Spring Term Final Exam
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U.S. History [SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM] Unit 5: Industrialization and Immigration
1. People who built their fortunes by stealing from others are also known as
a. Captains of Industry
b. Robin Hoods
c. Robber Barron’s
d. Social Darwin’s
2. Andrew Carnegie was considered captain of what industry?
a. Steel
b. Iron
c. Oil
d. Railroads
3. Which of the following describes best how Carnegie able to drive his competitors out of business?
a. By bringing together all of the businesses that make up the phases of his products production.
b. By being the first to use the Bessemer Process and cut his costs.
c. By asking his competitors to have a monopoly over his product.
d. Just by using his relationship with other business to get deals on his final product.
4. Which of the following statements is correct describing “Social Darwinism??”
a. Those who are most fit would succeed and become rich.
b. Society should do very little to interfere with people’s pursuit of success
c. Laissez-Faire government
d. Horatio Alger published “rags to riches” stories U.S. History [SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM] e. All above are correct
5. According to the “Gospel of Wealth,”
a. Those who are wealthy have the responsibility of giving back to those less fortunate.
b. Those who are the least fit will survive.
c. The government should be more involved in business affairs
d. The Bible is the true guide to become wealthy
6. Which of the following describes the method of Vertical Integration to control industry?
a. Bringing together many firms that were in the same business
b. Gaining control of the many businesses that make up all phases of production
c. A loose association of businesses that make the same product and agree to limit the amount of their product to keep prices high.
d. A board of trustees who manage companies as a single unit
7. In 1890, the United States Senate passed ______, which outlawed any trust that operated in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states, but was rarely enforced.
a. Interstate Commerce Commission
b. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
c. The Chinese Exclusion Act
d. The Railroad Regulation Act
8. Factory workers decided to join together and make demands for higher wages, fewer hours, and better working condition in groups called______.
a. Company Towns
b. Factory Unions
c. Labor Unions
d. Collective Bargains U.S. History [SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM]
9. What was the result of the sleeping-car manufacturing plant’s Pullman Strike in 1894?
a. Strike leaders were arrested for violating an injunction and train service returned to normal, led by Eugene V. Debs
b. Strike breakers were hired but the strike continued for several years
c. The strikers fearful of losing their jobs, accepted their pay cut and went back to work
d. The strike was ended peacefully, which a wage increase and better work hours.
10. What is the significance of the “Political Machine?”
a. In exchange for getting favors, residents voted for the machines candidate in elections
b. They helped city residents find jobs and other favors
c. They were unofficial organizations that worked to keep a particular person or party in power
d. Famous example is Tammany Hall and leader Boss Tweed
e. All the above are correct
11. The “Gilded Age” refers to
a. When American businesses operated largely without government regulation
b. The thin layer of prosperity covering the poverty and corruption of American society.
c. The survival of the fittest
d. Horatio Alger published stories of Rags to Riches
e. All the above are correct
12. Which of the following was passed to require applicants to be tested before given a government job?
a. Interstate Commerce Act
b. Spoils System Act U.S. History [SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM] c. The Knights of Labor Act
d. The Pendleton Civil Service Act
13. Which of the following was a goal of the Populist Party?
a. “Free Silver”
b. Government ownership of Railroads
c. Graduated income tax
d. All the above are correct
e. Only A and B are correct
14. In the Populists Presidential Candidate, William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold Speech”,
a. He compares farmers to the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross.
b. He asks for the populists and the democrats to come together into one party.
c. He criticizes the republicans for promoting silver coinage
d. None of the above are correct
15. Which of the following is associated with Immigrant’s arrival in America in the late 1800’s?
a. Angel Island c. steerage e. All the above are correct
b. Ellis Island d. discrimination ab. None of the above are correct
16. Most of the “New Immigrants” of the late 1800’s were from where?
a. Northern Europe c. East Asia e. All the above are correct
b. Southern and Eastern Europe d. North Africa ab. B and C are correct
17. What term BEST describes the U.S. government's policies towards businesses in the late 19th century? U.S. History [SPRING TERM FINAL EXAM]
Imperial A) ist Laissez- B) faire Mercantil C) ist Protection D) ist 18. What group of immigrants arrived in large numbers on the U.S. west coast for the primary purpose of working on the Transcontinental Railroad in the 19th century?
