pastoral Care and Guidance Curriculum Staff Development Administration/Finance Development/Assessment
Pastoral Director Deputy Head Business Manager
Assistant Head Finance Manager Pastoral Leader Director of Studies Pupil Services Assistant Head Assessment and Examination Officer Director of Learning Sims Support Manager
HOUSE/PASTORAL STAFF Head of York House Head of Tudor House Head of Stuart House Head of Hanover House Head of Windsor House Head of Sixth Form
Deputy Head of Deputy Head of Deputy Head of Deputy Head of Deputy Head of York House Tudor House Stuart House Hanover House Windsor House
Pupils Break Up Inset Days /Bank Holidays Pupils Return
Autumn Half Term Thursday 21 October 2010 Friday 22 October 2010 Monday 1 November 2010
Christmas 2010/2011 Friday 17 December 2010 Tuesday 4 January 2011
Spring Half Term Friday 11 February 2011 Monday 21 February 2011
Easter Friday 1 April 2011 Monday 18 April 2011
Good Friday 22 April 2010 Bank Holidays Thursday 21 April Easter Monday 25 April 2010 Wednesday 27 April 2011 Tuesday 26 April 2011 Royal Wedding Thursday 28 April Royal Wedding 29 April May Day May Day 2 May Tuesday 3 May 2011
Summer Half Term Friday 27 May 2011 Monday 6 June 2011
Friday 17 June Monday 20 June Tuesday 21 June 2011
Summer Friday 22 July 2011
Mornings: 8.45 - 9.00 Registration
9.05 - 10.05 Period 1
10.05 - 11.10 Period 2
11.10 - 11.25 Break
11.25 - 12.25 Period 3
12.25 - 1.15 Lunch
Afternoons: 1.15 - 1.20 Registration
1.20 - 2.25 Period 4
2.25 - 3.30 Period 5
3 O3 O4 O5 O6 03A O2 O1 O6A G4
BMR G3 H6 H5
L7 L9 L8 L1 H1 H2 H3 H4 L6 L5 L4 L3 G1 G2
N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 E4
K5 K6 K8 BOYS CHANGING F1 F2 F3 ROOMS F6 F8 K4 K3 K2 K1 K9 E1 E2
The School has a long tradition of delivering a broad and balanced curriculum and is successfully meeting the challenge of the National Curriculum. As a consequence of the implementation of the National Curriculum and in common with every other child in the country, your child will be tested during Year 9 to assess progress made in reaching the attainment targets set by the National Curriculum.
The School day begins with a Morning Assembly, taken in House, Year or Form Groups. Religious Education is time-tabled for all pupils but should you so wish, your child may be withdrawn and an alternative activity arranged. Please write to Mrs Hughes (Headteacher) if you require this alternative.
In Year 7 there will be broad setting in English, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Technology and Modern Languages. Pupils will be taught in mixed ability groups for Art, Music, Drama, PHSCE and Physical Education. Children who need special help in English and Mathematics are identified and taught in smaller groups for these subjects.
Mathematics English Drama Geography Religious Education Science Art History Physical Education Music French/German Technology Personal Social Health (including Food Technology and Citizenship Education & Textiles) (PSHCE) Information Technology
Over the year pupils will undergo assessment in each subject and for Year 8 their placement in appropriate groups for each subject will become more finely tuned.
CITIZENSHIP The aim of Citizenship education is to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society. It helps them to become informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights. It promotes their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development making them more self confident and responsible both in and out of the classroom. It encourages pupils to play a helpful part in the life of their school, neighbourhood communities and the wide world. Citizenship education is delivered mainly through PSHCE lessons which are timetabled for 1 hour per week for Years 7 to 11. Topics taught include Diversity, Rights and Responsibilities, Law and Order, Democracy and Global Community. The work is supported by activities outside the timetabled curriculum and through assemblies.
Due to daily contact with children, schools are particularly well placed to observe signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. Parents should be aware, therefore, that where it appears to a member of staff that a child may have been abused, the school is required as part of the Cheshire Child Protection procedures, to report their concerns to the Social Services Department.
