If a Student Fails a Course They Will Not Be Eligible to Walk with Their Class During

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If a Student Fails a Course They Will Not Be Eligible to Walk with Their Class During

Statistics Syllabus Mr. Cosper Office Hours: Wednesdays from 4:10 – 5:10* Phone Number: School: 312.445.4680 Personal: 951.834.5218 Email: [email protected]

IMPORTANT SENIOR YEAR NOTES:  if a student fails a course they will not be eligible to walk with their class during graduation

 if a student earns 13 detentions during the year they will not be eligible to walk with their class during graduation

Course Description: This course will focus on four main concepts: Exploring Data (describing patterns and departure from patterns), Sampling and Experimentation (planning and conducting a study), Anticipating Patterns (exploring probability and simulation), and Statistical Inference (estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses). This course is designed to develop thought provoking dialogue and discourse amongst all members of the class in order to help develop one’s own statistical construct. You will learn many statistical techniques and a range of ways to communicate them. You will develop a strong foundation in statistical vocabulary and will be expected to use it correctly at all times. You will also learn how to make connections between all aspects of the statistical process, including design, analysis, and conclusions. Ultimately, this course will prepare students how to understand and interpret the statistics they see used in the real world as well as being able to use statistics in a professional manner.

Required Text:

Bock, D., Velleman, P., Mariano, T., & DeVeaux R. (2012). Stats in Your World, 1st Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

*Required Class Materials:* 1. TI-83 or TI-84 2. Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil 3. Notebooks

Student Expectations: We expect a lot from each of you, every day. You are seniors about to embark for college, and therefore we will not tolerate any distractions from learning. In order to be respectful of us, your fellow classmates, and ultimately yourself, you are expected to do the following things: Classroom Rules

The Rules: What this looks like… Work Hard I shouldn’t see anyone with their head down, dozing off, or with your eyes wandering. If you do not understand something, you must speak up and ask a question, or speak to me about office hours, etc

Respect all members of the Respond respectfully to questions/ comments. Do not give up on yourselves, have classroom and yourselves confidence.

Recognize help when you This will be a fundamental principle of my classroom as we should be comfortable see it and ask for help to the point where none of us are shy about asking questions. when you need it

Take Risks Being very open to participate in class discussions and to offer your opinions. To be very open to correction from the teacher and/ or fellow classmates under a roof of respect and courtesy. In other words, don’t be afraid to hear your own voice, to express yourself, to be wrong, and to grow!

Expectations for Classroom Procedures Start of Class Upon entering the classroom, students are expected to take their do now from the station next to the classroom door and sitting in their seats by the time the bell rings; otherwise, the student will be marked as tardy. As soon as the bell rings, students are expected to be silent. Students will place their completed homework assignment at the corner of their desk, copy the homework assignment into their agenda, and begin their do now. Asking for Help Students are expected to raise their hand if they need help unless otherwise indicated by the teacher. Classroom Cleanliness Take pride in our classroom. Clean up after yourself, return your desk to its original position, and push in your chair. End of Class The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not pack up your materials until instructed by the teacher.

School Policies: Students are expected to follow Muchin College Prep policies as set forth in the Student Handbook.

Absence Policy (make-up work, etc.) For excused absences and absences due to suspension, make up work must be allowed and generally, students are given as many days to turn in work as they were absent. For example, if a student is absent for two days, they would have to turn in make-up work by the second day they are back. Community Service Hours are not counted if done during the school-day hours that students are suspended. For unexcused absences, make-up work does not have to be given. Please use the wiki to locate and print information for class (notes, assignments, etc.) at: http://muchincollegeprep.wikispaces.com/

Tardy Policy If a student is tardy to school they will receive:  1 demerit if he/she are less than 1 minute late  2 demerits if he/she are 1 to 45 minutes late  4 demerits if he/she are tardy more than 45 minutes

If a student is tardy to class (not in assigned seat when the bell rings) they will receive:  1 demerit if he/she is less than 1 minute late  2 demerits if he/she is 1 to 3 minutes late  4 demerits if he/she is more than 3 minutes late

Extra Credit Extra credit can only be made available to the whole class and not to individuals. No extra credit assignments can be given or accepted during the last two weeks of any semester. However, there can be extra credit points available on assignments or assessments at any time. If significant projects or assignments, such as portfolios, are not turned in you are no longer eligible for any extra credit.

