NDIA Rocky Mountain Chapter

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NDIA Rocky Mountain Chapter

NDIA Rocky Mountain Chapter 2012 Model Chapter Nomination Submitted 12/18/2012

The Rocky Mountain chapter activities in 2012 have met the Model Chapter Criteria as outlined below.

1. Chapter designates a board member to focus on and promote the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce program. We conduct at least one activity to provide a forum for effective interaction between local government, industry, and academia for the strengthening of the national security.

The chapter has designated Mr. Dave Shiller to serve as our STEM focus POC and to oversee STEM initiatives and programs such as the NDIA Rocky Mountain Chapter Scholarship Program. The Chapter’s STEM activities also encompass interaction with local community representatives and financial and other support to STEM-focused community. The Chapter supports the activities of the Challenger Learning Center in Colorado Springs, CO. The Chapter was involved with an activity at Peterson Air Force Base in which over 2000 children and adults participated in STEM activities at the base.

2. Chapter designates a board member to focus on and promote Small Business issues in Chapter Activities.

The chapter has designated Ms. Alison Brown as the Small Business POC/Committee Lead and is extremely active in promoting Small Business activities in the Colorado Springs area. Alison has established Woman Owned Small Business Workshops, Small Business breakfast meetings each month, and other events during the past year. Ms. Brown contributes articles and emails to Chapter members in which small business issues and interests are discussed.

3. The Rocky Mountain Chapter followed its published chapter mission statement and has current approved by-laws. The mission of the Rocky Mountain Chapter, outlined in Article II of the Chapter By Laws is:

To provide a local arm of the Association that is non-political, non-profit, educational, charitable, and scientific. The purposes of the Chapter as an arm of the Association shall be to provide local geographic focus by furthering the objectives and policies of the Association as set forth in its By Laws.

The Chapter is undergoing a committee led discussion of our mission and vision statements and intends to communicate the changes, if any, to the community and members of the Chapter early in 2013.

4. An annual action plan with goals and objectives.


• To be the leading NDIA chapter by achieving active involvement of our members and contributing to the success of military organizations in our region • To make significant contributions in addressing current NDIA policy issues, and in particular STEM and the continuation of an active military-defense industry dialog • To develop "low key" articles for local publicity; to submit monthly articles and pictures to National; to maintain a website for the local chapter • Provide noteworthy luncheon speakers; when possible facilitate Executive Board breakfast with top military leaders from the community • Coordinate Colorado Springs activities and expand our presence with the local military commands, and sister organizations such as the Los Angeles, Omaha, and Denver Space communities • Coordinate and assist with two annual 4-Star luncheons hosted by NDIA/AFA/AFCEA/MOAA/MAC Chamber of Commerce and provide an opportunity for the Colorado Springs Mayor to do the same. Hosted the Commander of Air Force Space Command in a joint luncheon in November 2012 and plan another joint luncheon in June of 2013. • Lead or coordinate and assist with the annual military-industry STEM scholarship golf tournament with NDIA/AFA/AFCEA. This year’s Industry and Military Annual Golf Event (IMAGE) contributed a significant amount to all three organization’s operating funds.


• Promote NDIA in the Rocky Mountain Region. • Facilitate mutual understanding and interchanges among Government and Industry • Provide leadership in technology and education, and advice to the Government • Support the local military community • Support national-level NDIA programs • Reach out to other NDlA chapters within and outside the region • Support the Women In Defense chapter in Colorado Springs

These may change as our look at the Chapter’s future strategic direction committee finishes its work by the end of the year.

5. Be a financially self-sustaining Chapter with income exceeding expenses for the year. The year 2012 has been a struggle financially for the chapter although we have had monthly luncheons, participation in the Air Force Space Command Executive Forum, and co-hosting with AFA and AFCEA the IMAGE golf tournament event. The yearly Rocky Mountain Ball organized by the Chapter in conjunction with the Executive Forum was preempted by the Air Force Space Command 30th Anniversary ball organized by the Space Foundation. This took away a significant portion of the Chapter’s funds acquired during that event. Periodic audits were conducted to maintain effective check-and-balances on income and expenses.

