ULTIMATE AP Biology Exam Review DUE April 15

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ULTIMATE AP Biology Exam Review DUE April 15


ULTIMATE AP Biology Exam Review—DUE April 15

Use your text, your notes, and your brain to answer the following questions. Answer on a separate sheet of paper! TYPE IT. If you would like an electronic copy so you can cut the questions into your answer sheets email me. You may e-mail final product to me.

1. Define the following: isotope, valence shell, covalent bond, ionic bonds

2. Hydrogen bonds result in .... pH is .....

3. How many covalent bonds can carbon form?

4. Hydrogen bonds form between ....

5. pH is a measure of ... What is a buffer?

6. What are the differences between catabolic and anabolic reactions?

7. What is an isomer? Define structural, geometric, and stereoisomers?

8. Name the following functional groups: -OH -C=O -COOH -NH2 -SH -OPO3

9. What is the general formula for a monosaccharide? what is the function of monsaccharides? What are polysaccharides? What are the functions of polysaccharides? What are the differences between glycogen, starch, cellulose, and chitin?

10. What are the structural components of fats, phospholipids, and steroids? Fats store .... Phospholipids form ...... Steroids may function as .....

11. Proteins are polymers of ...... joined by ..... Describe primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.

12. The three parts of a nucleotide are ..... A and G are ...... ; C and T are ......

13. Energy is defined as ... What is entropy?

14. List eight organelles found in the cell and their functions.

15. What are the differences between diffusion and active transport?

16/17. The three steps in respiration are .... Glycolysis starts with .... and produces .... Krebs cycle starts with .... and produces ... Where do the following occur: glycolysis Kreb’s cycle electron transport chain 18. What are the two major parts of photosynthesis? Where does each part occur? What enters the light reactions? What is produced? What enters the Calvin cycle? What is produced?

19. List the phases of mitosis? List the parts of the cell cycle.

20. Define hypoosmotic, hyperosmotic and isomotic.

21. What is chemiosmosis? What is photophosphorylation?

22. What is the difference between meiosis I and meiosis II?

23. what are the differences between aneuploidy, polyploidy, and structural alterations in chromosomes? What is the difference between a linked and unlinked gene?

24. List some differences between viruses and bacteria.

25. List the tools and techniques of DNA technology. List some applications of DNA technology.

26. Describe the three major types of mutations. Describe some causes of mutations.

27. What are the differences between the lytic and lysogenic cycle?

28. Define the following: operon, promoter, structural gene, repressor, inducer, activator.

29. List the five conditions necessary for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Give the Hardy-Weinberg formula and state what each term in the equation stands for. 30. Describe some prezygotic and postzygotic barriers to the ability to interbreed. What is allopatric speciation? What is sympatric speciation?

31. What are the differences between microevolution and macroevolution? What is genetic drift? What is gene flow? What is selection?

32. What kind of cell is a protist?

33. List and describe the five kingdoms of life.

34. Define the following: phototroph, chemotroph, autotroph, and heterotroph

36. Define the following: eumetazoa, acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomates, protostomes, deuterostomes.

37. The three main parts of a plant are .... The three basic tissue types in a plant are ..... The differences between primary and secondary growth are .....

38. Compare and contrast transpiration and translocation. What is the difference between xylem and phloem?

40. What is photoperiodism? How are short day plants and long day plants different?

41. The four major tissue types in animals are ...

42. What are some functions of the circulatory system? The three components of the circulatory system are What is the difference between systemic and pulmonary circulation?

43. What are the two main types of immune system defenses in animals? What is the inflammatory response? What is the difference between cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity?

44. What are some of the functions of the vertebrate kidney? What is the difference between an endotherm and an ectotherm?

45. Describe the peripheral vs. central nervous system. Contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. What is the function of glial cells? Name and describe the parts of a neuron.

46. Describe mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and photoreceptors. What is a sarcomere? Describe the sliding filament model.

47. What are the four essential nutrients?

48. Trace the pathway of blood through the heart. (Draw a diagram) Show where the blood is oxygenated and deoxygenated.

49. What is plasma? What is its function? What are the functions of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets?

50. What is the difference between systole and diastole?

51. Which types of cells contribute to humoral immunity? Give the function for each type of cell. Which types of cells contribute to cell mediated immunity? Give the function of each type of cell.

52. How does aldosterone work? How does he renin-angiotesin system work? How does antidiuretic hormone (ADH) work?

53. What is the mechanism of steroid hormone function? What is the mechanism of peptide hormone function? How secondary messengers work? Give two examples of secondary messengers.

54. Where is insulin produced? Give three functions of insulin. Where is glucagon produced? Give two functions of glucagon.

55. Define the following: cleavage, blastula, gastrulation, holoblastic,, meroblastic, archenteron.

56. Explain why the following are important in animal development: cytoplasmic determinants, gene expression, morphogenesis, pattern formation, positional information, morphogens.

57. What is the difference between the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous system?

58. Give the functions and locations of the following parts of the brain: medulla, pons, cerebellum, reticular formation, thalamus, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex

59. What is demography? Describe some density dependent factors. Describe some density independent factors.

60. What are the differences between exponential growth and logistic growth? 61. Describe the three types of symbiosis. What is competition? What is predation?

62. What is a trophic structure? How does energy flow through an ecosystem? How are chemical elements cycled through an ecosystem?

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