Bathroom Policy One demerit will be issued to a student who requires a bathroom escort

Grading Information: Your grade in this class should reflect your effort, focus, and dedication. Therefore, everything you do in this class will become a part of your grade. The breakdown of your Statistics grade is as follows:

Your grade in this class should reflect your effort, focus, and dedication. Therefore, everything you do in this class will become a part of your grade. An F in this course will result in delayed graduation; a student who fails will not be able to walk in graduation and will be required to take summer school at the cost of $140 per class. The breakdown of your Statistics grade is as follows:

Tests Includes unit tests; some may be scaled based on average. 400 20% 100 points each – 1 per unit point s Quizzes Includes weekly quizzes within each unit. Some may be scaled 400 20% based on the average. point 20 points each – 1 per week s Homework Homework is necessary for you to make great progress, and 400 20% therefore, it will be given every day. This daily homework will NOT point be graded. It is up to you to complete it in order for you to succeed s and learn in Statistics. If you fail to complete your homework assignment, you may still earn half credit if you turn it into your teacher’s mailbox by 8am the next day. If you fail to do so, you will receive a zero on your homework assignment. 20 points per week Portfolio/Projects Includes mathematical writing assignments and individual or 400 20% group projects. point s Classwork/ Organization is necessary for you to make great progress 200 10% Participation academically. You will be expected to maintain an organized point notebook that includes class notes and worked out problems. You s must be prepared so you can participate. You must have your pencil, calculator, and notebook by the time the bell rings every day. If you do not have materials needed for class, you will receive 0 points for participation. 10 points per week Final Finals will be given at the end of each semester and will be 200 10% cumulative. point s Grading Scale: At Noble Street Charter Schools, high school campuses use the following grading scale:

A+ 97–100/ 4.3 B+ 87–89/ 3.3 C+ 77–79/ 2.3 D+ 67–69/ 1.3 F 0–59/ 0.0 A 93–96/ 4.0 B 83–86/ 3.0 C 73–76/ 2.0 D 63–66/ 1.0 A- 90–92/ 3.7 B- 80–82/ 2.7 C- 70–72/ 1.7 D- 60–62/ 0.7

Portfolio Policy: If you are absent on the day a portfolio is due, it must be submitted via email by 8am that morning. If a portfolio is not emailed by 8am on the due date or submitted during class, it will result in a 50% decrease of your grade and you will only have one more day to turn in the assignment. After one day, no portfolio will be accepted for any credit.

Extension Policy: All students will be granted the opportunity to file an extension for a portfolio. NO extensions will be granted on the basis of being too busy with other academic obligations. In other words, you will not be granted an extension because you have 2 or more portfolios due the same day or around the same day, etc. All extensions are subject to be denied as well, and you may only have one file per teacher for the entire year.

* Office hours: Wednesdays from 4-5pm. Scholars may request for additional help by appointment. For any assignment given a week or more in advance of a due date, scholars must have 75% of the assignment completed in good faith if they have any reasonable expectation of receiving help from a teacher.

Every Friday, I will post a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board next to the door of my classroom. You will have the opportunity to sign-up for a ten-minute time slot when you can speak with me either during office hours or during another time that week. This extra time will usually be one day after school, but it will change every week. If none of those times work for you, you may approach me directly after school or through email to set up another appointment either before or after school. The bottom line: if you would like to meet – about anything – we will meet.

During office hours, my attention will be given first to those students who signed up for a one-on-one meeting. However, the remainder of my office hours will be focused primarily on addressing misunderstandings that have arisen in class, reviewing past quizzes and tests to ensure that all students learn from their mistakes, and working on major composition assignments. You do not need to have signed up for an appointment to attend office hours. However, you must stay in my classroom throughout the duration of office hours.

**Note: Mandatory Office Hours – Office hours will become mandatory for students who are not fulfilling homework and classwork expectations. Students will receive 4 demerits if they do not attend Mandatory Office Hours Students will be assigned mandatory office hours if: 1. Less than 70% quiz grade 2. Not completing HW (2 infractions in a week – less than 75% complete) 3. 2 or more absences in a week How to Avoid Mandatory Office Hours Proactive Intervention Plan: 1. Start your assignments EARLY. 2. Use your resources (textbook, examples in book, lecture notes, online videos, class notes) 3. Ask a friend for help Statistics Outline** Unit Length Important Assignments Exploring and Understanding Data 2 weeks (8/27 – 9/7) Exploring Relationships between 5 weeks (9/10 – 10/12) Variables Gathering Data 4 weeks (10/15 – 11/9) Q1 Portfolio Senior ACT (Oct. 27) Randomness and Probability 5 weeks (11/12 – 12/21) Q2 Portfolio From the Data at hand to the World 6 weeks (1/7 – 2/15) Semester 1 Final at Large Q3 Portfolio Learning about the World using 6 weeks (2/18 –3/25 ) Statistics Inferences when Variables are 6 weeks (4/1 – 5/ 17) Related Introduction to Microeconomics 3 weeks (5/20 – 6/7) **All dates are subject to change Syllabus Agreement For Guardian: Guardian’s Initials

I have read this syllabus for my own information. ______I have read this syllabus with my child. ______I have written down my student’s Algebra teacher’s contact information. ______I have noted any questions on the back of this paper & know that my student’s Algebra teacher will get back to me within 2 business days. ______

Signed: ______Date: ______I can best be reached via (circle: cell or e-mail) at (provide cell or e-mail address): ______

For Student: Student Initials

I have received and read this syllabus. ______I commit to giving this syllabus to my guardian and reviewing it with them. ______I have noted any questions on the back of this paper & know that my Algebra teacher will get back to me within 2 business days. ______

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