The New Intake Parents’ Evening is scheduled for Tuesday, 29 June 2010. Parents are invited to attend this meeting when they will have the opportunity to meet their child's Form Tutor, Head of House and Senior Staff. In addition members of the Special Needs Department will be available to discuss any issues relating to this aspect of Special Education.
The Parents' Evening will take place in the Sports Hall. Parents are asked to arrive in school from 5.45pm ready for the Head’s presentation at 6pm. Afterwards parents and pupils will be free to meet their Form Tutor and Head of House. Various suppliers of School Uniform and P.E. kit including Harvey & Tilly’s and Jami Qs formerly Stuart Mason Sports Ltd will be selling their products afterwards and we would advise parents to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase all their needs at this time.
There will be annual Monitoring Day/Parents Evening to provide an opportunity for you to meet your child’s Form Tutor to discuss her/his progress and a further meeting later in the year to meet with House Staff and subject teachers.
In addition to the opportunities to meet staff mentioned previously, parents are welcome at Whitby and are invited to call if they have a problem which they would like to discuss with us. However, we would ask you to write or telephone for an appointment to avoid the inconvenience and disappointment of arriving at school to find that the member of staff you wish to see is unavailable.
In the first instance all enquiries regarding pupils should be directed to their Head of House. In addition the Deputy Headteachers, Assistant Heads and Mrs Hughes, together with the Heads of Academic Departments will be pleased to see you by appointment.
The school takes bullying very seriously and, in line with school policy, endeavour to deal fairly and promptly with any reported bullying incidents. However, over recent years we have seen a marked increase in cyberbullying. We would like to stress that it is the parents’ responsibility to monitor their child’s’ use of technology, e.g. MSN, Facebook and texting and any other forms of electronic communication.
Pupils are requested not to arrive at school very early in the mornings. No responsibility can be taken for pupils who are on school premises before 8.40 p.m. unless they are taking part in a pre-arranged, authorised activity.
School Buses. The Local Education Authority has a duty to provide free transport for pupils living more than three miles from school, other than pupils admitted following out-of-zone applications.
Various Motor Services run the following buses for pupils of the school, who travel as fare-paying passengers:
Services from Hooton, Little Sutton & Great Sutton Operator: 309, 310 First Bus: 59, 401 Arriva Route 59: Neston, Willaston, Hooton X Roads, A41, Wetherby Way,Rippon Avenue Green Lane, Sutton Way, Overpool Road to Whitby High School. Route 309: Kentridge Drive, Green Lane, Sutton Way, Overpool Road to Whitby High School. Route 310: Little Sutton A41, Wetherby Way, Rippon Avenue, Green Lane, Sutton Way, Overpool Road to Whitby High School. Route 401: Birkenhead A41through Eastham, Hooton X Roads, Station Road, Rossmore Road West, Overpool Road, Sutton Way, Ellesmere Port Bus Station, Chester Road, alight at The Woodland Hotel.
Pick up Points 59 309 310 401 309 310 401 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM Neston Brook 0801 Street Willaston Green 0810
Hooton 0814 Interchange Hooton X Roads 0816 0812 1556
Little Sutton 0819 0816 1522 Red Lion Station Road _ 0817 1551 Ellesmere Arms Rossmore Road, 0819 1549 Naylor Court Overpool Road, 0821 1547 Overpool Stn Little Sutton Post 0821 0820 1554 Office Wetherby Way 0822 0823 1552 Knottingley Drive Gleneagles Road, 0823 0825 1550 The Marquis Kentridge Drive, 0820 1551 Beasley Close Green Lane, 0823 1548 Mark Avenue
7 Green Lane/ 0824 0825 0826 1546 1548 Glencoe Road Sutton Way, 0826 0829 1546 Heswall Road Sutton Way Hotel 0827 0831 1545
Overpool Road (for 0829 0833 0834 RC High) Pooltown Road, Capenhurst Lane Whitby 0830 0835 0838 0830 1540 1540 1538 High School
Note: The 309 does not stop along Sutton Way
Bicycles – The Governors have decided that pupils may only bring bicycles to school if they have fulfilled a number of conditions. Pupils must apply to the school for permission, whereupon they will be issued with an information pack containing guidelines on road safety. They will also be given a Police Cycle Description Chart and a list of rules and conditions under which a bicycle may be brought to school. Once these conditions have been fulfilled and countersigned by parents and pupils, a cycle permit will be issued. It must also be emphasised that pupils must provide a substantial bicycle lock and ensure that the bicycle is securely padlocked to the bicycle stands at all times.