Chin A) ese Iri B) sh Japan C) ese Mexic D) an 19. Which of these would BEST describe an immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb? time became A) standardized agriculture worked longer B) hours railroad companies expanded C) routes longer factory hours for all D) workers Unit 6: Progressivism, Imperialism, and World War 1:
20. Socially conscious journalists who sensationalized reports and exposed corruption were called
a) Progressives b) Muckrakers c) Social Darwinists d) Red Journalists
21. President Theodore Roosevelt’s campaign to make a fair government for all was better known as
a) The Fair Deal b) New Freedom c) New Nationalism d) The Square Deal 22. The Bull-Moose Party was formed because
a) The Republican Party split into two parties over candidates
b) President Taft wanted a more creative name for the democratic party
c) President Wilson received the most electoral votes in the 1912 election
d) Roosevelt returned and ran as the democratic candidate
23. The policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories is known as ______.
a) Colonialism
b) Imperialism
c) Mercantilism
d) Nationalism
24. Which of the following is NOT TRUE concerning the causes of the Spanish American War? a) Cuban rebels want their independence from Italy
b) Yellow press sensationalizing and exaggerating the Spanish Atrocities
c) “Remember the Maine!”
d) Cuban rebels being thrown in concentration camps
25. Why did Secretary of State John Hay refer to the Spanish American War as “A splendid little war?”
a) It was a long and indecisive victory
b) It was a short and easy victory
c) It was a short but difficult victory
d) There were no winners or losers
26. Which of the following is NOT a term In the Treaty of Paris 1898?
a) Officially ends the Spanish American War
b) Spain gives up control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam
c) Spain sells the Philippines to the U.S. for 20 Million
d) Free trade in China
27. Dividing China into districts where each world power has privileged access to its ports and markets is known as
a. Imperialism
b. Spheres of Influence
c. Open Door Policy
d. Gentlemen’s Agreement
28. Favoring free trade verses having Colonies in China is referred to as
a. Imperialism
b. Spheres of Influence
c. Open Door Policy d. Gentlemen’s Agreement
29. Which of the following is NOT associated with the “Great White Fleet?”
a. President Roosevelt
b. Good will cruise around the world
c. Demonstration of America’s increased military power to the world
d. Dollar diplomacy
30. Roosevelt’s policy of creating and using, when necessary, a strong military to achieve American goals is better known as
a. “Malice towards none.”
b. “The American System”
c. “Big stick diplomacy”
d. “Yellow journalism”
31. Which document does the Roosevelt Corollary reaffirm?
a. Gettysburg Address
b. The Declaration of Independence
c. The treaty of Paris 1898
d. The Monroe Doctrine
32. Taft’s idea of “dollars for bullets is most associated with
a. Dollar diplomacy
b. Roosevelt Corollary
c. Open Door Policy
d. Gentlemen’s Agreement 33. Which of the following was NOT an underlying cause of World War One?
