North Mercer R-Iii School s4
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Gregg Widner – President Tracy Meinecke – Vice President Julie Graham – Secretary/Treasurer Kirk Ellis Tami Campbell Chris Main Peggy Johnson
Superintendent – Mr. Dan Owens North Mercer District R-3 Public Schools Mercer, Missouri 64661 Phone: (660) 382-4214 Fax: (660) 382-4239
Superintendent: Mr. Dan Owens School Board: Gregg Widner, President PK-12 Principal: Mrs. Kim Palmer Tracy Meinecke, Vice President Julie Graham,Sec/Tres. Tami Campbell, Kirk Ellis, Peggy Johnson, Chris Main January 12, 2016
This report and additional information can be found on both the North Mercer School website, as well as the Missouri Department of Education’s website. Then go to School Data tab at the top of the page North Mercer R-III 2014-2015 Annual School District Report
Calendar Days & Hours Mercer Missouri Calendar Days 174 n/a Calendar Hours 1,145.85 n/a Length of Day (Hours) 6.7 n/a
Student Information Mercer Missouri Fall Preschool Enrollment 21 31,957
Total Enrollment 207 886,475 Breakdown Asian 0% 1.9% Black 0% 16.2% Hispanic 0% 5.6% Multi-Race 0.5% 2.9% Pacific Islander 0% 0.2% Indian 1.9% 0.4% White 97.6% 72.8%
Rate of Attendance 91.5 88.7 Number Students on Free & Reduced 63.6% 51.7% Total Dropout Rate 9-12 0% 2.2%
ACT (American College Test) Mercer Missouri Number of Graduates 11 60,394 Percent of Graduates Taking Test 72.73% 70.66 Composite ACT Score 19.9 21.7
Graduate Analysis Mercer Missouri Total Number of Graduates 11 60,394 Graduation Rate 91.67% 87.75%
Number of Previous Years Graduates 17 61,208
Percent of Previous Years Graduates Entering a 4 yr. College/University 23.5 36.9 Entering a 2 yr. College/University 58.8 28.7 Entering a Post-Secondary Institution 0 2.4 Entering the Work Force 1.8 20.7 Entering the Military 0 3.1 Entering Some Other Field 5.9 4.9 Status Unknown 0 3.0 Job Placement Rates for Career-Technical Students 94.1% 67.5%
Student Staff Ratios Mercer Missouri Students per Teacher 9 13 Students per Classroom Teacher 13 17 Students per Administrator 80 192
Discipline Incidents Mercer Missouri Suspension of 10 Consecutive Days 0 10,635 Expulsions 0 52
Teacher Characteristics Mercer Missouri Average Support Staff Salaries $19,278 n/a Average Teacher Salary (Regular) $34,222 $47,411 Average Teacher Salary (Total) $35,121 $48,493 (Includes Extended Contract & Career Ladder) Average Administrator Salary $66,376 $88,813 Average Years Teaching Experience 13.7 12.2 Teachers with a Masters Degree or Higher 58.8% 59%
Teacher Certification Mercer Missouri Teachers w/ Regular Certificates 100% n/a Teachers w/ Temporary or Special Assignment Certificates 0% n/a Teachers w/ Substitute, Expired, or No Certificate 0% n/a Percent of Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers 100% n/a
School Finance Data Mercer Missouri Fall Enrollment K-12 207 884,741 Average Daily Attendance 189.86 846,440
Total Expenditures $3,022,943 $11,807,135,138 Current Expenditure per ADA $12,063 $10,313
Percent of Revenue in the Operating Funds Local (Local, County, Prop C Money) 38.75% 56.25 State 40.04% 34.31 Federal 21.21% 9.44
Assessed Valuation $13,404,339 $91,165,985,537
Tax Rates Mercer Missouri Tax Rate Ceiling Operating Funds 5.1879 3.6894
Adjusted Tax Rate Incidental 4.3851 3.4151 Teachers 0 0.1451 Debt Service 0 0.4509 Capital Projects 0 0.0639 Accreditation North Mercer R-III School District is fully accredited by the state.