Cars – Many parents bring and collect their child by car. Parents are requested not to drive their cars onto the school premises for that purpose. Parents are also requested not to park their cars near the entrances to school (on the zig zag lines) as this represents a danger for pupils crossing the road in the vicinity. Unfortunately some cars are parked on these lines and we may occasionally have to ask the Police for their help in keeping these zones clear. The area near the Overpool Road traffic lights is particularly dangerous at such times.
Punctuality and Attendance The importance of punctuality and good attendance need hardly be stressed. Parents are reminded that the 1944 Education Act places squarely on their shoulders the responsibility for their children’s regular attendance at school. Parents who fail to meet their obligations in this respect are doing their children a grave disservice, and may render themselves liable to legal action by the Education Authority.
8 Fixed Penalty Notices
The Government has announced the introduction of new powers for use by Local Authorities as part of its national drive to tackle unauthorised absence from school. As from 1st March 2004 the Local Authority and certain other authorised officers will have the power to deal with cases of unauthorised absence by way of a PENALTY NOTICE. Penalty Notices will require the recipient to pay a fine of £50 if paid within 28 days or £100 if paid within 42 days.
Signing In and Out
Pupils arriving at school after registration MUST sign in at the School Office in the Sycamore Building or the library in the Overpool Building. Pupils who need to leave school for medical/dental appointments or any other reason must provide a parental note and MUST sign out at the Sycamore Office and sign in on their return. Pupils leaving school for such appointments will be given an official Exit Slip which they must carry with them whilst they are off the premises attending the appointment. No pupil is to leave the school during lesson time or break without permission. It is a Local Authority ruling that only those pupils who have arranged with the school to go home to lunch may leave the school premises at lunch time. Any infringement of this rule will be treated as a serious matter.
The level of daily attendance at Whitby is excellent but naturally from time to time children are taken ill and may need to be kept at home. In such cases we would ask you to contact the school on the first day of absence and to provide a note on the day that your child returns to school. If a pupil has been absent for three days without notification, parents will receive either a telephone call or a card enquiring about the reason for absence. It must be stressed that children should not be kept away from school for trivial reasons of convenience, as this could undoubtedly be prejudicial to their education. Prior permission should be requested and reasonable notice given if parents wish their child to miss school for any reason. In cases of prolonged absence a medical certificate may be requested.
Parents’ Holidays during Term Time
Parents are requested not to take their children away from school during term time if this can be avoided. If parents are only able to take their Annual Holiday during the school term, would they please contact the school by letter at least a fortnight in advance, requesting a Holiday Absence Form so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. If the absence of a Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12 or Y13 pupil is contemplated, parents must consult the school in writing before booking a holiday.
Several Departments now use a modular syllabus with examinations occurring throughout the school year. There is a greater emphasis on port-folio work which makes a regular attendance even more important. Consideration is, of course, given to unavoidable absence due to illness or accident if medical evidence is provided.
At the start of the Autumn Term, pupils will be asked to return to School a Personal Details Form which indicates parents' wishes regarding lunchtime arrangements. The choices are: - Purchasing a meal in the School Dining Hall; bringing a Packed Lunch or going Home for dinner. Pupils bringing a packed lunch will also eat in the Dining Hall. The Dining Room is situated in the Upper School building.
