Ca. 1950. Opening and Inspection of Buried Bomb Sites at Savanna Ordnance Depot
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. Ca. 1950. Opening and Inspection of Buried Bomb Sites at Savanna Ordnance Depot.
AEIS (American Environmental & Industrial Services, Inc.). 1994. Tank Removal and Closure. Buildings 1005, 802, 810, and 645. Savanna Army Depot. Prepared for the Department of the Army.
AEIS. 1995. Tank Removal and Closure & Tank Install. Buildings 1011, 939, 932, and 928. Savanna Army Depot. Prepared for the Department of the Army.
Altensey, M. 1995. Mobile Maintenance Equipment Foreman, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
AMC (Army Material Command). 1986. Audit Report, Savanna Army Depot, Savanna, Illinois. November.
Anderson, E.A., R.W. Nijboer, and J.R. Herkert. 1995. 1994 Upland Bird Survey of the Savanna Army Depot, Carroll and Jo Davies Counties, Illinois (Draft). Division of Natural Heritage, Illinois Department of Conservation.
Aguirre, 1998. Report of Radiological Survey, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, IL. December 20.
Bahr, G. 1996. Environmental Protection Specialist, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Barbour, M.G. et al. 1987. Terrestrial Plant Ecology. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., California.
Bastian, B. 1995. Duplicating Systems Technician, SVDA/Defense Printing Service. Personal Interview. October.
Bellevue Herald. 1956. Study Shock of Blast at Savanna Ordnance Depot. 17 May.
Bixler, A. 1995. Division Chief for Quality Assurance, Defense Logistics Agency. Telephone Conversation. 21 December.
Blunk, S. 1995. Chemical Engineer, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Bonjour, G. 1996. Former SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. September.
Bonjour, G. 1997. Former SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. March.
Borette, S. 1996. Building 810, SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. 1 August.
Bowles, M. and M. Jones. 1991. Report on the Status of Illinois Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Vascular Plant Species at the Savanna Army Depot, Carroll Co. & Jo Davies [sic] Co., Illinois. Morton Arboretum, Rt. 35, Lisle, Illinois 60432. July.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 1 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Buck, J. 1996. U.S. Army Environmental Center. Personal Communication. March.
Buck, M. 1997. Former Building 412 Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. 3 March.
Bundy, M. 1995. Former Area Foreman, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Bundy, M. 1996. Former Area Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication. April and May.
Bundy, M. 1997a. Former Area Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication. March.
Bundy, M. 1997b. Former Area Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-18]). April.
Bundy, M. 1997c. Former Area Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-22]). April.
Chem Nuc, Inc. (Chem Nuclear Systems, Inc., Chemical Waste Management). 1988. Subject Paper Regarding the Lead Azide at Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. 19 October.
Churchwell, S. and T. Biasi. 1995. APE Fabrication Branch Employees, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Clarke, J. 1990. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Memorandum for Record Regarding Telephone Conversation with IEPA Regional Air Quality Inspector. 6 March.
Clarke, J. 1994. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Memorandum for Record Regarding Spill Events on 6 July 94 at Building H-420. 6 July.
Clarke, J. 1995. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Personal Interviews. October– November.
Clarke, J. 1996. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Personal Communication. January– April.
Clarke, J. 1999. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Personal Communication. March and April.
Clarke, J. 1997. BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA. Letter Regarding the Disposal of Lead Azide Sludge. 6 March.
Coffey, J. 1996. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Personal Communication. October.
Corbett, R. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-13]). April.
Cramer, M. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. February.
Daeumer, M. 1995. Civil Engineer, USADACS. Personal Interview. October.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 2 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Daeumer, M. 1996. Civil Engineer, USADACS. Personal Communication. October.
Dahlman, A. 1996. Chief, Installation Support Division, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Dames & Moore. 1991. Part A: RI/FS Work Plan, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study of the Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois, Draft Final. Prepared for U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency. May.
Dames & Moore. 1992a. Part A: RI/FS Work Plan, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study of the Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois, Final. Prepared for U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency. July.
Dames & Moore. 1992b. Part B: Field Sampling Plan, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study of the Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois, Draft. Prepared for U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency. April.
Dames & Moore. 1993. Removal Site Evaluation and Engineering Evaluation & Cost Analysis (EECA) for the Fire Training Facility (Site 67), Savanna Army Depot Activity, Final. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. October.
Dames & Moore. 1994a. Remedial Investigation Report, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois, Preliminary Draft. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. June.
Dames & Moore. 1994b. Removal Site Evaluation and Engineering Evaluation & Cost Analysis (EECA) for the Open Burning Ground, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Preliminary Draft. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. February.
Dames & Moore. 1995a. Removal Site Evaluation and Engineering Evaluation & Cost Analysis (EECA) for Sites 15 and 33, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Draft. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. July.
Dames & Moore. 1995b. Working Draft Scope of Work for the Site Investigation at Building 276, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. June.
Dames & Moore. 1995c. Removal Site Evaluation and Engineering Evaluation & Cost Analysis (EECA) for the CF and CL Areas, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Final. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. April.
Dames & Moore. 1996. Work Plan, Initial Remedial Investigation Assessment, Initial Feasibility Study, and Remediation Concepts, Site 75 Motor Pool. Draft. February.
Dames & Moore. 1999a. Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for Sites 15 and 33. February.
Dames & Moore. 1999b. Personal Communication with Bill Eaton Regarding Preliminary Result from the RI/FS for Sites 20 and 73. April.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 3 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Data Input Sheet. 1991. Removal Notice. Permit #1286-91. 6 December.
Deacon, J.A. 1995. Occupational Health Nurse, SVDA. Personal Interview. 20 October.
Delp, G. 1996. Mission Division, SVDA. Personal Communication. August.
DOA (Department of the Army). 1933. Sewage Disposal System for Building ZD5-3, Plot Plan. Ordnance Corps. 9 July.
DOA. 1942a. Septic Tank Construction 20 May.
DOA. 1942b. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Kettle and Pan Houses (Process Piping and Plumbing -Water and Sewer), Proving Ground, Illinois. Rock Island District, Corps of Engineers. 26 May.
DOA. 1945. Addition to Garage Building ZB2-3 Plumbing, Heating, Electrical, and Exhaust System Details, Ordnance Corps. 23 February.
DOA. 1948a. Waste Water Sump Details for Explosive Washout Operations. 8 April.
DOA. 1948b. Waste Water Leaching Bed for Explosive Washout Operation Ordnance Department. 19 January.
DOA. 1948c. Auxiliary Equipment Building Piping Connections; Steam, Water, and Sewer (Washout Plant at CF). 9 March.
DOA. 1948d. Plot Plan for Explosive Washout Operations. Ordnance Department. 19 January.
DOA. 1948e. Chemical Cleaning Line Piping Drawing, C.F. Plant. Ordnance Department. 2 June.
DOA. 1948f. Chemical Cleaning Line Plot Plan and Airline Diagram, C.F. Plant. Ordnance Department. 2 June.
DOA. 1948g. Chemical Cleaning Line, Showing Location in Receiving, Inspection and Painting, C.F. Plant. Ordnance Department. 1 June.
DOA. 1949a. Drawing: Modification of Chemical Cleaning Line from Mortar Shells to 105mm Shells. Ordnance Department. 14 November.
DOA. 1949b. Chemical Lab–R.I.P., C.F. Plant, Chemical Storage Room. Ordnance Department. 19 December.
DOA. 1950a. Cartridge Case Chemical Cleaning Building, Plot Plan of Leaching Pits and Sewer, and Details of Pit. Ordnance Department. 3 August.
DOA. 1950b. Chemical Cleaning Line, Building ZCL-14, Sewer Line Profile. Ordnance Department. 2 June.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 4 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. 1950c. Chemical Cleaning Line, Building ZCL-14, Leaching Beds, Sewer Line, Manhole, and Details. Ordnance Department. 27 May.
DOA. 1950d. Detail of Chemical Cleaning Line – R.I.P. Building – “CL,” Drain Trough, and Pump Basin. 18 May.
DOA. 1950e. Installation of Fending Guards at Group-1 and Group-3 Load-Lines; Group 1 Load Line Plot Plan. Ordnance Corps. 17 March.
DOA. 1950f. Chemical Cleaning Line from Mortar Shell to 105mm Shell, CF Miscellaneous. Ordnance Department. 15 December 1949, revised 27 February 1950.
DOA. 1950g. Washout Plant (CF) Catch Basin and Additional Leaching Pits. Ordnance Department. 18 February.
DOA. 1950h. Chemical Cleaning Lines, Leaching Beds, Sewer Lines, Manholes and Details, Building ZCL-14. Ordnance Department. 27 May.
DOA. 1950i. Chemical Cleaning Line, 90mm and 105mm Cartridge Case Equipment Layout. Ordnance Corps. 18 July, revised 26 August.
DOA. 1950j. Chemical Cleaning Line, 90mm and 105mm Cartridge Cases, Mercurous Nitrate Test Room. Ordnance Corps. 10 August.
DOA. 1950k. Cartridge Case Chemical Cleaning Building, Details of Sewer Connections to Catch Basin and Details of Cleanouts. Ordnance Corps. 3 August.
DOA. 1950l. Layout for Tank and Piping Installation, Chemical Cleaning Building 762. Ordnance Department. 14 July.
DOA. 1950m. Partial Modification of Liquor Storage Building (N in Connection with Wet Wash Vacuum System). Ordnance Department. 17 May.
DOA. 1950n. Proposed Layout of Small Arms Demilitarization at Liquor Building 2CN-5, Vacuum Line Layout and Details. Ordnance Department. 29 November.
DOA. 1950o. Conversion of Buildings ZCN-1 and ZCN-3 to Ammunition Inspectors Workshop, Profile and Cross Section of Streamlines ZCN-3 to ZCN-1. Ordnance Department. 11 May.
DOA. 1950p. Bomb Shell Maintenance Line. CL Building. ZCL-1, 240mm set up. Ordnance Department. 27 February.
DOA. 1950q. Conversion of Buildings ZCN-1 and ZCN-3 to Ammunition Inspectors Workshops. Ordnance Department. 11 May.
DOA. 1951a. Addition to Machine Shop Joining Building ZB2-105 to Building ZBZ-14, Heating and Electrical Plans. Ordnance Corps of the Army. 15 January.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 5 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. 1951b. Equipment Installation in General Supplies Maintenance Shop, ZD-H/C-3. Ordnance Corps. 30 March.
