Castle Rock Elementary Programme of Inquiry

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Castle Rock Elementary Programme of Inquiry

2013-2014 Castle Rock Elementary Programme of Inquiry Age Grade Who We Are Where We Are In How We Express How the World How We Organize Sharing the Planet An inquiry into the nature of Place and Time Ourselves Works Ourselves An inquiry into rights and the self; beliefs and values; responsibilities in the struggle to An inquiry into orientation in An inquiry into the ways in An inquiry into the natural world An inquiry into the personal, physical, mental, share finite resources with other place and time; personal which we discover and express and its laws; the interaction interconnectedness of human-made social and spiritual health; people and with other living histories; home and journeys; ideas, feelings, nature, culture, between the natural world (physical systems and communities; the human relationships including things; communities and the the discoveries, explorations beliefs and values; the ways in and biological) and human structure and function of families, friends, communities, relationships within and between and migrations of humankind; which we reflect on, extend and societies; how humans use their organizations; societal decision- and cultures; rights and them; access to equal the relationships between and enjoy our creativity; our understanding of scientific making; economic activities and responsibilities; what it means opportunities; peace and conflict the interconnectedness of appreciation of the aesthetic. principles; the impact of scientific their impact on humankind and the to be human. resolution. individuals and civilizations, and technological advances on environment. from local and global society and on the environment. perspectives. 4-5 TK Title: Give Me 5! Title: Where Did You Go? Title: Let’s Play Title: Matter Central Idea: Central Idea: Extinction Central Idea: As we express Central Idea: Matter is all around We discover more about happens when living things do ourselves through play and us ourselves through our senses. not have enough resources to discovery, we learn about share. ourselves and each other. Key Concepts: form, function, Key Concepts: form, function, change and causation connection Key Concepts: causation, Key Concepts: form, function, responsibility, change responsibility Related concepts: Properties, Related Concepts: body structure, sytems, sequences, functions Related Concepts: Related Concepts: transformations communication, rights Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  The five senses Lines of Inquiry: Importance of each sense  The meaning of extinction   Skills needed for different  Definition of matter The use of our senses to and animals that have  play environments  The changing forms of discover our likes and become extinct  Positive social interaction matter dislikes  Resources living things  Discovering and  The ways people use need to survive developing our abilities matter  Endangered animals and talents.  Human responsibility in the survival of animals. 5-6 K Title: We are Family Title: Ready or Not Here Title: In the Spotlight Title: Big Ideas Title: You Can Count on Me! Title: What’s Growin’ On? We Come! Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Families meet our needs in Throughout the world, People creatively express their Inventions change our lives. People contribute to communities Plants are a resource for us and different ways. children begin a journey of thoughts, feelings and ideas around the world by working at for other living things. learning by going to school. through story telling. different jobs.

Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: form, Key concepts: function, change, Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: form, causation, responsibility, reflection connection, responsibility connection, perspective causation connection responsibility, change Related concepts: culture, Related concepts: Related concepts: expression, Related concepts: innovation, Related concepts: teamwork, Related concept: traditions relationships, communication, imagination resourcefulness, problem solving cooperation interdependence interconnectedness Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  Differences &  Rules  People express their  Inventions  Jobs in the community  The structure of a plant Similarities of families  People at school thoughts ,feelings& ideas  Inventors are problem solvers  Relationship between the  Caring for plant life  Roles of family members  Learner profile and  People use their body  Life before and after workers and the community  Interdependence of plants  A family’s special attitudes language to communicate inventions  Jobs that are connected in our and other living things occasions/traditions  Exploring schools without words  Exploration of scientific community and world  Human responsibility to  Effects of culture around the world  Storytelling principles plants and other living things 6-7 1st Title: Healthy Me Title: It’s All in the Title: I am Unique! Title: Weather or Not? Title: Symbols Connect Us! Title: Survivor Neighborhood Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: The choices we make affect People live in different types Exploring our similarities and Weather changes with the seasons. People use symbols to Animals have characteristics that our body. of homes and communities differences help us to discover communicate a message. help them survive in their Key concepts: form, how we are unique. Key concepts: form, change, environment. Key concepts: function, causation, connection, Key concepts: perspective, connection Key concepts: form, connection, Key concepts: form, function, responsibility, connection perspective reflection, connection causation connection Related concepts: impact of Related concepts: temperature, Related concepts: food climate & environment Related concepts: friendships, geography Related concepts: culture, Related concepts: animal groups, body parts Lines of Inquiry: self-esteem, character, tolerance Lines of Inquiry: communication classification Lines of Inquiry:  Our own homes and Lines of Inquiry:  Different types of weather Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  Healthy eating habits community  What being unique means  Local weather and seasons  Types of symbols and how  The different animal  The effect of exercise on to each of us we use them groups and their  Different types of  Weather affects our clothing our bodies  Each person’s similarities and activities  Symbols of our country characteristics communities  The personal care of our and differences  Location on the globe affects  Symbols of other countries  Characteristics that help bodies  Different types of homes  Learning and appreciating the weather  Significance of symbols animals survive in the world ourselves as individuals  Reasons that animals live and how we are important in different environments. to each other.

7-8 2nd Title: Make a difference! Title: Back to the Future Title: The World’s a Stage Title: Rockin’ Our World Title: We All Work Together Title: Circle of Life Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Many people around the world Our personal and family People use creativity to express People use their knowledge to As consumers and producers across Animals have predictable life influence our lives. histories help us compare the their ideas and emotions understand our changing planet. the world, we depend on each other cycles which can be altered by past and the present and how through the arts. for the exchange of goods and environmental factors. our lives have changed. services. Key concepts: responsibility, Key concepts: change, Key concepts: form, Key concepts: form, causation, Key concepts: function, Key concepts: function, change, connection, reflection connection, reflection connection, perspective change connection, responsibility causation Related concepts: character, Related concepts: heritage, Related concepts: imagination, Related concepts: geology, fossils Related concepts: cooperation, Related concepts: cycles, perseverance relationships creativity interdependence Adaptation

Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  Character traits: Learner  My personal history  We express ourselves  Earth’s composition  Consumers and producers  Animal life cycles Profile and IB attitudes to  Family histories through music  Rock cycle depend on each other  Sequential stages of life which we admire and  Comparing and  We express ourselves  Rocks’ and minerals’ physical  Products are created through cycles aspire contrasting daily lives, through drama properties (characteristics) a process  Resemblance of off-spring  Recent and past people past and present  We express ourselves  Erosion and weathering  Comparing goods and to parents who make a difference in  Technology evolves over through movement  Earth’s resources services  Environmental factors our lives time and affects our  We express ourselves  Values and beliefs can family experiences through emotions make a difference in our world 8-9 3rd Title: Celebrating Rights and Title: Bare Necessities Title: Poetry Power Title: Celestial bodies Title: Get Organized! Title: Smart Solutions Responsibilities Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: People around the world strive People create rights and Indigenous people utilized and People express their attitudes Exploring the similarities and People bring order to their world by for peace by resolving conflicts responsibilities in the place adapted to their environment. and feelings through poetry. differences of celestial bodies help organizing in different ways. in their lives. they live. us understand our universe. Key concepts: form, connection, Key concepts: responsibility, Key concepts: function, Key concepts: perspective, Key concepts: function, causation, function, perspective Key concepts: Perspective, connection, perspective causation, connection reflection, connection connection Related concepts: data, systems, responsibility, reflection and Related concepts: justice, Related concepts: geography, Related concepts: universal Related concepts: technology, order connection government, communication necessities, interdependence feelings, interpretation measurement Related concepts: problem- solving, opinions, values, Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: relationships, behavior

 Our rights and  Basic human needs  Poetry format  The moon phases  Concepts of organization Lines of Inquiry: responsibilities  Environmental  Different ways poetry  Revolution and rotation in the  The ways information is  Laws determine rights influences on how may convey universal solar system  Solving problems at home gathered and responsibilities people use the natural feelings, attitudes and  The celestial bodies and within the family  Laws affect fairness resources ideas  Impact of space exploration  Appropriate tools and units to  Solving problems in the  Resources that meet the  Poetry around the world interpret data community basic needs of the  Making sense of the  Solving problems in the indigenous people information world  Strategies to solve problems

9-10 Title: Settle Down Now Title: Mexico Is Not A State Title: Write On! Title: Fueling the Future Title: Eureka Title: What A Wonderful 4th World! Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: The values and beliefs of Physical geographic features People communicate through There are renewable and non- The growth and development of an Biodiversity relies on people are influenced by the define places and regions and different writing genres renewable sources of energy to area can create or transform an maintaining the interdependent exploration and settlement of affect human activity. produce electricity. economy. balance of organisms within incoming cultural groups. Key concepts: form, systems. perspective, causation Key concepts: change, Key concepts: form, Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: change, connection, Key concepts: form, causation, causation, connection, causation, connection Related concepts: structure, causation, connection reflection responsibility perspective opinions, sequences and Related concepts: magnetism, Related concepts: mining, Related concepts: food chains, Related concepts: geography, Related concepts: landforms, patterns forms of energy, technological consumption, progress micro-organisms migration, history resources advances Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  Purposes of written Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  The reasons why people Lines of Inquiry: communication  The role of electricity and  Significant events which  Interdependence of settled in certain areas  Characteristics of various  Five Steps of the Writing magnetic fields in our world affected the economic organisms within  The daily lives of people, regions Process(Prewriting,  Non-renewable energy development of the area ecosystems/biomes native and non-native  Geographic features drafting, revising, sources  Ways that organisms are  Significant people who who occupied the area affect human activity proofreading and  Renewable energy sources interconnected in nature developed industry in the area  The incoming cultural  Identification of publishing  Human affect on group’s lifestyle and the important places and  Informative, opinion and  Impact on the area from the ecosystems/biomes impact on the values and landforms narrative writing genres growth and development beliefs of the natives 10- 11 Title: Diseases Are “Catchy” Title: The Race is ON Title: Tales Title: Nature’s Fury Title: The Winds of Change Title: Exhibition 5th Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Central Idea: Humans strive to have a Exploration brings new Tales have been with us since Natural events occur and The demands of people can bring Sharing finite resources will be disease-free life. discoveries and new the beginning of mankind. preparation can lessen their effect. about revolutionary change. important in tomorrow’s world. challenges as well as conflict. Key concepts: function, Key concepts: perspective, Key concepts: form, function, Key concepts: causation, Key concepts: All 8 concepts connection, responsibility Key concepts: causation, connection, form, reflection causation, responsibility perspective, change Related concepts: conservation, Related concepts: health, change, perspective Related concept: Related concepts: weather, water Related concepts: history, conflict, equity, sharing resources personal well-being Related concepts: history, communication cycle, geology resolution conflict, resolution Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:  Human Rights Developed by students  Body systems Lines of Inquiry:  Critical attributes of each  Types of natural phenomenon  Causes and issues for  Causes of diseases  Motivation of explorers genre (myth, legend, revolution  Causes/effects of  Cures of diseases  What exploration is folklore)  Revolution phenomenon  Prevention of diseases  Ongoing explorations  Narrative structure  Technological  Different forms of  Preparations taken to lessen advancements that made audience presentations the impact of the various exploration possible (play, dance, music) phenomenon  Affects of early  Communication skills exploration

Revised 1/14/14

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