Pupils who opt to go home cannot be the responsibility of the school. They are to leave the premises by 12.35 p.m. and should not return to school until 1.05 p.m. Those pupils are not to buy food at local shops and then return to school nor are they to buy food at the shops and then eat it on the streets. This creates a bad impression of the school and could in some circumstances lead to trouble. Under such circumstances we do reserve the right to discipline pupils who bring the School's name into disrepute or misbehave on their way to and from School.
A number of children do from time to time opt to have home dinners and then simply go to the house of a friend. It is our experience that where there is no adult supervision during the lunch hour problems often arise. We certainly would not give permission for such an arrangement where there is no parent present and we would insist that parents do not make private arrangements of this nature. If a pupil became involved in any behaviour which was detrimental to the good name of the school, action would be taken and if necessary the pupil(s) would be appropriately punished. In addition pupils who live a significant distance from the School will not be given a Home Dinner pass as these pupils do tend to simply visit local shops.
When the lunchtime arrangements have been finalised we would ask you not to make any permanent changes until the October half term. This will enable the pupils to settle into a regular routine and to establish and develop friendship patterns. Any later changes should be notified in writing using a Personal Details Form which pupils can obtain from their Form Tutor or from the School Office.
Free Meals
Pupils whose families receive Income Support may qualify for free school meals. Parents should enquire at the District Education Office, or speak to the Finance Manager at the school who can provide Application Forms. It may help parents to know that a significant number of our pupils do receive a Free School Meal and the system that operates within the School is applied in a very discreet and careful manner. Due to the way the Government assesses schools it would be very helpful to Whitby if those parents who are entitled to apply for Free School Meals do so even if they are not prepared to allow their child to receive them. This could affect, quite significantly, the amount of resources given to the School for the education of our pupils.
10 Leaving the school premises at lunchtime
Only children who are to have lunch at home may leave the school premises without obtaining permission and signing out at the Office. The school is obliged to take measures to ensure that children who stay to lunch, or who bring sandwiches, stay on the school campus, in the care of and under the authority of the school.
School Discipline With a population of some 1,600 pupils our school community needs to be well ordered. Consequently, we take great care to ensure that the atmosphere within school is conducive both to the academic and social welfare of all students. A general guideline would be that all pupils should work hard, behave in an acceptable manner and be considerate of others and around this premise a framework of rules and procedures has been constructed.
Parental support for these procedures is central to the good running of the school. A short list of rules is issued to all pupils on an annual basis and pupils are required to keep this House Card on them at all times.
Pupils must not play or congregate near cars/vehicles whilst on the school premises. Should any damage, accidental or otherwise, occur to a vehicle as a result of a pupil’s action, the pupil/pupils concerned will be required to provide the cost of the repair or replacement of the damaged vehicle (or part of the vehicle) concerned.
Detention If children are frequently late, they may be instructed to report for a short detention either before morning school or following afternoon school. Children may also be detained if behaviour or work is unsatisfactory.
In all cases of official detention, parents are notified in advance so that they are aware of the circumstances. Our policy on detentions conforms to the statutory and legal requirements and consequently the notification is not to ask for parental permission but to enable parents to make suitable arrangements. We do ask for and appreciate parental co-operation concerning detentions which are not issued for trivial reasons. The purpose of this sanction is to remedy faults and to encourage the individual to develop a sense of personal reliability and responsibility.
We always seek to make our approach to discipline constructive and reasonable. Parents are always involved if matters take a serious turn.
School Property The School is responsible for the management of its own budget and consequently it is our duty to ensure that available funds are spent wisely and efficiently. As in any household, we wish to maintain the quality of the environment and the good condition of equipment. Consequently, any pupil doing damage which goes beyond fair wear and tear will be charged for it. This would also include loss or damage to exercise books and text books. It must also be pointed out that from time to time the school is the target of vandalism and indeed substantial sums of money have to be set aside for the repair of such damage. In order to protect the school and to protect pupils from avoidable allegations it must be clearly stated that pupils are not allowed to enter the premises, including yards and fields, outside normal school hours, unless they are taking part in a school supervised activity.
