Chapter 11, Lesson 2: History of Western Europe

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Chapter 11, Lesson 2: History of Western Europe

Chapter 11, Lesson 2: History of Western Europe

History of the Region Through Roman Empire Christianity and Western Europe The Middle Ages 1800  Romans expanded into  Europe’s main religion  Feudalism arose – kings W.E. (Christianity) began in the gave land to nobles and nobles Vocabulary:  By A.D. 14, all of France Eastern Roman Empire. gave kings military service. theory and most of Germany under  Emperor Constantine  Many nobles became smelting Roman control. converted to Christianity in A.D. knights, or warriors on feudalism 312, and Christianity grew. horseback. Middle Ages  Next 100 years, Rome pilgrimage controlled most of Britain.  Rome’s western empire fell  The Middle Ages (Medieval Parliament  Romans brought beliefs, in A.D. 476. Age) was a period of change language (Latin), and  Christianity was common between ancient and modern Beginnings: technology. throughout. times.  Early people were hunters  Romans built roads,  Christian Church played  Conflicts arose over and gatherers. bridges, and aqueducts (used key role in education and religious beliefs.  Agriculture was to carry water long distances). developed monasteries  Important ritual was the introduced.  Rome’s empire began to (Christian communities). religious pilgrimage (visit to lands important to history of  Populations/settlements weaken.  Roman Catholic Church Christianity). began to grow.  The Huns (from Asia) became a major force in W.E. life.  Jerusalem most important  Began making tools from invaded from the east, driving for pilgrims, but by late 1000s, metal and bronze. the Germanic people, such as the Visigoths, westward. Muslims controlled the city.  To make bronze, process  Pope Urban II (head of called smelting: to melt and  Germanic groups settled in Roman Catholic Church) called fuse tin and copper. W.E. and created kingdoms. for a crusade to conquer  Franks ruled France and Jerusalem. Kings and the Angles and Saxons ruled noblemen formed large armies England. and won Jerusalem in first crusade. Other crusades followed. Muslims regained control of Jerusalem and their power grew.  Crusaders returned with new ideas. Villages grew into towns, traders and merchants played bigger roles in town life.  Work more specialized (metalsmiths, butchers, carpenters) began to organize Chapter 11, Lesson 2: History of Western Europe

into guilds (not as powerful as noblemen/Church) and helped the towns to grow stronger. Hundred Years’ War Early Modern Europe The Enlightenment Reform  The threat of war between  Roman Catholic Church  Discovery and scientific  In 1789, France was a France and England flared had wealth and power. observation began in the 1600s powerful country ruled by a throughout the 1200s and early  People wanted to reform and 1700s – European king. Most of the people were 1300s. (change) some Church explorers were traveling and peasants living in poverty.  War finally broke out in teachings/practices. mapping the world; European  Successful middle class astronomers were mapping the 1337, making ‘war’ last for a  Most people did not speak people resented not having a solar system. total of 100 years. the language of the Bible voice in government  England won important (Latin). They wanted it  In 1543, Polish astronomer  In July of 1789, a battles early, gaining land in translated to their own Nicolaus Copernicus proposed revolution limited the king’s France. language. a theory that Earth and the power and ended the privileges other planets orbit the sun  France won land back by  People questioned how the of nobles and church leaders. instead of the sun and other the end of the war. Church made money - the sale  The Declaration of the planets orbiting the Earth.  Most important of indulgences, pardons from Rights of Man and of the Citizen  Philosophers (people who development of the war was the Church for a person’s sins. was written saying that offer views or theories on the rapid spread of a disease  German priest named government’s power came difficult questions) began to called a plague. Martin Luther protested this from the people, not the king. think of ways to improve practice and in 1517, Luther  The king was removed and  In 1347, the plague, called society. the Black Death, reached W.E. wrote the Ninety-Five Theses, a executed.  People began to use reason Whole towns were wiped out. document that attacked the  Not everyone supported to describe the world around practice of selling indulgences. the French Revolution and  Four more outbreaks by them. the end of the century.  Church expelled Luther, violence continued. but his ideas spread and  Reason changed the way  Victims of the Black Death  In 1799, General Napoleon followers became known as people thought about how to often stayed in monasteries Bonaparte took military and Lutherans. A religious answer questions about the and hospitals run by Roman political control of France. movement called the Protestant natural world. This period was Catholic officials.  With a powerful army, Reformation began. called the Enlightenment. Napoleon controlled much of  English philosophers John  Catholic Church weakened. Europe. Locke and Thomas Hobbs used  English kings were forced reason to study society itself.  In 1814, France’s enemies to share power with a new in conquered lands fought  Locke believed the best government institution called back, defeating and removing form of government was a Parliament. Napoleon from power. contract (an agreement)  Parliament was made up of between the ruler and the two houses – the House of Lords Chapter 11, Lesson 2: History of Western Europe

(represented the wealthy, people. People began to powerful nobles) and the House question the authority of kings of Commons (represented the and the Church. Hobbs thought common people –usually kings should have complete successful guild members and power/authority over the business owners. people.)

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