Sealed Quotations Should Be Submitted in Two Sealed Covers Super Scribed As
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May 1, 2012
Dear Sir,
Sub: Supply and Installation IT Infrastructure Equipments at MDI, Murshidabad Campus, Jangipur, West Bengal
Sealed Quotations are invited for IT Infrastructure Equipments at MDI, Murshidabad Campus, Jangipur, West Bengal as per the specifications and scope of work and terms and conditions mentioned in the enclosed document. Sealed Quotations should be submitted in two sealed covers super scribed as: Technical Quotation for “IT Infrastructure Equipments for MDI, Murshidabad Campus, Jangipur, West Bengal; Financial Quotation for “IT Infrastructure Equipments for MDI, Murshidabad Campus, Jangipur, West Bengal.
The quotations should be submitted in a sealed cover addressed to:-
The Registrar & Secretary Management Development Institute Post Box No. 60, Sukhrauli, Mehrauli – Gurgaon Road Gurgaon - 122 001
On or before 1500 hrs. of the May 31, 2012 the rates quoted should be inclusive of all labour material, octroi, cartage etc. (F.O.R). at MDI Campus, Jangipur, Murshidabad, West Bengal and description of equipments are enclosed at Annexure I to X. For any Query Kindly contact: Mr. D.K. Ahuja Sr. Systems Analyst Tel: 0124-4560327, Mobile: 9811183372 Email ID: [email protected]
Terms & Conditions are as under: (i) Only LST/CST shall be paid extra by the Institute as per rules for the supply of Equipments. No C or D forms shall be supplied by the Institute. (ii) The Equipments will be supplied and installed at MDI Murshidabad Campus and nothing extra shall be paid for the cartage, packing, forwarding, octroi etc. (iii) All the Equipments ordered shall be supplied within 60 days of the confirmed order in writing by the Institute. (iv) Rates should be quoted for items as per specification at Annexure I to X. (v) Noting extra shall be paid for Installation of Equipments at site.
1 (vi) No advance payment/mobilization advance for the supply of Equipments will be paid by the Institute. (vii) In case the full quantity of Equipments is not supplied within the date stipulated penalty shall be imposed @ 0.1% of the order value for each day of delay subject to a maximum of Rs.50, 000/- (Rs. Fifty thousand only). However, Director, MDI shall be empowered to grant extension of time on valid grounds. (viii) The quoted price shall be valid for the six months and is not subject to escalation due to any reason whatsoever. (ix) All the Equipments should be installed at the MDI-M. (x) Specify warranty of each product given in Annexure I to X. (xi) In case any item is found to be defective /substandard, the same shall be rejected and shall not be paid for such items and shall be removed from the site immediately. (xii) 80% (eighty percent) of the value of items supplied will be paid within 3 weeks of delivery of items in the campus and 20% of supply after 3 weeks on satisfactory commissioning of all items. (xiii) The quantities indicated in the Annexure are approximate only. The quantities can be increased or decreased or totally deleted while placing order by the Institute. Payment shall be made on the actual quantity of Equipments supplied at site. (xiv) The successful supplier will deposited, Security deposit (5% value of total amount of Equipments) in the form of Demand Draft at the of award of work. The EMD will only be released after 90 days of the full supply and Installation ordered. (xv) MDI reserve the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
(V.K. Nangia) Registrar & Secretary
Encl: 21 pages (Annexure)
2 Annexure I Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Computer Hardware) Technical Qualifications for Computers hardware S. No Description Company Response Remarks . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number of Computers, Servers. Attach details. 3 Authorized Business Partner/ ISP of Yes / No HP/IBM/Dell (provide the relevant document) 4 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 5. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location(Distance in KMS from MDI Murshidabad Campus
3 Annexure I Financial Bid for Computer Hardware S. Unit Price Amount Unit price Amount Computers / Printer / Scanner Qty No. For 1 year (3 years) for 3 years (3 years) 1 IBM /HP/Dell 233 Core i5-2nd generation 2400, H61 chipset, 4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD, BT, CAM, Win 7 Pro, 20 " W Analog TFT, AIO 1a Creative USB Speaker (Without 233 adapter) for item no.1 1b. Also give the price with DOS 1B. IBM /HP /Dell Wireless keyboard 9 Mouse for the item number 1 2 HP Printer LaserJet 3015DN with 3 4 years comprehensive onsite warranty with HP Carry pack 3 Xerox Phaser-7500N 1 SRA3 COLOR PRINTER 35 PPM B/W & 35 PPM Color Network Printer, 512 RAM, 1Ghz Processor, Adobe PS Kit, 3 Years onsite warranty 4 HP LaserJet 1022 Plus Printer (3 68 years onsite warranty with HP Carry pack) 5 HP LaserJet M1536dnf MFP 4 Print, Copy, Scan, Fax, Network (3 Years Warranty with HP care pack) 6 HP Scanjet 5590 Digital Flatbed 1 Scanner 7 Seagate USB 500 GB / 1 TB Hard 3 Drive 8 PEN Drive 16 GB 20 (HP/Transcend/Kingston) 9 HP / Lenova /Dell Intel Corei5 2450 18 / 14" Widescreen LED Backlit HD- Bright View / 4GB DDR3 upgradable up to 8 GB / 500GB HDD / DVD +/- RW / Wireless & Bluetooth / Ethernet 10/100/1000 / Touchpad / Chicklet keyboard / Web Camera / 6 cell Li- Ion Batt / Windows 7 Professional / 3 on side Year
4 S. Unit Price Amount Unit price Amount Computers / Printer / Scanner Qty No. For 1 year (3 years) for 3 years (3 years) Warranty / Finger Print Reader / UBS External Mouse 9a Creative USB Speaker (Without 18 adapter) for item no. 9 10 Logitech Headphone with mike 20 Give the price of above items with 1 Year comprehensive onsite warranty and 3 Years comprehensive onsite warranty
Servers Unit price Amount Sr. Unit Total Description Qty. for 3 for 3 No. Price Price years years 1 IBM System x3650 M3 3 IBM X3650 M3 Xeon 6C X5650 95W 2.66GHz/1333MHz/12MB / 3x4GBDDR-3 O/Bay 2.5in HS SAS SR M5015 / Rack / Integrated Lan 2 PORTS/With Raid 5 in build /Redundant Power Supply IBM Ultra Slim Enhanced SATA Multi-Burner for item 1a 3 no. 1 1b IBM Virtual Media Key, for item no. 1 3 1c Additional IBM Giga bit LAN Card, for item no. 1 2 IBM 300 GB 2.5in SFF Slim-HS 10K 6Gbps SAS HDD 1d 14 for item no. 1 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Standard (12 2 Sockets) (Up to 1 guest) and Installation on the 3 above servers IBM 1U 19in Flat Panel Monitor Console Kit with 3 Optical Drive Bay with keyboard. Part Number 1 172319X Give the price of above items with 1 Year comprehensive onsite warranty and 3 Years comprehensive onsite warranty Total
5 Annexure II Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (16 Mbps 1:1 Internet Leased line) Technical Qualifications for 16 Mbps Internet Leased line 1:1 S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number & ILL Capacity of Clients. Attach details.
3 MDI Campus at MDI-M, Murshidabad Campus, Yes / No Jangipur, West Bengal, Internet Lease Line Capacity Requirement 16 Mbps 1:1 4 MAIL BACK-UP SERVICE IN CASE OF LAST MILE Yes / No CONNECTION FAILURE At present our mail server installed in MDI-M Campus, kindly give the price for backup of our mail data in case of Internet Link goes down line OR our mail server is down. Our mail data should be pumped to our mail server whenever internet lease line comes live. 5 99.5% Network up time and down time should Yes / No not be more than 2 hours in a day at a time. 6 Implementation Time Yes / No
7. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, Yes / No West Bengal or nearby location(Distance in KMS from MDI-M Campus Murshidabad
6 Annexure II
Financial Bid for 16 Mbps 1:1 Internet line
16 Mbps 1:1 Internet line
Sr. Location Internet Lease Amount Remark No Line Capacity In Rs. Requirement 1 MDI Campus at MDI-M, Murshidabad Campus, 16 MBPS 1:1 Jangipur, West Bengal. 2 MAIL BACK-UP SERVICE IN CASE OF LAST MILE 501 Users CONNECTION FAILURE At present our mail server installed in MDI-M Campus, kindly give the price for backup of our mail data in case of Internet Link goes down line OR our mail server is down. Our mail data should be pumped to our mail server whenever internet lease line comes live. 3 1 CISCO ROUTER/ MODEL: 3945 –K9 4 99.5% Network up time and down time should not be more than 2 hours in a day at a time. 5 All other equipments required for the internet leased line will be provided by the vendor. 6 Implementation Time 7 Payment Terms Total
7 Annexure III Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Cyberoam CR 500i) Technical Qualifications for Cyberoam CR 500i
S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from Murshidabad
Annexure III
Financial Bid for Cyberoam CR500i Cyberoam DPU CR 500i - Appliance 6 Gig ports, firewall
8 S. No. DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Price Amount Remarks 1 Cyberoam DPU CR 500i- Appliance 6 Gig 1 ports, firewall throughput 2000 Mbps) and warranty of the product 2 Antivirus and Anti Spam Subscription (For 1 1 Year) 3 Intrusion Prevention System (For 1 Year) 1 4 Web and Content (For 1 Year) 1 TOTAL
