Let S Get Ready to Rumble!

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Let S Get Ready to Rumble!


Big Ideas: Argument, Persuasion, Communication, Listening

Essential Questions  What techniques are necessary for effective public speaking?  Which propaganda and persuasive techniques most influence an audience?  What makes an argument relevant, sound and sufficient? (In other words, how do you win an argument?)  What is the role of an audience in listening to/reading a claim or argument?

Vocabulary Advantage Rebuttal Ambivalent Disadvantage Relevant Indifferent Argument Rhetoric Optimistic Opponent Sound Medium Assertion Sufficient Optimistic Claim Status Quo Pessimistic Ethos Aim Skeptical Pathos Proponent Cynical Logos Premise Beseeching

Prefixes Pro Ir Dis Opp In Re

1 Essential Characteristics of Effective Speeches (Written)

Essential Characteristics of Effective Public Speaking

2 Kid President “Pep Talk” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o&index=53&list=PLzvRx_johoA-YabI6FWcU-jL6nKA1Um-t

I think we all need a pep talk. The world needs you so stop being boring. Ya- you! Boring is easy everybody can be boring. You’re good or not. Life is not a game people. Life isn’t a cereal either. Well, it is a cereal. And, if life is a game, aren’t we all on the same team. I mean really, right? I’m on your team; you’re on my team. This is life people, you got air coming through your nose; you got a heartbeat. That means it’s time to do something. A poem: “Two roads diverged in the woods… and I took the road less traveled.” AND IT HURT, MAN! Really bad. ROCKS! THORNS! And GLASS! The (?) broke. NOT COOL ROBERT FROST. But what if there really were two paths. I want the one that leads to awesome. It’s like the dude, Journey said: “Don’t stop believing.” Unless your dream is stupid. Then you should get a better dream. I think that’s how it goes. Get a better dream and keep going, keep going, keep going and keep going. What if Michael Jordan had quit? Well, he didn’t quit; he retired, ya yes, he retired. Before that, in high school, what if he quit when he didn’t make the team; he would of never made Space-Jam, and I love Space Jam. What will be your Space-Jam? What will you create to make the world awesome? Nothing if you keep siting there. That’s why I’m talking to you today. This is your time. This is my time. It’s our time. If we can make every day better for each other, if we’re all in the same team, let’s start acting like it. We got work to do. We can cry about it or dance about it. We were made to be awesome. Let’s get out theeerrre. I don’t know everything; I’m just a kid. But I know this; it’s everybody’s duty to give the world a reason to dance. So get to it. You’ve just been pep talked. Create something that will make the world awesome. Play ball. Oh hi everybody, we are all working hard to make this an awesome year for other people and you guys are doing it, and super encouraging to me, so I wanna’ return favor. Who know who needs some encouragement? Pass this pep talk along. And let’s get the whole world to dance. I’m dedicating this video today to my friend Gabby. She’s a cool kid; she likes playing games and she’s fighting cancer. LIKE A BOSS! And to all who are watching – WHO ENCOURAGES YOU? Send them this video and let ‘em know. So get to it. (Music) Like! Comment! Bye. NOT COOL ROBERT FROST.