6. Community Relations and Advocacy. Chapter representatives meet annually with local Congressmen and representatives to emphasize national security and the defense industrial base.

• Chapter representatives meet with congressional leaders and/or their staffs on a regular basis • Chapter members, including our President (who is on Congressman Lamborn’s Defense Advisory Board) meet regularly with Congressman Lamborn. • The local Chapter’s President and Executive Vice President support Colorado U.S. Congressman Lamborn's Defense Advisory Board. • Chapter has an excellent working relationship with its elected officials and Chamber of Commerce. • Chapter President and members attended the Colorado Space Roundtable in which the Colorado Governor and Vice Governor participated along with the Commander of Air Force Space Command as the featured speaker. • The Chapter goals and objectives include NDIA top policy issues for the year. The Chapter objectives support the NDIA policy issues of sustaining defense modernization; implementing the revolution in business affairs; promoting a viable technology-industrial base; enhancing military readiness through training, simulation and education; and advancing space and technology capabilities. This year the Chapter continues to expand its reach within the entire military community of the Rocky Mountain region to more closely reflect the military composition of the Front Range and the broader defense support provided by the association. As the Chapter determines its future direction with the aid of the Strategic Direction Committee, we will educate our community how the Chapter can assist them be more successful.

7. Support to National Events. Our Chapter teams with NDlA on national events. NDlA National events are those events addressing other than local issues and attracting attendance from outside the chapter area.

• Our Industry and Executive Forums serve as our conduit with involved communities to strengthen national security with topics related to national defense planning and the execution of defense programs. Leaders from industry, Department of Defense organizations, and local military services and commands participate in wide-ranging discussions of major topics of mutual concern. • The Industry and Executive Forum event was a National level Space Division event in 2012 in which the Rocky Mountain Chapter will assist. Next year the NDIA National Cyber Division will manage the Executive Forum in conjunction with the 2013 Rocky Mountain Ball.

8. Chapter keeps NDIA National informed of its events, and other organizational schedules, to assist in schedule de-confliction. The Chapter is leading an effort in our area to assist in calendar deconfliction with the other organizations in the area that make demands on the same speakers and organizations.

9. Our Chapter communicates with members via E-mail, homepage, and website. The Chapter Board of Directors and support staff has kept the membership and community apprised of NDIA activities throughout the year. On a monthly basis, notices of upcoming meetings and special sessions are sent out to each of our individual members. The Chapter also makes this communication network available to other agencies to make announcements of special seminars or social events that have a direct benefit to the military community or Chapter members. In 2012, we added a social media component to our website. The chapter website is located at www.ndiarmc.org . Additional changes/upgrades are planned for 2013 to facilitate social networking.

10. Chapter board members represent a cross section of the local membership. The Chapter member companies represented on the Chapter Board provide space systems, force application systems, command and control systems, information technology, communications systems, cyberspace or other space and defense related services. We have Large and Small Businesses on our board and strive to include local community companies at many of our events.

11. The designated Publicity/Public Relations POC/Cmte Lead, Mr. James Wood, produces positive coverage in local media. Articles and photographic material are provided, as appropriate, to local publications, as well as NDIA Headquarters. The Rocky Mountain Chapter web-site is updated on a recurring basis. Monthly luncheon synopses and photos are submitted to the National Defense magazine.

The Chapter sponsors recurring events showcasing NDIA, the industrial base, and national security interests to the public.

Air Force Space Command Executive Forum: The Chapter assisted the NDIA National Space Division with the Air Force Space Command Executive Forum and Gen William Shelton, Commander, Air Force Space Command hosted the event. Senior military leaders and CEO level corporate executives attend the event. Twenty-three AFSPC headquarters and wing staff including the Commander, Vice Commander, SMC Commander, 14AF and JFCC-Space Commander, 24AF Commander, 6 A-Staff Directors, 5 former Hartinger Award winners, and 38 industry representatives attended the forum. Also of note, the NDIA National Organization’s President and CEO, Larry Farrell, attended along with several NDIA-RMC Board of Director members and a Past President.