9 Annexure IV Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (UPS system) Technical Qualifications for UPS system
S. No Description Company Response Remarks . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number of UPS system. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No
4 Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from MDI-M Campus Murshidabad
10 Annexure IV
Financial Bid for UPS System UPS System
11 S. DESCRIPTION Qty. Unit Price Amount Remark No. 1 Emerson Make 6KVA UPS System with 2 Redundant for Server room. UPS with 30 minutes battery back-up with rack 2 Emerson make 20KVA (S400D)UPS System for 2 Computer Lab’s UPS with 15 minutes battery back-up with rack 3 Emerson make 20KVA (S400D) UPS System for 1 Staff & faculty Block UPS with 15 minutes battery back-up with rack 4 Emerson make 10KVA (S400D) UPS System for 1 Conference room for MDP. UPS with 15 minutes battery back-up with rack 5 Emerson make 10KVA (S400D) UPS System for 1 PGPM Class room 4. UPS with 30 minutes battery back-up with rack 6 Emerson make 10KVA (S400D) UPS System for 1 Executive Hostel. UPS with 15 minutes battery back-up with rack 7 Emerson Make 1 KVA online UPS System for 1 Student Hostel Network rack. With internal betters. Indicate warranty of the above items TOTAL
12 Annexure V Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Networking Project) Technical Qualifications for Networking Project
S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and Details of Network Project or clients. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4 Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from Murshidabad
13 Annexure V
Financial Bid for Networking Equipments S. Description UTP Components - Systemax Qty. Unit Amount Remarks No. 1 Gig Speed Cat6A® X10D 1291B ETL Verified Category 92 Box 6A F/UTP Cable, non-plenum, slate jacket, 4 pair count, 1000 ft (305 m) length, reel (Box of 305 Mtrs.) (Part Number- 760117309) 1a Category 6 F/UTP 1271B Cable, non-plenum, slate 92 Box jacket, 4 pair count, 1000 ft (305 m) length, reel (Part Number-760081398) 2 Information Outlet CAT 6 558 3 SMB / Faceplate and gang box 558 4 Patch max Panel CAT-6, 24 Port 27 5 CAT 6 Giga Mounting Cord - 7 Ft. 558 6 CAT 6 Giga Mounting Cord - 3 Ft. 558 Rack/MISC. Components 7 Rack 27U - Double Section with accessories for Staff 6 & Faculty Block / 1 no. Executive Hostel / Server Room. 8 Rack 42U Floor Rack with accessories will be kept in 2 Student Hostel 1. 9 9U Rack with accessories for Conference room for 2 MDP/ PGPM Class room. 12 APW RACK 600W /AL/42U/1000, H/D 60*50 A/U EXTRUSIONS WITH 80MMH STRONG STEEL END FRAME EMBEDED AT TOPAND BOTTOM WITH CABLE ENTRY FORM TOP AND BOTTOM PANEL, 2 PROVISION 19" MTG ANGLES WITH UNIQUE 'U' MARKING. TOTAL MODULAR STRUCTURE with all accessories
14 S. Description UTP Components - Systemax Qty. Unit Amount Remarks No. 13 Installation 1 mtr As per Lying of Fiber cable under ground (3 ft Digging) Actual Using HDP Pipe. Lying of UTP Cable, Conduits & batons All the Installation material HDP Pipe, PVC conduits, Batons (AKG make) will be provided by the vendor. 14 Installation SC Connectorization including mounting of LIU’s, testing & documentation of Fiber. And installation of all the passive & Active components for 558 network points and certification. Indicate warranty of the above items
Network Active Components
S. no Active Components Qty Unit Amount Remarks 1 Cisco Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 + 2 T/SFP LAN Lite 26 Image (WS-C2960-24TC-S) 2 Cisco Catalyst 3750 24 10/100/1000 + 4 SFP + IPB 1 Image; 1.5RU (WS-C3750G-24TS-S) 3 Cisco 12 Port SFP S/w 1 4 Cisco Fiber Module for item no 1 ,2 & 3 11 Indicate warranty of the above items Total
Fiber components - Systimax
S. no Fiber components Qty Unit Amount Remarks 1 SYSTIMAX FIBER CABLE, 6 core, OM3 Laser Speed 1 mtr. 300, MM outdoor Fiber Cable (Part Number- 760053611)f 2 RACK MOUMT 600 G2 SELF LODED 12 SC COUPLER 7 (LIU) 3 SC CONNECTOR (MM) 60 4 SC TO LC FIBER PATCH CORD 10 Indicate warranty of the above items TOTAL
15 Annexure VI
Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Software packages) Technical Qualifications for Software Packages S. Description Company Response Remarks No. 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI- Yes / No M, Murshidabad 4. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from MDI-M campus Murshidabad
16 Annexure VI