DOA. 1951c. Washout Plant of Pressure Reducing Valve Assembly in Equipment Building. Ordnance Corps. 12 June.
DOA. 1951d. TNT Sump Drain for Building 2CL-8. Ordnance Corps. 12 June.
DOA. 1951e. TNT Vacuum Receiver Building at CF and CL Installation of Washout Facilities, Vacuum Hose Connections, Sump Facilities and Heating. Ordnance Corps. 10 December.
DOA. 1951f. Tropical Hut for the Storage of Contaminated Equipment at CL Plant, Plot Plan, and Erection Details. Ordnance Corps. 5 June.
DOA. 1952a. Equipment Locations and Additional Utilities Needed at H/C-3 Ordnance Corps. 19 February.
DOA. 1952b. Wheelabrator, 86 Swing Table Installation at H/C-3, Foundation and Piers. Ordnance Corps. 26 November.
DOA. 1952c. Operation and Storage Plan of Building ZCL-21, Ordnance Corps. 1 July.
DOA. 1952d. TNT Vacuum Receiver Buildings at CF and CL, Installation of Washout Facilities, Vacuum Hose Connections, Sump Facilities and Heating Details of CF and CL). Ordnance Corps. 5 November 1951, revised 20 March 1952.
DOA. 1953a. Construction of Additional Toilet Facilities, CL, CN, and H Areas, Plans and Details for ZCN-1 and ZCN-5. Ordnance Department. 2 March 1952, revised 19 May 1953.
DOA. 1953b. Installation of Mobile X-Ray Unit and Dark Room–Bay-A and Building 2CF-10. Ordnance Corps. 28 September.
DOA. 1953c. Rehabilitation of Group “1” Load Lines, General Plan and Elevation, Vacuum Lines and Housing. Ordnance Corps. 4 May.
DOA. 1953d. Installation of Flash Tank-Auxiliary Equipment Building CF. Ordnance Corps. 30 March.
DOA. 1953e. Leaching Beds at Laundry, 2CF-21. Ordnance Corps. 29 September.
DOA. 1953f. Proposed Plan for Converting Standard Magazine A/A-2 into a Maintenance and Modification Building. Ordnance Corps. 11 February.
DOA. 1953g. Extension of Electric and Sewer Services to Building ZCL-21 for Annealing Operations, 75 MM Renovation. Ordnance Department. 18 March.
DOA. 1954. Temporary Washout and Flaking Facilities at X-Site, 2D-3-8B4, Savanna Ordnance Depot Water Supply and Fire Protection Site Plan and Details. Ordnance Corps. 21 September.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 6 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. 1955. Temporary Washout Plant Change House Plumbing and Electrical. Ordnance Corps. 11 July
DOA. 1956a. Alterations to C.H.P. Buildings No. ZT-T120, 121, 122, 123, 124, & 130, Heating Details and Hot Water Supply. Ordnance Corps. 29 August.
DOA. 1956b. Alterations to Heating System, Building ZT-T82, Plans and Details. Ordnance Corps. 8 November.
DOA. 1956c. Alterations to Recreation Building ZT-T140, Heating Plan. Ordnance Corps. 11 September.
DOA. 1956d. Ammunition Washout and Flaking Facilities Floor Plan Lighting and Heating As Built. Ordnance Corps. 28 February.
DOA. 1957a. Installation of Chemistry Laboratory in Building ZQ1-Z, Equipment and Plumbing Layout. Ordnance Corps. 30 January.
DOA. 1957b. Preparation of 100,000 Square Feet of Open Storage Space for Storage of Zinc. Ordnance Corps, Savanna Ordnance Department. 11 June.
DOA. 1957c. Repairs and Alterations to Surface Water Drainage System “H” Area, Site Plan and Details. Ordnance Corps. 18 May.
DOA. 1957d. Repairs and Alternations to Surface Water Drainage System, “H” Area, Plot Plan. Ordnance Corps. 18 May.
DOA. 1958a. Addition to Building ZT-140, Plan. Ordnance Corps. 25 November.
DOA. 1958b. Line Layout for Reconditioning 105 MM, 1 RD Metal Containers at Building ZCL- 21. Ordnance Corps. 3 June.
DOA. 1959a. Addition to Building ZT-140, Heating. Ordnance Corps. 12 June.
DOA. 1959b. Boiler Firing Conversion Coal to Oil Fired Building ZD5-1, Plan and Details. Ordnance Corps. 18 March.
DOA. 1960a. Construct Motor Pool Garage, Electrical, Plumbing, and Heating. Ordnance Corps. 2 December.
DOA. 1960b. Construct Motor Pool Garage, Floor Plan and Details. Ordnance Corps. 2 December.
DOA. 1960c. Construct Motor Pool Garage, Site Plan and Utility Plan. Ordnance Corps. 2 December.
DOA. 1960d. Rehabilitation of Troop Housing and Support Facilities, Site Plan. Ordnance Corps. 18 March.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 7 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. 1960e. Rehabilitation of Troop Housing and Support Facilities, Barracks Buildings 2T-13, 14, 15, 23 & 24. Heating and Ventilation. Ordnance Corps. 18 March.
DOA. 1960f. Rehabilitation of Troop Housing and Support Facilities, Heating Miscellaneous Buildings. Ordnance Corps. 18 March.
DOA. 1960g. Small Items Deactivation Furnace Map. Ordnance Corps. 5 April. Dates on original map 26 February 1943 to 24 June 1959.
DOA. 1961. Furnace Forced Warm Air Oil Fired Building No. T-246 Ordnance Corps. 1 November.
DOA. 1962. Construct Loading Ramp, Doorway and Industrial Sewage for Building 746, Plot Plan and Industrial Sewerage. Ordnance Corps. 11 May.
DOA. 1965. Weapons Surveillance Workshop, Mechanical, Heating, Plumbing, and Air Conditioning. 26 April.
DOA. 1969. Unit Map 107 of Savanna Ordnance Depot. Ordnance Corps. 15 March 1955, revised 14 January 1969.
DOA. 1975. Unit Map 70 of Savanna Ordnance Depot. Ordnance Department. 22 April 1957, revised July 1975.
DOA. 1986. Letter to Robert G. Kuykendall, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Admin and Services Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, regarding underground hazardous waste storage tank registration, Public Act 84-1072. 14 April.
DOA. 1990a. Letter from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, to the Illinois State Fire Marshal regarding payment of the 1988 UST registration fee. 1 November.
DOA. 1990b. Letter to the UST Coordinator, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety, Office of State Fire Marshal, from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, regarding removal of underground storage tanks 136-11 and 111-13. Permit #5371. 16 October.
DOA. 1990c. Letter from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, to the Illinois State Fire Marshal regarding notification for underground storage tanks under installation permit #6449. 18 September.
DOA. 1990d. Letter from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal regarding notification of underground storage tanks. 27 April.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 8 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. 1990e. Letter to Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, regarding registering underground storage tanks. 27 April.
DOA. 1990f. Letter to Illinois State Fire Marshal from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, regarding leak testing of underground storage tanks at Savanna Army Depot Activity. 16 February.
DOA. 1991a. Letter from Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity, to Bill Anderson, Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, regarding request for an exemption from the product inventory control requirements of Section 170.530 for tanks at the Depot. 6 June.
DOA. 1991b. Letter from Randall R. Inouye, P.E. of the Chicago District, Corps of Engineers, enclosing an Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact at Black Hawk Village. 6 June.
DOA. 1992a. Memorandum from Richard J. Schipp, P.E., Area Engineer, to Larry Melaas, Savanna Army Depot Activity, regarding the replacement of the heating boiler in Building 807.
DOA. 1992b. Report of Environmental Compliance Review (ECR) at Savanna Army Depot Activity (SVDA). 6 January.
DOA. 1993. ECAS (Environmental Compliance Assessment System). Findings Sheets. September.
DOA. 1994. Policy Guidance – Version 2 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Cleanup Plans (BCP). 8 December.
DOA. 1995. Memorandum Regarding Request for Installation Hazardous Waste Information. June.
DOA. 1997. Memorandum from Walter J. Cunningham, Col., Huntsville Division Corps of Engineers, to John Clarke, BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA, Regarding Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Removal Action on 150-acre Parcel of Land at Savanna Army Depot Activity. 4 February.
DOA. Date illegible-a. Addition to Garage, Building ZBZ-3, Plan, Elevations and Foundation. Ordnance Corps. December.
DOA. Date illegible-b. Alterations to General Supplies Warehouse H/C-3, Sewer and Waterlines, Plan and Details. Ordnance Corps.
DOA. Date illegible-c. Repair and Improve Swimming Facilities for Troop Housing. Ordnance Corps.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 9 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey DOA. Undated. Chemical Laboratory Located in Existing Tool Room R.I.P.-CF. Ordnance Department, U.S. Army.
DOD (U.S. Department of Defense). 1993a. BRAC Cleanup Plan (BCP) Guidebook. Fall.
DOD. 1993b. Memorandum, Fast Track Cleanup at Closing Installations. 9 September.
DOD. 1994. Memorandum, Finding of Suitability to Transfer. 1 June.
DOD. 1995. BRAC 95 EBS/BCP Guidance. 6 September.
DOD. 1996. Memorandum, Clarification of Meaning of Uncontaminated Property for Purposes of Transfer by the United States. 9 December.
ECI (Environmental Contractors of Illinois, Inc.). 1992a. Letter from Lynne Paulli to Larry R. Straight, Savanna Army Depot, regarding IEPA 45 Day Report and corrective action form for leaking underground storage tank removal. Building 114. 5 November.
ECI. 1992b. IEPA 45 Day Report, Department of Army AMC, DESCOM, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Highway 84 N-Building 114. October.
ECI. 1993. 45 Day Report and Savanna Army Depot Activity Highway 84 North Underground Storage Tank Removals, Savanna, Illinois. October.
ECI. 1997a. Tank Removal Summary Report, Savanna Army Depot, Highway 84 North, Savanna, Illinois, Buildings 202 and 203. U.S. Army Rock Island Arsenal. ECI Job #549. September.
ECI. 1997b. 45 Day Report, LPC#0158100002 – Jo Daviess County, Savanna Army Depot, Highway 84 North, Savanna, Illinois, Lust Incident #971045. U.S. Army Rock Island Arsenal. ECI Job #549. October.
