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______Volume 22, No. 3 January 2014______Frostproof, FL 33843
The following is a directory of the officers and other Are we providing more services? Is our property persons who are essential to smooth operations here older? What utilities are included in the assessment at Lily Lake. or do we have more homes?
POA Office . . . Kim Cotton, 635-6611 The important question is what value are residents Hours: 8 a.m. to 12 noon getting for their money? To answer that question the POA Website ...... lilylakePOA.com association publishes an annual detailed budget and PRO SHOP ...... 635-2676 makes it available to any potential buyer. A low assessment should be as much of a red flag as one POA Board Members that appears too high. President ...... Debbie Chambers 632-0643 Compliance/Lawn/Grounds/Pool We have too many renters. False. Our association Vice President ...... Dixie Upenieks 635-9297 sees renters as owners-in-training who are not yet Activities Liaison ready to purchase their own property. Renters have Secretary ...... Harry Carter 991-175 all the same rights—and responsibilities—to enjoy our Golf Committee Liaison/Construction/Compound community as do owners—except for voting or Treasurer ...... Sheila Kovalchik holding office. We welcome renters, encourage them Financial to participate in association activities and hope they Director-at-Large . . . Denes Cousino 419-345-9835 will eventually buy a home in our community. Projects/Streets/Gates Community living is carefree. True and False. Certain maintenance items are taken care of by the association but community living is not entirely carefree. Residents need to care about their FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK community and recognize that common-interest living involves service and commitment. Individual property MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT PROPERTY VALUES maintenance as well as community asset maintenance increases curb appeal, which helps Like many communities all over the country, our sales and may help maintain and increase overall association has felt the pinch in the housing market. property values. Without committed residents to As a result, there seems to be some misconceptions serve on the board and in other positions, about what contributes to the rise and fall of property maintenance and curb appeal are quick to suffer. values. Property values are based largely on comparative Assessments are too high. False. Actually, values of homes throughout our community. assessments have nothing to do with property values, However, we can ensure our values are at peak and high assessments will not turn off potential levels by assessing adequate fees to maintain our buyers—if they are educated buyers. Our community now and for years to come, by assessment may be higher—or lower—than a neighboring community based on many factors. Lily Pad, Page 2, January 2014 2 Reduce Stimulus. Close drapes to help muffle convincing residents to become and remain involved outside noise, or leave a radio or TV on to mask it. Be and engaged in the community and care a responsible pet owner—your neighbors will thank about the association and by maintaining high you! aesthetic appeal.
BIBLE STUDY RESUMES JANUARY 8 HELP NEEDED! Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, January 8. The Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations list that is This year we will study the book “The Harbinger” put on the bulletin board each month is incomplete if written by Jonathan Cahn. There are video aids so your information is missing. Please email me at we will meet in the Clubhouse at 9 a.m. For [email protected] or call me at 863-635-9596 to information, call Joan Williams at 863-635-9108. give me your important dates. There are many new families in the park who may not be on the list. If you are not sure you have provided the information, RED HAT NEWS please take a few minutes to call me and check. I would like to post ALL birthdays and anniversaries The Lily Lake Red Hat ladies enjoyed a delicious but cannot do it without your help. meal on December 11 at the Orange Grove Restaurant in Frostproof with 21 attending. Our Also, greeting cards are sent to our neighbors who hostess was Glenda Moffett. are in the hospital, suffering from a long-term illness or may have lost a close family member. On Christmas door prizes were won by Dusty Saunders, occasion, cards are not sent because I am not aware Lois McPherson, Irene Gassek, Glenda Moffett, Ann of the need. If you know of a neighbor going through Gunter, Nancy Brennan, Carol Sabourin, Barb one of these situations, please call and let me know McPherson and Jane Byrd. Songs were sung and so the appropriate card can be sent. Thank you in stories told. Kathy Reisert made each lady a Red or advance for your help. White Poinsettia. It was a very nice and festive time. Ann Fulton (aka The Sunshine Lady) The total collected for the Frostproof Care Center was $125. Our thanks, ladies, for your contributions. STOP THAT BARKING!! We appreciate the time and effort it took to make it a Lily Lake is a dog-friendly community. Many special day. residents are pet owners; but nothing is as annoying as incessant barking—even for dog lovers. Dogs left The Red Hats will meet January 8 at Butterfly Bistro alone for periods of time become bored and many in Lakeland, Florida, at 11:30 a.m. It is a distance but times find relief in barking. Some respond noisily to we can car pool. A menu and sign-up sheet will be any and all activity. Excessive barking is a “noise posted in the 19th Hole. nuisance” as defined by our covenants, and something that the board takes seriously as it affects everyone’s quality of life. Some ideas to help keep KARAOKE JANUARY 12 AND 26 the noise down include: Join us for an evening of Karaoke on January 12 and Training. Help is as close as the yellow pages. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse. We have fun, Training not only helps your dog, you may be laughter, dancing, singing, and enjoy good music. If surprised how much it may help you, too. You may you are lucky, you might be able to hear the Dixie get some insight into why your dog barks so much Chicks and the Chunky Hunks! and what it is trying to communicate.
