CM-F-ITB, Invitation to Bid (ITB)

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CM-F-ITB, Invitation to Bid (ITB)

ITB Number: ADMIN-13-82001

State of Michigan Department of Human Services Office of Logistics & Rate Setting INVITATION TO BID (ITB)

Maximum ITB Number Award: $ 2,000,000.00 ADMIN-13-82001 Year 1: $1,000,000.00 ($100,000.00 available for Contract Type: the Contractor) Actual Cost Unit Rate/Actual Cost Year 2: $1,000,000.00 ($100,000.00 available for the Contractor) Unit Rate Per Diem Year 3: $

Anticipated Begin and End Dates: September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2015

Geographic Area: City of Detroit The Contractor (awarded bidder) must deliver human services to referred clients in the above geographic area, and have an office located within 75 miles of the geographic area for the duration of the Agreement. Service Title(s): Enhancing Community Health Outreach – Project Management (ECHO)

Disqualifying Criteria: Bidders will be disqualified and the proposal will not be reviewed if there is failure to:  Submit a complete Bid Response, including sub-sections and a completed 12 month budget as required in the ITB, to the Bid4Michigan website on or before the due date and time specified.  Stay at or below the maximum award amount per contract year, if provided.

Proposals from bidders who are current state of Michigan employees are also disqualified and will not be reviewed.

Additional Information: Funding shall be $1,000,000.00 annually with a 10% Administrative cap. The maximum available to the fiduciary contractor to manage the project will be $100,000.00 per year. The remaining funding shall directly support the demonstration project goals through service provision at the select sites through the subcontractor network.

Bid Submission All bids with related material must be submitted electronically to the Bid4Michigan website.

DHS Contact Person Email Address

DHS Issuing Office

Department of Human Services (DHS) will not discriminate against any individual or group because Authority: P.A. 2080 of 1939. of race, religion, age, national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, Completion: Mandatory. gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, Penalty: Contract Invalid hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your needs known to a DHS office in your area.

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 1 Table of Contents

This Invitation to Bid (ITB) provides interested bidders with sufficient information to prepare and submit bid responses for consideration by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and contains the following sections:

Section I...... Invitation to Bid Policy

Section II...... Instructions for Bidders

Section III...... Description of Service Specifications Bidders Checklist

Section IV...... Bid Response

Sub-Section i...... Bid Response: Staffing Allocation and Qualifications

Sub-Section ii ...... Bidder Response: Budget Narrative

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 2 ITB Number: ADMIN-13-82001 Section I

INVITATION TO BID POLICY 1. Questions/Inquiries

Questions regarding the content of this ITB must be made by email to Quan Tez Pressley at [email protected] on or before the Questions due date and time specified on the Bid4Michigan website. DHS staff are not allowed to respond to questions regarding the content of the ITB that are telephoned in. Questions may be discussed verbally at the Pre-Bid Conference, if one is scheduled. DHS will compile all relevant questions and answers and post these as well as any other clarifications or revisions to the initial ITB onto the Bid4Michigan website. Interested bidders are advised to monitor the website regularly.

2. Amendment to the ITB

In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this ITB, addenda will be posted to the Bid4Michigan website.

3. Incurring Costs

The state of Michigan is not liable for any cost incurred by the bidders prior to issuance of a contract.

4. News Releases

News releases pertaining to this ITB on the service, study, or project to which it relates may not be made without prior state approval, and then only in coordination with the Issuing Office.

5. Disclosure of Proposal Contents

Bid responses are subject to disclosure under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (PA No. 442 of 1976).

6. Independent Price Determination

a. By submission of a bid response, the bidder certifies:

1) The prices of the bid response have been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor;

2) Unless otherwise required by law, the price quotation in the bid response has not and will not be knowingly disclosed by the bidder to any potential bidder;

3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the bidder to induce any other person or agency to submit or not to submit a bid response for the purpose of restricting competition;

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4) The price quoted is not higher than that given to the general public for the same service.

b. The person who submits the bid response certifies that:

1) She or he is the person in the bidder's organization responsible within that organization for the decision as to prices being offered in the bid response, and that she or he has not participated, and will not participate in any action contrary to a. 1 through 4 above; or

2) He or she is not the person in the bidder's organization responsible within that organization for the decision as to the prices being offered in the bid response, but that he or she has been authorized in writing to act as agent for the persons responsible for such decision in certifying that such persons have not participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to a. 1 through 4 above, and as their agent does hereby so certify; and that he or she has not participated, and will not participate in any action contrary to a. 1 through 4 above.

c. A bid response will not be considered for award if the bidder is found to be noncompliant with any part of Item 6., Independent Price Determination, unless the bidder furnishes a signed statement with the bid response, which sets forth in detail the circumstance of the disclosure and the Issuing Office determines that such disclosure was not made for the purpose of restricting competition.

7. Subcontracting

Subcontractors shall be subject to all conditions and provisions of the contract including Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) and Central Registry background checks when applicable. The Contractor shall be responsible for the performance of all assignees or subcontractors.

If subcontracting, the Contractor must obligate the subcontractors to maintain the confidentiality of DHS’ client information in conformance with state and federal requirements.

If portions of the services are being subcontracted, the bidder must identify the services the subcontractor will perform and provide all information requested, as it applies to both the bidder and the subcontractor(s). A subcontractor budget must be provided for subcontractor services for $2,500 or more. If the subcontractor’s price is based on a fee schedule, the fee schedule must be included.

DHS may, at its discretion, require information on the process of an awarded subcontractor bid.

A Contractor is responsible for the performance of any subcontractors who are held to the same standard of quality and performance as the Contractor. Raters of bid responses will

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consider the qualifications of both the Contractor and subcontractor when making contract award recommendations.

8. Disabled Veterans

Under Public Act 91 of 2005, businesses owned by qualified service-disabled veterans get a 10% pricing preference. “Service-connected disability” is defined as a disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty in the active military, naval, or air service as described in 38 USC 101(16). “Qualified” means a business entity that is 51% or more owned by one or more veterans with a service-connected disability.

For more information, visit the following website:,454,7-225-48677-123519--,00.html

If the bidder indicates in the bid response that the organization is owned by a disabled veteran, the bidder represents and warrants that the company meets the above criteria and has provided the following supportive documentation.

a. Proof of service and conditions of discharge: DD214 or equivalent

b. Proof of service-connected disability: DD214 if the disability was documented at discharge or Veterans administration (VA) Rating Decision Letter or equivalent if the disability was documented after discharge

c. Proof of Ownership: Appropriate legal documents setting forth the ownership of the business entity.

DHS reserves the right to request additional documents or clarifying information about the documentation submitted with the bid.

Loss of Preference: If during the term of the contract the Contractor no longer qualifies for the preference, or if the contract is assigned to a business entity that does not qualify for the preference, they will be required to discount their contract price by the amount of the preference they received.

Fraudulently representing information about the use of businesses owned by persons with disabilities to procure this contract is a violation of the Business Opportunity Act for Persons with Disabilities of 1988 PA 112, MCL 450.791 – 450.795. A person who knowingly violates this act is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment up to two years in prison, or a fine not less than $5,000. A person found guilty of violating this act may be barred from obtaining future contracts with the state.

9. Electronic Submission

All bids with related material must be submitted electronically to the Bid4Michigan website.

10. Rejection of Bid Responses

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DHS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this ITB. This ITB is created for information or planning purposes only. DHS does not intend to award a contract solely on the basis of any response made to this request or otherwise pay for the information solicited or obtained.

11. Method of Evaluation

In awarding the contract, proposals will be evaluated by a rating committee chaired by the DHS Office of Logistics and Rate Setting (OLRS). Only those proposals receiving a score of 80 points or more will be considered for award. All qualified bid responses will be evaluated on the basis of rating criteria identified in the ITB.

DHS reserves the right to establish the criteria by which it will evaluate each bidder’s response, and by which it will determine the most responsive, capable, and qualified bidder(s). In addition to cost, other principal factors may be considered in evaluating bids relative to:

. Reliability . Bidder’s past performance . Bidder’s ability to respond to all requirements outlined in the ITB . Bidder’s ability to maintain a presence in providing services . Financial stability

If DHS determines in its sole discretion that contracting with a bidder presents an unacceptable financial risk to DHS, DHS reserves the right to not award a contract to that bidder. DHS reserves the right to consider economic impact on the state when evaluating proposal pricing. This includes, but is not limited to; job creation, job retention, tax revenue implications, and other economic considerations.

Award recommendation(s) will be made to the responsive and responsible bidder(s) who offers the best value to the state of Michigan. Best values will be determined by the bidder meeting the minimum point threshold and offering the best combination of price and quality, as demonstrated by its proposal.


DHS may request clarifications from one or all bidders. DHS will document, in writing, clarifications being requested and forward to the bidders affected. This process does not allow for changes. Instead, it provides an opportunity to clarify the proposal submitted.

Bidders may be required to make oral presentations of their proposals to DHS. These presentations provide an opportunity for the bidders to clarify the proposals through mutual understanding. OLRS will schedule these presentations, if required.

If it is determined that a bidder purposely or willfully submitted false information, the bidder will not be considered for award, the state will pursue debarment of the bidder, and any resulting contract they may have been established will be terminated.

12. Contract Award

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Contract award negotiations will be undertaken with those Contractors whose bid responses, as to price and other factors, show them to be qualified, responsible, and capable of performing the work. The contract amount for each fiscal year will be dependent on DHS’ availability of funds and service needs.

The contract entered into will be that contract most advantageous to DHS, price and other factors considered. DHS reserves the right to consider bid responses or clarifications thereof received at any time before award is made, if such action is in the best interest of DHS.

13. Acceptance of Bid Response Content

The contents of the bid response of the successful bidder may become contractual obligations if a contract ensues. Failure of the successful bidder to accept these obligations may result in cancellation of the award.

14. Prime Contractor Responsibilities

The selected Contractor will be held accountable for all services offered in the bid response. Further, DHS will consider the selected Contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any and all charges resulting from the contract.

15. Price

Prices quoted are firm for the initial term of the contract.

16. Insurance Coverage

The Contractor must provide proof of the minimum levels of insurance coverage as indicated below. The insurance must protect DHS from claims which may arise out of or result from the Contractor’s performance of services under the terms of the contract, whether the services are performed by the Contractor, or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable.

The Contractor waives all rights against DHS, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents for recovery of damages to the extent these damages are covered by the insurance policies the Contractor is required to maintain under the contract.

All insurance coverage’s provided relative to the contract are PRIMARY and NON- CONTRIBUTING to any comparable liability insurance (including self-insurances) carried by the state.

The insurance must be written for not less than any minimum coverage specified in the contract or required by law, whichever is greater.

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The insurers selected by the Contractor must have an A.M. Best rating of A or better, or as otherwise approved in writing by DHS, or if the ratings are no longer available, with a comparable rating from a recognized insurance rating agency. All policies of insurance required in the contract must be issued by companies that have been approved to do business in the state. See

Where specific limits are shown, they are the minimum acceptable limits. If the Contractor’s policy contains higher limits, DHS must be entitled to coverage to the extent of the higher limits.

The Contractor is required to pay for and provide the following types and amounts of insurance:

a. Commercial General Liability with the following minimum coverage:

$2,000,000 General Aggregate Limit other than Products/Completed Operations $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Limit

The Contractor must list the state of Michigan, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents as ADDITIONAL INSUREDS on the Commercial General Liability certificate. The Contractor also agrees to provide evidence that insurance policies contain a waiver of subrogation by the insurance company.

b. If a motor vehicle is used to provide services or products under the contract, the Contractor must have vehicle liability insurance on any auto including owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used in Contractor‘s business for bodily injury and property damage as required by law.

The Contractor must list the state of Michigan, its departments, divisions, agencies, offices, commissions, officers, employees and agents as ADDITIONAL INSUREDS on the vehicle liability certificate. The Contractor also agrees to provide evidence that insurance policies contain a waiver of subrogation by the insurance company.

c. Workers’ compensation coverage must be provided according to applicable laws governing the employees and employers work activities in the state of the Contractor’s domicile. If the applicable coverage is provided by a self-insurer, proof must be provided of approved self-insured authority by the jurisdiction of domicile. For employees working outside of the state of qualification, Contractor must provide appropriate certificates of insurance proving mandated coverage levels for the jurisdictions where the employees’ activities occur.

Any certificates of insurance received must also provide a list of states where the coverage is applicable.

The Contractor also agrees to provide evidence that insurance policies contain a waiver of subrogation by the insurance company. This provision must not be applicable where prohibited or limited by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the work is to be performed.

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Subcontractor Insurance Coverage

Except where DHS has approved in writing a Contractor subcontract with other insurance provisions, the Contractor must require all of its subcontractors under the contract to purchase and maintain the insurance coverage as described in this section for the Contractor in connection with the performance of work by those subcontractors. Alternatively, the Contractor may include any subcontractors under the Contractor’s insurance on the coverage required in this section. Subcontractors must fully comply with the insurance coverage required in this section. Failure of subcontractors to comply with insurance requirements does not limit the Contractor’s liability or responsibility.

Certificates of Insurance and Other Requirements

The Contractor must furnish to the DHS Office of Logistics and Rate Setting (OLRS), certificate(s) of insurance verifying insurance coverage or providing satisfactory evidence of self- insurance as required in this section (the “Certificates”). The Certificate must be on the standard “accord” form or equivalent. THE CONTRACT NUMBER MUST BE SHOWN ON THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO ASSURE CORRECT FILING. All Certificates are to be prepared and submitted by the insurance provider. All Certificates must contain a provision indicating that coverages afforded under the policies MUST NOT BE CANCELLED, MATERIALLY CHANGED, OR NOT RENEWED without 30 days prior written notice, except for 10 days for non-payment of premium, having been given to the Director of OLRS. The notice must include the contract number affected. Before the contract is signed, and not less than 20 days before the insurance expiration date every year thereafter, the Contractor must provide evidence that DHS and its agents, officers and employees are listed as additional insureds under each commercial general liability. In the event DHS approves the representation of DHS by the insurer’s attorney, the attorney may be required to be designated as a Special Assistant Attorney General by the Attorney General of the state of Michigan.

The Contractor must maintain all required insurance coverage throughout the term of the contract and any extensions and, in the case of claims-made Commercial General Liability policies, must secure tail coverage for at least three years following the expiration or termination for any reason of the contract. The minimum limits of coverage specified above are not intended, and must not be construed, to limit any liability or indemnity of the Contractor under the contract to any indemnified party or other persons. The Contractor is responsible for all deductibles with regard to the insurance. If the Contractor fails to pay any premium for required insurance as specified in the contract, or if any insurer cancels or significantly reduces any required insurance as specified in the contract without DHS’s written consent, then DHS may, after DHS has given the Contractor at least 30 days written notice, pay the premium or procure similar insurance coverage from another company or companies. DHS may deduct any part of the cost from any payment due the Contractor, or the Contractor must pay that cost upon demand by DHS.

17. General Provisions

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Awards made as a result of this ITB will require execution of a contract with DHS. The contract will contain standard non-negotiable General Provisions. A copy of the General Provisions is available upon request.

18. Options to Renew

At the discretion of DHS, an awarded contract may be renewed in writing by an amendment not less than 30 days before its expiration. The contract may be renewed for up to two additional one-year periods.

19. Registering on the Contract & Payment Express Website

To receive payment from the state of Michigan, a Contractor must be registered as a vendor on the Contract & Payment Express website which links to the Michigan Administrative Information Network (MAIN).

20. Employee Clearances

Criminal Background Check

If the resulting contract will be with an individual, DHS will complete the criminal background check on the Contractor, and the following language will be included in the contract:

The Contractor shall notify DHS in writing of criminal convictions (felony or misdemeanor) and/or pending felony charges or placement on the Central Registry as a perpetrator at hire or within 10 days of the event after hiring.

If the resulting contract will be with an agency, the following language will be included in the contract:

As a condition of this Agreement, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor shall, prior to any individual performing work under this Agreement, conduct or cause to be conducted for each new employee, employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee or volunteer who works directly with:

1. Clients under this Agreement, or who has access to client information, an Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) check and a National and State Sex Offender Registry check.

Information about ICHAT can be found at

The Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry website address is

The National Sex Offender Public website address is

2. Children under this Agreement, a Central Registry (CR) check.

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Information about CR can be found at,1607,7-124- 5452_7119_48330-180331--,00.html.