a. Alliances a. The sinking of the Lusitania b. The building up of European b. Imperialism militaries? c. Militarism c. The alliances forming throughout Europe d. Americanism d. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand 34. An agreement or friendship between e. two or more parties, made in order to advance common goals and to secure 36. Which of the following was NOT a common interests is which cause of member of the Central Powers? WW1? a. Germany a. Militarism b. Austria – Hungary b. Imperialism c. Ottoman Empire c. Alliances d. Italy d. Americanism e. e. 35. What event “ignited” World War One? f. g. h. i. j. 37. The Allies included all the following member nations except
a. Russia b. France c. Great Britain d. Italy e. All the above are member nations 38. Which of the following events leading up to US entrance into the war happens first? a. Sinking of the Lusitania b. Zimmerman Note c. Sussex Pledge d. Russia Revolution 39. “Wheatless” Monday’s and Wednesday’s is an example of a. Imperializing b. Discrimination c. Rationing d. Drafting 40. The act that allows the postal authorities to ban treasonous or seditious newspapers is called a. The Sedition Act b. The Great Migration Act c. The Treason Act d. The Espionage Act 41. President Wilson’s vision and plan for worldwide peace is known as the a. Treaty of Versailles b. Fourteen Points c. League of Nations d. Sussex Pledge 42. The treaty that officially ends World War One was a. The Treaty of Versailles b. The Treaty of Paris c. The treaty of Ghent d. The treaty of Germany 43. Why do some of the US Senators disapprove of the treaty? a. It includes America’s commitment to the League of Nations b. They do not agree with the revisions to Europe’s map c. They believe Germany’s punishment is too harsh. d. They all approve of the treaty k. Unit 7: Roaring 20’s, The Great Depression, and The New Deal
m. 44. _____ An effect of the 18th amendment was n. a. it created illegal activities including bootlegging, speak-easies and moonshine. o. b. people began spending money on wants rather than needs. p. c. a new found respect for African American art and culture. q. d. more leisure time and money to spend on sports. r. s. 45. _____The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920’s was a period when African Americans a. left the United States in large numbers to settle in Nigeria b. created noteworthy works of art and literature c. migrated to the West in search of land and jobs d. used civil disobedience to fight segregation in the Armed Forces t. u. 46. _____The 1920’s are sometimes called the "Roaring Twenties" because a. foreign trade prospered after World War I b. the United States assumed a leadership role in world affairs c. political reforms made government more democratic d. widespread social and economic change occurred v. w. 47. _____ The anti-communist hysteria and organized attacks on radicals was a period known as x. a. The Anti-Immigration Movement c. The Red Scare y. b. The Nativism Movement d. The Palmer Mission z. aa. 48. _____During the 1920s, controversies concerning the Scopes trial, national Prohibition, and the behavior of “flappers” were all signs of disagreement over a. the return to normalcy c. causes of the Great Depression b. traditional values and changing lifestyles d. the benefits of new technology ab. ac. 49. _____Marcus Garvey and the UNIA is an example of ad. a. Radical black pride c. Racial tolerance ae. b. Nativism d. Patriotism af. ag. 50. _____The economic boom and the financial speculation of the 1920’s were caused in part by a. installment buying and an unregulated stock market b. the expansion of civil rights to women and minorities c. the mobilization of the economy for war d. increased government restrictions on big business ah. ai. 51. _____Which situation helped cause the stock market crash of 1929? a. excessive speculation and buying on margin c. too much government regulation b. unwillingness of people to invest in new industries d. increased government spending aj. ak. 52. _____ In the 1930s, one factor that accounted for the westward migration of farmers from the Great Plains was a. high farm prices c. the Dust Bowl b. new technologies d. the baby boom al. am. an. 53. _____Which combination of factors contributed most to the start of the Great Depression of the 1930’s? a. immigration restrictions and a lack of skilled workers b. high taxes and overspending on social welfare programs c. United States war debts and the declining value of the dollar d. overproduction and the excessive use of credit ao.
ap. 54. _____In the 1930’s, the enactment of New Deal programs demonstrated a belief that a. corporations were best left to operate without government interference b. state governments should give up control over commerce inside their states c. the Federal Government must concern itself with the people’s economic well-being d. the United States Constitution was not relevant to 20th-century life aq.
as. 55. _____The effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the Great Depression is difficult to measure because a. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died during his fourth term b. United States involvement in World War II rapidly accelerated economic growth c. the Supreme Court declared most New Deal laws unconstitutional d. later Presidents failed to support most New Deal reforms at. au. 56. _____The creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority is an example of a. federal intervention to meet regional needs c. free-market capitalism b. state-funded regional transportation d. laissez-faire economics av. aw. 57. _____ The Dust Bowl experiences of the Oklahoma farmers during the Great Depression demonstrated the a. effect of geography on people’s lives c. limitation of civil liberties b. success of government farm subsidies d. result of Indian Removal Act ax. ay. 58. _____One difference between the administrations of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President Herbert Hoover is that Roosevelt was a. unwilling to allow government agencies to establish jobs programs b. unable to win congressional support for his economic program c. able to ignore economic issues for most of his first term in office d. more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems az. ba. 59. _____New Deal programs such as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were primarily intended to help a. farmers c. businesses b. homeowners d. unemployed workers bb.