Confinement. When you leave the dog alone, confinement to a crate may cut down on the disturbance to neighbors. Lily Pad, Page 3, January 2014 Save the date—January 26, 2014—for our annual LILY LAKE CHORUS 2014 “Chinese Auction.” Thanks to your creative basket contributions, this has always been a fun event. We The Lily Lake Chorus will practice beginning can’t wait to see what we all come up with this year. Wednesday, January 8, at 3 p.m. and continue practicing through March 5. The Chorus will be under More information will be posted on the bulletin board the direction of Rita Hodges and will be accompanied in the 19th Hole. by Linnea Thomas. We will prepare for the Lily Lake Nancy Brennan 635-9798 Variety Show that will be held March 6 and March 7, Polly Aubry 635-6176 2014. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the 19th Hole if you would like to join the chorus. SPAGHETTI DINNER JANUARY 30 We thank Maddie Boucher for all her hard work directing us in the past. We are looking forward to A sign-up sheet is posted in the 19th Hole for the hearing your thoughts and ideas, and especially your spaghetti dinner. Cost will be $6 at the door. The voices! menu will be spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, cake and a drink.
JIMMY SMITH RETURNS IN JANUARY Thank you for your generosity in giving for the lawn care crew’s gift cards. There is a crew of 8 and each Remembering the Legends starring Jimmy Smith and one received a $90 gift card. featuring classic songs by the legends Tom Jones, Roy Orbison, Conway Twitty, Johnny Cash and more will be here January 18. This GREAT SHOW LOST AND FOUND continues in the second half with Jimmy’s “Reflections of Elvis.” A bracelet was found by the East Village mail boxes. It is in the POA office. Ticket sales will be January 13 and January 14 from 8:30-11. Admission is $7 with all proceeds going to Jimmy Smith. TRAVEL NEWS
Naples/Fort Myers 2 day get-away—February 10 & HARVESTERS RETURN 11, 2014
For those who remember the Harvesters, they will be Travel by motor coach from Lily Lake to Naples/Fort here again to entertain you on January 23 in the Myers for two days of fun. Enjoy a Sunset Dinner Clubhouse. Come and enjoy the evening. More Cruise on the Naples Princess, a day of shopping at information is on the bulletin board in the 19th Hole. A the Miramar Outlet Mall, or golfing at the Mirror Lakes freewill offering will be taken. Golf Course.
Monday, February 10 KEVIN ANDRIOLA MEMORIAL SERVICE Depart Lily Lake Clubhouse ...... 8:30 a.m. Arrive Fisherman’s Village at Punta Gorda Please join your neighbors and friends in a memorial . . . 10:15 a.m. for Kevin Andriola who left us quite unexpectedly. The Shops open at 10 a.m.—time for shopping and memorial will be held in the Clubhouse on January 24 lunch on your own at 1 p.m. Betty appreciates all the support that she Depart Fisherman’s Village ...... 1:30 p.m. has received from her Lily Lake family and would like Arrive Fairfield Inn ...... 2:15 p.m. to see you on the 24th. Depart Fairfield Inn for Naples Princess 3:45 p.m. Arrive & Board the Naples Princess . . 4:30 p.m. Naples Princess Cruise ...... 5 – 7 p.m. Enjoy double entrée buffet dinner, Prime Rib and catch of the day, served with Caesar salad, potato, CHINESE AUCTION Lily Pad, Page 4, January 2014 4 vegetable, dessert and tea or coffee. The Captain VARIETY SHOW 2014 does a light narration on the history of the Area. We want our Lily Lake Variety Show to be free and Tuesday, February 11 still have room for everyone who wants to be able to attend. For this reason, we will have the Variety Enjoy Deluxe Continental Breakfast at the hotel Show on two nights this year, March 6 and March 7. before departing for a fun day of shopping and Begin your plans now for your variety show act. golfing. There is no sign-up sheet. Contact Rita Gallagher, Golfers depart Fairfield Inn for golf outing . . . Kitty Long, or Kathy Pryor to let us know your plans or . . . . 8 a.m. If you need suggestions or help. Arrive at Mirror Lakes Golf Course ...... 8:30 a.m. for 9 a.m. tee times We are looking forward to our entertainment of the Shoppers depart Fairfield Inn for the Miramar year. Can we outdo last year?! Outlets . . . . 9:30 a.m. Depart Miramar Outlets ...... 2:30 p.m. Depart Mirror Lakes Golf Club ...... 3:00 p.m. A REMINDER