Eckenfelder, Inc. 1994. Draft Report Results from Treatability Studies of Munitions-Contaminated Soil from the Savanna, Illinois Army Depot. September.
Edwards, D.K. 1995. USAEC, Base Closure Division. Personal Communication. 10 October and 13 November.
Edwards, D.K. 1996. USAEC, Base Closure Division. Personal Communication. 18 September.
Edwards, D.K. 1998. USAEC, Base Closure Division. Personal Communication. 24 March.
EETCO. 1998. Savanna Army Depot Activity Disposal of Lead Azide Sludge Waste Final Report. Igloos E701 and E702. 9 February.
Emery, F. 1996. USADACS Equipment Specialist, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
ENSAFECO, Inc. 1990a. Savanna Army Depot Activity Underground Storage Tank Closure Report. Buildings 111 and 136. 2 November.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 10 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey ENSAFECO, Inc. 1990b. Savanna Army Depot Activity Underground Storage Tank Closure Report. Building 106. 28 August.
ENSAFECO, Inc. 1990c. Savanna Army Depot Activity Underground Storage Tank Closure Report. Building 101. July.
ENSAFECO, Inc. 1990d. Savanna Army Depot Activity Underground Storage Tank Closure Report. Buildings 262/263, 264/265, and 266/267. 27 July.
Ernst, B. 1996. USADACS. Personal Communication. April.
Ernst, J. 1996. APE Pilot Shop Toolmaker Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
ESE (Environmental Science and Engineering). 1982. Rapid Response Environmental Surveys, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Final Report. Prepared for Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois, and the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency. March.
ESE. 1995. Final Site Plan/Safety Submission Contract No. DACA62-94-C-0064. July.
Ferris, S. 1995. Storage Supply Branch Chief, SVDA. Personal Interview. November.
Four Seasons (Four Seasons Environmental, Inc.). 1995a. Memorandum Regarding Uncontrolled Release of Naphthalene Solution Stored On-Site for Trial Burn. August.
Four Seasons. 1995b. Removal Action at the Fire Training Area (Site 67), Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. April.
Gilbert, C. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Interview. (Archives Search Report [I-17]). April.
Glasgow, D. 1995. Facilities Supervisor, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Glasgow, D. 1996. Facilities Supervisor, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Gleason, H.A. and A. Cronquist. 1964. The Natural Geography of Plants. Columbia University Press, New York.
Green, R. 1996. Chief, Maintenance Engineering Division. Personal Communication. January.
Hagerty, H. 1996. Former SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. September.
Hagerty, H. 1997. Former SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. March.
Holmbo, S. 1996. Building 742, SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. 1 August.
Hunter/ESE, Inc. 1989. Environmental Monitoring, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Technical Report. Prepared for U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency. June.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 11 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey IDC (Illinois Department of Conservation). 1991. Letter from Richard W. Lutz, Supervisor, Impact Analysis Section, Division of Planning, to Philip R. Bernstein, Chief of Planning Division, Chicago District Corps of Engineers, regarding potential environmental impacts at Black Hawk Village. 25 April.
IDC. 1994. Division of Natural Heritage Report on a Small Mammal Survey of the Savanna Army Depot, Savanna Illinois. September 7–9.
IEPA (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency). 1980. Memorandum Regarding U.S. Ordnance– Savanna–Compliance Evaluation and O&M Survey. 29 October.
IEPA. 1983. Memorandum Regarding U.S. Ordnance–Savanna–Compliance Evaluation Survey. 5 February.
IEPA. 1984. Memorandum Regarding U.S. Ordnance–Savanna–Compliance Evaluation Survey. IL0027049. 1 February.
IEPA. 1985. Memorandum Regarding Savanna Army Depot Activity, Wastewater Treatment Facility, Compliance Evaluation Inspection. 1 April.
IEPA. 1988. Water Pollution Control Permit, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Main Treatment Plant, Land Application of Sewage Sludge. 4 May.
IEPA. 1991a. Compliance Evaluation Inspection. 18 July.
IEPA. 1991b. Letter from Harry A. Chappel, P.E., Leaking Underground Storage Tank Section, Division of Land Pollution Control, to Philip Bernstein, Chicago District, Corps of Engineers, responding to comments on proposed tank removal at Black Hawk Village. 2 May.
IEPA. 1991c. Letter Regarding Experimental Permit 1991-001-OPX, L.W. Eastep to J. Clarke. 20 March.
IEPA. 1992. Letter Regarding September 1992 Inspection, G. Savage to Environmental Coordinator. 27 October.
IEPA. 1993. Letter Regarding Closure of Solid Waste Landfill, L.W. Eastep to Gentleman. 31 August.
IEPA. 1994. Letter Regarding Public Water Supply Evaluation Report, Engineering Evaluation of SVADA Community Water Supply, B.D. Hanson to J.E. Clark [sic]. 20 June.
IEPA. 1995a. Memorandum Regarding the Fire Training Area Remediation Activities. 11 November.
IEPA. 1995b. Memorandum Regarding the CF/CL Area Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Funding. 1 August.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 12 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey IEPA. 1995c. Memorandum Regarding the APE 1236 Deactivation Furnace Closure Action. 25 July.
IEPA. 1995d. Letter Regarding Receipt of Certification of Completion of Closure, E.C. Bakowski to A.J. Dahlman. 7 April.
IEPA. 1995e. Letter Regarding Review of Part B Permit Application, H.A. Chappel to A.J. Dahlman. 13 January.
IEPA. 1996a. Letter to Arlen J. Dahlman, Chief, Installation Support Division, Savanna Army Depot Activity from Edwin C. Bakowski, P.E. Manager, Permit Section, Bureau of Land regarding the certification of closure and the closure documentation report for closure activities at the former location of APE 1236 Deactivation Furnace and surrounding area. 20 August.
IEPA. 1996b. Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit, NSPS – Source, Application No. 78020047, ID No. DIS810AAB. Dated Issued: 1 January.
IEPA. 1996c. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Reissued (NPDES) Permit, NPDES Permit No. IL0027049. Date Issued: 28 August.
IEPA. 1997. Letter from Charlene Falco, Remedial Project Manager, IEPA, to John Clarke, BRAC Environmental Coordinator, SVDA, providing comments on Supporting Documentation for Underground Storage Tanks. Submitted by SAIC. 15 May.
IIW (IIW Engineers and Surveyors, P.C.). 1991. Savanna Army Depot Activity Underground Storage Tank Removal Report. Buildings 245, 247, 255, 276, 412, and 502.
IIW. 1995. Closure Report, Solid Waste Management Site, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Cell #1. January.
Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency. 1990. Field Report. Incident #900502. Received 23 February.
Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agency. 1991. Field Report. Incident Number 912738. Received 26 September.
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency. 1991. Letter from Theodore W. Hild, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, to Philip R. Bernstein, Chief of Planning Division, Chicago District Corps of Engineers, responding to comments regarding removal of transformers, contaminated soil, and underground fuel tank at Black Hawk Village. 6 May.
Irwin, C. 1997. Chief of Operations, SVDA, Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-35]). May.
ISGS (Illinois State Geological Survey). 1967. Geological Map of Illinois.
Johnson, E. 1996. Heating Plant Personnel, SVDA, Personal Communication. August.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 13 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Kuk, M. 1996. Fire Chief, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Lawson, B. 1996. Materials Handler Leader, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Leuthauser, S. 1993. Industrial Hygienist. Memorandum Regarding Lead Content in Paint from Playground Equipment.
Leuthauser, S. 1994. Industrial Hygienist. Memorandum Regarding Lead Content in Paint.
LWA (Lee Wan & Associates, Inc.). 1989. Asbestos Survey Report. Prepared for the U.S. Army Engineer District, Louisville, Kentucky. June.
McCue, V. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA, Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-12]). April.
Medley, S. 1996. Environmental Protection Specialist, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Melaas, L. 1995. Civil Engineer, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Melaas, L. 1996. Civil Engineer, SVDA. Personal Communication. January, July/August.
Meyer, E. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-7]). April.
Mills, C. 1996. Hanover Township Board Member. Personal Communication. 29 March.
Mix, B. 1990. Chief, Fire Prevention and Protection Branch. Memorandum Regarding Leaking Transformer. 11 June.
Modern Welding Company of Iowa, Inc. 1994. Recertification of Tanks at Savanna Army Depot. Building 704. 25 January.
Moll, E.O. and M.L. McCallum. 1994. Herpetological Inventory of the Upland/Terrestrial Habitats of the Savanna Army Depot (Final Report). Presented to U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Rock Island Field Office. Department of Zoology, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois. 6 September.
Moose, F. 1996. Dames & Moore. Personal Communication. September.
Mutters, C. 1996. Acting Chief, Information Management, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
NOAA. (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration). 1980. Climatography of the U.S. No. 20, Bellevue, Iowa, Period 1951–1980.
