EL Civics Focus
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EL Civics Focus Employment – Soft Skills (37.3) Identify and demonstrate qualities of an effective employee in the American workplace in order to get a job, keep a job or get a better job. Oral & Written Tests. Total of 36 points possible, 28 or 29 to pass?
Pre/Post Survey Questions Mostly Somewhat A little 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______
Task 1 Description: Contact a Work Supervisor (9 items, 18 points possible) Demonstrate the ability to call the workplace and report an absence or other information. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate workplace communication. Points Possible: 18 Level: Beginning Low - Advanced
Given a level-appropriate scenario or picture prompt (BL-BH only), student, in the role of a worker, will participate in a role-play in which student contacts student's place of business by telephone to speak with examiner, in the role of a work supervisor in order to discuss a problem, such as something that will prevent the student from going to work or from being on time. The role-play will include up to 9 interactions (BL=5, BH=6, IL=7, IH-A=9) on the part of the student, such as: 1. Introduce self (name and position) 6. Discuss a potential solution to the problem or explain 2. Ask for supervisor how to avoid the problem in the future 3. Tell expected arrival time at work 7. State when student will return to work or arrive at 4. Explain the problem and how it will cause the student work to miss work, be late, etc. 8. Request an opportunity to make up the lost time 5. Ask for time off 9. Close conversation Content Scoring Rubric Points: Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. 2 Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors that interfere with meaning, but the utterance can be understood with inference. 1 Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no utterance. 0
Task 2 Description: Identify and Compare U.S. Work Expectations (Task 2a = 10 points, Task 2b=8 points) Identify and list qualities expected of a good employee in students’ countries and the U.S. Identify, list and discuss the differences in workplace behavior and communication in students’ countries and the U.S. Compare and contrast U.S. workplace culture expectations with those of other cultures. Content A List Behavior Examples of appropriate Content B Compare Behavior (4 items, 8 points (10 points possible) behavior: possible) Student (IL-A) will compare U.S. work Given a level-appropriate Arriving on time expectations to those of another culture by answering 4 situation (e.g. a written Working with others questions, such as: scenario, a video or a Questioning for understanding 1. What qualities are expected in the U.S. workplace, series of pictures), Asking questions about tasks but not in another culture? student will label (BL-BH) Following directions 2. What qualities are not expected in the U.S. or list (IL-A) up to 10 Showing initiative workplace, but are expected in another culture? “good employee” Meeting goals 3. What U.S. work expectations are the most difficult behaviors (e.g. BL = 5, BH Completing work on time for you? = 7, IL-A =10) that are (or Making suggestions 4. What is one problem that might be caused by an are not) being Volunteering for difficult jobs employee not understanding workplace expectations? demonstrated. Give a specific example. Managing time efficiently Additional activity: Read and write simple work-related messages.