SARAH REDFERN HIGH SCHOOL PLAN 2012 -2014 V2.1 9 Nov 2012

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SARAH REDFERN HIGH SCHOOL PLAN 2012 -2014 V2.1 9 Nov 2012


Sarah Redfern High School is a comprehensive coeducational high school located in the South Western Sydney suburb of Minto. It is part of the Ingleburn School Education Group (SEG) and South Western Sydney Region (SWS). Since the school opened in 1981 it has primarily serviced students from the Minto Public Housing Estate but since 2002 the housing estate has been a pilot for the Housing NSW estate renewal program which has resulted in significant redevelopment of housing and infrastructure. This has resulted in significant impacts to the school and its community resulting in a reduction of student enrolments although many students still continue to attend from out of area. The Minto housing estate is now being marketed as One Minto, a mixed private / public development. The school had a student enrolment of 466 (June 2012) with 229 students identified as from a Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE) representing 49.1% of the school community. In addition 49 of the students identify as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait islanders (ATSI) supported by has a support unit with three classes for students identified as intellectual mild and one for intellectual moderate. The school is part of the Low SES School Communities National Partnership and in 2013 will receive Transitional Equity Funding. SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY AREAS Priority 1 Priority 2 Maximising the potential of every student Building expertise in a contemporary environment

Improved learning outcomes Quality teaching – Quality programs Professional learning – Leading learning Focus Area Intended Outcome  Improved student achievement in  Increase the percentage of year 9 boys achieving bands 8, 9, 10 in literacy with a focus on writing for writing from 10% in 2011 to: year 9 boys and girls 2012 : 12% 2013 : 14% 2014 : 16%

 Improved student expected growth in literacy with a focus on  Increase the percentage of year 9 girls achieving bands 8, 9, 10 in writing from year 7 to year 9 writing from 18% in 2011 to: 2012 : 20% 2013 : 22% 2014 : 24%  Literacy strategies embedded in teaching learning programs Literacy (stage 4 & 5) and teachers confident in implementation

 Improved educational outcomes in literacy (y5-9) through sharing of data and alignment of teaching learning strategies

Numeracy  Improved student achievement in  Increase the percentage of year 9 boys achieving bands 8, 9, 10 in numeracy with a focus on number numeracy (number pattern algebra) from 11% in 2010 to: pattern algebra for year 9 boys 2012 : 13% 2013 : 15% 2014 : 17%

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 1 and girls  Increase the percentage of year 9 girls achieving bands 8, 9, 10 in numeracy (number pattern algebra) from 17% in 2010 to:  Improved student expected 2012 : 19% 2013 : 21% 2014 : 23% growth in numeracy with a focus on number pattern algebra from year 7 to year 9

 Numeracy strategies embedded in teaching learning programs (stage 4 & 5) and teachers confident in their implementation

 Improved educational outcomes in numeracy (y5-9) through sharing of data and alignment of teaching learning strategies and resources

Student Engagement & Attainment  Increased enrolments by high  Increase the percentage of year 7 enrolments from feeder Primary achieving students from feeder schools from 40% in 2011 to: (Source: ERN Term primary schools 3 Week 10) 2012 : 50% 2013 : 70% 2014 : 75%  Improved student engagement in learning through quality teaching  Progress the implementation of the stage 4 middle school using the practice DEC middle years self assessment matrix from some level 3 & 4 in 2011 to:  Implementation of innovative 2012 : all level 4 2013 : level 4 & 5 2014 : level 5 curriculum models to meet the needs of all learners across  Increase the percentage of students achieving bronze, silver and gold stages 4, 5 & 6 level in the student management system from 52% in 2011 to:

 Personalised learning 2012 : 55% 2013 : 65% 2014 : 67% experiences for all students in a safe, vibrant and well resourced environment  Increase teacher capacity to confidently integrate technology into  Enhanced wellbeing for all teaching practice from 25% in 2011 to: students 2012 : 50% 2013 : 70% 2014 : 100%

 Students experience success and receive recognition for their achievements and contributions

 Well resourced teaching learning environment with a focus on technology

 Teachers confident in using technology within the classroom as an integral part of teaching learning

 Parents who are better informed about their child’s progress at 8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 2 school

 Bridge the gap in Aboriginal  Increase the percentage of year 9 Aboriginal students achieving student learning outcomes and expected growth in writing from 9% in 2010 to: engagement to match or better the school population 2012 : 20% 2013 : 40% 2014 : 60%