We will be stopping on the way home for dinner Deadline for articles for the Lily Pad for February arriving back at Lily Lake at approximately 7 p.m. 2014, is January 20. Please give your news to Glenda Moffett, Kathie Reisert, Lyn Badger, Susie COST $198 PER PERSON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY, Hawk, or Linnea Thomas. $236 SINGLE RATE. WE WILL NEED A MINIMUM OF 35 PEOPLE. RALLY FOR THE CURE
Golf fees for 18 holes are $50 (9-hole rounds are not Circle the date on your calendar—Thursday, offered during winter season). If you plan to golf, February 6, 7:30 a.m. The sign-up sheet is posted in please sign up on the Travel Board in the 19th Hole as the 19th Hole on the Ladies Golf bulletin board. Any tee times need to be made a week in advance. golfer can sign up to participate. Any woman who plays golf is encouraged to play that day. We can Sign-up sheet is on the Travel Board in the 19th Hole. have only 72 golfers for our shotgun start, so sign up Questions regarding this travel please contact: early. Ed/Ann Utz, 282 Pine Loop, 635-3389, or check the information posted on the Travel Board. The entry fee to participate is $20. Give your check, payable to Rally for the Cure, to Lyn Badger by DEADLINE FOR SIGN UP IS JANUARY 15, 2014. February 1. As part of your entry fee you will receive a Rally goody bag and a one-year subscription to your choice of Self, Bon Appetit, Architectural Digest, “A NIGHT TO REMEMBER” or Golf Digest. If you are not a member of the Lily Lake Golf Course, you will need to pay greens fees at Our Prom date is February 14, 2014. You do not the Pro Shop that morning. have to wear Prom attire to attend. Russ and Kathy will be spinning music from our Prom years. Luncheon following the tournament at 12 p.m. is $5 Remember, they do take requests. It will be a “night per person payable to Glenda Moffett by February 1 to remember”—our first Prom at Lily Lake. —this is separate from your entry fee. If you do not play golf, you can still participate with a monetary We have four candidates for Prom King and four donation to the Rally for the Cure and join us for the candidates running for Prom Queen. luncheon. Your donation will be very much appreciated. In 2013 we donated $2377 for the If you have Prom pictures from your past, please get cause—a record amount—which brought our 10-year them to me as soon as possible for a project I’m donation total to $16,115! working on. They will be copied and the original returned right away. We are looking forward to this A separate sign-up sheet for non-golfers who want to evening. attend the luncheon is posted on the large bulletin Pat, Sarahjane, Connie and Claire board in the 19th Hole. This year when you Lily Pad, Page 5, January 2014 pay for the luncheon you will receive a ticket. Print your name on the ticket and bring it to the luncheon. These tickets will be used for door prize drawings, so don’t lose it! All donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes.
Golfers, please plan to arrive at the Clubhouse by While our friends in 7:30 a.m. You will need time to check in, pay greens fees (if applicable) and get to your assigned starting the North hole by 8 a.m. for the SHOTGUN start. Orange juice, coffee, and sweet breads/coffee cake will be served there. endure this
There will be prizes and “surprises” awarded at the luncheon. Join us for a fun time for a good cause as we remember and honor our friends and relatives who have battled breast cancer.
Saturday, February 8, bring your appetite and come to breakfast at the Clubhouse. A sign-up sheet will go up in mid-January. Please sign up on the sheet so we know how many to cook for. Advance sales will be January 29 and February 5 in the 19th Hole from 8 to 10 a.m. For tickets in advance the cost is $5. Cost is $6 at the door.
For any questions please contact Jim Ellis 309-454- 1429.
Lily Lakers, mark your calendars for Monday, February 17. This is the date of your annual picnic. Come and enjoy a day of fun and fellowship with your We enjoy this friends and neighbors. The committee will cook up those New York white hot dogs and garbage can turkey. The chefs of Lily Lake will prepare their favorite dish to pass. Music for your enjoyment will be by Sam Anderson and his keyboard.
There will be a committee meeting on January 11 at 9 a.m. on the Veranda. Anyone wishing to be on the committee can contact Coach at 863-344-1038. There will be more information to follow in the February issue of the Lily Pad.
Thank you for your help and participation. Coach 6