The Contractor shall require each new employee, employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or volunteer who works directly with clients or who has access to client information under this Agreement to notify the Contractor in writing of criminal convictions (felony or misdemeanor), and/or pending felony charges, or placement on the Central Registry as a perpetrator, at hire or within 10 days of the event after hiring.

Additionally, the Contractor shall require each new employee, employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or volunteer who works directly with clients under this Agreement or who has access to client information and who has not resided or lived in Michigan for each of the previous 10 years to sign a waiver attesting to the fact that they have never been convicted of a felony or identified as a perpetrator, or if they have, the nature and recency of the felony.

The Contractor further certifies that the Contractor shall not submit claims for or assign duties under this Agreement to any new employee, employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or volunteer based on a determination by the Contractor that the results of a positive ICHAT and/or a CR response or reported criminal felony conviction or perpetrator identification make the individual ineligible to provide the services.

The Contractor must have a written policy describing the criteria on which its determinations shall be made and must document the basis for each determination. The Contractor may consider the recency and type of crime when making a determination. Failure to comply with this provision may be cause for immediate cancellation of this Agreement. In addition, the Contractor must further have a written policy regarding acceptable screening practices of new staff members and volunteers who have direct access to clients and/or client’s personal information, which serve to protect the organization and its clients that is clearly defined. The Contractor must also assure that any subcontractors have both of these written policies.

If DHS determines that an individual provided services under this Agreement for any period prior to completion of the required checks as described above, DHS may require repayment of that individual's salary, fringe benefits, and all related costs of employment for the period that the required checks had not been completed.

21. State of Michigan Employees

State of Michigan employees may not act as bidders. Proposals from bidders who are current state of Michigan employees will be disqualified and will not be reviewed.

Policy in Civil Service Rule 2-8, Ethical Standards and Conduct, states an employee cannot represent or act as an agent for any private interests, whether for compensation or otherwise, in any transaction in which the state has a direct and substantial interest and

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which could reasonably be expected to result in a conflict between the employee’s private interests and official state responsibilities.

22. E-Verify

Section 291 of the fiscal year 2013 Omnibus Budget, PA 200 of 2012, requires verification that all new employees of the Contractor and all new employees of any approved Subcontractor, working under this contract, are legally present to work in the United States. All Contractors shall perform this verification using the E-verify system (

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 12 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 Section II


Bidders must complete the Bid Response, Section IV, electronically, and attach additional pages, if necessary. If additional pages are added, the related category should be indicated at the top of the page with an attachment number, and number the pages in sequence under each attachment. (for example, Category: Bidders Experience, Education & Qualifications, Attachment A, page 1 of 4, page 2 of 4, etc.)

Bidders are expected to use the form and format provided in the Bid Response section of this ITB to complete the bid response. Under each category in the Bid Response section, there is a box titled “Bidder Response” for bidders to respond to each question. Font size should be no smaller than 12 point. Each box will automatically expand according to the amount of text entered. The shaded boxes that are titled “Rater Comments” or “Fiscal Reviewer Comments” should not be completed by the bidder.

The electronic submission of a bid response will constitute the intent to bid for services. The bid response must remain valid for at least 90 days.

Budget Instructions

Complete the budget attachment included with this ITB on Bid4Michigan.

 The number of units must be included on the budget for each service.  The Comments sheet is part of the budget and is to be used to provide additional explanation when needed.

If the budget includes an indirect cost rate, the bidder must provide documentation of how the rate was determined.

The approved 12-month budget total will be considered the contract value for each full year of the contract. The contract amount may be pro-rated for any partial year.

A budget must be provided for any subcontractor who receives $2,500 or more.

Bid Submission and Bidder Checklist

Bid responses will be accepted only through Bid4Michigan.

 Hard copy responses will not be accepted.  Bid responses submitted in person, or via surface mail, fax, or e-mail transmission will not be considered for award.

A complete bid response includes submission of Section IV, Bid Response, with the sub-sections and the budget(s) or fee schedule, as required in the ITB. To be

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considered, the bid response must be received by Bid4Michigan by the due date and time indicated on the Bid4Michigan website.

To complete a bid response, include the following steps:

Complete Section IV, Bid Response, including the sub-sections.

Complete the budget(s) as required in the ITB.

Submit the budget as a separate attachment.

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 14 ITB Number: ADMIN-13-82001 Section III



A. Geographic Area

The Contractor shall provide services described herein in the following geographic area: City of Detroit

B. Client Eligibility Criteria

1. Definition of Eligibility

Eligible clients are low-income individuals (120% poverty level for household income), veterans, returning citizens, unemployed, and/or Department of Human Services (DHS) program recipients or potential recipients.

2. Determination of Eligibility

Eligibility will be determined by the contractor.

C. Credentials/Experience:

The Contractor shall assure that appropriately credentialed or trained staff under its control, including Contractor and/or subcontractor employees, shall perform functions under this Agreement.

The Program Director should have experience working with Pastors and churches. Program staff working on the project must include: a position specializing in Veteran’s Services; and a position with demonstrated success working with returning citizens and those who are unemployed.

D. Services to be Delivered

Program Overview

The Enhancing Community Health Outreach (ECHO) demonstration project aims to enhance the effectiveness of DHS, especially with challenged populations, by providing the Department with an actual program simulation of what effectively helps persons in selected disadvantaged populations achieve self-sufficiency, which is a primarily goal of DHS.