NOAA. 1994. Annual Climatological Summary, Bellevue, Iowa, Lock and Dam No. 12.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 14 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1986. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. I.D. Number 1-010 351. 29 April.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1990a. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Permit #5371 REM. Received 9 October.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1990b. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. I.D. #1-010351. Received 21 September.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1990c. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Buildings 262-3, 264-5, 266-7, and 106. Permit #5371 REM. Received 16 July.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1990d. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Materials. Building 101. Permit #6449 INS. Received 13 July.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1990e. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Building 101. I.D. #1-010351. Received 2 July.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1990f. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Permit #5371 REM. Received 18 June.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1990g. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. I.D. Number 1-010351. Received 30 April.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1990h. Amended Permit. Buildings 106, 111, 136, 101, and 255. Permit #5371 REM. Received 26 April.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1990i. Letter to John Clarke, Environmental Coordinator, Savanna Army Depot Activity, from Jim McCaslin, Field Operations Manager, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety, regarding UST operation after a known or suspected release. 23 February.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991a. Letter from Keith H. Immke, Legal Counsel, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety, regarding amended notification form for removal of tanks.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991b. Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Permit #1286-91 REM.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991c. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 249. Permit #3164-91 INS. Received 17 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991d. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Building 807. I.D. #1-010351. Received 19 November.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 15 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991e. Underground Tank Installation Inspection. Building 807. Permit #1912-91. Received 5 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991f. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Permit #1573-91 INS. Received 16 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991g. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 807. Permit #1912-91 INS. Received 12 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991h. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 412, 502, 245, 247, and 255. Permit #1573-91 INS. Received 9 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991i. Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 807. Permit #1830-91 REM. Received 9 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1991j. Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 245, 247, 249, 255, 276, 412, and 502- 1. Permit #1286-91 REM. Received 6 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1992a. Affidavit for UST Installation Signed by Steve A. Ceroni, Vice President, Nelson Carlson Mechanical Contractors. Permit #5224-92-INS. 22 September.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1992b. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Permit #5073-92 REM. Received 25 August.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1992c. Inspection Notice. Permit #5073-92 REM. Received 1 July.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1992d. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 114. Permit #5224-92 INS. Received 22 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1992e. Application for Permit to Remove Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 114, 800, 427, 645, and 926. Permit #5073-92 REM. Received 16 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1992f. Letter from Keith H. Immke, Legal Counsel, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety, to James L. Morgan, Assistant Attorney General, regarding the 1988 annual fees. 12 March.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1992g. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Buildings 245, 247, 249, 255, 276, 412, and 502. Received 3 January.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 16 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993a. Inspection Notice and Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Permit #0419-93 INS. Received 14 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993b. Underground Storage Tank Installation Inspection. Permit #0419-93 INS. Received 10 December 1993.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993c. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tanks Installed (Permit #0420-93). I.D. #1-010351. Received 19 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993d. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 704. Permit #0419-93 INS. 19 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993e. Affidavit for UST Installation Signed by Steve A. Ceroni, Vice President, Nelson Carlson Mechanical Contractors. 8 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993f. Underground Storage Tank Installation. Building 21. Permit #0420-93 INS. Received 5 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993g. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. I.D. #1-010351. Buildings 704, 260, 250, and 54. Tank(s) Removed (Permit #9198-93 REM). Received 1 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993h. Application for Installation Permit of Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Permit #0419-93 INS. Received 20 October.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993i. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 54. Permit #0420-93 INS. Received 8 October.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993j. Permit Application for Nelson Carlson Mechanical Contractors for work at Savanna Army Depot. Permit #0419-93 INS. Received 30 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993k. Permit for Upgrade or Repair of Underground Storage Tanks and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 249. Permit #9320-93 UPG/REP. Received 2 August.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993l. Inspection Notice. Buildings 704, 260, 250, and 54. Permit #9198-93. Received 22 July.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1993m. Amended Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 704, 260, 250, and 54. Permit #9198-93 REM. Received 7 July.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 17 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994a. Underground Tank Installation Inspection. Permit #2031-94 INS. Buildings 802 and 810. Received 2 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994b. Inspection Notice. Permit #2031-94 INS. Received 4 November.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994c. Notification Form for Underground Storage Tanks. Tank(s) Removed (Permit #1469-94). I.D. #101035T. Received 24 October.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994d. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tank(s) and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 802 and 810. Permit #2031-94 INS. Received 14 October.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994e. Inspection Notice. Permit #1469-94 REM. Received 8 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994f. Application for Permit to Remove Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 1005, 810, 802, and 645. Permit #1469-94 REM. Received 11 July.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994g. Adjustment Form. Invoice Nos. 30608, 1025, 24326. 8 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994h. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Building 255. Tanks Upgraded/Repaired (Permit #9320-93). Received 8 June.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1994i. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tanks Installed (Permit #1573-91). Buildings 255, 412, 245, 276, and 249. I.D. #1-010351. Received 8 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994j. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tanks Installed (Permit #3164-91). Building 247. I.D. #1-010351. Received 8 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994k. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tank(s) Removed (Permit 1830-91). Building 807. I.D. #1-010351. Received 8 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994l. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Building 54. Tanks Installed (Permit #04-20-93). I.D. #1-010351. Tank Installed (Permit #4-20-93). Received 25 May.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994m. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Building 114. Tanks Installed (Permit #5224-92). 25 May.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994n. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. I.D. #1-010351. Buildings 114, 427, 645, 926, and 800. Tank(s) Removed (Permit #5073-92). Received 20 May.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994o. Telephone Log. 17 May.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 18 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994p. Certified Mail Form Regarding Tank Nos. 260-1 and 250-1 no longer being registrable. Buildings 250 and 260. Received 25 April.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994q. Notice of Installation of USTs Under Permit #s 1573-91, 3164-91, and 5224-92; Upgrade/Repair for UST Under Permit #9320-93; and Removal for USTs Under Permit #s 1830-91 and 5073-92. 25 April.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1994r. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tanks Installed (Permit #0419-93). I.D. #1-010351. Received 25 January.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995a. Inspection Notice and Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks. Building 941. Permit #2604-95 REM. Notice Received 22 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995b. Application for Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks. Received 15 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995c. Letter to Westinghouse Remediation Services Regarding Licensing for Underground Storage Tanks from James McCaslin, Director, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety, License Number IL504. Received 15 December.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995d. Permit for Installation of Underground Storage Tank(s) and Piping for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Building 932. Permit #1586- 95 INS. Received 11 October.
Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1995e. Underground Storage Tank Installation Inspection. Permit #1586-95 INS. Received 12 September.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995f. Inspection Notice. Permit #1586-95 INS. Received 21 August.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995g. Application for Permit for Removal of Underground Storage Tanks. Building 941. Control #2604-95 REM. Approved 15 December. Received 13 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995h. Inspection Notice. Permit #0745-95 REM. Received 13 June.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995i. Application for Permit to Remove Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum and Hazardous Substances. Buildings 928, 932, 939, and 1017. Permit #0745-95 REM. Received 10 April.
Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal. 1995j. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks. Tank(s) Removed (Permit #1469-94). Buildings 802, 645, 1005, and 810. Received 7 March.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 19 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Office of the [Illinois] State Fire Marshal. 1996. Log of Underground Storage Tank Removal. Building 941 and 948. Permit #2604-95 REM. Received 16 January.
Ortiz-Wiegele, C. 1995. Letter and Addendum to Letter Regarding Request for UST Removal Activities Without the Presence of an Illinois State Fire Marshal from Catherine Ortiz- Wiegele, Westinghouse Remediation Services, to James McCaslin, Director, Division of Petroleum and Chemical Safety. Received 15 December.
Piskin, K. and R.E. Bergstrom. 1975. Glacial Drift in Illinois: Thickness and Characters. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 490.
Q.C. Metallurgical Laboratory, Inc. 1995. Collection and Analysis of Soil Samples from an Ammunition Storage Site. July 21.
Reilly, K. 1998. Defense Logistics Agency Employee. Personal Communication. 2 April.
Richmond, D. 1996. Mechanic Working Leader, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Rissell, P. 1996. USAEC Project Manager. Personal Communication. February.
Roberts, D. 1996. Certified Operator, SVDA. Personal Communication. January.
Robinson, W. 1986. Operations Branch Chief, SVDA. Letter to James M. Ryan, Environmental Protection Specialist, regarding an inspection of Building 938. 1 August.
Robinson, W. 1995. Mission Division Chief, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Robinson, W. 1996. Mission Division Chief, SVDA. Personal Communications. January, April, and May.
Robinson, W. 1997a. Mission Division Chief, SVDA. Personal Communication. March.
Robinson, W. 1997b. Mission Division Chief, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archives Search Report [I-33]). April.
Ross V. Bogott Co. 1991. Letter from Roy H. Velde to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshall regarding permit application for tank removal at Building 807. 3 September.
Russell, R.R. 1963. Groundwater Levels in Illinois Through 1961. Report of Investigation 45, Illinois State Water Survey.
SAD (Savanna Army Depot). 1965a. ASWD Storage Space in J Area; Building 802 Location Map, Site Plan, and Floor Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 23 June.
SAD. 1965b. Heating System Repairs and Installation of Under-roof Insulation in Building 711. 17 May 1963, revised 15 December 1965.
SAD. 1966a. Rehabilitate Stone House Building 2212, Heating Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 1 July.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 20 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SAD. 1966b. S.T. Maintenance Facilities. Depot Facilities Division. 15 November.
SAD. 1966c. A SWD Storage Space in J Area Architectural Plan and Details. Depot Facilities Division. 8 April.
SAD. 1966d. A SWD Storage Space in J-Area; Title Sheet, Index of Drawings Location Map, Site Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 15 March.
SAD. 1966e. Provide Protection Facilities for Modification of 90 MM Cartridges Plan, Buildings 729 and 776. Depot Facilities Division. 19 January.
SAD. 1968. Line Item 62 – Addition, Special Weapons Maintenance Facility Floor Plan-Building 807. 7 June.
SAD. 1969a. Memorandum Regarding Oil Slick on Mississippi River Reported by Iowa State Health Department as a Formal Compliant to FWPCA. 20 March.
SAD. 1969b. Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Oil Slick. 24 March.
SAD. 1969c. News Release Regarding Oil Slick in Mississippi River.
SAD. 1970a. Alterations to Washout Floor Plan (Equipment). As-Built Drawing. Depot Facilities Division. 12 February.
SAD. 1970b. Typical Gas Pump Installation Near Building 800. As-Built Drawing. Depot Facilities Division. 24 June.
SAD. 1971a. Electrical Power Plant Architectural Structure Plans, Elevations, Sections and Detail. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. 8 November.
SAD. 1971b. Electrical Power Plant Layout, Grading, and Utilities Plan, Section and Log of Buildings. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. 8 November.
SAD. 1971c. Generator Plant – J Area Detail Site Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 18 March.
SAD. 1971d. Report on Waste Disposal Facilities and Practices, Savanna Army Depot. 28 May.
SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation). 1996a. CERFA Report, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. November.
SAIC. 1996b. Supporting Documentation for Underground Storage Tanks, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. Prepared for U.S. Army Environmental Center. November.
SAIC. 1997. Memorandum from Ann Johnson, SAIC Project Manager, to John Clarke, SVDA BRAC Environmental Coordinator, in reference to the Herbicide Spill near Building 201. 5 May.
Schaible, D. 1996. Mayor of Hanover, Illinois. Personal Communication. October.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 21 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Scott, W. 1995. Radiological Protection Officer, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Sevey, D. 1995. Mechanical Engineer, SVDA (Retired). Personal Interview. October.
Sevey, D. 1996. Mechanical Engineer, SVDA (Retired). Personal Interview. May.