Annual Yearly Performance Report The North Mercer R-III School District received 126.5 out of 138 points (91.7%) on the Annual Performance Report.
Calendar The 2014-2015-school calendar began on August 18 and ended May 19. Students attended for a total of 174 days.
Academics The district served 46 students in the special education program and 2 students in early childhood special education. A total of 45 families prenatal through kindergarten were served through the Parents as Teachers Program.
High School Students may attend North Central Area Vocational School in Bethany. We had 3 students attend Vo-Tech in Bethany. The classes they were enrolled in were Auto Collision II, Health Occupations I and II.
Dual Enrollment is available through North Central Missouri College in Trenton. We had 12 students receive course credits.
2014-2015 courses for grades 9-12 for a total of 47 credits includes: Communication Arts I, Communication Arts II, Communication Arts III, Creative Writing, Mass Media, Speech, Spanish I, Spanish II, Psychology, American Gover nment I, American Government II, American History I, American History II, Legis lative Processes, World History, Economics, World Literature, Geography, Sociolo gy, Personal Finance, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, ACT Prep, Consumer Mat h, Trigonometry, Biology, Zoology, Physics, Physical Science, Arts & Crafts, Desi gn, Drawing & Painting, Yearbook, Band, Chorus, Accounting I, Accounting II, B usiness Technology I, Business Technology II, Micro Applications I, Micro Applic ations II, Multi-Media, Keyboarding, Physical Education, Health, Food Science, C onservation, Animal Science, Agriculture Structures, Agriculture Science I, Agricu lture Science II, College Biology, College English 101 and College English 102.
In addition, exploratory courses are offered as part of the junior high curriculum. A variety of exploratory classes are scheduled. More information regarding course offerings is available through the Principal’s Office.
The school does not currently have a gifted education program. The following extra-curricular activities are offered: (Figures below do not reflect beginning balances.)
Expense Revenue Dance $ 3,909.21 $ 3,578.00 Student Council $ 1,798.10 $ 1,887.00 Yearbook $ 3,518.83 $ 1,457.00 FBLA $ 8,179.54 $ 7,602.00 Basketball $ 4,116.04 $ 5,537.50 Newspaper $ 2,227.02 $ 2,225.00 FFA $19,611.18 $22,628.51 Softball $ 4,072.46 $ 3,917.00 Golf $ 548.70 $ 740.00
Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences were held October 16, 2014 and March 12, 2015. 83% of elementary parents attended the conferences and 66% secondary parents attended the conferences.
Staff Development During the 2014-2015 school year the teachers received the following in-service trainings: Confidentiality In-service Blood Bourne Pathogens AND Epi-Pen Training CPR Training Mandatory Reporting, Sensitivity, Disability, and Harassment Training Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) Training Classroom Management Training Understanding Autism Training Security Awareness Training Classroom Management for the Out-of Sync Students Intruder Training PLC Team Building Meetings Bullying In-Service HDC Network Kickoff Meeting North Mercer R-III 2015 Missouri Assessment Program Results