DHS, through the Office of Interagency Collaboration and Reengineering (OICR), is modifying its ECHO project to model the Department’s Pathways to Potential program. ‘Pathways to Potential’ is a program that seeks to reduce truancy and increase convenience by placing DHS workers in elementary and middle schools across the State. The rationale suggests, in accommodating DHS or potential DHS clients, we should provide access to services in places where persons already frequent, i.e. schools. However, Pathways has its limitations in that only those who have children in respective schools are allowed to use these sites for CM-F-ITB (Rev. 2-10) Previous edition obsolete. MS Word 15 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 services, unfortunately excluding a significant number of individuals from benefiting from this accommodation.

Consequently, the ECHO project addresses this limitation by enlisting churches as complimentary sites in which persons, who don’t have children in these selected schools, can still benefit from having access to services through strategically placed locations in their community. This demonstration will be piloted in the City of Detroit with nine church sites, selected by the OICR and other partnering organizations. The criteria used to select these sites included: its proximity to large populations that are eligible or potentially eligible for DHS services, its capacity to house the operations of the program, its access to additional resources to support the program and its proven ability to effectively serve disadvantaged populations, including veterans, returning citizens and the structural unemployed.

The subcontractor sites identified for this project are as follows:

-Second Ebenezer Church, Bishop Edgar Vann 14601 Dequindre Road, Detroit, MI, 48212

-Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Fr. Dennis Walsh 1721 Junction St, Detroit, MI, 48209

-Greater Grace Temple, Bishop Charles Ellis 23500 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI, 48219

-Oak Grove AME, Pastor Robert Brumfield 19801 Cherrylawn Ave, Detroit, MI, 48221

-Evangel Ministries, Pastor Christopher Brooks 13660 Stansbury St, Detroit, MI, 48227

-Historic Little Rock Baptist Church, Pastor Jim Holley 9000 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202

-Central United Methodist, Pastor Ed Rowe 23 East Adams St., Detroit, MI 48226

-Bethany Lutheran Church, Pastor Christopher Bodley 11475 Outer Dr. E, Detroit, MI 48224

-Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, Pastor Christian Adams 18700 James Couzens Fwy, Detroit, MI, 48235

DHS will provide a Kiosk for each subcontractor site. The Kiosk will be used to apply for DHS benefits and provide potential recipients with additional information related to DHS assistance programs. Trained subcontractor staff will also be available to assistance clients with answering questions and other issues that may arise. While the fundamental goal of the program is to provide access to services in places most accommodating for the potential recipients, the demonstration portion of the project will focus on examining strategies that can potentially be most effective at achieving self-sufficiency for veterans, returning citizens and the ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 16 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 structurally unemployed populations. The Contractor will partner with organizations, specializing in assisting these target populations, to develop four respective programs that will rotate throughout the nine sites aimed at assisting veterans, returning citizens, and the structurally unemployed achieve self- sufficiency.

Veterans Program This program will be designed to connect veterans with benefits and services available to them. It will catalog companies who have hiring programs specifically for veterans, and provide training when needed to prepare veterans for available job openings.

Returning Citizens Program Evidence has shown that returning citizens, especially those with felony records, have unique challenges preventing them from securing employment and achieving self-sufficiency. This program will partner with organizations specializing in working with returning citizens to develop a program that will train returning citizens in urban agriculture. After completion of the training program, participants will then be matched with available job opportunities in this emerging field.

Structurally Unemployed Program Partnering with Community Ventures, this program will assist the structurally unemployed to overcome barriers to employment. Depending on the need of the individual, this program will assist in enrolling participants in G.E.D programs, Literacy Programs, etc. Additionally, those who have been out of work more than two years will be directed to internship programs to re-engage them in the workplace; and, re-training will be available through a partnership with local community colleges to prepare this population for job openings in emerging fields.

Entrepreneurial Program Track Entrepreneurship is a key tool in combatting the unique challenges facing this population. Consequently, participants from each of the abovementioned program tracks will also have opportunities to enroll in entrepreneurial training program, which will provide participants with training, resources, and support that will help them start their own enterprise.

Additional Program Components While participating in this demonstration project, participants will be administered a Work Keys Assessment to identify skills and proclivities that will be useful in job matching. Also, they will have continued access to additional community resources including career coaches, financial literary training, and personal development workshops to support their path to self-sufficiency.

The Contractor will also convene the Pastors from each church site in a Pastoral Advisory Council, who will be tasked with tackling the issue of lack of transportation and exploring options on how the faith-based community can be helpful in addressing this common barrier to self-sufficiency. Moreover, DHS will establish a partnership with a local university to measure the outcomes of each program track. DHS will submit progress reports directly to the local institution to track the success of this demonstration. These metrics will inform of the progress of each program

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 17 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 and help to determine which programs need to be reworked and which ones can be duplicated.

As an outcome of this project, DHS will have practical data on programs that successfully guide the disadvantaged on a road to self-sufficiency. Through partnerships and collaboration, this project can provide a model on how DHS can assist in increasing independence while decreasing unemployment for challenged community’s across the State.

Service #1 of 1: ECHO Project Management Responsibilities

1. Activities the Contractor shall perform, at a minimum, and may change as the project evolves are as follows:

Manage the operations of the nine subcontractor sites, including:

 Schedule the availability of staff at each site, including days, working hours, etc.

 Approve subcontractor staff hires and determine if appropriately qualified and credentialed to provide services under this agreement.

 Collect and review each monthly subcontractor progress report.

 Design and review monthly subcontractor activity reports to gauge program performance. Provide technical assistance to subcontractors not meeting service goals/benchmarks through the development and implementation of corrective action plans.

 Create and administer the veteran, returning citizens, structural unemployed and entrepreneurial program tracks.

 Collect and submit monthly program evaluations at monthly meetings with OICR (based on reporting requirements.)

 Host periodic meetings with the Pastoral Advisory Council to address common issues arising, i.e. access to transportation, barriers to employment, etc.