Sheehy, M. 1995. Machinist Foreman, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Sheehy, M. 1997. Machinist Foreman, SVDA. Personal Communication during Visual Inspection. May.
Sisler, R. 1996. Facilities Management Technician, SVDA. Personal Communication. April.
Smith, R. 1996. Former SVDA Employee. Personal Interview. September.
Smith, F. 1997. Former SVDA Employee. ASR Interview. 5 May.
SOD (Savanna Ordnance Depot). 1923. Contour Map. Picatinny Arsenal. 11 May.
SOD. 1929. Detail Map, Ammunition Area Showing Buildings, Railroads, Roads, Utilities, and Structures. 15 June.
SOD. 1931a. Sanitary Sewer Atlas, First and Second Districts. 6 February.
SOD. 1931b. Detail Map, First and Second Districts, Lower Post Showing Buildings, Rail Roads, Roads, and Structures. 14 January, revised 1 September.
SOD. 1931c. Sanitary Sewer Atlas, First and Second Districts. 6 February.
SOD. 1931d. Storm Drain Altas, First and Second Districts. 16 February.
SOD. 1931e. Storm Drains, Retaining Walls, Curbs and Walks, Second District – Lower Post. 31 March.
SOD. 1933. Underground Ice House ZM2-6. 1 April.
SOD. 1934a. 60-Car Frame Garage for Lower Post ZB2-26, Savanna Ordnance Depot. 6 April, revised 15 November.
SOD. 1934b. Historical Record of Ordnance Buildings and Grounds, Savanna Ordnance Depot, WARA-Archives I, RG77 Entry 393: Historical Records of Buildings, 1905-1941, Box 229.
SOD. 1936. Underground Telephone System, First and Second Districts. 18 October 1933, revised 6 November 1936.
SOD. 1939a. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Loading Plant, RI&P Building, Plumbing Details. 24 November.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 22 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1939b. Plumbing Details at the Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Loading Plant, RIP Building. 24 November.
SOD. 1939c. Production Loading of Shell. 27 January.
SOD. 1939d. Loading Plant, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Illinois, Location Plan. Ordnance Department. 1 May.
SOD. 1940a. Typical Melt Loading Line, Group 1 Complete Rounds Fixed and Semi-Fixed and Infantry Mortar Shell and Fragment Bombs, Standard Boostering Building Operations. Ordnance Department. 12 June.
SOD. 1940b. Details of Loading Plant, R.I.&P. Buildings, Septic Tank, and Catch Basin. 18 April, revised 21 May.
SOD. 1940c. Garage and Shop Building, Plumbing and Heating Plan. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 28 October.
SOD. 1940d. Temporary Buildings Barracks – 45 and 63 Men, Toilet and Heater Room Details. Construction Division, Office of the Quartermaster General. 20 May, revised through 22 August.
SOD. 1940e. Standard Propellant Charge Building Operations – Cartridge Case Filings. Ordnance Department. 3 June.
SOD. 1940f. Typical Melt Loading Line Group 1 – Complete Rounds, Fixed and Semi-fixed and Infantry Mortar Shell and Fragment Bombs, Change House “C” Septic Tank and Leaching Pool. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. August.
SOD. 1940g. Standard Propellant Charge Building and Smokeless Powder Magazine Buildings Conveyor System. Ordnance Department. 30 April.
SOD. 1941a. Completion Report, Project 41-1. War Department, Office of the Area Engineer.
SOD. 1941b. Completion Report, Project 41-2. War Department, Office of the Area Engineer.
SOD. 1941c. Key to Buildings and Structures.
SOD. 1941d. Miscellaneous Buildings, Gate Houses, Plumbing, and Heating. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 19 September.
SOD. 1941e. Typical Melt Loading Line, Receiving and Painting Building, Paint Storage and Mixing Building, Piping Layout for Paint-Spraying Equipment, and Miscellaneous Mechanical. 16 June.
SOD. 1941f. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Typical Melt Loading Line, Receiving and Painting Building and Paint Storage and Mixing Building, Piping – Layout for Paint Spraying, Equipment, and Miscellaneous Mechanical. 16 June.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 23 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1941g. Water Distribution and Sewer Systems for Hospital Group, Recreation Buildings, Quartermaster Commissary, and Chapel. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 14 June.
SOD. 1941h. Floor and Sleeve Plan for Paint Storage and Mixing Building. Office of Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Proving Ground, Illinois. 19 May.
SOD. 1941i. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Receiving and Painting Building, Drain from Automatic Paint Spraying Equipment. 7 May.
SOD. 1941j. Receiving and Painting Building Drain from Automatic Paint Spraying Equipment. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 7 May.
SOD. 1941k. Typical Melt Loading Line, H.E. Preparation Building. Revised Equipment Layout. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 28 February, revised 28 May.
SOD. 1941l. Administration Building, Basement Plan. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 27 October, revised 28 November.
SOD. 1941m. Sewage Treatment Plan, Digestion Tank, Plan–Sections and Details. Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster, Sixth Construction Zone. 10 November.
SOD. 1941n. Sewage Treatment Plan, Sludge Beds, Plan–Sections and Details. Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster, Sixth Construction Zone. 10 November.
SOD. 1941o. Sewage Treatment Plan, Trickling Filters, Plan–Sections and Details. Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster, Sixth Construction Zone. 10 November, revisions through 15 December.
SOD. 1941p. Utilities Map Fire and Guardhouse–Garage and Shop. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 24 April.
SOD. 1941q. Warehouse (Inert Material) Toilet Building, Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 7 August.
SOD. 1941r. Additions to Loading Plants, Laundry Building, Settling Tank and Leach Pit. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster. 6 June.
SOD. 1941s. Standard Boostering Building, Vacuum Line Details. Ordnance Department. July 1990, revised 15 January 1941.
SOD. 1941t. Headquarters Sixth Corps Report, Annual Inspection of Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Proving Ground, Illinois. 28 October.
SOD. 1942a. Completion Report, Project 42-1. War Department, Office of the Area Engineer.
SOD. 1942b. Heating of TNT Screener, Building CL. 24 December.
SOD. 1942c. Dust Collector for TNT Screener – CL Plant. 24 November.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 24 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1942d. Installation of Screeners in Present TNT Service Building – CL Plant. 15 October.
SOD. 1942e. Layout of Proposed TNT Screening Arrangement. 12 September, revised 17 September.
SOD. 1942f. Alterations to Existing Plant Property Stores Building. 30 May.
SOD. 1942g. Map of Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Change House, Plumbing. 26 May, revised 1 June.
SOD. 1942h. Map of Process Piping and Plumbing, Water and Sewer at the Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Kettle Houses ANP 1 and 3, and Pan Houses ANP-2 and 4. 26 May.
SOD. 1942i. Plans of Heating and Plumbing at Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Laboratory ANP-9, and Gatehouse ANP-8. 26 May.
SOD. 1942j. General Map, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Illinois. Highlights area around LCL Building. 1 April.
SOD. 1942k. Savanna Ordnance Depot, Proving Ground, Illinois, Building for Clipping, Belting, and Linking Small Arms Ammunition, Transformer Vault Structural Details. 5 February.
SOD. 1942l. Alterations to C.M. Warehouse and Other Miscellaneous Construction. Gate and Sentry Houses Heating and Plumbing. U.S. Engineer Area Office. 22 January, revised 15 July.
SOD. 1942m. Bachelor Officers Quarters and Mess Hall. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 4 March.
SOD. 1942n. Building for Clipping, Belting and Linking Small Arms Ammunition, Water & Sewer Lines. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 6 February.
SOD. 1942o. Change House at “CJ,” Heating and Plumbing Details. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 30 July.
SOD. 1942p. Classroom Alternations to Warehouse No. 3, Plumbing and Sewer Plans and Details. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 13 February.
SOD. 1942q. Enlargement of Lower Post Boiler House, Plans and Details. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 15 June.
SOD. 1942r. Enlargement of Lower Post Boiler House, Plumbing and Details. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 14 June.
SOD. 1942s. Sewage Treatment Plant, Settling Tanks and Pump House, Sections and Details. Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster, Sixth Construction Zone. 13 December 1941, revised through 12 February 1942.
SOD. 1942t. Installation of Building ZC4-26 at CF for Stencil Cleaning. 14 September.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 25 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1942u. Proposed Drainage Systems for Laundry-C.F. 20 April.
SOD. 1942v. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Boiler House ANP-6 Equipment and Plumbing Plant. Rock Island District, Corps of Engineers. 26 May.
SOD. 1942w. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Laboratory ANP-9 and Gatehouse ANP-8, Heating and Plumbing. Rock Island District, Corps of Engineers. 26 May.
SOD. 1942x. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, Water Distribution System, Sanitary and Waste Water Sewer Systems. Rock Island District, Corps of Engineers. 25 May.
SOD. 1943a. Real Estate Map.
SOD. 1943b. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 3. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October.
SOD. 1943c. Open Ditch Drainage for “H” Area. 16 June, revised through 14 October.
SOD. 1943d. Combined Sewer Systems for Field Camp, G-Area, CF&CL&CN Plants, General Layout Plan. 29 February, revised 10 April.
SOD. 1943e. Built in Desk for Guard Post 2. 25 January.
SOD. 1943f. Concrete Floors in “H” Area Warehouses. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 28 April.
SOD. 1943g. Map of Proposed Manholes in S.S.O.S. Area. 30 March.
SOD. 1943h. New Ladies Restroom for Building 113. 3 May.
SOD. 1943i. Pumping Plant at Civilian War Housing, Pumping Equipment. U.S. Engineer Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot Area Office. 7 January.
SOD. 1943j. Historical Report for Phase II, Phase III, and First Tri-monthly Report (1 July 1939 to 31 December 1942) for Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Illinois. (Archives Search Report [B-107]). 26 February.
SOD. 1943k. Historical Report for Phase I (1 July 1919 to 1 July 1939). Letter, WARA-Archives II, R6 156, Entry 646: Historics of Ordnance Installations and Activities, 1940-1945, Box A403. (Archives Search Report [B-58]). 30 January.
SOD. 1943l. Tri-monthly Historical Report for the Period 1 April to 30 June 1943, Savanna Ordnance Depot, 126 156, Rew 372 (Archives Search Report [B-103]). 17 July.
SOD. 1943m. Completion Report, Project 38-40, Savanna Ordnance Depot, War Department, Office of the Area Engineer.
