725 Ray Lawson Blvd. Brampton, ON, L6Y 0T8 T 905-451-3819 F 905-451-3925 http//:schools.peelschools.org/1535

Principal: Mrs. Cathy Standing

Vice-Principal Ms. Karen Naik

August 25th, 2016 Office Manager: RE: KINDERGARTEN COMMUNICATION TO HOME-Launching Google Mrs. Wanda Phillips Classroom Dear Parents and/or Guardians,

As we are a 21st Century Learning school here at Ray Lawson, our Kindergarten class will be using several forms of technology and software during our daily activities. It is our goal to not only help students to learn and strengthen their technological skills but also to promote inquiry, collaboration and critical thinking through the use of technology.

Our class website has been set up through Google Classroom. Students and parents will be able to access important announcements, tools, and learning links through this site. This will also be a great way for you to keep informed on what is happening in our classroom.

How to log onto Google Classroom

Step 1: Go to https://classroom.google.com Step 2: Sign in using the class username and password Enter username: ______Select “Next” Enter password: ______Select “Sign in” Step 3: Select the desired link (e.g., Class K1)

Please keep a record of this login and password. We encourage parents to discuss Internet safety with their children and to monitor their children’s online activities.

In addition to Google, a variety of websites, apps and programs will be used across the Kindergarten curriculum to support student learning. At times, students will have opportunities to demonstrate their learning orally by recording themselves using school approved apps. They will also learn about using the Internet appropriately as a research and communication tool.

As always, we appreciate your support as we work together to promote student learning and growth.


Ray Lawson Kindergarten Team☺ August 25th, 2016 RE: KINDERGARTEN COMMUNICATION TO HOME-Launching Google Classroom Please sign below indicating that you have read the above information and that you are aware that your child will have a Google account for school activities. Student Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______