Financial Bid for Software (Anti Spam) S. Software / Anti SPAM Qty Remarks Unit Amount No 1 Academic Price Antivirus For Desktop, Trend 501 Micro/ MacAfee/ Symantec for 1 years users 2 Academic Price Trend Micro / MacAfee / 200 Symantec Anti SPAM solution for Linux users incoming or outgoing Email for 1 years. 2a Also give the price 200 Logix Secure Relay with Premium Anti-spam users & Anti-virus, for 1 years 3 Academic Price Microsoft Office Std 2010 AE 231 lic (Includes Word, Excel, Outlook & users PowerPoint) Media for Office 2010 Std 3a Academic Price Microsoft Office Pro Plus 20 2010 AE lic (Includes Access, Communicator, users Excel, Word, OneNote, Publisher, PowerPoint, Info path, Outlook & sharpoint workspace) Media for Office 2010 Pro 4 Academic price of IBM SPSS 20.0 & above 10 with all the modules user 5 Academic Price Windows Starter7 OEM (For 251 New PCs) 5a Academic Price Win Pro7 SNGL Upgrd AE Lic 251 5b Academic Price Media for Windows Pro 7 1 6 Academic price Turnitin anti-plagiarism 100 software site Licensed fee and campus fee Users for 100 users for the period of one year Total
17 Annexure VII Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Projectors & Screen) Technical Qualifications for Projector & Screen S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4 Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from MDI-M Campus Murshidabad
18 Annexure VII
Financial Bid for Projectors / Screen S. Make/ Model Description Qty Unit Price Amount Remarks No. 1 MITSUBISHI Supply of 3000/ 4000 / 4500lm DLP 10 Projector with resolutions 1024 x 768, Contrast ratio 2000:1, Color wheel 5 – segment. 1A Panasonic Also give the price for the Panasonic DLP Projector DLP Projector. Panasonic 3000 /4000 /4500 Lumens DLP Projector 2 EXTRON / 5 Supply of VGA Cable (As per Actual) 1 MHR Mtr. 3 Custom Built Supply of Project mount 10 4 Milestone/ Supply of Two Input, 4 Output VGA 12 ML204 VGA Switcher, 2 no. standby 5 Liberty Supply of Electrical operated 8’’X6’’/ 10 8”X 8’/ 8’’X10’’ Matte white screen with Remote 6 Installation Installation of above equipments 10 (Projector, screen & VGA switchers) Battens, Conduits & other installation material will be supplied by the vendor. Indicate warrant of the above items Total
19 Annexure VIII Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (MDIM Mailserver) Technical Qualifications for MDIM Mailserver S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4 Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location(Distance in KMS from Murshidabad
20 Annexure VIII
Financial Bid for MDIM Mail server
Complete Implementation and services for One Year, detail as per detail given bellow:
S. Description OS Services Amount Remark No. 1 Server 1 (Mailing) Linux Qmail- Idap, Web mail, mailing lists 2 Server 2 (Cluster) Linux Qmail- Idap, Web mail, mailing lists 3 Server 3 for Antivirus Linux Qmail and trend & Anti spam. Total Note: Software & hardware will be provided by MDI-M.
21 Annexure VIII Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Languages Lab) Technical Qualifications for Languages Lab S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients. Attach details 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location (Distance in KMS from Murshidabad
22 Annexure IX
Financial Bid for Languages Lab S. Description Unit Price Amount Remark No 1 Installation of 40 licenses for 4 chosen languages of Western Success (Terminal) Version) V7. 1a Original CD of all the content 1b Pedagogical Training for all the staff (at 3 different schedules). 2 ODLL Premium Edition 1 + 40 with headphone & mike 41 nos., no. 1 webcam. 2a Also give the price of ODLL Premium Edition Teacher Consol Total
23 Annexure X Management Development Institute Re: Quotation for IT Infrastructure (Video Conference) Technical Qualifications for Video Conference S. Description Company Response Remarks No . 1 Name of Company & Address Profile of your firm/company Year of establishment Annual revenues for the last 3 Years (Kindly Year 1 2 3 provide details & relevant documents on company letter head. Revenue
2 Names & addresses of prestigious clients (at least Five) along with the telephone numbers of the contact persons of the clients and number of Video Conference. Attach details. 3 On – Site support at MDI-M, Murshidabad Yes / No 4. Office address in Murshidabad Jangipur, West Bengal or nearby location(Distance in KMS from MDI-M Campus Murshidabad
24 Annexure X
Financial Bid for Video Conference Sr. Qty DESCRIPTION Unit Price Total Price Remarks No. . 1. Polycom HDX 7000 Series 1 High Definition Quality with flexibility and reliability. 2. Quad BRI Module for HDX 7000s 1 (for ISDN Line). 3. ISDN NT-1 1 Indicate warrant of the above items Total