SOD. 1944a. Plot Plan for Garbage Incinerator. 1 July, revised 27 August.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 26 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1944b. Open Storage for Ammunition between CF and D. 19 February, revised 13 September.
SOD. 1944c. Layout of Bomb Painting Equipment in R.I.P. and R.I.P. Annex Rooms. 7 August.
SOD. 1944d. Historical Report for the Period 1 January to 31 March, 126 156, Entry 646, Box A405 (Archives Search Report [B-125]).
SOD. 1945a. Sewers at Gate “I.” 26 December.
SOD. 1945b. Details of Proposed Addition to Garage. 7 April.
SOD. 1945c. Proposed Addition to Garage. 4 April.
SOD. 1945d. Facilities Record and Key to Plot Plan. 10 January.
SOD. 1945e. Proposed Hard Standing Storage Surface – H - Area. 10 May.
SOD. 1946a. Fuel Oil Storage Tank Location for Central Heating Plant. 9 April.
SOD. 1946b. Addition to Building ZB2-15, Elevations, Savanna Ordnance Depot. January, revised 2 April.
SOD. 1946c. Location of Water Softener Equipment, Building 2CF-19, C.F. Plant. 15 May.
SOD. 1947a. Land Management Map. Savanna Proving Grounds, Savanna, Illinois. July.
SOD. 1947b. Sump for Washout Operations – Melt and Pour, Building-C.F. 6 January.
SOD. 1947c. Hydrogen Zeo-Karb Water Softener of Plant Location, A.R. Compressor Building. 14 January.
SOD. 1947d. Washout Plant, Rehabilitation of Secondary TNT Leaching Pits at C.F. 14 November 1946, revised 16 January 1947.
SOD. 1948a. Loading Plant, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Illinois, General Layout. 6 May.
SOD. 1948b. Individual Damage Report, Explosion of F Area Building B-1. Date of Damage 21 January 1948. 23 January.
SOD. 1949 Land Utilization Map, Savanna Illinois, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, Real Estate Division, 6 October 1949. (Archives Search Report [B-15]).
SOD. 1950a. Historical Report (presumed), May 1950.
SOD. 1950b. Detail of Chemical Cleaning Line – R.I.P. Building – “CL,” Drain Trough, and Pump Basin. 18 May.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 27 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1950c. Plans Showing Conversion of Buildings ZCN-1 and ZCN-3 to Ammunition Inspectors Workshop. 1 May.
SOD. 1950d. Cartridge Case Chemical Cleaning Building, Details of Catch Basin, Army Services Force, Ordnance Corps. 4 August.
SOD. 1950e. Chemical Cleaning Line, Building ZCL-14, Leaching Beds, Sewer Lines, Manhole, & Details. 27 May.
SOD. 1951a. TNT Vacuum Receiver Buildings at CF and CL Installation of Washdown Facilities, Vacuum Hose Connections, Sump Facility, and Heating. Plot Plan CL and CF. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 10 December.
SOD. 1951b. Historical Report, July through December 1951.
SOD. 1952a. Historical Report, July through December 1952.
SOD. 1952b. Historical Report, January through June 1952.
SOD. 1952c. General Map. Savanna Proving Grounds, Savanna, Illinois. 1 April 1942, with update September 1952.
SOD. 1952d. Memorandum to Chief of Ordnance, Department of the Army, from W.R. Shurly, Jr., Lt. Col. Ord. Corps, regarding “Disposal of Surplus Dinitro-ortho-cresol Dust.” 31 July.
SOD. 1952e. Safety Inspection of all Ammunition and Explosives Operations, Travel Report. 4 April.
SOD. 1953a. Historical Report, July through December 1953.
SOD. 1953b. Historical Report, January through June 1953.
SOD. 1954a. Historical Report, July through December 1954.
SOD. 1954b. Historical Report, January through June 1954.
SOD. 1955a. Historical Report, July through December 1955.
SOD. 1955b. Sewage Treatment Plant, General Location Map, Record Drawing Work As-Built. 20 August.
SOD. 1955c. Sewage Treatment Plant, Plant Layout, Record Drawing Work As-Built. 20 August.
SOD. 1955d. Sewage Disposal System for Building ZD5-3 (T-1007); Plot Plan, Manhole, Distribution Box, and Tile Field Details. Ordnance Corps. 9 June.
SOD. 1955e. Utilities Map–Sewer–Savanna Ordnance Depot. 22 January.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 28 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1955f. Historical Report, Savanna Ordnance Depot, 1 January through June 1955. 5 October.
SOD. 1955g. General Map. 1 April 1942, revised through 20 January 1955.
SOD. 1956a. Sewage Treatment Plant, Sewer-Plan and Profile, Record Drawing Work As-Built. 15 October.
SOD. 1956b. Liquid Propellant Storage Area – Class 150 Building – Storehouse Floor Plan and Details. Chicago District, Corps of Engineers. 27 January.
SOD. 1956c. Alteration to Recreation Building 2T-T140 Heating Plan. 11 September.
SOD. 1956d. Central Heating Plant Oil Conversion, Plot Plan. 28 August.
SOD. 1956e. Inventory of Military Real Property, Building List, Savanna Ordnance Depot, (DA Form 5-20). 30 June.
SOD. 1957a. Liquid Propellant Storage Area – Class 150 Vehicle Cleaning Pad Plan and Sections. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities. Department of the Army. 5 June.
SOD. 1957b. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities, Layout Plan. 27 January 1956, revised as- built 5 June 1957.
SOD. 1957c. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities Building 1; Plumbing Plan and Details, Record Drawing Work, As-Built Diagram. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. 5 June.
SOD. 1957d. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities, Building 1; Plan Sections and Details. Record Drawing Work, As-Built-Diagram, Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. 5 June.
SOD. 1957e. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities, Water Distribution and Sanitary Sewer System, Chicago District, Corps of Engineers. 27 January 1956, revised 5 January 1957.
SOD. 1957f. Special Storage and Servicing Facilities, Site Grading and Drainage. Chicago District, Corps of Engineers. 17 January 1956, revised 5 June 1957.
SOD. 1957g. Measurement of Air and Ground Shock Disturbance Arising from Demolition Activities at Savanna Ordnance Depot, Report #6, Explosives Research Group, University of Utah. 15 November.
SOD. 1957g. Unit Map 79 of Building 939. 13 January 1955, revised 29 June 1957.
SOD. 1957h. Map, Master Plan, Basic Information Map, General Site and Building Use Map, Savanna Ordnance Depot, 1 April 1942 revised 7 September 1957.
SOD. 1958a. Historical Report, July through December 1958.
SOD. 1958b. Sewer Utilities Map. 22 January 1955, revised 1 January 1958.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 29 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. ca. 1958c. Historical Report(?). Undated.
SOD. 1959a. Historical Report, July through December 1959.
SOD. 1959b. Category Card 149 90/1715, Pad for Burning Acid – Near Bomb Disassembly Plant. 20 August.
SOD. 1959c. Boiler Firing Conversion Coal to Oil Fired Building ZD-H/C-3 Details. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 13 May.
SOD. 1959d. Developmental Firings Semi-Combustible Cartridge Case for 90mm Gun; Construction Details. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 27 March.
SOD. 1959e. Developmental Firings Semi-Combustible Cartridge Case for 90mm Gun; Plans and Profile. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 13 March, revised 19 March.
SOD. 1959f. Developmental Firings Semi-Combustible Cartridge Case for 90mm Gun; Project Site Map. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 13 March, revised 19 March.
SOD. 1959g. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 4. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through 18 June 1959.
SOD. 1959h. Oil Fired Warm Air Heating System, Gate “I” Cafeteria ZD-5-28, Plans & Details. Ordnance Corps. 8 December.
SOD. 1960a. Historical Report, July through December 1960.
SOD. 1960b. Historical Report, January through June 1960.
SOD. 1960c. Rehabilitation of CL Boiler Plant, Building 645. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 20 May.
SOD. 1960d. Conversion of CJ Plant Building to Administrative and Operation Building – Heating, Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 3 May.
SOD. 1961a. Facilities Data. May.
SOD. 1961b. Rehabilitate Building S-249 for Miscellaneous Troop Activities, Plumbing and Miscellaneous Details. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 20 February.
SOD. 1961c. Real Property Record – Miscellaneous Structures – Swimming Pool, Building 108. 31 May.
SOD. 1961d. Land Utilization Map, 6 October 1949 revised circa 1961. Real Estate Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District. (Archives Search Report [B-270]).
SOD. 1961e. Map, circa 1961 (Archives Search Report [B-271]).
Savanna Army Depot Activity 30 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1961f. Land Utilization and Conservation Map, circa 1961. (Archives Search Report [B-272)].
SOD. 1962. Historical Report, January through June 1962.
SOD. 1963a. Diversion of Building 939 to Surveillance Workshop. Depot Facilities Division. 24 June.
SOD. 1963b. Replace Burners and Controls at CF and Lower Post Boilers Houses, Floor Plans. Depot Facilities Division. 21 January.
SOD. 1964a. ASMS Training Facilities, Alterations to Classroom–Building No. 22, Site Plan. U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers. 3 February.
SOD. 1964b. Conversion of Building S-252 to Community Center. 15 October.
SOD. 1964c. Repairs to Post Chapel, Heating Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 10 November.
SOD. 1965. Convert S-233 to Automotive Hobby Shop. 29 April.
SOD. 1966a. Industrial Waste Treatment at Washout Plant. 4 October.
SOD. 1966b. Installation of Snack Bar in Building T-249 Feasibility Study. Depot Facilities Division. 29 November.
SOD. 1966c. Rehabilitate Building T-273, Proposed Floor Plan. Depot Facilities Division. 19 October.
SOD. 1966d. Rehabilitation of Building No. 412, Plan, Equipment Layout–Bay A. Depot Facilities Division. 18 February.
SOD. 1966e. Rehabilitation of Building No. 412, Plan, Equipment Layout–Bay B-C. Depot Facilities Division. 18 February.
SOD. 1966f. Rehabilitate Building T-246
SOD. 1966g. Rehabilitation of Building Number 412, Plan-Industrial Metallurgical Laboratory. Depot Facilities Division. 18 February.
SOD. 1967a. Alterations to Building No. 938. Depot Facilities Division. 23 June.
SOD. 1967b. MCA Facility Housing, 32 Units, Grading and Drainage Plan. U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers. 28 March.
