2 TOC TSP Assessments 2014

Hard Copy TSP Assessments

BRIDGE Act Assessments Using GAcollege411 1.00 BRIDGE Act Advisement Checklist 1.01 GAcollege411 Description of Available Assessments

Career Interests & Pathways Assessments 2.00 Career Interest Survey School-to-World 2.01 When I Grow Up Career Interest Survey www.dir.sd.gov.pdf 2.02 Who R U Assessment (Select Interests & Pathways www.vacareerview.org 2.03 Student Interest Inventory Fairfax County Public Schools

College Planning Assessments 2.10 Choosing the Right College by www.getreadyforcollege.org 2.11 College Readiness Checklist www.aaup.org 2.12 Is Full Time College Right For Me? www.ct.gov 2.13 Self Survey for the College Bound Student www.pvhigh.com *Can use results to write Education Goal & Activities where student completes the survey as self-evaluation. 2.14 Senior Year College Planning Checklist

Entrepreneur/Business Owner Assessments 2.20 Self-Assessment for New Business Owners Checklist www.bizinfor.bnz.co.nz

Job Readiness Assessments 2.25 Am I Ready for Work? www.ct.gov 2.26 Get Job Ready - Build Soft Skills www.careercafe.com 2.27 Student Skills Inventory Fairfax County Public Schools 2.28 Strengths and Skills I Possess: Employability Skills 2.29 Transferable Skills Checklist

Leadership Styles Assessments 2.40 Leadership Styles Assessment by Project Management Institute 2.41 Leadership Style Inventory by Peer Leadership Consultants

Learning Styles Assessments 2.30 Learning Style Survey by Oregon Career Information System

Personality Assessments 2.31 Holland Code Personality & Career Assessment by MU Career Center

Self-Advocacy, Self-Determination 2.40 Self-Advocacy Checklist www.rrcc.edu 2.41 Student Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Questionnaire www.dpi.state.nd.us 2.42 Parent Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Questionnaire www.dpi.state.nd.us 2.43 Teacher Academic Skills Evaluation Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Questionnaire www.dpi.state.nd.us 2.44 Teacher Employment Skills Evaluation Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Questionnaire www.dpi.state.nd.us 2.45 Student and Teacher Interview Performance Battery: Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy www.dpi.state.nd.us 2.46 Self-Determination Checklist Student Self-Assessment www.imdetermined.org 2.47 Student Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy Skills Questionnaire GADOE 2011 2.48 Walker County TSP Self-Advocacy Plan Questions

Study Skills Assessments 2.50 Study Skills Self Assessment www.rrcc.edu 2.51 Time Management Quiz

Teacher Informal Assessment 2.55 Walker County Teacher Classroom Observation Form 2.56 Walker County Teacher Progress Report

Transition Planning Assessments 2.60 Transition Life Planning Student Questionnaire - High School

Work Values Assessments 2.70 Compass Bearing Personal Work Style Assessment Sheet 2.71 Job-Related Interest and Preference Inventory by Pro-Ed 2.72 Work Values Inventory Major & Career Exploration [email protected] 2.73 Self-Assessment Questionnaire: Work Values from Pathfinder/Exploring Careers & Educational Paths, Third Ed. 2.74 Work Attitude Inventory Fairfax County Public Schools

Online TSP Assessments

2.80 Career Connections Research Center www.wmich.edu 2.81 Fairfax County Public Schools TSP Guide/Transition-related Websites

2.82 Career Planning and Interest Testing Web-Sites Free or Low Cost by VDOE Region 5 2.83 College and Career Planning - Career and College Resources Mendocino County DOE 2.84 Assessment for Transition GADOE TSP Manual September 2011