Recreation Trail and Walkway 568

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Recreation Trail and Walkway 568



DEFINITION This standard applies to walkways and trails constructed in recreation and scenic areas. A pathway prepared especially for pedestrian, equestrian, and cycle travel. CRITERIA PURPOSE Visual resources. Special attention shall be given to saving and maintaining key trees and To provide users of recreation areas with travel other vegetation that have scenic value, routed for activities such as walking, provide shade, reduce erosion and runoff, sightseeing, horseback riding, and bicycling; to provide den and food for wildlife, or add to the prevent erosion; and to preserve and protect visual quality of the area. soil, plant, animal, and visual resources. Grade. Sustained grades shall be dictated by CONDITIONS WHERE PRACTICE good judgment for the purpose intended, APPLIES considering the topography, and shall not exceed 10 percent. This practice applies to lands where prepared paths, trails, and walkways are needed for Width. Generally, the minimum treat width effective and safe use of the recreation shall be 4 ft. The width in cuts for pedestrian resources. trails on sidehill sections may be reduced to 3 ft if greater width would increase the cost NRCS Field Office Technical Guide, Section IV NRCS-AZ Conservation practice standards are reviewed periodically, and updated if needed. To obtain May, 2002 the current version of this standard, contact the Natural Resources Conservation Service. 568-Recreation Trail and Walkway Standard materially or adversely affect the visual exempt from, or that require cultural resources resources. surveys.

Side slopes. Cut and fill slopes shall be stable Endangered Species for the soil or soil material. Determine if installation of this practice with Drainage. Adequate drainage shall be any others proposed practice will affect any provided. A raised or elevated trail or walkway federal, tribal, or state listed Threatened or may be required for wet sites that cannot be Endangered species or their habitat. NRCS's drained. objective is to benefit these species or at least Erosion control. Plans shall include provisions not have any adverse effect on a listed for control of erosion. Distributed areas shall species. If the Environmental Evaluation be established to vegetation as soon as indicates the action may adversely affect a practicable after construction. If soil or climatic listed species or result in adverse modification conditions precludes the use of vegetation, and of habitat of listed species which has been protection is needed, nonvegetative means, determined to be critical habitat, NRCS will such as mulches or gravel, may be used. advise the land user of the requirements of the Seedbed preparation, seeding, fertilizing, and Endangered Species Act and recommend mulching shall comply with recommendations alternative conservation treatments that avoid in technical guides. the adverse effects. Bridges. Bridges shall be designed for the Further assistance will be provided only if the maximum expected loading with and adequate landowner selects one of the alternative factor of safety. conservation treatments for installation; or at the request of the landowners, NRCS may Surfacing. If surfacing is required for a firm initiate consultation with the U.S. Fish and trail, the surfacing material may be pit or creek- Wildlife Service. If the Environmental run gravel, concrete, asphalt, or other material Evaluation indicates the action will not affect a that can withstand the traffic and the elements listed species or result in adverse modification at the site. of critical habitat, consultation generally will not Safety. Due consideration shall be given to apply and usually would not be initiated. safety. Protection from slides and falling rocks Document any special considerations for shall be provided, if needed. Adequate endangered species in the Practice directional and warning signs, handrails, Requirements Worksheet. bridges, and culvert shall be placed as dictated by the site and intended use. CONSIDERATIONS Maintenance. Provisions shall be made for Water Quantity maintaining all wearing surfaces, signs, and drainage structures.  Impacts of impervious walkways and trails on increased surface runoff. General. Equestrian and pedestrian trails may vary from specific grades, widths, and clearing  Changes in deep percolation with requirements if so dictated by location and increased surface runoff. Consider topography. evaporation losses before infiltration, evapotranspiration changes with Cultural Resources decreased infiltration, and average changes in root zone storage. If this practice involves soil disturbance, the area of potential effect for each undertaking Water Quality must be investigated for cultural resources under section 106 of the National Historical  Change in ground water quality caused by Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, before decreased dissolved chemical infiltration. soil disturbance occurs. See the NRCS Arizona Handbook of Cultural Resources  Potential changes in erosion and sediment Procedures - Applicability and Exceptions yield caused by increase runoff and Section - for identification of practices that are temporary increases in erosion during construction.

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 Effects of dissolved chemicals in runoff resulting from recreation activities.

PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Plans and specifications for constructing recreation trails and walkways shall be in keeping with this standard and shall describe the requirements for applying the practice to achieve its intended purpose.

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