Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council Held at Bishops Tachbrook

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Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council Held at Bishops Tachbrook


PRESENT: Councillors: S. Deely (Chairman), L. Balzaretti, R. Bullen, C. Gabbitas, G. Leeke, R. Loveday, County Councillor L. Caborn

1. Apologies for absence Cllrs. R. Brookes (family commitment) A. Day (business commitment) and A. Harrison (business commitment).

2. Public Session There were no questions from the public.

3. Declarations of Interest Cllr. Balzaretti declared a pecuniary interest in item 5(iv) as a member of her family attends the Youth Club and a personal interest in item 9(vi) as she knows the applicant. The Chairman declared personal interests in items 5(ii) as a member of the Sports & Social Club, 9(vi) as he knows the applicant, 11(i) as a nearby landowner and a pecuniary interest in item 5(iv) as a member of his family attends the Youth Club. Cllr. Bullen declared personal interests in item 11(iii) as a nearby landowner and 9(vi) as he knows the applicant. Cllr. Gabbitas declared a personal interest in items 9(vi) as she knows the applicant and 14(iii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. Cllr. Leeke declared personal interests in items 5(ii) as a member of the Sports & Social Club, 5(iv) as a member of his family is on the PCC and 9(vi) as he knows the applicant. Cllr. Loveday declared personal interests in items 5(ii) as a member of the Sports & Social Club, 9(vi) as he knows the applicant and 14(iii) a member of his family is a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (December) The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Leeke proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded Cllr. Bullen and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Financial Admininstration (i) Bank balances The following bank balances were reported: Current Account £54,142.83 Investment Account £73,279.09 (ii) Sports & Social Club; rent, grass cutting and posts invoice The Clerk confirmed that cheques for £175 and £475 had been received covering the 2013 grass cutting and posts invoice and the payment for the rent until 30th June 2014. The Clerk mentioned that the rent was £10.00 short and the Club has been made aware of this. (iii) Allotments; amended invoice from Severn Trent The Clerk reported that Severn Trent have amended their invoices as a result of the faulty water meter. However, the invoices still show a usage for the period when the water was turned off. Cllr. Leeke said that the allotments manager would be reading the meter shortly to see if the number corresponded with the invoice. It was agreed that once the Clerk has the latest water meter reading she should write to Severn Trent regarding this. The Clerk to write to Severn Trent. (iv) To consider Section 137 applications

SIGNED 18th February 2014 1 The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a list of applicants with project type and requested amount to councillors. There were 3 applicants; the Youth Club, the PCC and the Village Events Group. 7.48pm The Chairman, Cllrs. Balzaretti and Leeke left the meeting. The Chair was passed to Cllr Gabbitas. The applications were discussed and it was agreed unanimously that £300 would be granted to the Youth Club, £500 to be granted to the PCC and £500 to be granted to the Village Events Group. 7.50pm The Chairman, Cllrs. Balzaretti and Leeke returned to the meeting. Cllr. Gabbitas passed the Chair to the Chairman. Cllr. Leeke asked if we could request a date for the summer event from the Village Events Group. ACTION: The Clerk to write to the applicants. (iv) Passing of following accounts for payment: RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Leeke, seconded Cllr. Bullen and carried unanimously). Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; January - £420.00 Mr. R. Morton - play area inspections (January) - £20.00 Mr. P. Sankey - reimbursement for Christmas tree lights - £49.99 Mr. P. Sankey - annual winding of clock - £100.00

6. Warwickshire County Council Matters (i) To receive report from County Council Cllr. Caborn reported that at the County Traffic Seminar it had been agreed that our unspent budget would be carried over to next year. He further explained that this fund may no longer exist after this year. ACTION: Cllr. Caborn to let the Clerk know the current balance. The County will be putting additional funds into clearing gullies and repairing collapsed culverts. Some parts of the County have requested that Community Forums be stopped. The budget will be decided by February; council tax could increase by 1.99%. Cllr. Leeke asked whether the lay-by on Morton Morrell Road could be progressed. ACTION: February agenda item. (ii) Flooding on Oakley Wood Road An officer per district is currently being recruited to deal with flooding. Cllr. Caborn said that he has a meeting arranged next week to discuss this. The County will be working with Highways and Severn Trent to resolve issues.