bc. Unit 8: World War 2 and The Early Cold War
bd. 60. The disastrous effects of World War One and the Great Depression led be. a. To the rise of totalitarian regimes in some countries bf. b. To strong democracies taking shape throughout Europe. bg. c. Totalitarian regimes to die out worldwide. bh. d. People throughout the world to feel more hopeful about the future bi. bj. 61. What did Italy, Germany, and Japan have in common in the 1930’s? bk. a. They overturned traditional governments and established democracies. bl. b. They were economic giants and together they controlled world trade. bm.c. They sought to solve their economic problems through conquest. bn. d. They angered other nations by persecuting Jews. bo. bp. 62. What prompted the U.S. to enter the war in 1941? bq. a. The imprisonment of Jews in German concentration camps. br. b. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. bs. c. The pact that the Soviet Union signed with Germany. bt. d. Germany’s invasion of the Rhineland. bu.
bv. bw. 63. Why did the allies pursue a “Europe First” strategy? bx. a. They believed that Japan posed little threat to their interests. by. b. They considered Germany to be their most dangerous enemy. bz. c. They felt Japan would soon seek peace if it was not attacked. ca. d. They believed victory in Europe would be quick and easy. cb. cc. 64. Why did Allied leaders want to drive Germany out of North Africa? cd. a. They wanted to win control of the vast oilfields of the Caucasus region. ce. b. They wanted to relieve pressure on Allied forces in the Pacific. cf. c. Doing so would pave the way for an invasion of Italy. cg. d. Doing so would force Germany into unconditional surrender. ch. ci. 65. Which of the following took place on D-Day? cj. a. The last fight to get American supplies across the Atlantic to Britain. ck. b. The first American and British landings in North Africa. cl. c. The start of the allied invasion of Italy. cm. d. The landing of allied forces on France’s Normandy coast. cn. co. 66. V-E Day, May 8th, 1945, marked cp. a. The start of the largest landing by sea in history. cq. b. The allied attack on North Africa. cr. c. The end of the war in Europe. cs. d. The end of the war in the Pacific. ct. cu. 67. An important strategy used by American forces in the Pacific was cv. a. Blitzkrieg cw. b. Island-hopping cx. c. Kamikaze attacks cy. d. The Bataan Death March cz. da. 68. . Which of the following best describes Japanese Kamikazes? db. a. One-man submarines that attacked American ships at Pearl Harbor dc. b. Guerilla fighters who hid in caves in the Pacific Islands. dd. c. Bomb-loaded planes whose pilots deliberately crashed into targets. de. d. Guards at the prisoner of war camps operated by the Japanese. df. dg. 69. After the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki dh. a. The Soviet Union allied itself with Japan di. b. The League of Nations was created to prevent global war dj. c. The Allied Powers divided Japan into peace-keeping zones dk. d. Japan accepted American terms for surrender. dl. dm.70. What led the government to evacuate Japanese Americans from the West Coast? dn. a. Long held prejudices, and fears inflamed by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. do. b. Terrorist attacks by immigrants on the west coast. dp. c. Fear for the safety of Japanese Americans on the west coast. dq. d. Refusal of the Nisei to accept U.S. citizenship. dr. ds. 71. On the home front, popular culture was characterized by dt. a. Weariness and low spirits du. b. Pessimism and fear dv. c. Resentment and hostility dw. d. Patriotism and high morale dx. dy. 72. The government assumed that after the war most working women would dz. a. Go back to school to learn job skills ea. b. Become full time homemakers again eb. c. Switch to part time work ec. d. Continue their jobs ed. ee. 73. ______refers to the competition that developed between the US and the Soviet Union for power and influence in the world. ef. a. Domino Theory eg. b. Containment eh. c. Cold War ei. d. Brinkmanship ej. ek. 74. After WW2, American leaders developed a policy of ______to resist and stop the spread of communism. el. a. Domino Theory em.b. Containment en. c. Cold War eo. d. Brinkmanship ep. eq. 75. According to the ______, if one country falls to Communism, all will. er. a. Domino Theory es. b. Containment et. c. Cold