11 Personal Property
The protection of pupils’ personal property is of equal importance to us. We ask you to help us in this matter by ensuring that all your child’s belongings, including shoes and clothing, are clearly named and easily identifiable. Some children can be rather careless with their possessions and some do not bother to search out lost or mislaid items. A name tag can ensure that lost property is quickly returned and parents are asked to name all their child’s belongings before they are brought to school.
Parents should be aware that neither the School nor the Local Education Authority carry any insurance for personal property due to the prohibitively high premiums. Parents would therefore be well advised to check their own Household Contents Policies to ensure that their child's property is covered against theft, loss or damage whilst on the School Premises. Pupils should not bring expensive items or items of sentimental value to School.
Lockers Each Year 7 pupil has access to a locker for the storage of equipment and books. Children should have a secure padlock, with two keys, one of which should be handed, labelled, to the Form Tutor. Lockers are also available for pupils in all other year groups and they are allocated at the beginning of each academic year.
Items of Value Expensive pens and costly watches should not be brought into school at all, nor should radios, MP3 players, I-pods, electronic games etc. (Naturally, all potentially dangerous articles must be left at home. These include knives, matches, fireworks, Laser Pens, etc.) We do not expect to see or hear mobile phones, pagers etc. in School. If any do go off or are used inappropriately we will confiscate the item and parents may be asked to come to School to collect it. Camera phones are not to be used in school under any circumstances whatsoever. We are sure that parents will agree that phones with this facility represent a threat to the safety and security of all. Parents should also be aware that the School will take no responsibility for any lost or stolen mobile phones. It is particularly stressed that expensive equipment of any sort is better left at home.
Items such as musical instruments brought to School for lessons should be included in Parents' Household Contents Insurance Policies
School Responsibility Every reasonable precaution will be taken and every assistance given to safe-guarding pupils’ property in school, but it must be emphasised that NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED BY THE SCHOOL FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY BROUGHT ONTO SCHOOL PREMISES, and it is, therefore, in the best interests of all concerned that pupils should co- operate with us in obeying those rules which have been devised to protect and return personal possessions. We suggest that parents should seriously consider including such possessions in their household insurance policies so that they may claim if they are lost. It is a rule of the school that pupils should hand in lost property, and parents are asked to be vigilant about their children bringing home clothing/property which does not belong to them. Such property should be returned immediately to a member of staff at school.
Vaccinations The following vaccinations are offered for the protection of pupils:- HPV (protection against cervical cancer – Year 8 and Year 11 Girls) Polio, Tetanus and Diphtheria – All Year 10 Girls and Boys
Accidents – Illness It must be pointed out that the primary responsibility for the health of children lies with their parents and not with the school. Accidents sustained outside school must be attended to by parents. Parents should not send to school children who are already unwell, particularly where there is the possibility of infectious illness. If children are too unwell to attend classes, parents will be contacted by telephone (using Emergency Numbers if necessary) and asked to take their child home. Parents should ensure that children are fully recovered before they return to school, with a note to this effect for the Form Tutor.
The School operates a First Aid System only. Any child who sustains serious injury will be sent to hospital and parents informed as soon as possible.
Administration of Medicines If medication is to be administered to a pupil it must be brought in by the parent/guardian to the Reception in the Upper School and a form completed.
Emergency Telephone Numbers It is vitally important that these numbers be kept up to date. Form Tutors should be informed immediately of any changes, preferably in writing. The School cannot be held responsible for failure to inform parents in an emergency when essential information has been withheld from us. If a pupil is taken ill during School hours, a parent/guardian will be contacted to collect the child form School. If it is not possible to contact a parent/guardian then the person(s) specified on the emergency list will be contacted.
It would be helpful if parents of children with allergies or permanent difficulties, or who have had a recent serious illness, could contact us before the child comes into school, preferably on the evening of the New Parents’ Meeting, so that help and consideration may be given to enable the child to cope with school curriculum.