7. Warwick District Council Matters (i) To receive report from District Council Cllr. Caborn said that he was happy to answer questions. The Chairman asked if there were any traffic measurements for Mallory Road. Cllr. Caborn said that Dave Barber or Roger Newham would be able to supply these. ACTION: The Clerk to request this data from the District Officers. There will be no increase in council tax. The Chairman asked when the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation might start. Cllr. Caborn explained that once the Village Options Consultation had been finalized officers would be available to work on the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation. He further said that it could be part of the submission draft due to be published by 9th April 2014 or it could be a separate document. As soon as this is clear Cllr. Caborn said that he would notify the Clerk. Cllr. Leeke said that he believed the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation should be

SIGNED 18th February 2014 2 separate from the Local Plan because it is emotive and if it is produced in one document the quality input into the Local Plan will be lost. Also, if the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation is rushed then residents will think it has been predetermined. Cllr. Caborn said that he would take these points forward. ACTION: Cllr. Caborn to let the Clerk know when the Gypsy and Traveller Site Consultation will start. (ii) Community Governance Review; update Cllrs. Leeke, Day and Gabbitas met informally with Cllr. Illingworth for his advice. A draft letter to Cllr. Illingworth had been circulated prior to this meeting. It was agreed that this letter should be sent to Cllr. Illingworth, copy Gillian Friar, regarding the Council’s concerns. It was agreed that Cllr, Day would represent the Parish Council on 28th January at the Regulatory Committee. ACTION: The Clerk to send the letter to Cllr. Illingworth, copy Gillian Friar. The Clerk to register Cllr. Day as a speaker at the Regulatory Committee on 28th January. (iii) Harbury Lane recreation area - location of indoor bowls centre Cllr. Caborn confirmed that the District Council has given the Avon Valley Bowling Club a 99 year lease, for a small rent, on the recreation area along Harbury Lane as they have to move from Jaguar Land Rover. An indoor bowling centre will be built. ACTION: The Clerk to write to Avon Valley Bowling Club.

8. To agree 2014/15 Precept and Budget The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a draft budget. Councillors agreed that the budget should be amended as follows; £5,000 to small capital projects (instead of £6,000), the forecast for 2013/14 for small capital projects should be £5,000 (originally £6,000) and safer, smarter parish should be £6,000 (instead of £10,000). It was further proposed that, as the amount of District Council grant in respect of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme had reduced by £257, it was necessary for this figure to be added to the precept to ensure that the Parish was receiving the same amount of revenue as in 2013/14. The Clerk explained that the District has confirmed that it has factored this reduction into the calculations for the tax base which means there will be no increase for residents. She further mentioned that the concurrent services grant from the District Council will decrease every year until 2017-18 by 2.5%. Cllr. Gabbitas proposed that we agree the draft budget with the above amendments and a precept of £27,909, seconded Cllr. Balzaretti and carried unanimously. A copy of the budget with the above amendments is attached to these minutes.

9. Planning Matters (i) Neighbourhood Plan; Draft Housing Report - discussion and agree next steps The Chairman confirmed that 250 responses were received from the Housing Needs Survey. This generated a requirement for 10 market homes and 3 or 5 affordable homes. The report from Urban Vision deals with the sites around the village. Neighbourhood Plan; Resident’s event update - 18th January The Neighbourhood Plan Resolution Party takes place at the School on Saturday. This event is larger than the event last summer. There are 8 to 10 stands, refreshments, activities for the children, a crèche and music. Members of the working party will concentrate on engaging with residents. (ii) Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries Consultation: feedback from drop in session 8th January and agree response to the consultation Councillors said that they understood that the session on 8th January was well attended. It was agreed that Cllrs. Leeke and Bullen would draft a response to this consultation based on feedback from councillors and residents, circulate to councillors for comments and then

SIGNED 18th February 2014 3 pass to the Clerk for submission. The Clerk to send an email to Stephen Hay informing him that our response will be sent to him by 5pm on Monday. ACTION: Cllrs. Leeke and Bullen to draft response, circulate to councillors for comments and then pass to the Clerk for submission. (iii) Rural Parishes Group Meeting; update No new update. (iv) Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway Statement of Case; request for endorsement ACTION: February agenda item (v) Woodside Farm; site entrance on Harbury Lane The Clerk reported that the Planning Officer has said that there should be no work taking place on this site. He advised that we inform Enforcement. The Clerk confirmed that she has made the Enforcement Team aware and they are currently investigating. (vi) Planning application no: 13/1704 - 15A Savages Close The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections. ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning. (vii) Planning application no: 13/1751 - 1 Commander Close The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections. ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning. (viii) Planning application no: 13/1505 - 21 Overberry Orchard The Clerk explained that this application has been granted despite the Parish requesting an extension. It was agreed that this is unacceptable since we were only notified of this application on 18th December. The officer indicated that it would be refused because of the 45 degree rule. Amendments to the plans were made on 8th January and it has now been granted. We were not told of the amendments and the subsequent change in the officer’s view. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of complaint to Chris Elliott. ACTION: The Clerk to draft a letter. It was agreed that the Council would comment on this application as the plans do not show 2 off-road parking spaces. ACTION: The Clerk to respond. (ix) Planning application no: 13/1608 - Land at Brickyard Barn; acknowledgement of letter (x) Planning application no: 13/1699 - Land to south of Mallory Road This application was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would object. ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to draft a response, circulate to councillors for comments and pass to the Clerk for submission. (xi) Planning notice: 13/1608 - Land at Brickyard Barn - granted (xii) Planning notice: 13/1607 - Orchard Farm Turkeys - granted.

