Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws

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Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws

Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws


Approved: May 10, 2010 Revised: October 22, 2012

Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws

Article I Name The name of this Council shall be: Adult Detention Professional Standards Council (ADPSC). Article II Authority The New Mexico Association of Counties Detention Affiliate, at the January 19, 2010 Affiliate meeting, established and approved the New Mexico Adult Detention Professional Standards Accreditation Program. The ADPSC is supported by the New Mexico Association of Counties and the New Mexico Municipal League. Article III

Objective The objective of this Council is to oversee the New Mexico Adult Detention Professional Standards Accreditation Program. To accomplish this objective, ADPSC will:

A. Approve the Adult Detention Professional Standards and ensure that they are subject to on-going revision as legal precedents, existing detention issues, needs, and capabilities change.

B. Recommend rules and regulations establishing an accreditation process that encourages and provides adult detention facilities with a voluntary opportunity to demonstrate that they meet the adult professional detention standards approved by the ADPSC.

C. Ensure the accreditation process is non-adversarial in nature and shall actively promote the cooperation of ADPSC program staff and assessors with participating adult detention centers.

D. Nothing in the performance of the ADPSC duties shall limit or be construed as limiting the power of the adult detention center, or other agency or department of any city or county to enact rules and regulations which establish higher standards than required by the accreditation program.

Article IV Parliamentary Rules Rules of Order. Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws

All questions of parliamentary practice shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases to which they are applicable, and in cases in which they are not consistent with these Bylaws or special rules of order the ADPSC may adopt.

Article V Adult Detention Professional Standards Council The Adult Detention Professional Standards Council shall be composed of the following members: four (4) New Mexico adult detention center administrators, one (1) New Mexico county manager and two (2) representatives from the New Mexico Association of Counties. New members of the Council are nominated by the New Mexico Association of Counties’ Detention Affiliate for approval by the Council.

If a vacancy occurs within the Council, the Council shall solicit a new member based on the membership composition outlined above. If a Council member exceeds two absences in a one year period without an assigned designee, he/she will be removed from the Council Council members shall serve staggered two year terms. At the end of the two-year term, a council member may be elected to another two year term upon Council approval so long as membership composition is maintained. Ex officio members of the Council shall consist of the Executive Director of the New Mexico Association of Counties and the Executive Director of the New Mexico Municipal League. The New Mexico Local Government Accreditation Program serves as the coordinating entity for Council activities and provides support service to the Council. Article VI Duties Council members shall perform the following duties associated with the New Mexico Adult Detention Professional Standards Council accreditation program:

A. Elect the chair and vice-chair of the Council, who shall serve one year terms beginning July 1. In the chair’s absence from a Council meeting, the vice chair shall act as chair of the Council. If the chair or vice chair become vacant seats, a new chair or vice chair will be elected by the Council at its next meeting.

B. Review and take action on Council bylaw changes.

C. Review and provide direction to program staff. Adult Detention Professional Standards Council Bylaws

D. Approve or disapprove accreditation program applicants.

E. Make final determinations on waiver of standards.

F. Approve or disapprove accreditation program assessors as identified by program staff.

G. Review any and all documentation related to facility assessments.

H. Review program assessors’ written findings and accreditation recommendations and approve or disapprove accreditation status.

I. Review accredited facilities annual reports and make determinations of compliance or non-compliance with applicable program standards.

J. Review and approve or disapprove reaccreditation applications.

K. Meet at a minimum on a quarterly basis or more frequently if needed.

L. Suspend or revoke a detention facility accreditation for disregarding applicable standards or committing serious violations of program rules and regulations.

M. Provide an annual report to the executive directors of the New Mexico Association of Counties, Detention Affiliate, LEDAC and Multi-line regarding the activities and status of the accreditation program.

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