 Teachers delivering teaching /  Increase the percentage of year 9 Aboriginal students achieving learning programs that cater for expected growth in numeracy from 25% in 2011 to:: the learning style of all students 2012 : 30% 2013 : 40% 2014 : 50%

 Increased active participation of  Increase teacher professional learning plans with specific focus on the Aboriginal Education Aboriginal Education bridging the gap from 0% in 2011 to: Consultation Group and local

Aboriginal community in school 2012 : 50% 2013 : 75% 2014 : 100% activities and decision making body/s - Target deleted for 2013/2014 as 2014 target reached in 2012

 Enhanced engagement of Aboriginal community through the participation of Aboriginal students in academic competitions and experiences

 Capacity building of teachers, teams and leaders to improve student learning outcomes and engage in educational research

 Increased staff capacity to meet the needs of a transformed educational environment within a changing community

 Principals from the Minto Leadership & Management Community of Schools taking ownership of improved educational outcomes and ongoing education across years 5 – 9 for all students within the Minto community

 Parents (particularly new to the Minto community) engaged and empowered to become active members of the schools decision making body/s

Curriculum & Assessment  Provide a relevant and engaging curriculum to accommodate changing educational demands of

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 3 the 21st century learner

 Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning through a changing curriculum

 Teachers confident in programming using 4MAT and aligning evidence based assessment to teaching learning programs

 Teachers have enhanced skills in the use of data to inform programming and planning

 Provide teacher professional learning opportunities to meet the needs of a changing curriculum as identified by school, faculty and teacher professional learning plans

 Enhanced learning opportunities for students stage 3-6 through a coordinated program of activities in the Minto Community of Schools and partner high school/s


K. Endicott P. Phelps

MAXIMISING THE POTENTIAL OF EVERY School Identified Priority Area 1 Improved Learning Outcomes

Indicator 2013 Strategy 2013 2014

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 4  Maintain Head Teacher Middle School and x x  Increased %  Principal year 7 and 8 coordinator position to ensure of student  Manager community engagement effective implementation of middle school engagement  Manager national partnerships  Provide resourcing for Middle School literacy x x as evidenced and numeracy 4MAT programs by DEC x x  Prepare personalised learning plans for all Quality middle school students based upon analysis Learning of NAPLAN, internal data sets and student Environment management system data. Personalised (QLE) survey Learning Plans (PLP) accessible by all staff  Decrease in x x  Employ teachers to implement planned stage 4 approach to focussed interventions for suspensions identified students in literacy and numeracy  Increase in stage 4 attendance to school  Increase in student growth and proficient bands in NAPLAN (literacy & numeracy)  All stage 4 teachers informed of student identified needs through student PLPs  Increase in student learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy evidenced by pre & post testing

 Implement innovative and flexible schooling x x  Increased  Manager curriculum structures for stage 5 – 2014, to meet the student  Manager community engagement diverse needs of students from a changing attendance school community rates  Increased % of student engagement as evidenced by DEC QLE survey

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 5  Identify and prepare Personalised Learning x x  Increased %  Manager national partnerships Plans for identified high achieving students students across years 9-12 attending  Maintain program of support for high x x University of achieving students through: Western - creation of innovative learning space Sydney (UWS) - targeted support in literacy and Fast Forward numeracy (0.3FTE) (FF) programs - mentoring programs with universities  Increased % and external agencies students - exposure and participation in external participating in competitions / career programs external competitions  Increased % students improving internal and external data sets  Increased % of positive feedback from parents of identified students in programs

 Provide educational support programs that x x  Increased %  Manager curriculum can be accessed by all students across years students 7-12 attending SRHS HSC tutor programs  Increased % students accessing EDuHub for before and after school tutor assistance  Increased % of students attending the Mighty Mathematician s Breakfast Club