 Partner and collaborate with existing community programs and organizations to enhance services provided.

 Develop a Sustainability Plan utilizing grants and other resources for the additional years of the program operations.

ECHO Project Fiduciary Responsibilities:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 18 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001  Monitor budgets for each site to ensure expenditures are allowable and aligned with program goals.

 Process and issue monthly reimbursement payments to each subcontractor following receipt of each monthly billing and activity report.

 Ensure the DHS Kiosk for each subcontractor site remains supplied and functional.

2. Volume of Service

a. Clients - The estimated number of eligible clients to be served during the period of this Agreement shall be: 6,000

b. Unit Definition(s): One unit equals one client contact, or one client referral to DHS for services, or one client counseling.

c. Number of Units: The estimated numbers of units to be provided shall be: 6,000 (3,000 per year)

The Bidder shall estimate the number of units proposed in Section IV of the ITB, under Category B3 (Work Plan), and on the budget submitted.

When completing the 12-month budget on the CM-468-EX, Service Category A (on the Total Program Budget Summary page) shall identify the costs for the unit rate calculation and the number of units proposed.

Service Category B shall be used to identify the actual cost component(s) of Transportation; Specific Assistance; Supplies. The total DHS Contract Budget amount must not exceed the maximum amount of the Agreement for a 12-month period.

E. Expected Contract Performance Outcomes

During the Agreement, the Contractor shall demonstrate measurable progress toward the achievement of the outcomes listed below:

The goals of the project are to:

 Serve at least 3,000 clients per year  Maintain at or below the awarded program budget  Develop successful program tracks for veterans, returning citizens, and unemployed.  Develop a program sustainability plan  Establish a network of community resources for clients

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 19 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001  Make community resources more accessible to clients  Establish paths to self-sufficiency for program participants.

F. Reporting Requirements

Each subcontractor will report to the Contractor on a monthly basis. At a minimum, each report will include:

 Number of Veterans clients contacted at each site  Number of Returning Citizens clients contacted at each site  Number of Unemployed clients contacted at each site  Number of Entrepreneurial clients contacted at each site  Number referred to DHS for services from each site  Number of current DHS recipients contacted at each site  Number of clients referred to additional resources for services and description of those services

The contractor will report to DHS on a monthly basis. Each report will include:

 Total number of clients contracted (per site and per program track).  Total number of clients referred to DHS for services.  Total number of clients referred to additional resources for services and description of services.  A cumulative statement of expenditures (spreadsheet) of each subcontractor site with YTD balances.  Performance review of each subcontractor site indicating clients served per staff, complaints filed by clients (status/resolution of complaints) and YTD number of clients served at each site.  Number and description of special events/activities conducted during the Agreement Period such as Pastor Advisory Council Meetings, new partnerships formed, status/development of sustainability plan, and any other similar occurrences.

G. Audit Requirements

Subrecipient Relationship

This Agreement constitutes a subrecipient relationship with DHS. The Contractor is required to comply with all federal regulations related to the accounting and auditing of the federal award used to fund this Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, compliance with OMB Circular A-133.



ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 20 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 DHS shall reimburse mileage costs to the Contractor at State of Michigan (SOM) premium established rates or the Contractor’s usual travel reimbursement rate for employees, whichever is less. Current SOM premium rates may be obtained at the following website:,1607,7-150-9141_13132---,00.html

The point of origin for mileage shall be the Contractor’s home or normal place of business or the DHS local office location, whichever is closer to the client’s home. No mileage may be charged or reimbursement received for mileage to or from a client’s home if face-to-face contact between the Contractor and client does not occur. That is, the Contractor shall not be reimbursed for mileage which occurs as a result of a missed appointment. The Contractor may not bill for mileage incurred by the Contractor driving to/from their home to/from the DHS local office.

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 21 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 Section IV BID RESPONSE All information requested below is required.

1. Bidder Name:

2. Bidder Mailing Address:

(must include 9 digit zip code)

Bidder E-mail Address: 3. Bidder Mail Code: (Identified when registering on Contract & Payment Express)

4. Bidder DUNS Number:

5. Type of Organization: (Check one). Individuals are private proprietary. private, non-profit private, proprietary public university

6. If private, proprietary box is checked, is the organization owned by a service-disabled veteran? Yes No

7. Bidder’s fiscal year begin date (month and day):

8. Bidder’s representative who is the authorized negotiator for the bidder.

(Print Name) (Telephone Number) 9. Provide a list of all contracts, identified with the contract numbers, that you have had with DHS within the past five years. Attach additional page if necessary.

The bidder hereby assures that the Invitation to Bid has been reviewed by the organization’s governing body and that body has authorized submission of a bid response; that the person identified above as “bidder’s representative who is the authorized negotiator” has been authorized by the governing body to represent the organization for the purposes of the submission of a bid response and contract negotiation; and that the organization intends to provide services according to the information contained in this Invitation to Bid, if selected and funded to do so.

Print Name of Organization President or Director

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 22 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

ITB Rating Criteria

The total maximum number of points that a bid can receive equals 100 points. Only those proposals receiving a score of 80 points or more will be considered for award. The maximum number of points for each of the three categories is as follows:

Category Maximum Points

A. Bidder’s Experience, Education, Qualifications & Performance 40 points B. Program Implementation (Work Plan) 40 points C. Fiscal Resource Allocation 20 points ______

Total Points Available 100 points

The bidder is required to use the form and format provided in the Bid Response, Section IV, to complete the Bid Response.

