Notasulga High School

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Notasulga High School

Notasulga High School 2011-2012 CIP Needs Assessment

Briefly describe the process your faculty used to conduct the needs assessment (analysis of all data). First, all faculty (and chosen student/parents) met to review results from spring 2011 Alabama High School Graduation Exam, Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test, Alabama Alternate Assessment, Alabama Science Assessment, Stanford-10, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, and Access for English Language Learners. Then, faculty (and chosen student/parents) disaggregated data based on gender, minorities, and special needs. During September 2011, we collected and analyzed student, parent, and teacher perception data. We then used all data to create a needs assessment for this year’s CIP.

Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT): Describe how staffing decisions ensure that highly qualified, well-trained teachers provide instruction and how their assignments most effectively address identified academic needs. We base our staffing decisions that are currently in place, off of our school’s personal needs assessment and ensure that well-trained highly qualified teachers provide rigorous instruction that is data driven. Highly qualified teachers use data from multiple sources (AHSGE, ARMT, ADAW, ASA, SAT-10, MCAP) and they utilize the Alabama Course of Study, the Macon County Schools Pacing Guide, and researched based best practices to plan and implement tiered instruction in all grades and content areas.

Number and percentage of 0 teachers Non-HQT:

Number and percentage of 0 Classes Taught by Non- HQT:

Alabama High School Graduation Exam Weaknesses Strengths Eighty two percent of all eleventh graders scored proficient in reading on the AHSGE. No identified This is 10 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: strengths. *All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from +.74 to -9.65 in 2010. *Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -6.59 to -30.43 in 2010.

Sixty five percent of all eleventh graders scored proficient in math on the AHSGE. This is 21 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: *All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from +5.5 to -21.3 in 2010. *Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -34.96 to -56.14 in 2010. Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test (ARMT) Weaknesses Strengths Fifty-three percent of all eighth graders scored proficient in reading on the ARMT. No identified This is 23 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: strengths. - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -23.52 to -23.37 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -26.09 to -20.12 in 2010.

Twenty-two percent of all eighth graders scored proficient in math on the ARMT. This is 56 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -30.87 to -56.37 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -29.09 to -59- 82 in 2010.

Fifty-five percent of all seventh graders scored proficient in reading on the ARMT. This is 29 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -6.27 to -28.83 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -6.59 to -30.43 in 2010.

Twenty-one percent of all seventh graders scored proficient in math on the ARMT. This is 53 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -36.59 to -53.31 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -34.96 to -56.14 in 2010.

Sixty-six percent of all sixth graders scored proficient in reading on the ARMT. This is 23 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -40.45 to -23.14 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -40.55 to -23.33 in 2010.

Thirty-four percent of all sixth graders scored proficient in math on the ARMT. This is 40 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -27.96 to -39.86 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -27.96 to -40.67 in 2010.

Seventy-five percent of all fifth graders scored proficient in reading on the ARMT. This is 13 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -25.62 to -13 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -27.85 to -13.00 in 2010. Sixty-three percent of all fifth graders scored proficient in math on the ARMT. This is 19 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -40.64 to -19.50 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -41.29 to -19.5 in 2010.

Seventy-one percent of all fourth graders scored proficient in reading on the ARMT. This is 15 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -10 to -14.57 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction -11.16 from -16.00 to in 2010. Sixty-two percent of all fourth graders scored proficient in math on the ARMT. This is 21 percentage points below the AMO for 2010-2011. Areas of concern: - All students proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -34 to -21.09 in 2010. - Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -32.17 to -23.00 in 2010.

Alabama Science Assessment (ASA) Weaknesses Strengths RESULTS HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED.

Stanford-10 Weaknesses Strengths Based on 2011 test results: Based on 2011 test results:  All fourth grade scored in the 4th stanine  All third grade students scored in 5th stanine in reading. reading and math.  All fifth grade students scored in the 4th  All fourth grade students scored in the 5th stanine stanine in reading in math.  All fifth grade students scored in the 4th stanine math.  All sixth grade students scored in the 4th stanine in reading  All sixth grade students scored in the 4th in math.  All seventh grade students scored in the 4th stanine in reading. *Black subgroup proficiency index moved in a negative direction from -34.96 to -56.14 in 2010.

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Weaknesses Strengths Based on Spring 2011 results: Based on Spring 2011 results:

 Ninety-five percent of our students cannot  One hundred thirty-three of 169 students tested retell at least 50% of what they read. in grades 1st – 6th are 80-100% accurate when reading words.  Comprehension and Fluency collectively our weakest areas.  Kindergarten PSF increased from 75% to 85% by Spring 2011.

 Second grade strategic students decreased to 11% by Spring 2011.

 Third grade intensive students decreased by 4% in 2011.

 Fourth grade mean score for ORF was 98% by Spring 2011.

 Fifth grade intensive students decreased 5% by spring 2011.

 Sixth grade strategic students decreased 35% by Spring 2011.

Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW) Weaknesses Strengths The Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing was not administered during the 2010-2011 school year.

ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs): Weaknesses Strengths Results have not been provided to us from Macon County Board of Education.

EducateAL or other Professional Evaluation Profile Information: Weaknesses Strengths 2b.2 Engages learners in developing 1.1 Demonstratesdeepknowledgeofsubject- and monitoring goals for their own mattercontentandabilitytoorganizerelatedfacts/concepts/skill learning and behavior. s. 3b.2 Integrates narrative/expository 1.4 Designs instructional activities based on state content reading strategies across the curriculum. standards. 4d.2 Designs learning experiences that 5.5 Complies with local, state, and federal regulations and engage learning styles and multiple policies. intelligences. Additional Data Sources: (e.g., Alabama Alternate Assessment [AAA], School Technology Plan Data) Weaknesses Strengths During the 2010-2011 school year we had two During the 2010-2011 school year we had two students (fifth and seventh grade) eligible to students (fifth and seventh grade) eligible to take the take the AAA. AAA. The fifth grade student partially met the The fifth grade student meet the standard in science. standards in Mathematics and Reading. The seventh grade student partially met the standards in Reading.