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 6  Implement a coordinated school approach to x x  Increased %  Manager curriculum the delivery of quality teaching and learning of student in the classroom across all KLAs to maximise engagement the educational outcomes for all students as evidenced with an emphasis on: by DEC QLE o integration of technology survey o literacy and numeracy  Increased % of students gaining band 5 and 6 in HSC  Increase in student performance in internal and external data sets  Prepare and update on a semester basis x x  Increased %  Deputy principal Personalised Learning Plans for all Aboriginal students  Aboriginal education officer students (Y7-12) which are accessible and participating in used by teachers and support staff UWS mentor  Implement an ongoing program of support for x x program Aboriginal students which includes mentoring activities programs with universities and external  Increased % agencies, exposure and participation in students external competitions / experiences and accessing AFL career/education awareness programs Sporting Chance program  Increased % students participating in the Aboriginal numeracy competition (ANC)  Increased % students wanting to access university and/or TAFE  Increased % of positive feedback from parents of students in program  Implement, as part of the curriculum, an x x  Teachers  Manager student wellbeing integrated student wellbeing program across actively and stages 4, 5 confidently  Recognise student achievement in all areas x x delivering of school life student x x  Promote participation of students in internal wellbeing and external leadership and volunteering program on a programs weekly basis x x  Implement identification, intervention and  Increase in support programs for at risk students student attendance to school 8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 7  Increase in students gaining bronze, silver, gold and school medallions  Increased % students accessing Student Representativ e Council at all levels  Increased % students accessing Sarah Pride Crew  Increased % of students attending leadership programs  Decrease in students on red and purple levels in student management system  Decrease in number of suspensions and students reoffending  Decrease in students receiving N warnings and N determinations

 Promote participation, sportsmanship, x x  Increased %  Director of sport personal excellence and team play through students participation in identified Combined High representing School (CHS) and external sporting SRHS in K/O, competitions zone, regional and state sports

BUILDING EXPERTISE IN A CONTEMPORARY School Identified Priority Area 2 ENVIRONMENT Quality Teaching - Quality Programs - Professional Learning - Leading Learning

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 8 Indicator 2013 Strategy 2013 2014  Maintain Manager of Curriculum to x x  Portfolio work  Principal implement strategies for whole school plan  Deputy principal change and perform areas of responsibility completed –  Manager national partnerships as identified in SRHS curriculum portfolio monitored at weekly management meeting and evaluated through EARS

 Maintain Manager Student Wellbeing to x x  Portfolio work  Principal implement strategies for whole school plan  Deputy principal change and perform areas of responsibility completed –  Manager national partnerships as identified in SRHS student wellbeing monitored at portfolio weekly management meeting and evaluated through EARS

 Appoint Manager Community Engagement / x x  Portfolio work  Principal Special Projects to implement strategies for plan  Deputy principal whole school change and perform areas of completed –  Manager national partnerships responsibility as identified in the SRHS monitored at community engagement secondary studies weekly portfolio management  Employ teacher 1.0 FTE to provide RFF meeting and allowances for Manager positions evaluated through EARS

 Appoint Business Manager to implement x x  Portfolio work  Principal strategies and source partnerships as plan identified in the school plan and perform completed – areas of responsibility as identified in the monitored at SRHS business manager portfolio weekly management meeting and evaluated through EARS  Maintain Manager National Partnerships to x x  Portfolio work  Principal implement strategies for whole school plan change and perform areas of responsibility completed – as identified in the SRHS national monitored at partnerships portfolio weekly management meeting and evaluated through EARS

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 9  Provide ongoing skill development and x x  Managers and  Manager national partnerships mentoring for members of the school executive management and executive team more confident and capable in performing their role  Provide training and support to staff in x x  Increased %  Manager national partnerships SMART data analysis that translates into of head quality teaching and learning in the teachers and classroom and guides decision making teachers processes confident in using SMART data  Support head teachers in the designing,  Faculties with  Manager national partnerships preparation and implementation of faculty all documentation: faculty plan, faculty documentation handbook, policies and procedures handbook completed to  Deputy principal  Implement cycle of review for school policies x required and procedures standard  Deputy principal x  SRHS policies, procedures, staff handbook  Review cycle and administration consolidated for staff on published and SRHS Intranet followed by all parties  Operational SRHS Intranet  Implement program of professional learning x  Increased %  Deputy principal for executive and aspiring executive staff applying focussing on: capacity building, team building to take on and school improvement leadership roles within and external to the school  Increased % staff wanting to participate in leadership programs conducted at school  Lead professional learning in the use of x x  Increased %  Deputy principal technology as an integral part of the delivery staff using  Manager curriculum of quality teaching & learning in the technology as classroom an integral part of their teaching for quality learning by students  Lead professional learning in the design, x  Student  Manager community engagement implementation and recording of student assessment  Manager curriculum learning/achievement in assessment and aligned to reporting teaching / learning program  Assessment procedures in line with BOS requirements

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 10  Management system of assessment records/data in place  Maintain currency of teacher expertise in x x  All teachers  Deputy principal designing and delivering quality teaching and trained in learning using the 4MAT model 4MAT  Teaching and learning programs completed  All teaching  Manager curriculum using 4MAT model learning programs prepared in 4MAT model  All teachers confident in teaching using 4MAT model

