
CVC Partnership meeting

9am on Tuesday 10th July 2012


Present: Betty Elkins (CBEC), Margaret Cox (Vyne), Rebecca Kennelly (Voluntary Services), Laura Kirkby (Youth Support Services), June Balcombe (B&DBC), Sally Harvey (Oakley Infant School), Sue Davies (Fairfields Primary School), Linda Clarkson (Early Years), Paul Hemmings (Costello), Nathalie Whitby-Lear (Voluntary Services), Kate Harvey (Southern Health Trust), Amanda Emery (Clerk)

1. Sally welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were accepted from: Janice Howe, Pam Luck, Paul Harvey, Mark Blackwell, Jan Pywell, Sally Clarke, Libby Wyatt, Steve Willis, Tracey McCarley, Claudia Murg, Martyn Gamble, Steve Thorn (Sentinel)

2. Pecuniary Interests It was confirmed that there were no pecuniary interests to declare.

3 Minutes of Meeting held on 1st May 2012 Minutes were agreed as an accurate account of the meeting.

4 Matters Arising from minutes held on 1st May 2012  B Elkins currently collecting attendance data  M Cox received templates for the Action Plan  Sharing Effective Partnership – as P Hemmings not present defer to next P Hemmings meeting for an update.  S Harvey contacted Family Lives and were due to attend this meeting but have sent their apologies.  M Cox sent list of who attended BACs meeting to S Clark  Meeting dates for LCP - agenda item  S Harvey forwarded the Data workbook to B Elkins and M Cox  Action Plan – agenda item  J Balcombe contacted the police for their input into the Action Plan, D Winter confirmed that due to the inspectors working shifts attendance at LCPs meetings is not possible. They confirmed they have nothing at present to add to the Action Plan.  M Blackwell to invite Teenage Pregnancy Local Implementation Group to M Blackwell the next meeting – defer this to next meeting  R Kennelly confirmed that a representative from Mad Fridays will be joining the meeting – agenda item  Representative from Children’s Services – J Balcombe to send the name J Balcombe of the person who has been appointed to M Cox.  Sharing Effective Partnership across the partnership – P Hemmings has received no interest from the LCP to join two working groups – Pre Neet P Hemmings and Pregnancy. To be reviewed at the next meeting  M Cox now has a central Co-Ordinators list  Add School Nurse’s action re children admitted to A&E under influence of alcohol added to Action Plan  Item 12, under AOB, 2nd paragraph, last line, should read ‘older’ and not ‘old’  M Cox emailed proposed dates to A Emery. S Clark happy to attend summer schools and M Cox to ask her to contact K Gare at CBEC.  Items have been added to Action Plan.

5 Basingstoke Voluntary Services – Youth Team

R Kennelly gave an update on the report she distributed. The hubs are going well, however there is low attendance numbers at the CBEC hub. R Kennelly to email B R Kennelly Elkins re the possibility of moving the timing of the hub to 2.30pm. R Kennelly