Section 1: Greek Art and Architecture

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Section 1: Greek Art and Architecture

Name: ______Date: ______Period: ____ Section 1: Greek Art and Architecture- Study Prints

A. Athens: The Acropolis 1. Why do you think the Greeks build their most important buildings on a hill?

______2. What material was used to make these buildings?

______3. Why do you think the buildings are in ruins?

B. Athens: The Parthenon

1. What was the Parthenon?

______2. What type of column was used?

______3. Describe the Parthenon?


C. Athens: The Parthenon (Interior)

1. Whose statue was inside the Parthenon?

______2. Why do you think the statue held a shield and a spear?

______3. True or False – The statue was six feet tall.

4. In what ways were the insides of the Greek Temples different from churches?

1 D. Aegina: The Temple of Aphaea

1. Is the temple larger or smaller than the Parthenon? ______

2. What kind of columns can be found in this structure? ______

E. Corinth: The Agora 1. What is an agora?

______2. Why do you think there was a covered walkway?


F. Delos: A House 1. Was this the home of a poor person or a wealthy person? Explain.


______2. What do you think was the purpose of this room?

______3. How was the ceiling of this home different from our homes today?

______4. TRUE OR FALSE- Columns were only used in Greek Temples.

G. The Fortifications (Fort) of Aegosthena

1. Why did the Greeks build walls and forts?

______2. What were the walls made of?


2 Name ______Date ______Class ______5-1 The Culture of Ancient Greece

Directions: Filling in the Blanks Reading the section and completing the sentences below will help you learn more about the culture of Ancient Greece. Refer to your textbook pages 154-163 to fill in the blanks.

The Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses who controlled (1)

______. Led by (2) ______, the chief god, the twelve most important gods and goddesses lived on (3) ______. According to

Greek myth, the gods were not thought to be (4) ______, but did have special powers. (5) ______were followed in hope of receiving good fortune from the gods. Because the Greeks believed in destiny and prophesy, they often visited a(n) (6) ______in order to find out about the future.

The earliest Greek stories were (7) ______. The poet (8)

______wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Greek people looked on the epics as real (9) ______. Homer's heroes became (10)

______for Greek boys. Another form of Greek story that taught a lesson was the (11) ______. Each fable ends with a message, or (12)


(13) ______is a story told by actors who pretend to be characters in the story. A tragedy has an unhappy ending because the character tries to (14)

______difficulties but fails. In a comedy, the story ends (15)


(16) ______in ancient Greece believed in ideas like reason, moderation, balance, and harmony and hoped to inspire people to base their lives on these ideas.

Examples of Greek painting can be seen on Greek (17) ______. Greek

3 architecture has influenced buildings today in the use of marble (18)

______, which are common features of churches and government buildings. Greek Theatre

Answer these questions using the in-class reading.

1. How did Greek theatre start? ______


2. Define soliloquy. ______


3. Describe a Greek tragedy. ______


4. Describe a Greek comedy. ______


5. Why did the Greek actors wear masks? ______


6. True/False: Both men and women acted in Greek theatre.

Greek Olympics

1. Do you think the modern day Olympic games are a force of unity in the world. Why or why not.




2. How did athletes compete in the pancratium? ______


3. What five events made up the pentathalon? ______

4 ______

Greek Religion Word Unscramble

Directions: Look at the letters below. Unscramble each to reveal the name of a Greek god or goddess. Use the clues to help unscramble the letters. Page 155 is helpful too. 1. S R E A god of war


2. U E Z S chief god; god of the sky, rain, and lightning


3. M A R T S I E goddess of the hunt and wild animals


4. P O O L A L god of the sun and poetry


5. T E S H A I goddess of the home


6. S N P O E I D O god of the sea


7. D E H A S god of the underworld


8. H S E E M R messenger of the gods


9. N A H A T E goddess of wisdom


10. T E P H D R I O A goddess of love


11. R H E A goddess of marriage

5 ______

12. T R E E D E M goddess of crops


Name ______Date ______Class ______5-2 Greek Philosophy and History

Directions: Outlining Reading the section and completing the outline below will help you learn more about Greek philosophy and history. Refer to your textbook pages 168-173 to fill in the blanks.

I. Greek ______led to the study of history, political science, ______, and mathematics.

A. Many philosophers were ______like Pythagoras, who taught that all relationships in the world could

be ______in numbers.

B. One school of philosophers were the ______who traveled from city to city making a living by teaching others.

C. Socrates was an Athenian ______whose true love was philosophy.

1. Socrates invented the ______of teaching, which asks pointed questions to force students to use

reason and to see things for themselves.

2. Socrates was accused of teaching young Athenians to ______against the ______.

D. ______was a student of Socrates who taught that democracy was not a good system of ______.

E. Aristotle, a student of Plato, influenced the way Europeans and ______thought about government.

II. Greeks wrote the first real ______in Western civilization.

A. Herodotus wrote the history of the Persian Wars and tried to separate ______from ______,

but used ______and ______to explain some events.

B. Most historians consider ______the greatest historian of the ancient world because he saw war and

6 politics as the activities of ______and stressed the importance of having accurate ______.

5-3 Alexander the Great: Words to Know

Directions: For each of the following terms or place names, indicate which are associated with Philip II and which are associated with Alexander the Great by filling in the number before each term in the correct portion of the Venn diagram. Read pages 174-179 to answer the questions.

1. Alexandria 2. Chaeronea 3. Hellenistic Era 4. Macedonia 5. Syria

Building Academic Vocabulary achieve, verb achievement, noun

Directions: Answer the following questions about the word achieve. You may use your textbook, a dictionary, or Internet resources to help you.

6. What does it mean to "achieve a goal"?

7. What is a goal of yours?

7 ______

8. What were some of the achievements of Philip II and Alexander the Great?

Greek Columns: Read page 162 and label the Greek columns. Beneath your label, give one word to describe the look of each column.



Greek Culture-Architecture-Theater- Olympics-Gods Quiz Study Guide

Architecture: Agora / Parthenon / Corinthian, Doric, and Ionic columns

Theater: Comedy / Tragedy / Soliloquy

Olympics: Pentathlon / Pancratium People: Philosopher / Pythagoras/Socrates/Alexander the Great

Gods: Athena / Apollo / Aphrodite / Ares / Dionysus / Zeus

Short Essay(s):

1. Why did ancient Greek actors wear masks?

8 2. Why did the ancient Greeks build their most important buildings on the Acropolis?


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