Administrative Services Staff Meeting s4

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Administrative Services Staff Meeting s4

Administrative Services Staff Meeting July 7, 2004 PRESENT: ____Janice Ely __x_Alex Kelley __x_Lynnda Nelson __x_Rocky Bonura __x_Pam Fees __x_Donna Manno __x_Allene Quarles __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Bob Gann ____David Miller __x_Marcy Wade __x_Vic Hanson ____Andy Nasatir ____Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of June 2 were approved. Vacant Position Priorities: Copies of the July 1 memo re: positions recommended for recruitment were shared with the group. It was noted that positions funded from other sources have been separated from the rest, and those with a date in bold at the end are already being processed. This list is to be discussed in Cabinet on the 13th. In response to Vic’s request to input from the group, the following comments were made: . One analyst and one technician need to be added under ITS. . The HR Technician should be a User Support Analyst. . Mike requested another police officer position (partially funded from parking funds). . The VP Academic Affairs position needs to be added to the list. It was noted that the 60/40 split was temporary, and the Web Developer position will now be 100% and will be under Ann Garten. Q-Builder Priorities: Copies of the June 24th memo re: funding requests for Q-builder plans were shared with the group. Vic wants to make sure the list is complete, so managers should send input after they receive the E-mailed Q-builder reports. The projects are divided into two funding categories (1) general fund unrestricted and (2) other sources. Comments: . HR’s projects are missing. . The Bookstore remodel was included in Q-builder, but money wasn’t included. It was noted that Cabinet is trying to decide whether to merge everything into one list for one pot of money or create one pot for each of the three areas. Comments: . Alex suggested merging everything into one list since most things the other areas want affect Administrative Services. . Bob felt that the lists didn’t need to be merged as long as we have access to the other lists. . Vic stressed that it’s all new money and clarified the difference between augmentation (one time addition to the current budget) and enhancement (an increase to the base budget). . The amount to be allocated is still to be determined, and several possibilities are being discussed. . The tentative budget is currently projecting a $7.4 million ending balance, which is more than a 5% reserve. They have subtracted capital outlay, health benefits and other funds to bring it down to 5%. . Vic noted that his top priority is filling positions. Some managers included positions in their Q-builder plans and some didn’t. . Bob suggested that after projects look likely to be funded it should be subjected to a more careful and detailed review. Bond Equipment for 2004-05: Copies of a current listing of bond equipment that was not purchased in 2003-04 were shared with the group. These items will need to be rebudgeted for 2004-05. The group is to review the list and give Vic any input/corrections. Noted: . The first item (media center consoles) is going to the Board in July. . Industry and Technology can’t accommodate the spray booth at this time due to lack of electrical capabilities.

Committee Reports/Division Issues . Lynnda Nelson  The Bookstore will be closing at 4:30 p.m. for a month.  They are missing the “K” from their Bookstore sign. . Ruth Sanchez: Next week’s staff meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 14. . Bob Gann  During the next few months they will be replacing the chiller for the Business building and one for the Administration building. They will also replace the Music building boiler. Lynnda will transfer the money for her project into the capital outlay account.  He got the numbers from Jackie yesterday for the Measure “E” Board agenda.  The issue of CDC playground equipment that was erroneously charged to the bond needs to be resolved. He will work with Pam on it.  They are moving ahead with plans to have Paramount Pictures on campus in September and October to film a movie in ECC’s Stadium. June Curtis is working on the contract, which will go to the Board in August as a separate item. The president wants attorneys to review the contract. Bob is the lead in this project as far as getting the contract coordinated. Mike and Jim Schwartz worked together on hammering out the details.  They are ready to go to bid on switch gear and transformers for primary electric. The metal-clad enclosed equipment will be located on the south side of the baseball field where the safety equipment is currently located. It will not be a separate building.  The current time estimate for all bond projects to be completed is eighteen years. . Donna Manno: She will be retiring at the end of January. . Marcy Wade  Her Q-Builder items are missing from the June 24 memo. Vic requested a copy of these.  There is a lot of activity in discipline cases and in recruitment.  All of the faculty positions (15) have been filled. Some have already gone to Board. They are hiring three faculty positions more than the goal. . Alex Kelley: He met with the deans yesterday re: the need for a formal process and procedure for specifying academic software needs. Another meeting has been scheduled in two weeks. . Rocky Bonura  He met with the Purchasing staff and asked for their input. He welcomes input from managers also.  The work shirt program is underway. After a few size corrections there will be a grace period, and then the program will be in effect. . Mike D’Amico: In response to his question re: who will be in charge of custodial and grounds services now that Maurice has retired, Bob reported that Joe Saldana is now reporting to David. Ora Bryant, John Moore and Henry Waters are now reporting to Bob. Vic requested a new organization chart. . Pam Fees: There is still no state budget; however speculation abounds. The student enrollment fee is rumored to be $26, and there is speculation that there will be no differential fee. Restoration of the many cuts to the CSU and UC systems is expected also, so the expected redirection of students to community colleges may not occur. Although ECC is getting criticized for having such a large amount of money in reserves, this is preferable to the position Contra Costa College is in. They are cutting salaries 7% due to lack of reserves. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. staf77

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