Asthma We encourage children who suffer from asthma to be responsible for the day to day management of their own treatment. To this end they are encouraged to keep their inhalers with them at all times whilst they are in school and to use them as and when necessary.
We do appreciate that the transfer of pupils from Primary to Secondary School can be a very expensive time. Parents and Pupils will be keen to have every item of Uniform, P.E. Kit, Stationery etc, etc. In some cases we have known pupils to be overzealous in their purchase of stationery items some of which have proved to be unnecessary and therefore a waste of money. Below is a suggested basic list which is perfectly adequate for all pupils' general needs.
A good quality Fountain Pen or 'Fineliner' pen (preferably black ink). A ball point pen (red ink - for highlighting). 3 Pencils. (2B for Art, HB for general use, 2H for Mathematics.) A set of coloured pencils (not felt tips). An Eraser. A Pencil Sharpener. A 30 centimetre Ruler, a Protractor, a Pair of Compasses (metal). A Calculator. A Glue Stick. Suitable Pencil Case or Box. A small Dictionary. Correction Fluid or Fountain Pen Corrector should not be brought to school. They can cause a terrible mess to clothing and in fact are not allowed to be used in Public Examinations.
Student Planner In order to help pupils organise themselves each child will be issued with a Student Planner. This is a professionally produced diary containing a great deal of useful information about the school. Students will be expected to record Homeworks, Merit Awards, Letters, etc in this document on a daily basis. They will also be expected to treat the Planner in a respectful manner. They must be kept neat and tidy, not scribbled upon or misused in any way. If a pupil mistreats or loses a Planner they must replace it a cost of £2.50.
Food Technology Apron It is essential that parents purchase the protective apron that the Food Technology Department sells for their child to wear when they take part in Food Technology Lessons. The Food Technology Department has selected a hard wearing apron that is available in blue or red colours and will be available for sale at The New Intake Parents Evening or in Room 02 at the start of term. The price is likely to be in the region of £5 but the apron should be useable throughout the pupils’ entire school career. As in any food preparation environment spillage can occur and school cannot be responsible for the clothing affected in any way as a result of such participation.
School Uniform We try to encourage in our pupils pride in belonging to the school, and also that sense of confidence which comes from being well turned out in dress suitable for the occasion. These aims can be combined by wearing the basic school dress which is both smart and practicable. Practically all the items of clothing are obtainable from local shops. There will also be occasions when clothing and equipment of a more specialised kind are needed, e.g. for Physical Education. Here, too, we have tried to combine the factors of cost and durability.
14 Hoodies Parents and Carers will be aware that it is currently fashionable amongst young people to wear a hoody. This makes identification of the individual difficult if not impossible. Consequently in order to ensure that any person on the school premises has the legitimate right to be there we will not allow pupils to wear hoodies. This will enable school to fulfil its obligations for the safety and welfare of the pupils and parents/carers are asked to ensure that their children do not wear or bring hoodies to school.
It is hoped that parents will co-operate fully in ensuring a correct and neat turn-out for their child. Such co-operation is much appreciated. Should there be any occasion when it is necessary for your child to wear clothing other than school uniform, a note explaining the circumstances should be sent to the Form Tutor, who may be able to advise or help in cases of difficulty. Please note that Sweat Shirts are not an acceptable substitute either for a school pullover/cardigan or as an alternative to a coat.
Hair Hair is to be of a conventional style and cut. Extreme styles, shaved and coloured or styles with wedges or razored partings are not permitted in school. "Number 1 and Number 2" cuts are not acceptable. However, a "Number 3" cut is acceptable to the school.
Pupils are informed and reminded regularly in the Daily Bulletin regarding the school’s position on styles and fads concerning hair or clothes. Sometimes this information is not communicated to parents as accurately as it ought to be by pupils. If parents are not sure about the acceptability of a particular item of clothing, shoes, boots or hairstyle, a telephone call or a note to school will enable clarification of the position.
Beading and coloured hair wraps are not allowed. Many girls have long hair tied back with a 'bobble'. The bobble should be simple, an appropriate colour (blue, black, white or grey) and unobtrusive for safety reasons (fluorescent/bright colours/large flower type are not allowed).
