Equipment and Materials

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Equipment and Materials


Purpose: To become more acquainted with the locations of stars in the sky and the meanings of the terms - star system, constellations, planets, and comets.

Equipment and Materials:

roll of 6 mil black sheet plastic 16 ft wide (or whatever is available) duct tape scissors and measuring tape window fan

Procedure: 1. Cut the plastic so it is twice as long as it is wide (if you have 16' wide plastic, cut it so it's 16' x 32'. We'll use the 16' dimensions for these directions, adjust the measurements as needed).

2. Fold the plastic in half so the new dimensions are 16' x 16'.

3. Tape the three open edges together so the seams will not leak air.

4. To make the inflation tube, cut a piece of plastic so it will be long enough to go around the outside of the window fan (about 8'). The length of this piece should be 6 ft.

5. Fold the 8' x 6' piece of plastic in half so it will be 6' x 4'. Tape this up to make it a tube 6 ft long, open at both ends.

6. Tape one end of the tube around the outside of the window fan.

7. At the corner of the one of the 16' sides, make a 4' slit in one of the taped seams. Insert on end of the tube into this slit and tape so the seam will not leak air.

8. Turn on the fan. While the planetarium is inflated, cut a 5' vertical slit on the side opposite to the fan. Reinforce the slit with tape (especially at the top and bottom). The slit in the entrance. Suspend a piece of plastic in front of the door on the inside to help hold in the air.

9. With a star map as a guide have the students place pieces of paper with their constellations on them to the ceiling in the correct arrangement. When all the constellations are in place, poke the holes that represent the stars and remove the paper. The light entering through the holes will simulate stars in the night sky. POKE HOLES IN CEILING



Have the students do the following

1. do research on a constellation, comet or planet

2. give oral reports on their topic

3. make a poster with a picture and information about their topic. These are to be copied by students, who will give tours to other classes.

4. make a drawing of their constellation's stars to be used as a stencil on the ceiling of the planetarium (give students studying planets a styrofoam ball for the planet).

5. have the students give tours to other classes. (One hint, place a piece of tape next to the constellation on the ceiling of the planetarium and give the student guides a list of constellations and some information.) CONSTELLATION INFORMATION

Andromeda - daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, she was chained to the cliff where Perseus saved her. Aquarius - part of the zodiac. It's usually seen as a man pouring water out of a pitcher. Auriga - the charioteer. This constellation represents the inventer of the chariot, Erichthonius. Bootes - the ploughman, also known as the bear herdsman because he seems to chase Ursa major & minor. Cancer - the crab, it's part of the zodiac. Canis Major - the great dog, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, next to the sun, is in this constellation. Canis Minor - the small dog, he seems to be drinking from the milky way. Cassiopeia - Queen of Ethiopia, wife of Cepheus and mother to Andromeda Cepheus - King of Ethiopia, husband to Cassiopeia and father to Andromeda. Cetus - the sea monster that tried to eat Andromeda, he was turned into stone by Perseus using the head of the Medusa. Corona Borealis - the crown of Ariadne, the daughter of the King of Crete. She was abandoned on the island of Naxos by Theseus. Cygnus - the swan. The star called Deneb is part of the summer triangle. The star that makes up the swan's head is a Double star. Draco - the dragon, this was the dragon that guarded the golden fleece. Gemni - part of the zodiac. The twins, Caster and Pollux are seen here. Hercules - the son of Zeus, and the strongest man in the world. Leo - the lion who was killed by Hercules. Leo is part of the zodiac. Lyra - the harp. This was the harp of Orpheus (the worlds greatest mortal musician) or it's the harp that Hermes invented. Orion - the hunter, son of Neptune. He was killed by Scorpius and placed in the sky by Diana. Pegasus - the winged horse. He came out of neck of the Medusa after Perseus cut off its head. Perseus - He off the head of the Medusa and saved Andromeda from being eaten by Cetus the sea monster. Pisces - part of the zodiac. This constellation is two fish tied together. Taurus - the bull. The bull is really Zues in disguise. The Pleiades, the seven sisters, are on his back. Ursa major - the great bear. The big dipper makes up the bears hind quarters of the bear. The two stars at the end of the cup point to the North star. Ursa minor - the little bear, the North star is the first star in the handle of the little dipper. NAME THE PLANETS Andromeda - Aquarius - Auriga - Bootes - Cancer - Canis Major - Canis Minor - Cassiopeia - Cepheus - Cetus - Corona Borealis - Cygnus - Draco - Gemni - Hercules - Leo - Lyra - Orion - Pegasus - Perseus - Pisces - Taurus - Ursa major - Ursa minor -

Mercury Venus EarthMars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

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