Subject: Report on major activities accomplished by SNNPR PIP team in Gamo Gofa

Team members

1. Ato Tesfaye Derib (Irrigation senior expert, regional bureau agriculture)

2. Ato Goa Mamo (Livestock senior expert regional bureau of agriculture)

3. Ato Ketema Yilema ( IPMS)

4. Yisehak baredo (Consultant)

The team started its function on Wednesday 15th of May 2012. Major activities accomplished included:

 Briefing on goals, major objectives and implementation strategy of LIVES was made to 10 senior staff chaired by Ato Matewos Bunde, Head of extension and deputy head of Agricultural department.

 Commodities proposed by the region ( beef, Chicken, apiculture, Fruits and vegetables ) were displayed to the experts for comment

 The experts proposed dropping apiculture because of its less developed production practice and low productivity all over the zone and agreed to include small ruminants instead and thus the final potential commodities for LIVES become

1. Beef,

2. Chicken,

3. Small ruminants and

4. Fruits and vegetables

 Out of 15 districts in the zone 7 potential districts were proposed for ranking and ranked by the experts using Table 3. The first ranking result is shown below

TABLE 3: Recommendation domain areas (Peasant Association) for selected zonal commodities No Potential districts Beaf Chicken Small ruminants Fruits & veget Total 1 Arbaminch Zuria 3 2 3 3 11 (1) 2 Mirab Abaya 3 2 2 2 9 (2) 3 Chencha 1 2 3 2 8 (3) 4 Bonke 2 2 3 1 8 (3) 5 Demba Gofa 2 2 1 2 7 6 Uba Debre Tsehaye 3 1 2 1 7 7 Kucha 2 2 1 1 6

 However, the interest of experts to distribute LIVES resource across the zone become central and critical issue and dominant proportion of experts unanimously agreed to consider the second and third districts to be Chencha and Demba Gofa while maintaining Arbaminch Zuria as first district. Though Chencha is ok as far as clustering and potential is considered, the issue of Demba Gofe which is located in the extreme western end of the district (255 Km) from Arbaminch become very hard for PIP team to accept

 In 17th of May 2012 PIP team consulted Zone administrate Ato Tilahun Kebede again briefing him about LIVES and the results of discussion with Zone Office of Agriculture senior experts

 Through further discussion with the Admin, Chencha was also dropped because of the presence of quite significant number of NGOs( World Vision, Kale Hiwot, JAICA, SNV) almost all of them taking about value chain development approach.

 Finally agreement was reached with the Administrator and PIP team to consider the following three district as the LIVES cluster districts.

1. Arbaminch Zuria

2. Mirab Abaya

3. Bonke.

 AGP is not existing in Gamo Gofa zone because all the districts are under productive safety-net programe (PSNP)of the country  The resource potential of the selected three cluster districts was reviewed based on the 2012 data of the zone OoA on :



Sheep and goats

Population (gender disaggregated)

Table 1. LIVES cluster districts and their potential in cattle, sheep and goats, chicken and population

Cattle Chicken pop pop. Total pop. Districts No No Districts No Districts Total M F A/Minch A/Minch A/Minch Zuria 81158 61155 Zuria 74369 Zuria 188438 95465 92973 M/Abaya 45119 33749 M/Abaya 30772 M/Abaya 83973 41924 42049 Bonke 82506 99975 Bonke 98933 Bonke 183193 91093 92100 Source: Zone Office of Agriculture 2012 data

 On 17th May 2012 Arbaminch Zuria office of agriculture was visited and ranking of PA was conducted. Out of 29 PAs in the district 14 were ranked as potential for selected commodities. The result is shown in table 2.

Table 2. PAs ranking in Arbaminch Zuria district

Beef /live Chicken Small ruminant Fruit and veget Total Region/Zone animals meat/eggs 1 Lante 1 1 1 1 2 Chano Daroga 1 1 1 1 3 Chano mile 1 1 0 1 4 Chano Chalba 1 1 0 1 5 Shara 1 1 1 1 Ganta 6 Kenchema 1 1 1 1 7 Shele Mella 1 1 1 1 8 Kola Shele 1 1 1 1 9 Elgo 1 1 1 1 10 Ganta Meche 1 1 0 1 11 Ganta Bonke 1 1 0 1 12 Zigiti Bakole 1 1 1 1 13 Zigiti Perasn 1 1 1 1

NB. Level each worded by indicating 0= no otential 1= potential

 As far as the districts are concerned, all over the districts, important woreda level staff are assigned to kebeles (PAs) to monitor Belg season planting and fertilizer loan repayment and the zone staff also informed us that there is no possibility to call any one to the zone. In addition we could not find any staff to move with us to the district because they also have strict assignment from the higher command level. Thus, PIP tem alone decided to visit each district to accomplish the task.

 On 18th May 2012 the team moved to Bonk, the second cluster district which is located about 50 km from Arbaminch and managed to brief to 8 district senior staff chaired by district agricultural bureau head.

 After the briefing target PAs selection was conducted ( see the following table)

TABLE 3: Bonke -Recommendation domain areas (Peasant Association) for selected zonal commodities

Beef Small /live Chicken ruminants s/ meat/egg Fruits/ n Region/Zone animals s sheep Vegetables 1 Dembile Otora 1 1 0 1 2 Dembile Osa 1 1 0 1 3 Koshele 0 0 1 1 4 Dhemile Puse 1 1 1 0 5 Ketele 1 1 1 0 6 Pudele 1 1 1 0 7 Phishto 1 1 1 0 8 Zaga 1 1 0 0 9 Koira mukula 1 1 1 0 10 Durbe 1 1 1 0 11 Chosha 0 1 1 1 12 Yela 0 1 1 1 13 Gezeso 0 1 1 0 14 Kalo Gagula 0 1 1 0 15 Ole Knachame 0 1 1 0 16 Bula 1 0 1 1  Bonke District has 33 PAs but only 16 were ranked. According to district agricultural staff report the remaining 17 PAs are inaccessible and thus we found unnecessary to rank.

 Bonke district in general has a very undulating landscape which in most cases not easy to access and after observing this situation PIP team asked the OoA staff to prioritize PA for LIVES intervention taking into account all weather road and distance.

 As far as accessibility is considered PAs ranked from 1 to 12 are assumed to be accessible for intervention throughout the year

 So far other necessary data are collected for Arbaminch Zuria district , Bonke district and Gamo Gofa zone office of agriculture.

 We expect to complete Mirb Abaya district on Saturday and Sunday provided that we could get the staff

Bonke District PAs accessibility ranking

PA names Accessibility Distance fom ranking district capital 14 Dembile Otora 2 9 Dembile Osa 4 44 Koshele Inaccessible 14 Dhemile Puse 3 20 Ketele 6 11 Pudele 5 6 Phishto 1 8.5 Zaga 10 10.5 Koira mukula 9 5 Durbe 8 46 Chosha 12 48 Yela 11 42 Gezeso Inaccessible 40 Kalo Gagula Inaccessible 52 Ole Knachame Inaccessible 14 Bula 7


Yisehak Baredo