Passage ID: Passage Reviewer: Date:

Recommend Passage For Use?

Standards Approved Strong Support Weaker Support

PASSAGE QUALITY: The passage is of sufficient rigor and quality (the passage is a worthwhile read)

Potential Issues/Concerns/Notes:

If Passage Is Not Recommended for Use, Please Explain


Genre: (check one) Type: Narrative Narrative Fiction Expository Instructional Informational (check Argumentative Poetry Literary one) Paired Narrative Paired Narrative Paired Argumentative Fiction Mixed Pair Other: Gender: Era: Culture:

Recommendation: Suitable Standards:

Overarching Quality Yes/ No/ Explain or Describe Criteria NA 1.Passage merits reading because of its place in the canon, craftsmanship, significance, or content 2.Passage is relevant and informative (Informational Passages) 3.Content in passage is accurate (Informational Passages)

4.Content in Passage is told from a point of view, is persuasive, or presents an argument (Informational Passages) 5.Passage is appropriately complex Quantitative Rationale:

Qualitative Rationale:

6.There are compelling reasons (standards-based or other) to accept passage even though it is potentially provocative

2 Fairness and Sensitivity Yes/ No/ Explain or Describe Criteria NA 1. Passage does not portray characters/people in a stereotypical fashion (e.g. physical characteristics, mannerisms, situations, etc.)? 2. Passage does not portray groups of people in stereotypical fashion? 3. Passage avoids stereotypical activities?

4. Passage does not portray men or women in a gender- normative fashion? 5. Passage does not include/mention political organizations, fraternal orders, clubs, etc.? 6. Passage does not overly focus on moralistic situations or topics? Specify criteria and concerns.

3 Analysis of Text Complexity and Suitability for Item Development Yes/ No Key Ideas and Details (CCLS R.1, R.2, and R.3)

Outline the main ideas or themes (literary) of the passage, including supporting details.

Are the ideas/themes clear and significant enough to paraphrase/summarize?

Are the ideas/themes/literary elements developed with at least three details to support items?

Are the relationships among the ideas/literary elements significant enough to analyze?

Is the development of the ideas/themes/literary elements significant enough to analyze?

4 Craft and Structure (CCLS R.4, R.5, and R.6)

List up to four Tier II words and/or figurative devices suitable for assessment based on context clues to support understanding.

Describe the general organizational or narrative structure of the passage, including potential areas for assessment.

Describe the point of view and/or purposes of the passage, including potential areas for assessment.

5 Are the potential words for assessment of appropriate difficulty and supported by enough context?

Is the organizational/narrative structure clear, developed, and effective enough to support analysis?

Is the point of view/purpose(s) compelling, clear, and developed enough to support analysis?

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (CCLS R.7, R.8, and R.9)

Describe the significance of the illustrations (Grade 3) or the multimedia aspects of the passage (Grades 4-8), including potential areas for assessment.

Describe the argumentation of the passage, including the evidence used to support the main claims. (Applicable only to informational passages.)

6 Describe the central points of comparison of themes/ideas/perspective between the two passages. (Applicable only to paired passages.)

Are the contributions of the illustrations and/or multimedia elements appropriate for assessment?

Is the argumentation clear, developed, and supported enough to support analysis?

Are the points of comparison significant and developed enough to support analysis?