GISD NJROTC Booster Club Meeting

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GISD NJROTC Booster Club Meeting


I. Welcome- Brandi Rider II. Booster Club Board Introductions President- Brandi Rider Vice President- Sharice Hall Treasurer- Julie Zenisek Secretary- Dodie Marin III. Old Business A. Battalion Gear- We will order when 70% of the fair share fees have been received. Motion to buy- Ann Marie Daley; Second- Julie Zenisek; Motion passed with no objections B. Military Ball Location- Host at same the location as last year, Gabriel Springs. Motion for Gabriel Springs location- Danielle Anders; second- Dennis Wilson; Motion passed with no objections IV. New Business A. Fundraising 1. Buyout Option for $200- Parents can opt to do this and not have their cadet participate in any fundraisers. If parents have already paid their cadet’s $30 fair share, buy would be $170. Flyer to go home next week with more details. 2. Chocolate Sale- We will use the company World’s Finest Chocolate and do a sale in the Fall and in the Spring. Motion to start Fall sale on September 19, 2016- Danielle Anders; second- Melissa Fox; Motion passed with no objections. 3. March-A-Thon- Cadets will collect donations to march. Students will march during class time. More details to come. 4. Field Meet- This will be a physical training challenge that other school will be invited to participate in. Other schools pay a fee per a team they enter. This will be a cadet run event. Booster club will earn money by selling concessions and lunch to teams. Hosting a field meet also gives our unit points towards requirements for Distinguished Unit. B. Budget 1. New Additions to Budget a. Community Service Support- most of the time this is food and drinks for cadets and staff while they are participating in community service; can also include other necessities as needed. b. Distinguished Unit Point Trips- some trips the cadets take include activities that earn points towards Distinguished Unit. Most of the time the cost of this trip is not fully covered by the fee charged to each cadet. Examples of expenses include tip for charter bus driver, cadet meals. c. Professional Membership Dues- this will cover the cost of dues for Captain Gusman to be a member of organizations that benefit the cadets with programs they offer. Captain Gusman stated he has already paid these dues for this year, but appreciates that it is in the budget for future. 2. Discussion on Budget a. Captain Gusman wants to have more budget support in recruitment at the middle school level. He and the Chiefs would like to host events more than once a year at each of the middle schools to make 8th grade students aware of the NJROTC program. Captain would like to split the budget evenly with the Recruitment and Distinguished Unit Trips budgets. b. Captain Gusman also stated that he also has cadets helping with ideas on how to have more of a presence at Georgetown High School. c. Captain Gusman explained examples of how they always try to be good stewards of the money. d. Motion to accept 2016-17 budget as is with the understanding it can be amended at later dates with a vote- Ann Marie Daley; second- Melissa Fox; Motion passed with no objection. V. Calendar of Upcoming Events A. September, 2016 a. Sept. 12-16- PT Gear issued during class- Chief Gooseby explained PT gear was to be worn during PT, no other clothing accepted b. Sept. 17- Service Academy Forum- held in Round Rock this year. Captain explained any cadet wanting to attend a service academy and/or wanting to apply for ROTC scholarships should attend this forum no matter their grade level. There will be a lot of useful information. c. Sept. 21- Coast Guard Recruiter will visit EVHS d. Color Guard Dates- 9/16, 9/23, 9/30 B. October, 2016 a. October 1- Smithson Valley Drill Meet- ALL parents and family members are more than welcome to attend and watch. This would be great for you to see all the different teams compete. More details coming. 1. Volunteer Needs- 1 male and 1 female chaperone b. Oct. 5-6- First Uniform Inspection- this will be done during class. Cadets are expected to wear uniform all day on inspection days. c. Oct. 10- this was the next scheduled Booster Club Meeting. However, we have learned the students and teachers have a school holiday this date. Motion to move October Booster Club Meeting to Tuesday, October 11, 2016- Dennis Wilson; second- Danielle Anders; Motion passed with no objection. d. Oct. 19-20- Battalion Picture Days- photos will be taken during class; these will be uniform inspection days so the cadets will already be in their uniform. Company will send home an envelope with photo options and they will also be online. No one is required to purchase, but please have cadet take photo so they can be included in the framed, collage group photo. e. Oct. 22- Camp Bullis Orienteering Meet- more details to come f. Oct. 28- ANNUAL MILITARY INSPECTION (AMI)- Please put this on your calendar now and plan for your cadet to attend. Please do not schedule appointments for this day. Should you cadet become ill on this day, please notify Chief Bowman or Chief Gooseby early in the morning and please send a note with your cadet when they return to school. Our program has points deducted if we have more than 10% absent. It is very important that all cadets are present. 1. Event takes place during the school day. Cadets are excused from other classes during this event and will return to classes once over. 2. Parents, family, friends, everyone is invited to come watch presentation at stadium. More details to come. 3. Invitations- Booster club will give each cadet an invitation to invite family 4. Programs- Booster club will provide programs at stadium 5. Top Staff and Dignitary Luncheon- EVHS culinary will cater lunch 6. Cadets will be fed lunch, probably pizza, after event before returning to classes g. Color Guard Dates- 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28 VI. Yard Signs and Car Decals A. Yard signs will be $12 without cadet name; $16 with cadet name B. Car decals- two designs will be presented to Captain and the Chiefs for them and the cadets to vote on. Car decals will be around $10 C. Order forms will be sent home in the next couple of weeks VII. Adjourn Motion to adjourn- Dodie Marin; second- Danielle Anders; Motion passed with no objection

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