SOD. 1967c. Permanent Family Housing Non-commissioned Officers, 2 and 3 Bedroom Row Type, Heating Details and Schedules. U.S. Army Engineer District, Corps of Engineers. ”As-Built” Drawing. 29 March.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 31 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1967d. Property Disposal Facilities, Electrical, Plan and Details. Depot Facilities Division. 16 October.
SOD. 1967e. Property Disposal Facilities, Heating–Air Conditioning and Plumbing, Plan and Details. Depot Facilities Division. 16 October.
SOD. 1967f. Property Disposal Facilities, Heating–Air Conditioning and Plumbing, Plan and Details. Depot Facilities Division. 10 September.
SOD. 1967g. Sanitary Sewer – H Area. Depot Facilities Division. 23 January.
SOD. 1968. Field Maintenance Shop, Building 414. Depot Facilities Division.
SOD. 1969a. Savanna Army Depot, Savanna, Illinois, Weapons Surveillance Workshop, Site Plan Utility. 21 May.
SOD. 1969b. Replace Boiler Building T-253. Depot Facilities Division. 22 September.
SOD. 1969c. Unit Map 107 of Savanna Ordnance Depot. Ordnance Corps. 15 March 1955, revised 14 January 1969.
SOD. 1969d. Unit Map 131. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 28 March 1955, revised through February.
SOD. 1969e. Unit Maps, Construction Program 1938 to 1943, Sheet No. 35. U.S. Engineer Area Office. Revised through 4 February.
SOD. 1970. Chemical Clean Building 762. 27 August.
SOD. 1971. Unit Map 88. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 23 February 1955, revised through 20 October 1971.
SOD. 1973a. Unit Map 90, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 3 January 1955, revised through 13 September 1973.
SOD. 1973b. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 24. U.S. Engineer Area Office. 1 November 1944, revised through 27 November 1973.
SOD. 1973c. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 26. U.S. Engineer Area Office. November 1944, revised through 27 November 1973.
SOD. 1973d. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Map 8. October 1943, revised through 10 September 1973.
SOD. 1974a. Increase Ventilation, Building 134, Dark Rooms 1 and 2, Site and Details. Depot Facilities Division. 27 March.
SOD. 1974b. Unit Map 13. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. October 1943, revised through 6 November 1974.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 32 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. 1974c. Unit Map 66. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. December 1944, revised through 8 November 1974.
SOD. 1974d. Unit Map 91. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army. 5 January 1955, revised through 19 November 1974.
SOD. 1974e. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 9. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through November 1974.
SOD. 1974f. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 2. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through 29 July 1974.
SOD. 1974g. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Map 5. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through 30 July 1974.
SOD. 1974h. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 6. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through 30 July 1974.
SOD. 1974i. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 10. U.S. Engineer Area Office. October 1943, revised through 1 August 1974.
SOD. 1975a. U.S. Engineer Area Office, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Unit Maps. Construction Program 1938 to 1943, Sheet No. 27, revised through 13 March 1975.
SOD. 1975b. Unit Map 16. 13 January 1955, revised through 14 March 1975.
SOD. 1975c. Unit Map 70 of Savanna Ordnance Depot. Ordnance Department. 22 April 1957, revised July 1975.
SOD. 1975d. Unit Map 75 of Building 941. January 1945, revised through 28 July 1975.
SOD. 1975e. Unit Maps, Construction Program 1938 to 1943, Sheet No. 53. U.S. Engineer Area Office. Revised through 17 July 1975.
SOD. 1975f. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 25. U.S. Engineer Area Office. November 1944, revised through 13 March 1975.
SOD. 1975g. Unit Maps Construction Program 1938 to 1943. Sheet No. 23. U.S. Engineer Area Office. 1 November 1944, revised through 13 March 1975.
SOD. 1975h. Unit Map 74 of Septic System Southeast of Building 939. January 1945, revised 1950 through July 21, 1975.
SOD. Date illegible-a. Addition to Garage, Building ZBZ-3, Plan, Elevations and Foundation. Ordnance Corps. December.
SOD. Date illegible-b. Foundation Plan and Details of the Bomb Loading Plant. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Proving Ground, Illinois.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 33 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SOD. Date illegible-c. General Map of Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Illinois.
SOD. Date illegible-d. Plans for Car Washrack for New Garage. 13 January.
SOD. Date illegible-e. Plot Plan Details for Garage and Shop Building and Storage Garage. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster.
SOD. Date illegible-f (194_). Plumbing and Heating Plan for Garage and Shop Building.
SOD. Date illegible-g. Machine Shop, Proposed Plan for Machine Relocation.
SOD. Date illegible-h. ASMS Training Facilities, Addition to ASMS Workshop. Site Plan.
SOD. Date illegible-i. Completion Electric Generating Station, Basement Plan, South and East Elevation. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster.
SOD. Date illegible-j. Garage and Shop Building, Plumbing and Heating Plan. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster.
SOD. Date illegible-k. Sewage Treatment Plant, General Plan and Index. Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster.
SOD. Date illegible-l. Sewage Treatment Plant, Outside... Office of the Zone Constructing Quartermaster, Sixth Construction Zone.
SOD. Undated-a. Additions to Loading Plants, Typical Melt Loading Line, Laundry Building, and Generating Unit Building, Heating and Plumbing. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster.
SOD. Undated-b. Line Layout for Loading of Shell, HE, MI406, for 8-inch HOW, M2, in Building ZCL-8, CL Plant. Ordnance Corps, Department of the Army.
SOD. Undated-c. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Ordnance Depot, Completion Bomb Loading Plant, RIP Building, Foundation Plan and Details.
SOD. Undated-d. Plot Plan for Explosive Washout Operation. Ordnance Depot, U.S. Army.
SOD. Undated-e. Washout Plant, Melt and Pour Building – CF, Ventilation – System Lighting Prot., Elect., and Process. Ordnance Department, U.S. Army.
SOD. Undated-f. Water Distribution System, General Plan, Design Analysis.
SOD. Undated-g. Warehouse Toilet Buildings Sewage Disposal System.
SOD. Undated-h. Floor Plan – Building 807.
SOD. Undated-i. Typical Melt Loading Line, Septic Tank and Leaching Pools. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 34 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Speaker, R. 1996. SVDA Employee. Personal Communication. May.
SPG (Savanna Proving Ground). 1918a. Sewer Atlas. Savanna Proving Grounds, Savanna, Illinois. 28 December.
SPG. 1918b. Garage for Savanna Proving Ground, Illinois, Rock Island Arsenal, USA. Ordnance Department. Revised 15 May.
SPG. 1918c. Map of Savanna Proving Ground, Rock Island Arsenal, USA. 9 February, revised 25 May.
SPG. 1918d. Completion Report. Office of the Constructing Quartermaster, Savanna Proving Grounds. 11 December.
SPG. 1919. History of Savanna Proving Ground. 11 April.
SPG. 1920a. Completion Report of Artillery Storage Warehouses at Savanna Proving Ground, Savanna, Illinois. February.
SPG. 1920b. Engine House and Locomotives, Plans, Elevations and Sections. 24 July.
SPG. 1920c. Nitrate Storage Pit. Construction Service QMC – U.S.A. 28 July.
SPG. 1921a. Layout Showing Old and New Roads, Buildings, Sewers, and Water Mains. Lower Field Contract. 15 July.
SPG. 1921b. Completion Report.
SPG. 1921c. Roof Covering Nitrate Storage Pit. Office of Commanding Officer. 6 January.
SPG. 1921d. Brief History of the Installation, Savanna Proving Ground and Ordnance Depot. (Archives Search Report [B-4]). 26 May.
SPG. Undated-a. Administration Building for Savanna Proving Grounds. Rock Island Arsenal.
SPG. Undated-b. Central Heating Plant. Rock Island Arsenal.
SPG. Undated-c. Central Heating Plant, Building 114, Savanna Proving Ground, Rock Island Arsenal, USA.
SPG. Undated-d. Locomotive House for Savanna Proving Ground, Savanna, Illinois, Rock Island Arsenal, USA.
SPG. Undated-e. Ammunition and Instrument Building for Savanna Proving Ground, Savanna, Illinois, Rock Island Arsenal, USA.
SPG/OCQ (Office of the Constructing Quartermaster). 1921. Completion Report for Project 110- CONSTR-1.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 35 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey Sproule Construction Co., Inc. 1991. Letter from Daniel R. Sproule, President, Sproule Construction Co., Inc., to Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal regarding expedition of permits. 6 September.
Stafford, B., H. Hassen, E. Jelks, J. Phillippe, E. Hajic, N. Asch, and D. Asch. 1983. An Archeological Overview and Management Plan for the Savanna Army Depot, Jo Davies and Carroll Counties, Illinois. National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, prepared for the U.S. Army Material Development and Readiness Command. November.
Stewart, J. 1996. Chief, Public Works Branch, SVDA. Personal Communications. 1995; January, May, September/October.
Stewart, J. 1997. Chief, Public Works Branch, SVDA. Personal Communications.
Stoddard, M. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. (Archive Search Report [I-11]). 7 April.
Straight, L. 1996. Civil Engineer, SVDA. Personal Communications. January/February, August through October.
Straight, L. 1998. Civil Engineer, SVDA. Personal Communications. February through March.
SVDA. 1977. Disposition Forms and Maps from Savanna Army Depot Activity Quality Assurance Division Relating to Potential Ordnance and Explosives Sites, 1976 and 1977.
SVDA. 1979a. Master Plan – Phase I Analysis of Existing Facilities/Environmental Assessment Report. April.
SVDA. 1979b. The Master Plan of Savanna Army Depot Activity, Illinois, Building Information Schedule. April.
SVDA. 1981a. Incinerator Complex Concrete Apron Plans, Sections and Details. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. October.
SVDA. 1981b. Incinerator Complex Site Plan. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. October.
SVDA. 1981c. Incinerator Complex Trench Drain Plans – Oil Sump Details. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. 11 October.
SVDA. 1981d. Letter Regarding Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Areas. 27 April.
SVDA. 1982a. Repair Wastewater System, Manhole Repairs. Services Branch. 1 July.
SVDA. 1982b. Incinerator Complex Sump Details. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. October 1981, revised through 18 January 1982.
SVDA. 1984a. Listing of Buildings and Structures (SVADA-R 420-12). 1 July.