Make-Up No make-up will be allowed.
Jewellery – Boys and Girls In the interest of safety we would prefer that NO jewellery be worn, but will allow 1 small signet ring (not a sovereign ring) and 1 pair of small stud earrings. The studs may only be worn in the lobe of the ear (1 stud per ear). Jewellery that is expensive or of a sentimental nature should not be brought to School. Pupils wear jewellery at their own risk, and the school will not be responsible for any loss. Hoop earrings and dangly earrings are not considered safe in school and must not be worn. Pupils will be instructed to remove any item of jewellery which is considered to be a potential hazard. It is recommended that ear-piercing be done at the beginning of the Summer Holidays, so that “sleepers” will not need to be worn in school in order to keep the hole open. Pupils are not allowed to have either nose studs or piercing/jewellery in other parts of the body.
In order to maintain these rules we will instruct offenders to remove the excess items which can then be collected later. Pupils who repeatedly offend against this rule will be punished.
15 15 Naming of Property
It cannot be emphasised too much that all items of uniform and personal property must be clearly and indelibly marked.
Girls’ Uniform
Skirt or Pinafore Plain Mid-Grey and of knee length. (Cord, Denim, Canvas or Knitted materials are not allowed).
Blazer Navy blue or black with School badge. Blazer is compulsory
Trousers Plain mid-grey or black - worsted or polyester. The Trousers must be School Trouser style. Fashion trousers, Flared trousers, or Trousers in other materials, i.e. Cord, Denim, Canvas etc. are not allowed.
Blouse Plain pale blue or white - long sleeves. (short sleeves acceptable in Summer Term - blouses with embroidered designs will not be allowed).
School Tie Compulsory.
Cardigan Plain navy blue or plain black. or ‘V’ Neck Pullover Plain navy blue or plain black. Crew neck pullovers, Sweat shirts/tops and embroidered emblems are not allowed
Socks Plain white, grey, black or navy. Plain white, grey, black or navy Tights – plain black, grey or navy (patterned tights not allowed). NO LEG WARMERS
Shoes Sensible style and sober colour. No trainers or trainer/walking boot style. No stiletto heels. No platform soles/heels. Shoes must be flat. Boots - knee length (in winter only). (Boots should be plain in style).
Outdoor coat A serviceable and inexpensive coat - not denim. Hoodies are not allowed.
16 Boys’ Uniform
Trousers Plain mid-grey or black - worsted or polyester. Cord/Denim/Canvas not allowed.
Shirt White, grey or pale blue - plain.
School Tie Compulsory
‘V’ Neck Pullover Plain navy blue or plain black Crew neck pullovers, Sweat shirt/tops and embroidered emblems are not allowed.
Blazer Navy blue or black with School badge. (Compulsory)
Shoes Sensible style and sober colours. No trainers or training/walking boot style. Shoes must be flat.
Outdoor coat A serviceable and inexpensive coat. Not denim. Hoodies are not allowed.
School Ties (£3.00) and Blazer Badges (£5.00) are available from the School Office throughout most of the year.
Physical Education Lessons
Learning and undertaking activities in physical education (PE) contributes to achievement of the curriculum aims for all young people to become:
Successful learners, who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve. Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society. Young adults with strong and healthy patterns of leisure for life.
All pupils will participate in PE lessons from Year 7 to 11. The high quality PE curriculum at Whitby enables all students to:
Develop competence and confidence. Enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. Develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics and strategies to perform successfully. Reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve them. Experience working as individuals, in groups, teams and taking on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating.
Through the range of experiences that PE offers, the students learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.
17 The Key to successful PE participation is to remember the Whitby Physical Education Department Mission Statement
If your child is ill or injured and may not be able to take an active part in the lesson we would ask you to assist us in reinforcing our philosophy and procedures with regard to non-active participation.