Grade 3 Achievement Communication Arts Communication Arts Level District State Advanced 10.0 (2 students) 32.9 Proficient 40.0 (8 students 24.3 Basic 35.0 (7 students) 23.2 Below Basic 15.0 (3 students) 19.6 Grade 4 Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 32.8 Proficient 36.4 (4 students) 25.6 Basic 45.5 (5 students) 19.7 Below Basic 18.2 (2 student) 21.9 Grade 5 Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 23.2 Proficient 54.5 (6 students) 35.9 Basic 18.2 (2 students 21.9 Below Basic 27.3 (3 student) 19.0 Grade 6 Achievement Level Advanced 14.3 (2 students) 19.8 Proficient 21.4 (3 students) 35.2 Basic 28.6 (4 students) 25.2 Below Basic 35.7 (5 students) 19.8 Grade 7 Achievement Level Advanced 11.1 (2 students) 18.5 Proficient 38.9 (7 students) 38.7 Basic 33.3 (6 students) 24.2 Below Basic 16.7 (3 student) 18.6 Grade 8 Achievement Level Advanced 4.5 (1 students) 17.1 Proficient 22.7 (5 students) 40.4 Basic 50.0 (11 students) 27.5 Below Basic 22.7 (5 students) 15.0 English 1 Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 26.5 Proficient 61.5 (8 students) 24.4 Basic 38.5 (5 students) 14.7 Below Basic 0 (0 students) 34.4 English 2 Achievement Level Advanced 4.8 (1 student) 11.1 Proficient 47.6 (10 students) 55.9 Basic 38.1 (8 students) 26.6 Below Basic 9.5 (2 students) 6.4 North Mercer R-III 2015 Missouri Assessment Program Results
Math 3 Achievement Math Math Level District State Advanced 10.0 (2 students) 21.0 Proficient 35.0 (7 students) 30.6 Basic 50.0 (10 students) 26.6 Below Basic 5.0 (1 students) 21.7 Math 4 Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 19.4 Proficient 27.3 (3 students) 29.7 Basic 36.4 (4 students) 33.6 Below Basic 36.4 (4 students) 17.3 Math 5 Achievement Level Advanced 9.1 (1 students) 19.5 Proficient 9.1 (1 students) 20.0 Basic 27.3 (3 students) 31.7 Below Basic 54.5 (6 student) 28.7 Math 6 Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 student) 16.4 Proficient 14.3 (2 students) 21.4 Basic 35.7 (5 students 33.1 Below Basic 50.0 (7 students) 29.1 Math 7 Achievement Level Advanced 22.2 (4 student) 14.0 Proficient 22.2 (4 students) 21.0 Basic 16.7 (3 students) 33.1 Below Basic 38.9 (7 students) 31.8 Math 8 Achievement Level Advanced 9.1 (2 students) 10.0 Proficient 0 (0 students) 18.1 Basic 22.7 (5 students) 32.2 Below Basic 68.2 (15 students) 39.7 Algebra I Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 18.5 Proficient 42.9 (6 students) 43.3 Basic 7.1 (1 students) 19.6 Below Basic 50.0 (7 student) 18.5 Algebra II Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 28.5 Proficient 21.4 (3 students) 37.5 Basic 14.3 (2 students) 19.3 Below Basic 64.3 (9 students) 14.7 Geometry Achievement Level Advanced 4.8 (1 students) 17.1 Proficient 61.9 (13 students) 45.9 Basic 4.8 (1 students) 18.2 Below Basic 28.6 (6 students) 18.8 North Mercer R-III 2015 Missouri Assessment Program Results
Science 5 Achievement Science Science Level District State Advanced 0 (0 students) 18.8 Proficient 36.4 (4 students) 28.8 Basic 54.5(6 students) 41.9 Below Basic 9.1 (1 students) 10.5 Science 8 Achievement Level Advanced 4.5 (1 student) 10.5 Proficient 9.1 (2 students) 29.0 Basic 50.0 (11 students) 34.1 Below Basic 36.4 (8 students) 16.5 Biology Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 25.0 Proficient 31.8 (7 students) 49.3 Basic 68.2 (15 students) 21.8 Below Basic 0 (0 students) 4.0 Physical Science Achievement Level 0 (0 students) 4.0 7.7 (1 students) 23.2 84.6 (11 students) 67.2 7.7 (1 students) 5.5
American History Achievement Social Studies Social Studies Level District State Advanced 0 (0 students) 19.5 Proficient 27.6 (8 students) 30.0 Basic 20.7 (6 students) 25.1 Below Basic 51.7 (15 students) 25.5 Government Achievement Level Advanced 0 (0 students) 18.8 Proficient 100.0 (1 students) 44.6 Basic 0 (0 students) 29.5 Below Basic 0 (0 students) 7.2