 Provide support for teachers engaged in x x  All teachers  Manager middle school approach with a focus on co- feeling that curriculum ordination of collaborative planning, they are professional learning and reflection supported

 Ensure that literacy and numeracy strategies x x  All teaching  Deputy principal are an integral part of teaching learning learning  Manager national partnerships programs programs with  Identify capacity of staff to implement literacy x x literacy and & numeracy strategies in their teaching numeracy practice strategies x x  Provide professional learning opportunities  Increased % and resource materials for staff in the teachers aspects of literacy and numeracy identifying that x x  Provide training for identified staff in marking they are NAPLAN confident in implementing literacy and numeracy strategies  Staff trained in marking NAPLAN (literacy & numeracy)

 Lead professional learning in the learning  Staff more  Deputy principal styles of Aboriginal students and students confident in  Aboriginal education officer from diverse cultures the understanding of student learning styles  Provide opportunites for staff to be trained in x x  Increased %  Manager national partnerships action research methodoligies and participate of staff trained  Manager curriculum in in-school research and evaluation and confident  Deputy principal programs in undertaking research  Implement initiation and support program for x x  Increased %  Deputy principal teachers in training teachers in  Implement induction program to support new x x training completing 8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 11 scheme / early career teachers x x practicum at  Provide professional development and SRHS support to head teachers of new scheme /  All new early career teachers scheme / early career teachers attending induction program  All teachers confident in their role and new school setting  All new scheme teachers completing their accreditation within the required timeframe  All head teachers confident in supporting and completing new scheme / early career teacher accreditation reports

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 12  Staff (teaching and ancillary) to be trained in x  All teachers  Deputy principal the development of professional learning (teaching and plans ancillary) with  Professional learning plans to contain x x professional  Deputy principal specific focus on bridging the gap between learning plans Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students  Increased % x x  Provide teacher professional learning teachers with  Deputy principal opportunities to meet the needs of a professional changing curriculum as identified by school, learning plans faculty and teacher professional learning with specific plans focus on bridging the gap  Increased % teachers participating in internal and external professional learning opportunities  Increased % teachers enrolling in institute registered professional learning courses

BUILDING A STRONGER COMMUNITY School Identified Priority Area 3 Engaging Parents and the Community

Indicator 2013 Strategy 2013 2014

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 13  Consolidate partnerships with universities, x x  New  Manager national partnerships high schools and other agencies to partnerships  Manager community engagement implement innovative programs and established competitions that develop and extend student  Retained/enha academic skills nced partnerships  Number of students from partnering schools attending SRHS organised programs/com petitions  % students and staff providing positive feedback from experience  Consolidate implementation of the Minto x  Attendance  Manager community engagement Community of Schools (MCOS) data of  Implement programs that provide educational x principal/scho enrichment for students in stages 2 & 3 ol x  Implement educational competitions that representative focus on literacy, numeracy and KLA related to MCOS areas within the MCOS and the greater meetings  Manager curriculum Campbelltown LGA  Increasing # x x  Implement a planned approach to the staff in MCOS delivery of literacy and numeracy (y5-9) schools that based on the sharing and analysis of SMART know about data and support the alignment, development the MCOS and and access to teaching learning resources (y its objectives  Number of  Provide opportunities for students K-12 to x x showcase work produced through teams/student participation in educational programs s registered to participate in educational competitions  Number of students applying to participate in educational enrichment programs  Literacy and numeracy plan developed and implemented across MCOS  Increasing number of schools and students exhibiting work in showcase event/s 8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 14  Appoint CLO (0.6) to: x x  Linkages  Principal o work closely with schools within the MCOS formed with  Business manager o develop linkages with local businesses in CLOs or other  Manager community engagement Minto and Campbelltown LGA identified key o partner with government and non- personnel in government organisations in engaging new feeder schools residents to the Minto community  New linkages o publicise school activities, student work formed with and achievements businesses  Quality of partnerships developed and active participation in resident engagement events  Implement forums in a range of settings to x  Increased #  Manager community engagement engage parents, community and the AECG in parent,  Deputy principal information sharing and encourage community participation in decision making bodies within and AECG the school members in attendance  Implement effective methods of x  Increased %  Manager community engagement communicating student progress to parents of parents  Business manager so that parents are better informed of student attending participation and progress parent meetings  Increased % of parents indicating that they are kept well informed of their child’s progress at school

 Investigate the implementation of a  Report on community school for Minto residents outside investigations of normal school hours

8551_Sarah Redfern High School_Low SES School Plan 2012-2014_FINAL-7 Dec 15

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