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Heath Hayes & Wimblebury Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting (Annual Assembly) & Annual General Meeting. Commencing 7.30pm, Wednesday 7th May 2014. Hayes Green Community Centre, Heath Way, Heath Hayes.
Cllrs J. Bernard (Chair), D. Baker, Val Baker, A. Bernard, J. Beddows, B. Bottomer, L. Bullock and A. Dean.
In Attendance;
Approximately 50 members of the public including;
Mr Craig Woods and David Woods. Cruse Bereavement – Mrs Val Brabazon and Mrs David Thompson. 1st Heath Hayes Rainbows, 1st Heath Hayes Brownies – Mrs Denise Colley. Community Life Church – Mr John Tyrell, Mrs Sandra Tyrell. Kingsmead School – Mr Mark Goodwin. Deputy Head. Kids in Wimblebury Youth Club – Mrs Kitty Leech. Cats Protection – Mrs Tracey Rogers. Cannock Chase Drum Corps – Mrs Rachel Griffin. St John’s Church – Rev Glynne Watkin. Bourne Methodist Church – Mrs Margaret Davis. Heath Hayes Residents Support Group – Mrs Joy Berwick. 1st Heath Hayes Rainbows, 1st Heath Hayes Brownies – Mrs Denise Colley. Mrs Alison Mayne, 3rd Heath Hayes Rainbows. The Source Youth Club – Mr Gary Howell & Mrs Ruth Howell. Mrs Rachel Griffin, Cannock Chase Drum Corps. Chase Wado Kai Karate – Mr Dave Jillings, Mrs Joanne Wells plus three others. St Giles Hospice – Mr David Shiel. Heath Hayes Welcome Club – Mr William Wyke. Mr Salvatore Guarneri – Salvatore’s. Mrs Janet Jennings. Ms Bria Wort. Mr John Birch (Resident). Mr Ray Smythe, Clerk.
Plus representatives from the Midland Air Ambulance, Community First Responder, Open Arms and many others.
……...... ……………….Chair Page 26/14 Annual Parish Meeting
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
1. Welcome to the meeting.
Cllr J. Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Presentation of Chair’s Report and Annual Report for 2013/14.
Cllr J. Bernard gave his address to the meeting. (Appendix A) and invited those present to view the literature about the Council, including the Annual Report for 2013/14.
3. Presentation of Certificates.
The Council has an annual awards programme, for a member of the public, a business and a new award for Young Person of the Year. The awards were as follows;
3.1 Citizen of the Year – Mrs Janet Jennings.
Mrs Janet Jennings had been nominated for her voluntary charity fundraising for over 20 years. She had raised many thousands of pounds and her current project was to raise £5,000 to pay for the whole life costs of a guide dog.
Se was then presented with a framed certificate and thanked the Council for their continuing support and she was happy to accept the award.
3.2 Business of the Year – Salvatore’s.
Mr Salvatore Guarneri had been nominated for his work in running a popular and successful business in the area for many years.
The award for Business of the Year was then presented to Mr Guarneri. He was presented with a framed certificate and thanked the Council for the award.
3.3 Young Person of the Year – Bria Wort.
Ms Bria Wort had been nominated for the inaugural award for her voluntary work with young people in the area. She was presented with a framed certificate and a voucher for £25.00. She thanked the Council for the award.
……………………………….Chair Page 27/14 4. Presentation of grant cheques.
The grant cheques and certificates were presented to those organisations present at the meeting. As previously agreed, the uncollected cheques and certificates would be posted.
Public Participation, including reports from community groups.
The Council was pleased to hear several interesting reports from thriving groups. Cllr J. Bernard thanked everyone for their attendance. The Annual Parish Meeting finished at 8.00pm.
Annual General Meeting.
1. Election of Chair.
The meeting began at 8.30pm. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to elect Cllr J. Bernard.
Resolved: To elect Cllr J. Bernard as Chair of the Council.
Cllr J. Bernard thanked the Council for electing him as Chair.
2. Signing of Acceptance of Declaration of Office.
Cllr J. Bernard signed the form and it was entered into Council records.
3. Apologies.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Vyv. Baker, A. Spicer, M. Sutherland, D. Todd and R. Todd.
Resolved: To accept the apologies.
…………………………………Chair Page 28/14 4. Election of Vice-Chair.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to elect Cllr D. Baker.
Resolved: To elect Cllr D. Baker as Vice-Chair of the Council.
Public Participation.
Mr Birch attended to voice his concerns about the potential for further development of the Needwood House Care Home in Stafford Street. He was assured that if any planning applications that would exacerbate the parking problems were received, that the Council would strongly oppose the application. It was agreed to help Mr Birch with contact details for the County Council Highways for a planning question he wanted to ask.
Resolved: To monitor the position. To pass contact details to Mr Birch.
5. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations on Agenda Items.
There were no declarations.