The pupil should bring a note, addressed to the PE teacher explaining the problem. The pupil is expected to bring correct PE kit, even if they have a note to excuse them as an active participant. A non-active participant will be able to develop skills as a coach, leader or official. This system allows the non-active participant to keep their normal uniform clean.
Girls’ P.E. Clothing and Equipment
Plain Navy/Black shorts Grey PE skirt Trainers Football boots for Tag Rugby and Football lessons Shin pads Long plain black football socks for Football and Tag Rugby lessons Short white ankle socks Towel for showering Plain sweatshirt (Royal blue, Navy blue or black) available to wear in case of damp weather during games lesson. Plain Tracksuit Bottoms (Navy Blue or Black)
Track suits are ideal and permitted in cold weather, but top and bottom should be clearly named. Only royal blue, navy blue or black track suits (plain - no stripes) should be used for both games lessons and School matches. Long hair should be tied back with soft hair ties. Everything should be clearly labelled so that the name can be seen when the clothing or equipment is in use.
A formal P.E. kit check for all pupils is held in September to ascertain that all clothing and equipment is clearly named. If your daughter has her own tennis racquet, etc., it should also be clearly named.
Purchase of P.E. Clothing (Girls)
For the convenience of parents, a representative of Jami Q’s formerly S.M. Sports Ltd, Wrexham, (tel. no. 01978 660220) will be present at the New Intake Parents' Evening to sell all items of P.E. Uniform. However, below we have listed a price guide for the various items. The equipment will be on sale from 6.00 - 7.30 p.m.
18 Shorts (Navy/Black) Small, Medium, Large. £3.99 Plain Sweat Shirt Sizes up to 34". £9.99 (Royal Blue/ Sizes above 34". £10.99 Navy Blue/Black) Plain Tracksuit Bottoms (Navy Blue/Black Small, Medium, Large. £15.50
Please note that the Sweat Shirts must be completely plain and in one of the 3 specified colours.
Boys’ P.E. Clothing and Equipment
a) Indoor Lessons : Plain White Shorts White Gym shoes / trainers Plain White T Shirt Short white ankle socks b) Outdoor Lessons : Football Boots Shin Pads Training Shoes Plain Black Shorts Long Black Socks Blue/Coloured Reversible Games Jersey of Regulation Pattern (See Below) c) Both Lessons : Towel for showering d) : Personal mouth guards and shin pads are advised as a valuable means of protection particularly for games lessons.
Track suit bottoms are permitted in cold weather at the teacher's discretion. They should only be plain Royal Blue, Navy Blue or Black. All articles of P.E. and games clothing should be clearly marked, preferably with name tapes which do not fade. There should also be an identification mark in a less obvious position.
A formal P.E. kit check for all pupils is held in September to ascertain that items are clearly marked. Periodic checks will be made throughout the year to trace and return missing items, and to ensure that markings are still distinct.
Every year a great many pupils misplace or lose their kit, either in the changing rooms or around the school. Kit must not be left lying on locker tops or in cloakrooms, but placed in lockers. A little care over equipment can save a lot of worry and money!
19 Reversible Games Jersey This is an essential part of your son’s School Uniform. The shirt is plain blue on the outside and when reversed it has a broad band of the House colour on the inside. This arrangement makes the shirt suitable for use in lessons, House matches and School matches.
House Colours Hanover : Red Tudor : Yellow Stuart : Green Windsor : Navy blue York : White Purchase of P.E. Clothing (Boys’)
For the convenience of parents a representative of Harvey & Tillys, will be available at the New Intake Parents Evening to sell these items of P.E. Uniform. However, below we have listed a price guide for the various items. The equipment will be on sale from 6.00 - 7.30 p.m. After this date P.E. kit can be obtained from Harvey and Tilly’s, 11-13 Market Square, Ellesmere Port. Telephone: 0151 356 2945.
Reversible Rugby Shirts All sizes : £15.99
Nylon Shorts up to 28" : £2.99 to £3.99 30" upwards Football Socks All Sizes : £2.99
White T-Shirt : £3.99
Blue Aertex : £3.99 - £4.99