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 23 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 CATEGORY A. Bidder Experience, Education, Qualifications, & Performance A1. Describe experience in providing the services in this ITB, or similar to those in this ITB. List the contracts and services provided for DHS or any other purchaser, including the following:

1. Contract numbers and dates of services provided, whether for DHS or another purchaser. 2. Description of services provided. 3. Principal characteristics of the target population(s) for whom the service was provided. 4. Documentation of client success and performance data as a result of services provided. 5. If similar service, describe degree of similarity and how the service qualifies the bidders agency to provide this service to DHS. 6. Name, e-mail address, and telephone number of a contact person for each individual or agency for whom services were provided.

Bidder Response:

FOR RATERS USE ONLY (Shaded Areas) A1a. To what degree has the bidder’s experience with these or similar services demonstrated the bidder possesses the qualifications and skills to provide the services described in the ITB? Rater Comments:

A1b. Has the bidder had previous contracts with DHS or other purchasers? If so, has the bidder provided performance data that indicates successful client outcomes for services provided? Rater Comments:

A1c. Were the principal characteristics of the target population(s) served previously by the bidder comparable and relevant to the target population for the services in this ITB? Rater Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 24 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

A2. Describe relationships with other relevant community organizations, including history of working relationships and effectiveness in the community, and how those working relationships assisted in the success of clients served.

Bidder Response:

A2a. To what degree has the bidder demonstrated the ability to collaborate with, or otherwise utilize, relevant organization’s resources within the local community to enhance outcomes for clients? Rater Comments:

A3. Provide position descriptions for direct service staff, administrators, and supervisors identified in the price quotation that require educational credentials, knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that demonstrate qualifications to provide proposed services. Do not provide resumes. Include the following: 1. Credentials required. 2. Length of experience required. 3. Similarity of staff experience in the area of the proposed services.

Bidder Response:

A3a. Has the bidder provided position descriptions that require direct service staff, administrators and supervisors possess educational credentials, experience, knowledge, skills, attributes, and other characteristics that demonstrate qualifications to provide the services described in this ITB? Rater Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 25 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

A4. Provide formal monitoring reports and/or evaluation information from DHS or another purchaser for this or similar services, or any internal evaluation if no formal monitoring was done.

If corrective action was needed, provide documentation that appropriate corrective measures were completed.

Bidder Response:

A4a. Has the bidder provided formal monitoring reports and/or evaluation information? If no formal monitoring report was completed, did the bidder perform an internal evaluation of services provided and document success? If corrective action was needed, did the bidder provide documentation that appropriate corrective measures were completed? Rater Comments:

A5. Describe past efforts in ensuring referral sources have knowledge of service availability to clients and the referral process used. Describe how a high degree of client participation, engagement, and investment in the program were maintained. Provide documentation that past efforts were successful in serving a sufficient number of eligible clients.

Bidder Response:

A5a. Has the bidder demonstrated success in attracting a satisfactory number of eligible clients for this or similar services? Did the bidder document the referral process used? Rater Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 26 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

A5b. Has the bidder provided documentation of past successful efforts to engage clients and maintain participation? Rater Comments:



ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 27 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001


B1. In narrative form, please describe how the services described in this ITB will be implemented including the following information:

1. Identify the date services will begin. Include a plan that assures services will begin on that date. 2. Describe the method used to determine the amount of staff time (both management and direct service) needed to fulfill the terms of the service as described. Also, refer to sub-section i (Staffing Allocation and Qualifications).

Bidder Response:

B1a. Has the bidder identified a date and acceptable plan that assures services will begin on the identified date? Rater Comments:

B1b. Has the bidder described a method that will accurately determine the amount of staff time (both management and direct staff) that is reasonable and acceptable? Rater Comments:

B2. Target Population Describe the demographics of the service area and needs of the targeted population to be served. Explain how the services provided in this ITB will address the needs of the target population with respect to: 1. Transportation needs ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 28 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 2. Client characteristics 3. Disabilities (physical and mental) 4. Language barriers 5. Cultural barriers Bidder Response:

B2a. How well has the bidder demonstrated an understanding of the service area and the needs of the targeted population? Rater Comments:

B2b. Has the bidder provided a plan that is adequate to accommodate client needs as listed in B2 (above)? Rater Comments:

B3. Work Plan Provide a description of how the specified service(s) will be provided to client(s). 1. Include each step, process, or activity a typical client(s) will encounter in successfully completing this service, and how these steps contribute to client goal achievement, and program success. 2. Describe the process a client will encounter if they are not initially successful in goals achievement. 3. Describe ability to meet time frames required. 4. Include the total anticipated duration of service for each client, the frequency of contacts, time spent with client during each contact, and the total hours spent with each client. 5. Include the number of clients the bidder will serve in a 12-month period. 6. Include the number of units the bidder will provide in a 12-month period. 7. The number of clients and units must be provided for each service in the ITB.

Bidder Response:

B3a. ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 29 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 How well has the bidder demonstrated the ability to fully implement all aspects of the Work Plan? Rater Comments:

B3b. In the Work Plan, has the bidder described how they will effectively address clients’ needs and contribute to goal achievement and program success? Did the bidder describe the process a client will encounter if they are not initially successful in goal achievement? Rater Comments:

B3c. In the Work Plan, has the bidder demonstrated the ability to make initial contact with clients and provide services within the required time frame?

Rater Comments:

B3d. Has the bidder included the total anticipated duration of service for each client, the frequency of contacts, time spent with client during each contact, and the total hours spent with each client? Rater Comments:

B3e. ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 30 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 For each service, has the bidder provided the number of clients to be served and the total number of units to be provided in a 12-month period? Rater Comments:

B4. Provide an organization chart. Position titles in the bid response and budget must match those in the organization chart. The organization chart must include all organizational units supervised by positions funded in whole or in part of this bid.