3 Malcolm London “High School Training Ground” http://www.ted.com/talks/malcolm_london_high_school_training_ground excerpt from TED Talks At 7:45 a.m., I open the doors to a building dedicated to building yet only breaks me down. I march down hallways cleaned up after me every day by regular janitors, but I never have the decency to honor their names. Lockers left open like teenage boys mouths when teenage girls wear clothes that covers their insecurities, but exposes everything else. Masculinity mimicked by men who grew up with no fathers, Camouflage worn by bullies who are dangerously armed, but need hugs. Teachers paid less than what it costs them to be here. Oceans of adolescents come here to receive lessons, but never learn to swim, part like the Red Sea when the bell rings. This is a training ground. My high school is Chicago, diverse and segregated on purpose. Social lines are barbed wire. Labels like “Regular” and “Honors” resonate. I am in “honors,” but go home with “regular” students who are soldiers in territory that owns them. This is a training ground. Just sought to sort out the “regulars” from the “honors,” a reoccurring cycle built to recycle the trash of this system. Trained at a young age to capitalize letters, taught now that capitalism raises you, but you have to step on someone else to get there. This is a training ground, where one group is taught to lead and the other is made to follow. No wonder so many of my people spit bars because the truth is hard to swallow. The need for degrees has left so many people frozen. Homework is stressful. But when you go home every day and your home is work you don’t want to pick up any assignments. Reading textbooks is stressful. But reading does not matter when you feel your story is already written, Either dead or getting booked. Taking tests is stressful. But bubbling in a Scantron does not stop bullets from bursting. I hear education systems are failing, but I believe they are succeeding at what they’re built to do, to train you to keep you on track to track down an American Dream that has failed so many of us all.

4 Captain Johnson to Citizens of Ferguson, Missouri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEsfmITOzW8

I want you to know my heart goes out to you and I say that I’m sorry. I wear this uniform and I should stand up here and say that I’m sorry.

This is my neighborhood. You are my family. You are my friends, and I am you, and I will stand to protect you. I will protect your right to protest. I’ll tell you right now, I’m full right now. I came in here today and saw people cheering and people clapping. This is what the media needs to put on TV.

The last 24 hours have been tough for me. I did an interview last night, and the reporter said, “Something is wrong, your tone has changed. Are you tired or is somethin’ bothering you?”

I said, “My heart is heavy. ‘Cause last night I met some members of Michael Brown’s family. One gentleman is sitting right there; there was a young lady and another young gentleman. They brought tears to my eyes. They brought tears to my eyes. And shame to my heart.

I can tell you and I’ve said it before. My daughter wrote me a thing in a text and it talked about Peter and Jesus. And she said, “Dad, I know you’re gonna’ get scared.” And I said, “Yes, I am. Not scared for me, but scared for us.” And she said, “Daddy, when Peter failed, Jesus picked him back up,” and I needed today – I needed today to get back in the water. And, I’m gonna’ tell you I’m gonna’ be here as long as it takes. My words will be honest. If we talk about him behind closed doors, I’m gonna’ tell you. So if you don’t want me to know, don’t tell me behind closed doors.

Because when this is over I’m gonna’ go into my son’s room — my black son, who wears his pants sagging, wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms, but that’s my baby.

And we all ought to be thanking the Browns for Michael. Because Michael’s gonna make it better for our sons, so they can be better black men. So they can be better for our daughters, so they can be better black women. Better for me so I can be a better black father…

5 Coach Dave Belisle Little League Speech to His Rhode Island Team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3H-krftI58 Heads up high. Heads up high… I’ve gotta see your eyes, guys. There’s no disappointment in your effort — in the whole tournament, the whole season. It’s been an incredible journey.

We fought. Look at the score – 8-7, 12-10 in hits. We came to the last out. We didn’t quit.

That’s us! Boys, that’s us!

The only reason why I’ll probably end up shedding a tear is ‘cause this is the last time I’m going to coach you guys. But I’m going to bring back with me, the coaching staff is going to bring back, you guys are going to bring back something that no one other team can provide other than you guys– that’s pride. Pride.

You’re going to take that for the rest of your life, what you provided for the town of

Cumberland. You had the whole place jumping, right? You had the whole state jumping. You had

New England jumping. You had ESPN jumping. OK?

You want to know why? They’re like fighters. They’re like sportsmen. They like guys who don’t quit. They like guys who play the game the right way. If we get down to the nitty gritty, we are one of the best teams in the world. Think about that for a second. For the world.

So, we need to go see our parents, because they’re so proud of you. One more. I want a big hug. I want everyone to come in here for one big hug. One big hug, then we’re gonna to go celebrate.

Then we’re gonna to go celebrate with our parents. Then we’re going to go back home to a big parade.

