Attendees: Shelley Cordier, Judy David, Mike David, Jeannette Hovermale, Jacquelyn Kwon

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Attendees: Shelley Cordier, Judy David, Mike David, Jeannette Hovermale, Jacquelyn Kwon

CPO Notes Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Attendees: Shelley Cordier, Judy David, Mike David, Jeannette Hovermale, Jacquelyn Kwon, Sheila Pederson, Cindy Perdicaro, Becky Wood, and Mr. Brew.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Secretary Report May meeting minutes approved.

8th Grade Party Report Sheila reported that everything is planned for the party and we're just waiting for the day to set up.

Treasurer Report Summary of May Treasurer's Report Total rollover from April: $13,737.12 Total income: $194.80 Total expense: $2358.16 Total rollover to June: $11,573.76

Payments in May: 1. 8th Grade Enrichment - Wave Lab fieldtrip 2. 8th Grade Enrichment - 8th Grade binding machine 3. 8th Grade Enrichment - Art Supplies 4. 8th Grade Enrichment - 8th Grade math and science supplies 5. 7th Grade Enrichment - OMSI fieldtrip 6. Teacher Grant - Library Books

Becky distributed a summary report for the 2015-16 school year of income, expenses, grants, and outstanding expenses. The anticipated rollover is $8814.83. We discussed spending that money vs. keeping a cushion and our decision was to "spend what was earned." After discussion, Becky moved to save the rollover for September and distribute it as follows: Grade level enrichment - $2,000/grade level ($6,000), Entrance fees - $1,000, Teacher grants - $1,000 = $8,000 total. That way, we will start the year with guaranteed money for those budget line items. VOTE: approved with all in favor.

Dine Out Coordinator Report Jeannette mentioned that we will not have a McMenamin's dine out next year because they only grant those every two years (it was our biggest dine out this year) and she will probably move the Buffalo Wild Wings dine out to the winter. She presented an idea for next year -- Dream Dinners. They are starting a fundraising program where you purchase three meals for $35, come in and prepare them, and DD gives $10 back to Cheldelin. We decided to pursue this option for next year. Jeannette suggested having someone speak at Curriculum Night for a few minutes after Mr. Brew's presentation (in front of everyone attending) to give some information about CPO instead of presenting in the library. We could cover Impact Cheldelin, dine outs, attending meetings, etc. Teacher Request Committee (TRC) Coordinator Report Becky reviewed some of the items that were paid for by the TRC this year. Patricia Sterns has graciously offered to be the coordinator for next year. Becky will make a time to meet with her.

Election of Officers We discussed the open CPO positions: Vice President (President elect), Volunteer Coordinator, and Treasurer. Judy David agreed to serve as VP. We will continue to recruit for the other positions. Slate of Officers: President - