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St GILES IN THE WOOD PARISH COUNCIL 458 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 13 th March 2013
Present Mrs L Herniman took the chair, Mr N Hopkins Mrs C Pedlar, Mr A Chamings Mr B King, Mrs S Montague, Mr R Petherbridge, Mrs A Snell (Clerk) Apologies Mr G Hookway Mr C House and PCSO Brown In Attendance Cllr A Boyd Cllr H Martin Ms W King, Ms T Everret, Mr J Ayre, D Dalzell, Mrs Tick- Moore, Mr and Mrs A Poulton, G Thorn, A Clements, Mrs Bowyer, Mrs Kesler, Mrs J Huxtable, C Brice, F Courtney, E Staines, D Easterbrook, Mrs A Hammerton.
Time for Public Participation
The Chairman welcomed Mr Andy Vickery ( Director DWM) Mr Steve Hadley (Environment Manager DWM) Mr Neil Brown, (Manager Deep Moor) and Mr David Peers (Environment Agency who’s role covers all aspects i.e. Deep Moor, the In Vessel composting and Recycling, his role is to make sure there is very little pollution and over sees the permit to regulate day to day running) to speak to the meeting. Many points where raised regarding the smell, the increased pungency early mornings and late at night and the range of odours that can be smelt from the various elements of the site, the Environment Agency are working with the site to try and reduce odours, to reduce the land fill emission more wells are being installed at present. The EV Agency would like more calls from the public to identify the problem, the timing and type of smell so they can act upon it. The length of the Planning permission of the site was discussed at present the PP ends at the end of 2017, the pp allows the landfill to go to a certain height which is up to 207 AOD ( Above ordnance data ) and at present parts of the site are up to 206 AOD so these areas will have to be capped and landscaped, as per the PP grassed over with trees to the western side, with gas extraction cells put in to prevent odours. The question was also raised regarding the excavation near to the scrap yard which is only 250m from the boundary the answer given was that this was clean sub soil material that had been excavated from other parts of the tip and is used to cover of asbestos or restoration, but the question was raised from the floor that pp permission should be sought to do this, the response was that DWM have 25 or more pp over the site but on this point they are seeking advice to see if they require pp. Recently there has been an enormous amount of litter blown over the area men have been assigned to clear it up and extra fencing has been erected to try and solve the problem. The road situation was also raised Mrs L Herniman and Mr A Chamings have met with Mr S Elsworthy from DCC highways to assess the situation he has submitted a bid of £70,000 to resurface the road but the problem is that the road is a C classified road, as other roads have been upgraded to carry the enormous amount of traffic travelling to the tip, it was raised could this road be upgraded, both the Environment Agency and DWM have lobbied highways to get work undertaken, Mr Elsworthy advised to get DCC Councillors to put pressure on as well. A further point raised was DWM paying a retainer on certain neighbouring land to the tip in 2003 for if it was required in the future those representatives present stated that PP was only on the exiting site. Cllr Boyd reported that he spoke at the Waste Management Development meeting and said that it indicated the site date could be extended as there is 300 tonnes per day that comes into the site from South Devon and beyond, roads need to be improved to take the capacity like they have been in Beaford, but the smell issues need to be addressed, likewise the asbestos issue. The asbestos issues as in the present pp for cell 10 was raised, DWM assured those present that strict monitoring was regularly carried out independently, it was reported that 5% of material taken in at Deep Moor was asbestos which is 90,000 tonnes pa, reports from the floor indicated that the strict H&S that those dumping the waste are not carried out by the staff at the tip, the Environment 459 Agency is to speak to the audience members about their concerns. When the PP is gained and the asbestos is dumped in cell 10 permanent water spaying will be undertaken at all times. The chairman thanked all the speakers for attended who said they would be willing to attend again in the future, and all audience members for their attendance, this part of the meeting was then closed.
Declaration of Interests – Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. They are also reminded to consider whether in the light of recent activities any items within their Register of Interests should be updated.
1).i. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th February were agreed and signed. 2). Clerks report i. Mr A Chamings was thanked for erecting the ramp Village Green sign. 3). Chairman Report, i. Repair of the telephone box still ongoing. ii. TAP grant fund, the grant has been agreed and funding is awaited. iii. The chairman reported that Mr Denis Rex a past parish clerk died on the 6th March 2013 at the age of 89 years old, he was a successful clerk for 11 years starting in 1987 resigning only due to ill health, and the chairman is to send a card on behalf of the Parish Council. 4).Highways i. Pot holes were reported at South Healand these will be reported. Also the white lines at the entrance to Deep Moor need repainting. 5. County/ District Councillors items. The North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Consultation draft a response was drafted from the Parish council this will be emailed to TDC. Cllr A Boyd was thanked for his grant towards the metal boots for the playing field swings. 6).Finance i) Approve and sign the following cheques: - General Account, 195 Clerks salary £300.00 196 Office expenses £38.45 It was agreed by all to sign the cheques. ii. Clerks salary, the clerk left the room it was proposed by Mr N Hopkins and seconded by Mr A Chamings to give the clerk a 5% pay increase from 1st April 2013 all in agreement. 7. Planning P C recommendations TDC ACB/DCC/33 Variation of condition 2 of permissions 01/53/1865/02 and 28/2012 01/53/1866/02 to allow use of cell 10 as an asbestos monocell at Deep Moor Landfill site 1/0179/2012/ Amended plans have been received for 1 Turbine with a blade FUL height of 34.2m access and associated works at land at South Dobscott, St Giles. 8. Police Report, Over the past 30 days in the St Giles area there has been 3 crimes reported , being 1 theft of logs, 2 fuel thefts from cars, over the same period there has been two phone calls, 1 dog reported on the road and sheep reported on the road.
9. Recreation Field, i. no report was given. 10. Correspondence i. The DALC newsletter has been circulated by email ii. The TDC new cardboard and electric recycling service comes into effect on the 1st April information was available. iii. The Plough and Share credit union is for low cost loans for people in need. Date of next meeting – … …………….……………Chairman ………………………..……Date Dates of forthcoming meeting: Wednesday 10th April 2013 8.00pm 8th May Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting 12th June, 17th July