10. To consider the purchase of a tractor for grass cutting at a maximum cost of £5,000 Cllr, Leeke proposed that a tractor be purchased for grass cutting at a maximum cost of £5,000, seconded and carried unanimously. ACTION: The Clerk to ask Cllr. Harrison if he could find a suitable tractor.

11. Amenities Matters (i) Fly tipping on private land; letter sent to Conservation Officer (ii) Mallory Road: Crossing Point and Traffic Speed Survey; update Cllr. Gabbitas said that she has received no response from Graham Stanley. (iii) Oakley Wood Road bus stop; new work date The Clerk reported that work should start next week but the contractors would confirm on Monday.

SIGNED 18th February 2014 4 (iv) BMX track; update The Chairman confirmed that the contractor is aware of this work but has not confirmed a date. (v) Meadow play area upgrade and maintenance Cllr. Loveday reported that 2 boards have been removed from the ground and have been placed on the side. Cllrs. Leeke and Balzaretti and a resident are meeting a play equipment provider next week to discuss upgrading the equipment. They will also discuss what action should be taken with regard to the boards. It was agreed that a decision on whether to repair or replace the boards will be made at February’s meeting. ACTION: February agenda item. (vi) Bolingbroke Drive - Bench Cllr. Balzaretti confirmed that the bench has been fitted. However, she has noticed peeling paint work and will be contacting the supplier ACTION: Cllr. Balzaretti to contact the bench supplier. (vii) Harbury Lane crossroads; planting Cllr. Leeke reported that 3 oak trees will be planted tomorrow. (viii) Kingsley Road verge damage The Chairman said that he has been liaising with David Cross at Highways regarding the work to improve the verges and confirmed that the work is planned. He also reported that he has written to the Sports & Social Club to ask if they could talk to their delivery lorries. The Clerk was asked to contact Robert Hoof at the District Council regarding damage to the verges by the recycling lorries. ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Robert Hoof regarding the recycling lorries. (ix) Oakley Wood - agreement by WDC for WWT to take over management Cllr. Leeke reported that Warwickshire Wildlife Trust would be taking over the management of Oakley Wood.

12. Communications (i) Update on website The Chairman said that the website has been launched. ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the website administrator and Cllr. Day regarding an article in the magazine. (ii) Drainage issue; letter sent to Severn Trent The Clerk confirmed that she has sent a letter to the CEO of Severn Trent regarding an issue residents brought to our attention at an earlier meeting.

13. Police/Community Matters (i) To note report from Police No new report. (ii) Community Speed Watch; update ACTION: February agenda item. (iii) Parking at school; update ACTION: February agenda item.

14. Correspondence (i) WALC Warwick minutes (ii) Local Councils Charter; comments ACTION: Councillors to pass comments to the Clerk for submission. (iii) Letter from resident re. Village Green

SIGNED 18th February 2014 5 The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting a letter from a resident expressing concern at the work on the green and the unofficial notice given by Cllr. Day. The Clerk explained that at the October meeting councillors had requested that the St. Chad’s Centre Trustees inform local residents about the work scheduled to take place on the green. She further explained that the green is the responsibility of the Parish Council and at the October meeting permission was given to the St. Chad’s Centre Trustees for temporary use in relation to the building of the centre since there is no other available access. The Trustees have assured the Parish Council that a meeting will be arranged between councillors and contractors to finalise the details. In addition, the Clerk confirmed that she would be talking to the County solicitor, who has already assisted in this project, for guidance. Councillors asked the Clerk if she would respond to the resident. ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the resident.

15. Date of next meeting Thursday, 20th February, 2014 at Bishops Tachbrook Primary School. The Chairman closed the meeting at 10pm.

SIGNED 18th February 2014 6

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