Space Foundation Salute to AFSPC’s 30th Anniversary: The event took the place of the NDIA-RMC organized ball due to calendar confusion by the Command. It did, however, delete a huge money maker for the Chapter although it did not affect our Scholarship allocation to STEM related students. A huge success, this event attracted government, military, and defense contractors. More than 700 guests attended of whom approximately 30% were military. The coveted Hartinger Award was also presented to a leader from the space community, General (Ret) Bruce Carlson, at this black-tie event in the company of ten former winners and Mrs. Mickey Hartinger. This Ball was preceded by the Air Force Space Command Executive Forum.

IMAGE Golf Tournament: The chapter is one of three sponsors for the annual IMAGE Golf Tournament. Along with AFA and AFCEA, the responsibility for the tournament rotates annually. The net proceeds of over $24,000 were shared to support each organization's scholarship program.

12. The Chapter awarded $31,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors and to previous recipients continuing their college education in STEM arenas. This was an additional $10,000 and another $1000 from Booz Allen and Hamilton due to the extremely strong showing by applicants this year despite the lack of funds received from the Rocky Mountain Ball. Areas of study for these students include aeronautical, aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering, and computer science. Award recipients were honored at a general membership luncheon held in May with the new Mayor of Colorado Springs, Mr. Steve Bach, as the guest speaker.

13. The Chapter sponsors corporate and individual membership programs. The Chapter programs are the best in the community, thus attracting both corporate and individual requests for membership. All of the chapter programs put members in direct daily contact with their primary customers, US and Air Force and Army Space Commands, NORAD, and US Northern Command.

Our Chapter has a positive membership growth and is holding steady despite the economy. The Rocky Mountain Chapter of NDlA is active and strong. It continues to grow by actively recruiting new members, both individual and corporate. Signed up several Small Businesses to become Corporate members so they could participate in our Executive Forum. Despite the state of the economy in the nation and the Colorado Springs area, the Chapter membership grew from 735 members at the beginning of the year to 850 by early November and continues to hold its own. In fact, the Mile High Chapter is once again considering consolidation with the Rocky Mountain Chapter.

14. Current Officers and Board of Directors listing is forwarded with this submission. President: Henry D. Baird, ATK Executive Vice President: Debbie McCarty, Lockheed Martin Corp. Secretary: Jeri Andrews, Lockheed Martin Corp. Treasurer: Joe Kahoe Directors: Vice President, Plans & Programs: Jim Painter, Northrop Grumman Corp. Vice President, Government & Community Relations: Kevin Estrem, Braxton Technologies Vice President, Publicity: James Wood, Aerotek Vice President, STEM and Scholarships: Dave Shiller, Booz Allen & Hamilton Russ Anarde, Northrop Grumman Corp. Norm Andersson, Veteran Engineering & Technology, LLC, Honorary Arnie Berry, Raytheon Company Brad Butler, MEI Technologies, Inc. Tom Cavalli, Westech Wes Clark, Honorary George Douglas, Honorary Deforest Hamilton, The Boeing Co. Kent Traylor, Lockheed Martin Corp. Keith Watkins, SAIC Chuck Zimkas, Space Foundation Don Kidd, Durango Group Don Knight, Steve Prebeck, Raytheon Company Hank Scarangella, AT&T Membership: Cary Trafton, Private Sector Consulting, Inc. Policy, Procedures, & Elections: T.I. Weintraub, Ex-Officio, Raytheon Company

15. The Chapter meets on a regular basis to keep the membership informed of National and local NDlA activities, and to provide an opportunity for member networking. These meetings typically focus on local area military operations, visions and objectives of key military leaders, and their plans for expanding and enhancing military capabilities. The Chapter has an electronic version of its official NDIA Chapter logo.

16. The Chapter President maintains a copy of the NDIA Chapter Manual.

17. The Chapter has focused its charitable giving to two organizations: The Home Front Cares and the Armed Services YMCA. This year the chapter gave $6,000.00 in support of these two organizations. The Pikes Peak Armed Services YMCA is the only civilian organization in the community with the mission of taking care of military families living in and around Fort Carson, Peterson Air Force Base, and Schriever Air Force Base. The Home Front Cares provides support for military families impacted by deployment.

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