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Indicates Matter Stricken s8

1 Indicates Matter Stricken 2 Indicates New Matter 3 4 COMMITTEE REPORT 5 January 30, 2008 6 7 H. 4344 8 9 Introduced by Reps. M.A. Pitts and Witherspoon 10 11 S. Printed 1/30/08--H. 12 Read the first time January 8, 2008. 13 14 15 THE COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NATURAL 16 RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 17 To whom was referred a Bill (H. 4344) to amend Section 18 50-11-310, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, 19 relating to open season for antlered deer, so as to delete a 20 provision, etc., respectfully 21 REPORT: 22 That they have duly and carefully considered the same and 23 recommend that the same do pass with amendment: 24 25 Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the 26 enacting words and inserting: 27 /SECTION 1. Section 50-11-310 of the 1976 Code, as last 28 amended by Act 289 of 2006, is further amended to read: 29 (A) The open season for taking antlered deer is: 30 (1) In Game Zone 1: October 1 through October 10, with 31 primitive weapons only; October 11 through October 16, and 32 October 31 through January 1, with archery equipment and 33 firearms. 34 (2) In Game Zone 2: September 15 through September 30, 35 with archery equipment only, October 1 through October 10, with 36 primitive weapons only; October 11 through January 1, with 37 archery equipment and firearms. 38 (3) In Game Zone 3: August 15 through January 1, with 39 archery equipment and firearms. 40 (4) In Game Zone 4: September 1 through September 14, 41 with archery equipment and September 15 through January 1, with 42 archery equipment and firearms.

1 [4344-1] 1 (5) In Game Zone 5: August 15 through August 31, with 2 archery equipment and September 1 through January 1, with 3 archery equipment and firearms. 4 (6) In Game Zone 6: August 15 through January 1, with 5 archery equipment and firearms. 6 (B) In Game Zones 1 and 2, and on lands, the department may 7 promulgate regulations in accordance with the Administrative 8 Procedures Act to establish the methods for hunting and taking of 9 deer and for other restrictions for hunting and taking deer. In 10 Game Zones 1 and 2, it is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs, and it 11 is unlawful to bait for deer. 12 (B)(C) In Game Zones 1 and 2, and on On lands, the department 13 may promulgate regulations in accordance with the Administrative 14 Procedures Act to establish the methods for hunting and taking of 15 deer and for other restrictions for hunting and taking deer. 16 (C)(D) It is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs except during the 17 prescribed season for hunting deer. 18 (E) For special primitive weapons seasons, primitive weapons 19 include bow and arrow, crossbows, and muzzle-loading shotguns 20 of 20 guage or larger, and rifles of .36 caliber or larger with open 21 or peep sights or scopes, which use black powder or a black 22 powder substitute that does not contain nitro-cellulose or nitro- 23 glycerin components as the propellant charge. There are no 24 restrictions on iginition systems including flintstone, percussion 25 cap, shotgun primer, disk, or electronic. During primitive weapons 26 season, no revolving rifles are permitted.” 27 SECTION 2. Section 50-11-335 of the 1976 Code, as last 28 amended by an unnumbered Act of 2008 bearing ratification 29 number ___, is further amended to read: 30 “Section 50-11-335. The bag limit on antlered deer is: 31 (1) Game Zones 1 and 2: as set by the department; 32 (2) Game Zone 4: not more than five for all seasons 33 combined; 34 (3) Game Zones 3, 5, and 6: no daily or season limit. 35 Each animal over the limit is a separate offense. The bag limit 36 on antlered deer is: 37 (1) Game Zones 1 and 2: not more than five for all seasons 38 combined; 39 (2) Game Zones 3, 4, 5 and 6: no daily or season limit. 40 Each animal over the limit is a separate offense.” 41 SECTION 3. This act takes effect upon approval by the 42 Governor. /

1 [4344-2] 1 Renumber sections to conform. 2 Amend title to conform. 3 4 WILLIAM D. WITHERSPOON for Committee. 5

1 [4344-3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A BILL 10 11 TO AMEND SECTION 50-11-310, AS AMENDED, CODE OF 12 LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, RELATING TO OPEN 13 SEASON FOR ANTLERED DEER, SO AS TO DELETE A 14 PROVISION ENABLING THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL 15 RESOURCES TO ESTABLISH METHODS AND 16 RESTRICTIONS FOR THE HUNTING AND TAKING OF 17 DEER. 18 19 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South 20 Carolina: 21 22 SECTION 1. Section 50-11-310 of the 1976 Code, as last 23 amended by Act 289 of 2006, is further amended to read: 24 25 “Section 50-11-310. (A) The open season for taking antlered 26 deer is: 27 (1) In Game Zone 1: October first through October tenth, 28 with primitive weapons only; October eleventh through October 29 sixteenth, and October thirty-first through January first, with 30 archery equipment and firearms, Sundays excepted. 31 (2) In Game Zones 2 and 4: September fifteenth through 32 September thirtieth, with archery equipment only; October first 33 through October tenth, with primitive weapons only; October 34 eleventh through January first, with archery equipment and 35 firearms;, Sundays excepted;. 36 (3) Game Zones 5 and 7: with bow and arrow September 37 first through January first and with firearms September fifteenth 38 through January first;. 39 (4) Game Zones 8 and 9: August fifteenth to August 40 thirty-first with bow and arrow only and September first through 41 January first with firearms. Antlerless deer may be taken

1 [4344] 1 1 December fifteenth through January first with bow and arrow 2 only;. 3 (5) Game Zone 10: September first through January first 4 with bow and arrow only and with firearms September fifteenth 5 through January first. 6 (B) Except as provided in subsection (A), the season for taking 7 antlered deer is August fifteenth through January first. 8 (C) It is unlawful to pursue deer with dogs except during the 9 prescribed season for hunting deer. 10 (D) In Game Zones 1, 2, and 4 the department may promulgate 11 regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act 12 to establish the methods for hunting and taking of deer and for 13 other restrictions for hunting and taking deer.” 14 (E) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is not 15 unlawful to hunt deer on Sunday on private land in this State 16 during the prescribed season for hunting deer.” 17 18 SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the 19 Governor. 20 ----XX---- 21

1 [4344] 2

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