Describe the amount and nature of supervisory oversight for direct service staff. Include: 1. Amount of supervisory time dedicated to this contract. 2. Number of staff each supervisor is responsible for under this program. 3. Number of staff the same supervisor is responsible for under other programs. 4. On-site availability of supervisor for emergencies and during non-traditional hours (where appropriate). 5. Supervision plan for direct service staff. 6. Back-up supervisor arrangement for direct service staff.

Bidder Response:

B4a. How well has the bidder described amount and nature of supervisory oversight for direct service staff with regard to the following: 1. Amount of supervisory time dedicated to this contract. 2. Number of staff and programs for which each supervisor is responsible. 3. On-site availability of supervisor for emergencies and during non-traditional hours (where appropriate). 4. Supervision plan for direct service staff. 5. Back-up arrangement for direct service staff. Rater Comments:

B5. ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 31 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 Describe the plan for notifying DHS and/or prospective clients of service availability.

Bidder Response:

B5a. Has the bidder described an effective plan for notifying DHS and/or prospective clients of service availability?

Rater Comments:

B6. Describe how a high degree of client participation, engagement, and investment in the goals of services will be accomplished and maintained.

Bidder Response:

B6a. Has the bidder described an effective approach for accomplishing and maintaining a high degree of client participation and investment in the goals of services? Rater Comments:

B7. Describe how and when clients’ eligibility will be determined.

Bidder Response:

B7a. Has the bidder described the process for determining eligibility accurately? Rater Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 32 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

Rater Comments:

B8. Describe collaboration with other relevant organizations and resources within the local community that will assist with successful implementation of this service including: 1. Identifying resources within the community that are available to assist the family. 2. The process for connecting the family to identified resources. 3. Advocating with the client for needed services or resources. Bidder Response:

B8a. How well has the bidder: 1. Identified resources available to assist the family? 2. Described how they will effectively connect families to identified resources? 3. Demonstrated effectiveness advocating and securing resources for clients? 4. Demonstrated the ability to coordinate services with other agencies for clients served by multiple systems? Rater Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 33 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 B9. Describe the training plan for new and existing staff, including the training schedule, number of hours of training, the training curriculum and how it prepares staff for providing the proposed services.

Bidder Response:

B9a. Has the bidder detailed a training plan that prepares new staff appropriately prior to service delivery? Rater Comments:

B9b. Has the bidder detailed a training plan that prepares existing staff appropriately to deliver the proposed services? Rater Comments:



ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 34 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

CATEGORY C. FISCAL RESOURCE ALLOCATION *This Category to be rated by the Fiscal Reviewer.

C1. Are the resources (budgeted details such as occupancy, communication, supplies and equipment, transportation, contracted services and miscellaneous) allowable and reasonable to accomplish the bidder’s work plan, and reasonably adequate to provide a consistent level of service throughout the term of the agreement? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C2. Is supervisory and administrative support reasonable and adequate with respect to: 1. Availability for consultation. 2. Number of staff supervised. Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C3. Is the number of direct service staff hours reasonable and adequate to deliver the level of needed service, as identified in both the fiscal and narrative portions of the bid response? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C4. Are the resources identified in the narrative/work plan section of the bid response consistent with those in the budget? Fiscal Reviewer Comments: ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 35 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

C5. Are indirect (Management & General, Overhead, Administrative) costs reasonable overall and when compared to other bid responses? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C6. Do units of service and number of clients to be served in the budget match the amounts in the narrative portion of the bid response? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C7. Does the narrative portion of the bid response or budget(s) include unallowable costs? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

C8. How well are resources to facilitate 24/7/365 accessibility identified and utilized (i.e., staff, occupancy, communication, transportation, community contacts, etc.)? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 36 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

C9. Is the Specific Assistance adequate and necessary to service delivery requirements? Fiscal Reviewer Comments:



ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 37 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 38 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 Sub–Section i BID RESPONSE: STAFFING ALLOCATION*

Bidder Name

Geographic Area City of Detroit

YEARLY HOURS/ WEEKS/ CATEGORY POSITION TITLES SALARY WEEK YEAR FTE (for total program) (Consistent with position titles identified in ITB narrative and budget)




*Provide information on staffing only for services to be provided for the funding allocated in this ITB. **Managerial/supervisory refers to administrative positions. If a position is both administrative and direct service, place the position in whatever category the bulk of the individual’s time will be spent.

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 39 ITB Number: ADMIN-14-82001 Sub-Section ii BIDDER RESPONSE: BUDGET NARRATIVE

Provide a narrative description of all resources your organization proposes to meet the requirements of the ITB. Do not include figures that would indicate the dollar amount of the bid response or unit cost.

Resource Description Employee Fringe Benefits (Itemize the benefits offered and for which positions, including, but not limited to: Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, Worker’s comp., Insurances, etc.) Occupancy (Square feet and number of facilities, heat, utilities, etc. State if you are renting or own.) Communications (Fax, telephone, number of lines and phones, number of cell phones, etc.) Supplies (General, program, duplicating, etc., include number of computers, printers, etc., if any.) Equipment (Any non-consumable item costing more than $5,000 and not included as part of the cost of the facility.) Transportation Costs (Number of miles for transportation, meals, lodging, etc. List the mileage rate you are using.) Contractual Services (Compensation paid by the Contractor to a third party.) Specific Assistance to Individuals (Amount of money or other items of value purchased for a specific client.) Miscellaneous (Expenses related to the contract, which are not chargeable to other line items.)

ITB format (Rev. 1-13) 40

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