Local Data (e.g., LEA, school, and grade-level assessments, surveys, program-specific assessments, other RtI data): Weaknesses Strengths No accessibility of MCAP result at school level Macon County Assessment of Progress (MCAP) is or for comparison with other schools in the given to all schools in the district. system. Weekly reading progress monitoring is conducted in MCAP testing materials are not received in a grades K-3. consistent and timely manner according to the provided schedule. A full time math intervention teacher has been hired for grades K-6. No math progress monitoring in grades K-12 because we have not adopted a research based program.

No consistent reading progress monitoring in grades 4-6 due to lack of program of fidelity. There is no reading progress monitoring in grades 7-12 because there is no identified program for the secondary grades.

Career and Technical Education Program Data Reports: Weaknesses Strengths  Loss of certified Career and Technical  Addition of Aerospace Program Education teacher units (2 or 14.3%) and  Thirty-six percent (348 students) increase in their respective program due to retirement overall participation in CTE program from (one) and lowered state funding. previous year  There is a need for more hands-on career  The Career and Technical Education Center and technical education classes to meet offers six career programs. the needs of the at-risk students and to  All teachers are BIC (Business and Industry prepare them for high - demand, high - Certified) wage jobs.  Increase in the enrollment of non- traditional students within non-traditional Career and Technical Programs is necessary  The Animal Science Barn has never been completed to allow for hands-on teaching strategies to expose at-risk students to scientific animal care practices.

School Demographic Information related to student discipline (e.g. total office referrals, long- and short-term suspensions, expulsions, alternative school placements, School Incidence Report (SIR) data, or student attendance). Weaknesses Strengths No identified weaknesses. There was a decrease in total discipline incidents from 111 in 2009-2010 to 85 in 2010-2011.

Total incidents involving defiance of authority decreased from 19.81% in 2009-2010 to 16% in 2010-2011.

School Demographic Information related to drop-out information and graduation rate data. Weaknesses Strengths No identified weaknesses. During the 2009-2010 school year we had 100% graduation rate.

School Demographic Information related to teacher attendance, teacher turnover, or challenges associated with a high percent of new and/or inexperienced faculty. Weaknesses Strengths The teacher attendance rate was 94% during the 2010- 2011 school year.

At least 76% of the faculty has at least a masters degree.

School Demographic Information related to student attendance, patterns of student tardiness, early checkouts, late enrollments, high number of transfers, and/or transiency including migratory moves (if applicable). Weaknesses Strengths No identified weaknesses. The student attendance rate was 92% during the 2010- 2011 school year.

School Perception Information related to parent perceptions and parent needs including information about literacy and education levels. Weaknesses Strengths According to the 2011 Notasulga High School According to the 2011 Notasulga High School parent parent involvement survey: involvement survey:  Twenty-one percent of respondents  Eighty-two percent of respondents indicated that indicted that they have difficulty the school environment fosters learning. participating in school activities due to  Ninety-one percent of respondent indicated that transportation issues. School personnel treat students in a respectful,  Forty-one percent of respondents indicated fair, and consistent manner. that they have difficulty participating in  Seventy-nine percent of resents indicated that they school events because of time constraints. had earned at least a high school diploma or GED.

School Perception Information related to student PRIDE data. Weaknesses Strengths  Twelve percent of eleventh  grade students indicated that they use One hundred percent of seventh grade students marijuana daily. indicted that they never use marijuana.  Seven percent of eleventh  Seventy-five percent of students (6-12) indicated grade students indicated that they use that they feel safe in their marijuana at school.  Twenty-on percent of eleventh grade indicate that they use alcohol at school.  Fourteen percent of eleventh grade student indicated that they use tobacco at school.  Forty-four percent of students indicate that they never or seldom feel safe in the parking lot.

School Process Information related to an analysis of existing curricula focused on helping English Language Learners (ELLs) work toward attaining proficiency in annual measurable academic objectives (AMAOs). Weaknesses Strengths ELL instructional materials are limited. Curriculum alignment is based on Alabama Course of Study content standards and item specifications for the ARMT and AHSGE.

No fluent Spanish teacher is available to assist students with literacy and writing.

Lack of ELL training provided for instructional personnel.

School Process Information uncovered by an analysis of curriculum alignment, instructional materials, instructional strategies, reform strategies, and/or extended learning opportunities. Weaknesses Strengths Outdated print resources in classrooms and Courses of Study are available to all personnel school library. Instructional materials are through the Alabama Department of Education needed to support extended literacy website. opportunities for students. The current library inventory is outdated, uninteresting, and Pacing guides were developed for grades K-6 and insufficient to meet the needs, interests, and grades 7-12 for science, math, social studies, and ability levels of all students. There are no language. All teachers were provided a copy of the software programs to support and encourage pacing guides during August 2010. All pacing guides literacy instruction outside the classroom. are available for the public to view on the Macon County Schools website. Lack of instructional software to support student achievement in all content areas. The English Language Proficiency standards (ELP) are available on the Macon County Schools website.

Limited technology to support instruction. 21st Century Learning Program is available for students in grades 3-8 after school and during the The curriculum needs to be aligned to address summer months. the educational diversity (gifted, special needs, etc.) of the students. Students in grades 9-12 can participate in AHSGE remediation through the High Hopes Program during the school year and the summer months.

Established a National Honor Society during the 2010-2011 school year.

An Advanced Placement course is being offered in English for the 2011-2012 school year.

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