SI Worksheet PY 212 Chapter 13 Regan Gaskin

Physical and Cognitive Development is Early Adulthood

1. Physical changes of the adult year are, indeed, ______and


2. During the twentieth century, improved nutrition, medical treatment, sanitation, and

safety added ______to ______years to the average life expectancy

3. ______-______-______theory states that the body wears out from use.

4. ______or high blood pressure, occurs 12 percent more often in the U.S.

black than in the U.S. white population.

5. Many athletic skills peak between ages 20 and 35, then gradually ______.

a. Level off

b. Decline

c. Increase

6. What is the difference in T-cells and B-cells?

7. Many people are delaying childbearing until their education is complete, their careers are

well established, and they know they can support a child. True or False

8. Homicide rate ______with age, while disease and physical disability rates


a. Decline; rise b. Rise; decline

c. Increase; rise

d. Decline; lower

9. Moderate weight loss ______health problems substantially.

10. Many researchers believe that dietary fat plays a role in the age-related rise in breast

cancer and is linked to colon cancer. True or False

11. Exercise will ______the strength of your immune system

a. Limit

b. Weaken

c. Strengthen

12. Monogamous, emotionally committed couples are more ______and


13. Gay and lesbian romantic partners, like heterosexual partners, tend to be ______in

education and background

a. Similar

b. Different

c. Diverse 14. The overall STD rate is higher in women than in men because it is at least twice as easy

for a man to infect a woman with any STD than for a woman to infect a man. True or


15. Women’s and men’s psychological reactions to rape do not resemble those of survivors

of extreme trauma. True of False

16. A student who believes that teacher have all the knowledge would be considered a


a. Epistemic

b. Relativistic

c. Commitment

d. Dualistic

17. ______is supported by specialization that begins with selecting a college major

or occupation.

a. Expertise

b. Cognitive-affective

c. Pragmatic thought

d. Creativity

18. What predicts gains in civic engagement in college? 19. A person, who likes well-structured tasks and values material possessions and social

status, has traits well suited to certain business fields. What type of personality is this?

a. Enterprising

b. Conventional

c. Investigative

d. Social

20. Because of their male minority status, in non-male dominated fields, co-workers often

assumed they were more knowledgeable than they actually were. True or False