6. Committee Representatives.
The representation was agreed as follows;
6.1 Planning – Cllrs Val Baker, B. Bottomer, L. Bullock Chair, A. Dean and A. Spicer. 6.2 Human Resources – Cllrs D. Baker, A. Bernard and L. Bullock. 6.3 Youth & Community – Cllrs J. Bernard, Vyv Baker, A. Bernard, L. Bullock, D. Todd & R. Todd. 6.4 Heath Hayes Cabin – Cllrs J. Bernard, M. Sutherland, D. Todd and R. Todd. 6.5 Hayes Green Community Centre – Cllrs A. Bernard, J. Bernard & L. Bullock. (It was previously agreed that it was acceptable for Councillors’ families to use the Centre and not preclude Councillors from membership of the Management Committee). 6.6 Sustainability Issues – Cllr R. Todd. 6.7 Heath Hayes and Area Senior Citizens Support Group – Cllr J Beddows & D. Todd. 6.8 District Council Standards Sub-Committee – Cllr L. Bullock. 6.9 Wimblebury Community Association – Cllrs J Beddows & R. Todd. 6.10 Open Spaces – Cllrs D. Baker, Val Baker, B. Bottomer and L. Bullock.
Resolved: To nominate as above. …………………………….Chair Page 29/14 7. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 nd April 2014.
It was agreed to add Cllr Alison Spicer to the list of apologies. Approval of the minutes was proposed, seconded and agreed.
Resolved: To approve the minutes.
8. Matters Arising from the Minutes.
There were no matters arising, not otherwise dealt with elsewhere on the agenda.
9. Planning;
9.1 Applications dealt with by the Planning Committee:
14/56 – 21 CARLTON CLOSE, HEATH HAYES – Two-storey side extension and a single storey front extension (amended).
14/102 – 9 ROTHBURY GREEN, HEATH HAYES– First floor side extension with a front and rear dormer.
14/111 – 318 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Single storey side and rear extension.
14/112 – PROSPECT MANOR COTTAGE, PROSPECT MANOR COURT – Conversion of detached garage to annex. (The Council agreed to express concern that this could set a precedent for over development and a lack of off street parking).
14/114 – 6 SPINDLEWOOD COURT, HEATH HAYES – Single storey front extension.
No objection to the above.
14/124 – 40 STAFFORD STREET, HEATH HAYES – Change of use of House of Multiple Occupation to two, one-bedroomed flats and an office to a bedsit.
The Council discussed this application at length and agreed that any application that exacerbated the parking problems in Stafford Street would be objected to, but that was not the position with this application. It was agreed to ask the District Council to confirm that the relevant conditions were adhered to and this application should not add to on- street parking. ……………………………Chair Page 30/14 14/141 – MCDONALDS, HEMLOCK WAY, HEATH HAYES – Variation of condition to allow 24/7 opening with drive through only between 11pm and 5am.
The Council objected to this application as it would lead to noise pollution and anti-social behaviour that would adversely affect the quality of life of nearby residents.
Resolved: To comment as above.
9.2 Decisions reported by the District Council.
13/206 – IVY COTTAGE, 368 CANNOCK ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Residential development. Demolition of Ivy Cottage and erection of one pair of tree bedroomed semi-detached houses and one three bedroomed detached house with associated amenity areas and parking.
14/85 – TESCO STORE, HEATH WAY, HEATH HAYES – Express consent to display adverts.
14/55 – 51 STAFFORD STREET, HEATH HAYES – Part two storey and part single storey rear extension.
Resolved: Noted.
10. To note the Clerk’s Report.
The Clerk’s Report was noted.
Resolved: To note the report.
11. Report of Meetings.
There were no reports.
12. Consideration of the creation of an allowance to be use at the Chair’s discretion to fund a project or activity that would not be otherwise authorised and reported to the Council.
It was agreed to continue the policy to allow the Chair to claim expenses up to £250 for the benefit of the area. It was agreed this would be a responsible use of public money. Any such use would be reported to the Council at the next meeting.
Resolved: To set aside £250.00...... Chair Page 31/14 13. Heath Hayes Library – Consideration of the Council’s views on the preferred future of the library.
This item had been entered on the agenda as a review was expected. This had not been the case and the matter is withdrawn at the present time.
Resolved: To consider this in due course if necessary.
14. To note incoming and Outgoing Correspondence.
The list of incoming and outgoing post, numbered 84 to 148/14 was noted.
Resolved: Noted.
15. Accounts for Payment.
The payments totalling £3,967.57, listed in Appendix A, were presented for authorisation. Authority to pay was proposed by Cllr R, seconded by Cllr J and agreed. The Council noted income of £34,479.68 (£34,475.00 Precept, £4.68 Bank Interest).
Resolved: To authorise payment of the above.
16. Items for Information and Future Agendas
16.1 Councillors were invited to view the Heath Hayes FC photographic exhibition at the library until Friday 9th May.
17. Date of Next Meeting.
The date was agreed as 4th June 2014. Cllr J. Bernard declared the meeting closed at 9.10pm and thanked those present for their attendance.
Resolved: To next meet on 4th June.
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