I love you guys. I’m gonna love you forever. You’ve given me the most precious moment in my athletic and coaching career, and I’ve been coaching a long time – a looooong time. I’m getting to be an old man. I need memories like this. I need kids like this. You’re all my boys. You’re the boys of summer.

So, for the last time, we’re going to try to suck it up and yell Americans: One, two three –


6 Billy Crystal, Emmy Awards “Robin Williams’ Tribute” https://news.yahoo.com/video/billy-crystal-tribute-robin-williams-032842113.html

He made us laugh. Hard. Every time you saw him. On television and in movies, nightclubs, arenas, hospitals, homeless shelters, for our troops overseas and even in a dying girl's living room, for her last wish. He made us laugh. Big time.

I spent many happy hours with Robin onstage with Robin. His brilliance was astounding; the relentless energy breathtaking. I felt like if I could throw a saddle on him and stay on for eight seconds, I was doing great."

Robin, Whoopi, and I once were in Shay Stadium in the broadcast booth with the great Tim McCarver; it was comic relief day at a New York Mets game. Robin knew nothing about baseball. I asked him, “What’s your favorite team? And he said, “The San Franciscos.”

He was a little lost in the conversation, so I got an idea, and I said, 'You know, Tim, we have a Russian baseball player with us.' I looked over and his eyes got all bright; his ears perked up. It was like he was a little dog that was inside all day and the master came up and said, “Hey, do you want to go for a walk?” So, I said, “What's baseball like in Russia?' Without missing a beat, he said, “Well, we only have one team: The Reds.”

Well, the next pitch, the batter fouled one off and it came screaming back at us; we ducked down; it went screaming into the wall. The ball bounced back into Robin's hands. He yelled, “I love America! I'm going to defect.”

He could be funny anywhere. We were such close friends. He would come to all my family functions. He would sit with my older immigrant relatives like he was one of the guys, and he would tell them about his journey from his little Shtetl in Poland to America. One uncle of mine said he came to America after World War II and hitchhiked. Robin said, “I waited until there was a 747 and a kosher meal.”

As genius as he was on stage, he was the greatest friend you could ever imagine: supportive, protective, loving. It's very hard to talk about him in the past because he was so present in all of our lives. For almost 40 years, he was the brightest star in the comedy galaxy. But while some of the

7 brightest of our celestial bodies are actually extinct now, their energy long since cooled, but miraculously, because they float in the heavens so far away from us now, their beautiful light will shine on us -- forever. And the glow will be so bright, it will warm your heart and make your eyes glisten, and you'll think to yourselves: Robin Williams… what a concept.

8 Speeches – Dig in!

Title of Speech Put it in quotation marks and capitalize it


Context When was it given? Where? Why? Was it precipitated by an event?

Speaker’s intended purpose For what purpose did the speaker give this speech? What was the goal of the speech?

Speaker’s intended audience: To whom was the speech delivered? Was it intended for a larger audience than simply those who were there?

“Moves” What techniques did the speaker use to impact the audience? Include specific words, lines or phrases. (Include paragraph number for each quote!) Vocabulary List any words or terms that are unfamiliar or new.

Evaluate In which ways was the speech effective or ineffective? In which ways did it impact you?

Punctuation (Conventions) Are there any punctuation marks that stand out? Why would the author use them? What is the impact of each? Speeches – Dig in! 9 Title of Speech Put it in quotation marks and capitalize it


Context When was it given? Where? Why? Was it precipitated by an event?

Speaker’s intended purpose For what purpose did the speaker give this speech? What was the goal of the speech?

Speaker’s intended audience: To whom was the speech delivered? Was it intended for a larger audience than simply those who were there?

“Moves” What techniques did the speaker use to impact the audience? Include specific words, lines or phrases. (Include paragraph number for each quote!) Vocabulary List any words or terms that are unfamiliar or new.

Evaluate In which ways was the speech effective or ineffective? In which ways did it impact you?

Punctuation (Conventions) Are there any punctuation marks that stand out? Why would the author use them? What is the impact of each?


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