Emma Cilliers V00679693 Sept 12 2012 EDCI 469

French 10 minute Grammar lesson.

The verb Avoir and The Game.

Grade Level: 5

PLOs: Ask and respond to simple questions

Objectives: Students will: - Be familiar with the verb avoir -Understand why avoir is an important verb – past tense -Be able to conjugate and pronounce the verb avoir in the present tense and in context of common sentences

Materials: - cue cards with all the present tense conjugations of avoir written on them individually and some sentence endings. - Egg timer - Prizes for the winning team (optional)


Ask the class what an irregular verb is. Talk about the two most important irregular verbs – Être and Avoir WHY is avoir so important – think about when you use “to have” in English. eg – I had a great time today - I had lunch this morning

PAST TENSE – in French we call this PASSÉ COMPOSE However for the purpose of this mini lesson we are just going to focus on conjugating the verb in its present tense.

Put the magnetic verbs up on the board and go through them with the students, starting with “je” and ending with “ils” and “elles”. Present Tense

J’ai I have Tu as You have Il a He has Elle a She has On a One has Nous avons We have Vous avez You(the group) have Ils You(boys group) have elles You(girls group) have

Talk about some phrases that use the verb avoir.


**for the purpose of this class we will divide up the stronger French students with the weaker French students. Divide the class into 2 teams On the board there will be cue cards and I will say a sentence in English and one person from each team has to go up and rearrange the words in the correct order. First one finished wins a point for their team. Depending on how many people we have will depend on how many rounds we have.

Game phrases: - Lots of chocolate Beaucoup de chocolat - A Headache Un mal de tete - A Grapefruit Une Pamplemousse - Three Cats Trois chats - A Blue Car Un auto bleu - A Big Dog Une grande chien - Brown Eyes Les yeux Brun - 16 years old Seize ans - Cold Froid