War eu. d. Brinkmanship ev. ew. 76. At the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin decided to ex. a. Keep the Soviet Union out of the war with Japan. ey. b. Divide the defeated Germany into 4 sections. ez. c. Rearm Germany as soon as possible. fa. d. Set up a world organization that would share the knowledge of atomic weapons. fb. fc. fd. 77. In 1946, Winston Churchill used the term “iron Curtain” to refer to the fe. a. Heavily fortified border between Poland and the Soviet Union ff. b. Boundary between Western Europe and communist Eastern Europe fg. c. Border between Eastern Europe and the communist Soviet Union fh. d. Boundary separating Eastern Europe and the communist Soviet Union fi. fj. fk. fl. 78. An organization of armed forces to help ensure the US policy of containment was fm. a. The Warsaw Pact fn. b. Satellite Nations fo. c. NAFTA fp. d. NATO fq. fr. 79. Which of the following BEST describes satellite nations? fs. a. Nations in debt to the world bank ft. b. Nations that belong to NATO fu. c. Nations west of the iron curtain fv. d. Nations dominated by the Soviet Union fw. fx. 80. What organization did the Soviet Union create in response to the formation of NATO? fy. a. The Geneva Convention fz. b. The Yalta Conference ga. c. The Warsaw Pact gb. d. The SEA Treaty Organization gc. gd. 81. The Truman Doctrine set a new course for American foreign policy by ge. a. Promising to help nations struggling against communism gf. b. Cancelling aid to former allies in Europe gg. c. Helping Japan reestablish its military strength gh. d. Severing America’s alliance with Great Britain gi. gj. 82. The United States gave billions of dollars in aid to Western Europe gk. a. To counteract the policy of containment gl. b. In violation to the Berlin Airlift gm.c. As part of the Marshall plan gn. d. To protest the creation of NATO go. gp. 83. The Berlin Airlift was President Truman’s response to the gq. a. Reunification of East and West Germany gr. b. German development of the Atomic Bomb gs. c. Soviet’s blockade of West Berlin gt. d. Construction of the Berlin Wall. gu. gv. Unit 9: Modern Era gw. 84. Which of the following describes President Kennedy’s “New Frontier?” gx. a. Campaign to help the old, poor, and minorities. gy. b. A “Return to normalcy.” gz. c. Campaign to continue with Eisenhower’s republican administration ha. d. Campaign to separate church and state in the government hb. hc. 85. What is significant about the 1960 Presidential debates? hd. a. It was the first debate to be aired on television. he. b. It was the first debate with a female commentator. hf. c. It was a debate between John Kennedy and Dwight Eisenhower. hg. d. Richard Nixon made a good first impression hh. hi. 86. What does the United States do in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis? hj. a. Dropped two atomic bombs on the Soviet Union. hk. b. Removed their missiles from Turkey and planned never to invade Cuba. hl. c. Allowed the Soviet Union to keep their missiles in Cuba. hm.d. Invaded Cuba hn. ho. 87. Which event led directly to the end of the cold war? hp. A. Berlin wall collapses and the reunification of Germany hq. B. formation of the European Union hr. C. Unification of the Soviet Union hs. D. creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ht. hu. 88. In 1991, one of the reasons President George H. W. Bush committed United States troops to the Persian Gulf War was to hv. A. maintain the flow of trade through the Suez Canal hw. B. fulfill military obligations as a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) hx. C. contain the spread of communism in the Middle East hy. D. assure the flow of Middle East oil to the United States and its allies hz. ia. 89. The "supply side" economics of President Ronald Reagan and President George Bush favored ib. A. raising tariffs to increase the number of imports ic. B. increasing Federal taxes to support social welfare programs id. C. providing incentives to stimulate business growth ie. D. establishing government programs to provide jobs for the unemployed if. 90. Which organization was led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? ig. A) The Black Panthers ih. B) The Southern Christian Leadership Conference ii. C) The Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee ij. D) The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ik.