Unapproved Minutes Fairfield Town Council Meeting

Regular Meeting

Date: December 08, 2016 Location: Historic Fairfield School House, Fairfield Utah Time: 7:05 P.m. Minutes by: Vonda Cook Approved: (to be approved at next regular meeting)

1. OPEN MEETING 2. ROLL CALL TOWN COUNCIL PRESENT Mayor Brad Gurney, RL Panek, Hollie McKinney, Tyler Thomas STAFF PRESENT Minutes taken by Vonda Cook

OTHERS PRESENT Casey Mascaro, Shirlene Mascaro, Mr. & Mrs. Austin Lewis, Deputy Nathan Harris, and Sargeant Spencer Cannon, Peter Lawrence, Holly Panek, Carol McKinney, Natalie McKinney

3. Fire Department Not present. Mayor Gurney said that on Saturday night, the fire truck hit the fence and the cemetery sign at the old cemetery. Councilman Panek said that he thought Jack Taylor was looking for an Eagle project and might be interested in making repairs.

4. Councilman Replacement Mayor Gurney said that choosing a new councilman would be put off until next month. He asked those present if anyone was interested in the position. No one said anything.

5. Speed Bump Mayor Gurney said that they have an issue with speeding in Fairfield. He said he thought they needed more patrols out there. Councilman RL said in a perfect world that would be the answer but they didn’t have the money for that. Mayor Gurney asked Deputy Harris and Sargeant Spencer is they could get a speed trailer set up in Fairfield to track data. Deputy Harris said they could. Councilman Thomas said that a lot of the speeders were travelers just passing through Fairfield. He said they scatter horses, won’t move over and won’t slow down. He said he was afraid they were going to hit some kids. He said the speed bump at least slows them down. Peter said he has not had any complaints from anyone who come to the barn. He said it would help if it was smoother and wider. He said it was a safety issue.

Councilman Panek said that the school bus picks kids up in town. He asked if they should make a school zone or something. He said he had done some research and to install a speed bump with a more gradual approach would be about $4,000. He said summer is the best time to install them.

Councilman Thomas said he investigated the speed bumps in Lehi and he said you can travel 25 mph over them. He said you can hit 30 mph and it’s not bad. Casey Mascaro said there are good speed

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Unapproved Minutes Fairfield Town Council Meeting

Regular Meeting bumps in Harvest Hills that won’t wreck your truck. Councilman Panek said they need to do some prevention before someone gets hurt. He said the bus that picks up the kids drives too fast. Several people agreed with him. Sargeant Cannon said if they write tickets, it impacts the offender. Councilman Thomas suggested they bring the trailer out but not show how fast they are going, collect the data and then have the Sheriff’s Department come out and start writing tickets. Councilwoman McKinney suggested they send a letter to residents about the issue. Mayor Gurney said the first thing they need to do is put up 25 mph signs around town. Peter suggested they change the advisory speed signs to regular signs so they can pick people up that speed through that area.

Shirlene Mascaro said that you have to stop at the speed bump. Councilwoman McKinney stated that the speed bump was too aggressive and will affect the data collected by the speed trailer. Casey Mascaro noted that it will be an issue with the snow removal people.

Mayor Gurney suggested they pull out the speed bump and collect the data and then look at their options. He said the best way to enforce the speed limit is with law enforcement. He noted Stockton as a case in point. He said no one speeds through there. Natalie McKinney suggested they could put stop signs up instead of using speed bumps. Mayor Gurney said they will collect their data and take the speed bump out for now and discuss their options at the next meeting. Councilman Panek said he would remove the speed bumps but leave the signs up. Carol, Natalie and Holly Panek left.

Mayor Gurney said they would table all of the meeting minutes and discussion on conditional use permits until the next meeting.

6. Well Update Peter reported that he was at the well sight three days ago. He said no one was there and it looked like they were waiting for pipe. He said it also looked like they had poured the base for the tank.

Councilman Thomas said they had bored a hole down 400 ft. He said the pipe has to come from California because you have to buy American.

Councilwoman McKinney asked Peter if she could send the invoices to him to look over just so they have another set of eyes on it. He said that would be fine.

Councilman Thomas left due to a prior engagement.

7. Conditional Use Permit for Landfill Councilwoman McKinney asked if they could take a minute and go over the agreement. The Council did not know who made the markups on the agreement. They conceded that the markups were made a long time ago. The Council said they need to review the bonds, landscaping, water testing, etc. parts that are found in the agreement. Councilwoman McKinney said they need to audit the landfill. Mayor Gurney and Councilman Panek agreed, and the Mayor said they need to set up a schedule and do regular audits. He said they need to definitely look at their contract with Ace Disposal.

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Unapproved Minutes Fairfield Town Council Meeting

Regular Meeting

Councilman Panek said he had received complaints about bags, etc. outside of the landfill. Councilman Panek said that the landfill in Elberta has a double fence around it and you don’t see garbage outside the second fence. Mayor Gurney said they also need to look at the road because the Landfill was supposed to pave it in phases and they haven’t followed through. The Council will discuss in more detail at the next meeting. 8. Fireworks Show The Council agreed that the show was good. Mayor Gurney asked Councilwoman McKinney to put together a budget for next year and include a light parade. They concluded that they should start earlier next year and be involved in the planning.

9. Old Business Mayor Gurney said they are hoping to close on the land purchase from the Winters soon.

Councilwoman McKinney made a motion to close the meeting. Councilman Panek seconded it. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

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