Nipissing Forest LCC

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Nipissing Forest LCC

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Nipissing Forest LCC Minutes of Meeting June 19, 2007

In Attendance: Tim Toeppner Lorie Reed Pete Foy Dave Minden Andy Straughan Roy Summers Mary Lou McKeen (MNR) Ric Hansel Heinz Erb Randy Morrison (MNR) Brennain Lloyd John Matthews Guylaine Thauvette (MNR) Jan Vandermeer Elwyn Behnke Kathy Hansel (recorder)

Regrets: Kalvin Young, Frank Tagliamonte, John McNutt, Dave Joanisse, Lloyd Anderson Absent: Albert Cloet, Jack Restoule, Peter Street

1. 5:32 P.M. CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTIONS – Dave Minden

2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Additions: 5.0 Training/Education: Allocation Planning – Ric Hansel 6.3 Acknowledgement of Past Members – Randy Morrison 6.4 LCC Membership Update – Guylaine Thauvette

3. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF Tuesday May 15, 2007 The minutes were accepted with the following amendment: - add Jan Vandermeer to Regrets list

Recording present, absent, and regrets: It was agreed that if the primary member is present, there does not need to be a reference to the alternate member unless the alternate member is also present. If both primary and alternate members are absent, then both will be listed as absent (or regrets).

Photos from Field Trip – Dave Minden Dave presented a slide show of photos from the May 15, 2007 forestry field trip.

4. FOREST MANAGEMENT PLANNING ITEMS 4.1 AOC Task Team Meeting Report The AOC task team has had 2 meetings so far. LCC members on the task team found the meetings very interesting, and covered a lot of areas. The next AOC meeting is not yet scheduled. New stand & site guide: Guylaine provided information on the new stand & site guide direction for warmwater and coldwater fisheries. The guide is still in draft form, currently undergoing internal MNR review, and may not be used in this FMP. When it is available for public review, we could invite Brian Naylor to attend an LCC meeting. As the new guide stands now, AOCs are the same as the current fisheries guidelines, but the timing for water-crossings is different. Also, the new guide is not good for beaver habitat. Discussion on cottage lakes: 2 of 5

As discussed at the task team meeting, would like to have a consistent approach for the protection of “cottage” lakes. In the past, there were independent negotiations with various cottagers/associations, and various outcomes, i.e. Papineau Lake has a generous viewscape in the current plan, and some other lakes have less protection. A viewscape is more of a social prescription vs protection of the resources (fisheries & wildlife prescriptions still apply) or proper forest management, although there may be some additional environmental benefits from leaving a large viewscape reserve or, on the other hand, by managing within the viewscape. The task team discussed both modified, and reserve + modified options, and have not come to a consensus. Looking for opinion of LCC members. One opinion – felt many cottagers would like timing limitations as in the Papineau prescription. Another opinion was that the aesthetics of a viewscape is nice but was willing to sacrifice some of this in the beginning to gain a lot more in the end (felt new growth more important than leaving old trees to fall down). It was pointed out that the AOC should not be called “cottage” lake – some permanent residents and property owners as well.

Question: Is there an AOC for recharge areas (where surface water replenishes ground water)? - do have current prescription for wells, protect water supplies, springs - recharge areas are not mapped - from a geological perspective, probably are not many recharge areas on the forest - suggestion that someone from the Conservation Authority could attend the next AOC task team meeting - currently, seeps or drainages found in the field are dealt with operationally as a Best Management Practice.

4.2 Planning Team Update – Lorie Reed Wildlife Species: In addition to the mandatory species to be managed for in the FMP, species of local interest will be managed – are considering West Virginia White butterfly, beaver, spruce grouse, plus more. List is being refined. Modelling: Previously reported that SFMM (Strategic Forest Management Model) and a newer model PATCHWORKS will be used but may produce different results. The planning team has decided to use SFMM, develop targets, run through PATCHWORKS with spatial constraints, and use the results from PATCHWORKS to tweak SFMM. Silviculture Task Team: Andy Straughan and Lorie will attend the first meeting next week. Gap Analysis: Potential areas for protection will be identified as not available for forest management in this FMP. Enhanced Management Areas (EMAs): The Land Use Strategy has identified some areas where access will be restricted to maintain the remote character of the area. In these areas, any new forest industry roads will have to be made impassable. Some examples of this are the McCallum Peninsula, Red Cedar Lake and Hangstone Lake areas.

4.3 Stream Survey Report – Randy Morrison MNR had previously committed to doing some stream survey work this year. Equipment has been purchased and they expect to survey at least 2-4 streams this summer. The assessment system is dependent on climatic conditions (amount of precipitation and temperature) and long periods of too hot or too cold temperatures may affect results. MNR has asked forest industry for input to priorities for assessment. Ric Hansel reported that the SFL has recommended 3 of 5

approximately 12-15 streams in the Restoule, north of Loring, and the Field/River Valley areas, where harvesting is planned or expected over the next few years. John Matthews mentioned the letters sent to MNR from trappers and baitfish harvesters re: fish species in the waters they work, and questioned why local knowledge can’t be used to reclassify those watersheds prior to harvesting. Randy responded that there are certain things to verify, and the proper regime must be followed for stream classification.

