To: All Members of the Non-Teaching

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To: All Members of the Non-Teaching

Constitution pre Sept 2012

School Name

To: All members of Staff

Dear Colleagues

Election of Staff Governors

As you may be aware, a school’s governing body includes positions for “staff governors” elected by the staff at the school. A vacancy has arisen for a member of the teaching/support staff (delete as appropriate) to take up one of these positions (see notes overleaf).

A Staff Governor is elected to serve for a year period, although they must leave office if they cease to be employed at the school.

The governing body, with the headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school. The role of the governing body is a strategic one; its key functions are to: • set the aims and objectives for the school • set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher

All governors have the same roles and responsibilities; as a staff governor you would be a representative member of staff, not a staff representative. Training will be available, and you will always act as part of a team.

If you would like to find out more about becoming a governor you can contact the chair of governors to discuss the role (contact via the school office). Alternatively you can contact the Governor Development Service (see below).

If you wish to stand as a candidate for the position of elected staff governor or to propose or second the nomination of a candidate, please complete and return the enclosed form to the Returning Officer at school (normally the headteacher). Constitution pre Sept 2012

Should only one nomination be received, the Returning Officer will post the names of the successful candidate on the staff notice board. If a ballot is necessary the Returning Officer will prepare and distribute the voting slips, ensuring that all members of staff eligible to take part know when and how to cast their vote.

All full-time and part-time members of staff employed by the governing body or local authority under a contract of employment to work at the school, but not supply teachers, are eligible to be elected and to vote in an election.

I do hope you will consider standing as a governor yourself or nominating someone else. If you would like more information about being a school governor please let me know.

Enquiries about the election of staff governors which cannot be answered by the Returning Officer should be directed to the Governor Development Service, Bristol Education Centre, telephone (0117) 903 1396, or e-mail [email protected]

Yours sincerely

Returning Officer On behalf of Bristol City Council Constitution pre Sept 2012


 The headteacher is entitled to take up the first staff governor position in the school. (Should they choose not to become a governor the position must be left vacant). Other staff governors must be elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at school. If an election is contested a secret ballot must be held.

 At least one staff governor seat in addition to the headteacher must be made available for a teacher. The staff must initially be asked to nominate a member of the teaching staff. Should no member of the teaching staff wish to stand then the staff can be asked to nominate a member of the support staff.

 If a governing body has three or more staff governor seats then at least one staff governor must be made available for a member of support staff, however, if no member of the support staff stands for election a teacher can be elected to take that place.

 Copies of the procedure for the election arrangements are available from the headteacher, the clerk to governors or the Governor Development Service. Your attention is particularly drawn to the need for you and your colleagues to appoint a Returning Officer. Constitution pre Sept 2012

To the Returning Officer at XXX school name

I am prepared to stand for election as a Staff Governor at the above named school.

Name …………………………………………………..


We the under-signed wish to nominate the above-named person as a candidate for election as a Staff Governor at our school.

Name 1 …………………………………………………..


Name 2 …………………………………………………..



Nominations must be submitted by ………………(insert date).

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