INTERNAL SWEEP: Fiber and herb powder. 1 lb. (454 grams) per container

There are 2 types of dietary fiber - soluble and insoluble. Both are very important to our bodies, yet very few of us take in a good balanced combination of both. The two types of fiber function in very different ways.

Soluble fiber acts like a sponge to help "absorb" the mucus contained in the intestines and clear waste and toxins out of the colon. The insoluble fiber, on the other hand, cannot be absorbed by the body and acts like a "broom" to help sweep the unwanted impacted fecal matter from the walls of the intestines.

Studies show that consuming an adequate amount of fiber is important to help lower cholesterol naturally and possibly minimize the risk of countless diseases including various bowel dysfunctions and many other health conditions. Internal Sweep can also help with weight loss by providing a "full" feeling since fiber will swell up to many times its size.

This product contains a unique combination of 37 ingredients including both soluble and insoluble fiber, as well as many herbs that are beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract and especially the colon. This product includes many different herbs which actually supply both insoluble fiber and soluble fiber, since it's important that the consumed fiber come from a wide variety of foods that provide a broad spectrum of those components.

Many of the herbs included in this masterful blend do not only have beneficial properties but also supply the various types of fiber the body needs. When you see mucus, strange colors and unpleasant looking textures in your stool - that may well be Internal Sweep at work. Its job is to help your body to thoroughly cleanse itself and start working at an optimal level.

INGREDIENTS: (For your convenience, due to the list's length, the ingredients are listed in alphabetical order. Many of the herbs are not only considered beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract but also are good sources of either soluble or insoluble fiber).

Alfalfa Powder (helps to nourish & alkalize the body, detoxify liver, aid in digestion of proteins, fats & carbohydrates; has anti-fungal properties)

Aloe Vera (famous as a great colon cleanser)

Althaea Root Powder (useful for inflammation and irritation)

Buchu Leaf (helpful for digestive disorders)

Burdock Root (helps to cleanse & eliminate impurities from the blood)

Capsicum Fruit Powder (assists in the digestive process)

Chickweed Leaf (excellent for the digestive system and the bowels)

Cinnamon Bark Powder (helps to check the formation of gas and to expel existing gas; aids in digestion)

Citrus Pectin (important as a fiber source and has other benefits)

Clove Seed Powder (has antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties)

Corn Silk (helps with inflammatory conditions of the bladder, kidneys, and urethra; helps to deal with uric acid retention)

Dandelion Root Powder (helps to strengthen kidneys & bladder, remove excess fluids; a good diuretic and tonic)

Echinacea Root Powder (known as a good blood purifier, famous in helping boost immunity, has antiseptic & anti-fungal properties, help with glandular balance, especially lymphatic and liver areas)

Fenugreek Seed Powder (considered by herbalists to be very important for the well being of the stomach and intestines; acts as a natural bulk laxative; lubricates the intestines)

Fennel Seed Powder (aids in digestion when uric acid is the problem, helps with gas, acid stomach, relieving abdominal discomfort, colon disorders, and gastrointestinal tract spasms)

Flax Seed Powder (essential for a clean colon; great source of fiber)

Fructo-oligosaccharide or F.O.S. (extracted from chicory root, this is the food of the "friendly bacteria" in our intestines. This natural ingredient is very Important for good intestinal health.)

Garlic Powder (odorless (helps to detoxify the body, stimulate the activity of the digestive organs; has been used for thousands of years to treat intestinal conditions and address various gastrointestinal problems)

Ginger Root Powder (a very important component to help relieve indigestion and gas; helps to absorb toxins, restore gastric activities to normal; used in many cultures as an effective carminative)

Goldenseal Root (helps to promote good functioning of the colon, liver and other organs, helps to cleanse them)

Grapefruit Pectin (important as a fiber source & has other benefits)

Guar Gum (vital in helping to clean out the pockets of the colon wall)

Irish Moss' (aids in the formation of stools and helps with many intestinal disorders)

Licorice Root (helps to cleanse the colon, beneficial for various bowel disorders and ulcers, helps to lengthen intestinal cell life and enhance microcirculation in the gastrointestinal lining)

Peppermint Leaf (helps to enhance digestion, relieve gas/nausea)

Rhubarb Root Bark Powder (aids in colon, spleen and liver disorders, and helps to promote healthy intestines)

Stevia Rebaudiana (a versatile herb used for its various qualities)

Papaya Fruit Powder (aids in digestion, helps with heartburn, indigestion and inflammatory bowel disorders)

Pumpkin Seed Powder (used for worms, stomach problems)

Psyllium Husks (a very important ingredient to help clean out the pockets of the colon wall)

Red Clover (great for blood purification and cleansing; helps with inflammatory bowel disorders)

Rhubarb Root (useful for the colon, spleen and liver disorders, enhances the gallbladder functions, has a positive effect on ulcers, helps with constipation, malabsorption and parasitic infections)

Slippery Elm (famous for its strengthening and healing qualities; helps to soothe the mucous membranes of the stomach)

Uva Ursi Leaf (helps with the disorders of the small intestine, spleen, liver and pancreas)

Other ingredients: Acidophilus, Natural banana flavor, Natural lemon flavor, Fructose.