AAP 2016 Annual Meeting Scholarship Letter of Recommendation

Applicant Name: Relationship to applicant: Date:

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements as they pertain to the individual applying for an Annual Meeting scholarship with 5 being strongly agree and 1 being strongly disagree:

Applicant readiness for professional development

1 2 3 4 5 Receiving a scholarship this year makes sense for this applicant The applicant has shown a commitment to developing and growing professionally Based on the applicant’s trajectory, the applicant will put what they learn into action following the 2016 Annual Meeting

How would attending the 2016 Annual Meeting benefit the applicant?

Describe an instance where you felt the applicant went “above and beyond”. This may include a description of their character, passion, or any other attributes that make them qualified to receive this award.

Please share any additional information you feel the New Periodontist Subcommittee needs to know about this applicant:



Completed letter of recommendation forms may be sent directly to Nikki Haton at [email protected] by May 31, 2016