SVDA. 1984b. Disposition Form Regarding Bulk Storage of Used Motor Oil. 6 January.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 36 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SVDA. 1985a. Chemical Inventory Sheets for USADACS Ammunition School, Documentation Branch for Building 132. 16 September.
SVDA. 1985b. Stationary Air Pollution Source Assessment, Contaminated Waste Processor, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Illinois. June 3–7.
SVDA. 1985c. Repair Building 504, Demolition Plant, As-Built Diagram. October.
SVDA. 1986a. Chemical Inventory for Ammunition School Building 21. 4 June.
SVDA. 1986b. Master Plan-Phase I, Analysis of Existing Facilities/Environmental Assessment Report. January.
SVDA. 1986c. The Master Plan of Savanna Army Depot, Illinois, Basic Information Maps. U.S. Army Engineer District, Louisville. January.
SVDA. 1987a. Suspected Ammonium Picrate Contamination in “B” Area Magazines. DA Form 2496. 17 September.
SVDA. 1987b. Chemical Inventory for Audio-Visual Support Center Building 9. 10 March.
SVDA. 1987c. Chemical Inventory Fire Department Building 100. 7 January.
SVDA. 1988a. Memorandum Regarding Small Fuel Spill at Building 812. 21 April.
SVDA. 1988b. Chemical Inventory Pilot Model Shop Building 141. 5 March.
SVDA. 1988c. Incinerator Complex Alterations to Building 2206 Heating Details. Omaha District, Corps of Engineers. October 1981, revised through 18 January 1988.
SVDA. 1989a. Memorandum Regarding Paint Booths, W.J. Robinson to J. Clarke. 23 October.
SVDA. 1989b. Utility Site Plan PR3-86, Repair/Alteration of Building 507. 30 January 1987, revised 7 August 1989.
SVDA. 1989c. Baffled Firing Range, Plans and Sections. 1 November.
SVDA. 1990a. Suspected WWI Artillery Impact Area. 13 September.
SVDA. 1990b. Memorandum Regarding Arsenal (Herbicide) Spill Near Building 201. 29 August.
SVDA. 1990c. Memorandum Regarding IEPA Notice of Release on the Service Station, Building 101, USTs Removal. 11 July.
SVDA. 1990d. Memorandum for the Record Regarding Herbicide Spill on 29 August, from J. Clarke, BRAC Environmental Coordinator.
SVDA. 1991a. Point Paper Describing Lead Azide Sludge Demil Operations at Savanna Army Depot Activity. 15 October.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 37 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SVDA. 1991b. Memorandum from Larry R. Straight, Contracting Officers Representative regarding removal of underground fuel storage tanks. 26 September.
SVDA. 1991c. Removal of Underground Fuel Storage Tanks. Memorandum from L. Straight. 25 September.
SVDA. 1991d. Underground Fuel Tanks. Memorandum from W. Weidman. 3 July.
SVDA. 1991e. Memorandum Regarding Main Treatment Plant, Land Application of Sewage Sludge. 27 February.
SVDA. 1991f. Letter Regarding Solid Waste Survey, A.J. Dahlman to A. Donart. 14 February.
SVDA. 1992a. Waste Management Plan for Savanna Army Depot Activity.
SVDA. 1992b. Memorandum Regarding Swabs Containing Potassium Ferrocyanide Residue. 7 July.
SVDA. 1992c. Memorandum Regarding Herbicide Spill North of Building 127. 3 June.
SVDA. 1992d. Memorandum Regarding Hydraulic Fluid Spill at the North End of Vincent Road. 5 May.
SVDA. 1992e. Memorandum Regarding Storage of Used Oil, Hydraulic Fluid, Antifreeze and Acids at Depot Garage. 16 April.
SVDA. 1992f. Installation Supply, Self Service Supply Center, Chemical Inventory. 11 March.
SVDA. 1992g. Memorandum Regarding Main Treatment Plant, Land Application of Sewage Sludge. 7 January.
SVDA. 1992h. Historical Review of Mustard Agent Disposal at Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. Prepared by Dames and Moore for USATHAMA. 6 April.
SVDA. 1993a. Installation Action Plan Summary.
SVDA. 1993b. Memorandum Regarding Safety and Occupational Health Survey. 10 November.
SVDA. 1993c. Underground Concrete Tanks at Bldg 502. Memorandum from J. Clarke. 24 November.
SVDA. 1993d. Permit Application for Hazardous Waste Facilities at Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. Prepared for USAEC by Haliburton NUS. 31 October.
SVDA. 1993e. Basic Information Maps. April.
SVDA. 1993f. Memorandum Regarding Chemical Spill at Building 113. 8 March.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 38 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SVDA. 1994a. Memorandum Regarding Preliminary Assessment Screening for CWP Storage Building Project. 14 November.
SVDA. 1994b. Inspection of Waste Sites. Memorandum from Sherry Medley to John Clarke. 4 August.
SVDA. 1994c. Memorandum Regarding UXO Status on Active Army Installations. 20 June.
SVDA. 1994d. Memorandum Regarding Main Treatment Plant, Land Application of Sewage Sludge. 3 May.
SVDA. 1994e. Closure/Post-Closure Plan for Sanitary Landfill at Savanna Army Depot Activity. February.
SVDA. 1994f. Chemical Spill Response and Emergency at Bldg #938. 15 July.
SVDA. 1994g. Preliminary Draft, Remedial Investigation Report, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Volumes 1-3, Contract DAAA 15-88-D-0008 U.S. Army Environmental Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. June.
SVDA. 1995a. Fuel Oil Spill at Bldg #101. Memorandum to Record from G. Bahr. 16 February.
SVDA. 1995b. Memorandum Regarding Section XVI of the Interagency Agreement (IAG), the October and November 1995 Monthly Report. 5 December.
SVDA. 1995c. Real Property by Facility Number for 17795 Savanna Depot Activity, Illinois, Based on: All Records. 17 October.
SVDA. 1995d. Memorandum Regarding the OBG Project. 5 September.
SVDA. 1995e. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan and Installation Spill Contingency Plan (ISPC). August.
SVDA. 1995f. PCB Transformer Inspection Report. 7 July.
SVDA. 1995g. Completed Copy of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 1994 Hazardous Waste Report. 9 February.
SVDA. 1996a. SVDA Installation Wide Transformer/Electrical Equipment Inventory. 24 June.
SVDA. 1996b. Letter to SAIC Regarding Asbestos Abatement Activities. 2 January.
SVDA. 1997a. Final Removal Report, OE Removal Action, HFA, Inc. (SVDA BRAC Office). (Archives Search Report [B-166]). January.
SVDA. 1997b. UXB Field Activity Daily Log, Characteristics of Sites and Surface Search Descriptions (Archives Search Report [E-17]).
Savanna Army Depot Activity 39 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey SVDA. Undated-a. USADACS Laboratory Equipment Layout, Building 412. Savanna Depot Activity, Services Branch.
SVDA. Undated-b. Savanna Army Depot (a background information booklet for visitors to SVDA).
SVDA/EC (Savanna Army Depot Activity, Environmental Coordinator). 1990. Memorandum Regarding SVDA PCB, Waste Oil, and Hazardous Waste Storage Plan. 9 August.
SVDA/EO (Savanna Army Depot Activity, Environmental Office). 1994a. Electrical Feeder Project #5 – PCB Equipment. 3 November.
SVDA/EO. 1994b. PCB Sampling Results. 28 September.
SVDA/ISD (Savanna Army Depot Activity, Installation Support Division). 1990. Letter Regarding Notice of Noncompliance. 6 December.
SVDA/RPO (Savanna Army Depot Activity, Radiological Protection Officer). 1995. Radioactive Material Storage Locations. 7 September.
SVDA/SOHM (Savanna Army Depot Activity, Safety and Occupational Health Manager). 1990. Memorandum Regarding Installation Radiological Inventory. 5 December.
SVDA/SOHM. 1994. Memorandum Regarding Radiation Information for Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC). 7 June.
Telegraph Herald. 1954. Depot Old Ammunition, Dubuque, Iowa. 25 November.
TOL (Tech/Ops Landauer, Inc.). 1989. Radon Monitoring Report. October.
Torkelson, P. 1995. QA Division Chief, SVDA. Personal Interview. October.
Transeau, E.N. 1935. “The Prairie Peninsula,” Ecology 16: 423–437.
Uangst, R. 1989. Former SVDA Health and Safety Officer, Personal Communication with A. Leinbach, Dames & Moore. 25 October.
Uangst, R. 1997. Former Employee, SVDA. Personal Communication. March.
U.S. Army Depot Letterkenny. Undated. Underground Tank Data Summary Screen. 7 June.
U.S. Army. Undated. Chemical Laboratory Located in Existing Tool Room RIP-CF. Ordnance Department.
USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1997a. Archives Search Report, Conclusions and Recommendations for Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. September.
USACE. 1997b. Archives Search Report, Findings for Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. September.
Savanna Army Depot Activity 40 2/2/99 Environmental Baseline Survey USACE. 1998. Fax from Donald Peterson Regarding Information Summary for the Work Performed at the Fire Training Pit (Site 67). April 29.
USACE. 1999. Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Base Realignment and Closure Sites, Ordnance and Explosives Archive Search Report for Savanna Army Depot Activity. Revised Final. February.
USADACS (USADACS Radiological Protection Officer). 1990. Memorandum Regarding Inventory of Radioactive Materials. 26 November.
USAEC (U.S. Army Environmental Center). 1995. BRAC 95 EBS/BCP Guidance. 6 September.
USAEHA (U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency). 1988. Interim Final Report, Ground- Water Contamination Survey No. 38-26-0985-89, Evaluation of Solid Waste Management Units, Savanna Army Depot Activity, Savanna, Illinois. June.
USAMC (U.S. Army Material Command). 1978. Ammunition Peculiar Equipment, Air Pollution Control (remainder of title illegible). 21 July 1976, revised 24 February 1978.
USATHAMA (U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency). 1979. Installation Assessment of Savanna Army Depot Activity, Record Evaluation Report No. 134. January.
U.S. Census Bureau. 1996. 1996 Business Employment, County Business Patterns.
U.S. Census Bureau. 1998. Population Estimates Program, Jo Daviess and Carroll Counties, Illinois. July.
USDOI (U.S. Department of the Interior). 1967. Report on Waste Disposal Practices at the Savanna Army Depot. 19 July.
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