APUSH – Unit 2 – 1607-1754

1. What factors led to a low survival rate for the English settlers of early Virginia? 2. What was the headright system? How did this policy promote British migration to the New World? Who took advantage of the headright system within the New World? 3. How did the introduction of tobacco to the Chesapeake region affect the colony of Virginia? 4. Explain the system of indentureship. What was life like for indentured servants? 5. Why did indentured servants become important to the early Virginia economy and society? 6. How did the evolution of the Virginia colony between 1607 and 1625 reveal the impact of New World conditions on aims and expectations? 7. What problems plagued the Maryland colony? 8. What powers did a proprietor have? 9. What was the role of the "back-country" settlements in the early colonial Chesapeake region? 10. Why were the back-country settlers such an annoyance to the colonial government? 11. Why did Bacon's Rebellion occur in 1675-1676? 12. What impact did this Rebellion have on African slavery? 13. What were the goals of the Separatists who settled in Plymouth in 1620? 14. How was the early "Plymouth Plantation" governed? 15. What was the Pilgrims' relationship with Native Americans? How did their experiences differ from those of the Virginia settlers? 16. What were some of the religious beliefs of the early Puritans who settled in New England? Why were they called Puritans? 17. What were the differences between Puritans and Pilgrims? 18. According to their leader, John Winthrop, what did the Puritans believe to be their purpose in coming to America? 19. List some of the reasons for dissent in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Trace the evolution of increased political participation of the colony's male members. 20. What threats did Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson pose to the Massachusetts Bay leadership? 21. What did the challenges to Puritan authority reveal about Puritan religious and social beliefs? 22. What was the basis of economic wealth in the New England colonies? How was agriculture and the economy in New England different from that in the South? 23. How was New England society different from that created in the Chesapeake colonies? 24. How did the Stuart Restoration affect those English colonies already established in America? How did it affect attitudes about founding more settlements? 25. What sort of social order took root in the Carolinas? Why was it different from that proposed under Carolina's Fundamental Constitution? 26. Why were the Carolinas one of the most unstable of all the English colonies in America? 27. Why were the Dutch unable to maintain a colony in New York? How were the British able to acquire it? 28. Identify the key beliefs and practices of the Quakers. Why can it be said that they were the most anarchistic and democratic of all the Protestant sects? 29. How did the influence of the Quakers make Pennsylvania a unique colony? Why was it called a "holy experiment?" 30. Why did social and political tensions eventually occur in the Pennsylvania colony? 31. What were the colonization policies of James Oglethorpe and his fellow trustees in Georgia? Why did the strict rules governing life in the colony ensure the failure of Oglethorpe's vision? 32. Describe the economy of the Chesapeake region, and explain why it developed as it did. 33. How did the economy of South Carolina and Georgia differ from that of the Chesapeake? How was it similar? 34. Explain the commercial economy that emerged in the northern colonies alongside the agricultural one. What role did technology play in this? 35. What were the limitations of colonial technology? To what extent were American colonists self- sufficient? 36. What were the goals of a mercantilist economic policy? 37. What was the "Triangle Trade?" How was it a response to British mercantile policies? 38. How were the Navigation Acts an example of Britain's mercantilist thinking? How successful were they in achieving their goals? 39. Explain the growing preoccupation with consumption of material goods in the British colonies and how this preoccupation was associated with social status. 40. How did the plantation system in the American South illustrate both the differences between the colonial and English class systems and the way in which colonial communities evolved in response to local conditions? 41. What were the characteristics of plantation slavery? How was the plantation an economic unit? a social unit? 42. What was the cause of the Stono Rebellion? 43. What were the characteristics of communities that emerged in Puritan New England? How was the family central to the Puritan community? 44. Why did people accuse someone of witchcraft? Who were the typical accused? typical accusers? 45. Why did "witchcraft" seem to appear so suddenly in Salem, MA in 1692? Were there any political / economic / cultural reasons? 46. How did the witchcraft hysteria of the 1680s and 1690s result from a "gap between the expectations of a united community and the reality of a diverse and divided one?" 47. How was the Halfway Communion [Halfway Covenant] a move to address these tensions? 48. What was the First "Great Awakening?" Who brought it about? What groups in colonial society were most attracted to this religious movement? 49. Identify the differences between the "Old Lights" and the "New Lights." 50. What were the long term effects of the Great Awakening in America? 51. What was the Enlightenment? How did it differ from the Great Awakening? 52. What colonial colleges were in operation by 1763? Why was each founded, and what subjects were studied in the mid-18c? 53. What evidence was there that the influence of the Enlightenment was spreading in America? 54. Explain the working of the law in colonial America--the concepts on which it was based, and the way it functioned. 55. What was the significance of the John Peter Zenger trial?

Don’t answer these as part of your assignment, but refer to your colony chart to find some of these concepts.

1. What were the goals and motivations behind English colonization of the Chesapeake? 2. What was the nature of the early relationship between the Virginia colonists and the local native Indian tribes? What happened in 1622 that changed that relationship? 3. What factors caused relations between the Native Americans and the colonists in New England to result in the Pequot War? 4. What were the causes of King Philip's War? What were the long-term affects of this war on Native Americans? on the New England colonists? 5. Why was Maryland founded? How did it differ from the Virginia colony? 6. List some of the major social and economic characteristics of the royal colony of New York. 7. What plans did William Penn have for the establishment of a new colony from the land granted him by King Charles II? 8. Why was Georgia founded? How was it different from the other British colonies?