4.4 Review of FMP Amendments (MNR) – annual agenda item – Guylaine Thauvette Handout: Nipissing Forest 2004-2009 FMP – Summary of Forest Management Plan amendments and Annual Work Schedule revisions. Reviewed the list of amendments processed last year (2006-2007) and those in the system so far this year. Amendments are classified as administrative, minor or major. Public consultation is required only if minor or major. Amendments are brought to the LCC for recommendation on type if not clear. Question: Is the addition of blowdown area new blowdown or from last July’s windstorm? - is additional area that was blown down last July o #2007-01 is area to clean up o #2007-09 is area recently identified - vast majority is still merchantable, but white pine sawlogs are losing value - Grant Forest Products just found 50 ha of fresh blowdown from storm about 11/2 weeks ago Randy Morrison commented that 42 revisions and amendments for the 2006-2007 year is a significant workload for MNR. Question: Is the amount of revisions and amendments typical of other forests? Ric Hansel commented that some small changes to the AWS require a formal revision here, but may be administered differently in another district. Guylaine added that the 2001 Independent Forest Audit (IFA) recommended the need to look at the reasons for so many amendments. Of the total amendments, approximately 1/3 dealt with changes to AOCs, 1/3 with addition of harvest area, and 1/3 with access. An amendment is no longer required to change an AOC classification, i.e. coldwater to warmwater, red-shouldered hawk nest to broad-winged hawk nest, but still have approximately the same number of amendments in total (there are more amendments for water crossings). The 2006 IFA did not comment on the number of amendments.

Randy Morrison and Peter Street have been talking about this topic and will discuss it further at a meeting planned for the end of June. Both parties are looking to reduce the workload on their staff.


Allocation Planning – Ric Hansel Ric showed an example of the eligibility maps that were provided to the licensees highlighting older stands by forest unit. For the 2009 FMP, we are targeting older stands (i.e. poplar >80<120 years) – were criticized for harvesting some younger stands (i.e. poplar in 60-80 year range) in the current FMP. Some concentrated areas are white pine north of Restoule and tolerant hardwood areas (maple, yellow birch) in the Loring area. The maps also show AOCs from the current FMP. The licensees need to identify 10 years of harvest area + 2 years of contingency area. They will be working on this through the summer, using maps and photos, then verifying stands and looking at access in the field. Should have a good idea of allocations by the fall. 4 of 5


6.1 LCC Handbook – Brennain Lloyd Brennain has just finished incorporating all of the comments into the 84-page handbook. Will require a final hard-copy edit, then will be desk-topped and reproduced, probably early next week. The intent is to provide a hard copy of the handbook for members to use. Roy Summers requested a pdf version. Brennain will send out an email when the book is ready for pick-up or will send copies by mail. Congratulations and thanks to Brennain.

6.2 LCC Member Biographies - Ric Hansel, Peter Foy, Guylaine Thauvette, Brennain Lloyd Members are to provide digital version of their presentations (who they are, where they are from and why they are involved with the LCC) for inclusion to the LCC handbook. Other members still to present: Randy Morrison, John McNutt, Dave Joanisse, Heinz Erb, and Elwyn Behnke. (By error, Dave Joanisse was omitted from the previous list of those to present.) These members will present over the next 2 meetings.

6.3 Acknowledgement of Past Members – Randy Morrison A decision was made to acknowledge past members Bill Steer, James Anderson, and Jon Cutter at the September 18th, 2007 meeting, to be held at Average Joe’s. Presentations will be made early on in the meeting with the regular LCC meeting to follow. Randy will send out invitation letters and purchase a gift for the past members.

6.4 LCC Membership Update – Guylaine Thauvette One previously outstanding issue was SFL representation on the LCC. John McNutt is the primary member with Peter Street as the alternate. Ric Hansel will continue to attend meetings as a resource person. Letters were sent out today to solicit membership where vacancies exist. Groups were asked to provide nominations by July 31st – hope to have new members in place for August meeting if scheduled, and provide background information/presentations for all new members at that point. Still need to address the vacancy for Public at Large alternate – LCC members can submit nominations to Guylaine, Randy Morrison or Dave Payne. Would like to represent different geographic locations if possible.

7. ENVIRONMENTAL BILL OF RIGHTS – POSTINGS OF INTEREST Handout: Summary of EBR Postings of Interest May 13, 2007 to June 19th, 2007 - one new item – Guidelines for Competitive Fishing Events for Muskellunge in Ontario, and repeat of the Biofibre Policy proposal (still current)

8. CORRESPONDENCE Handout: The Forest File, April 2007

9. OTHER BUSINESS 9.1 Wood Supply Paper – Brennain Lloyd Handout: Wood Supply, Wood Flow and Licensing The paper was commissioned by Northwatch Forest Project as a discussion paper for interested members of the public. 5000 copies were produced and will be distributed to LCCs, First Nations communities, and municipalities. Additional copies are available from Brennain. It may also be translated into French.

10. UPCOMING WORKSHOPS / EVENTS / TRAINING Climate Change Conference – Timmins – date? 5 of 5

- MNR sponsored conference on climate change and forest management - Brennain can provide transportation to anyone interested in attending

Environmental Fair – June 28, 2007 – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm at Northgate Square - Northwatch Forest Project will have a booth - could include LCC information as well if members are interested

11. NEXT MEETING September 18, 2007 at Average Joe’s - acknowledgement of past members - 2 possible presentations - wildlife habitat matrix – Melanie Alkins and “from the chainsaw to the lumber store” – John McNutt - LCC member biographies – Randy Morrison, John McNutt, Dave Joanisse - FMP – draft objectives? Depending on the FMP production schedule, we may need a summer meeting or may need to bump some September items to October. Lorie will keep members informed by email and feed through the co-chairs.

12. ADJOURNMENT - 7:45 p.m.

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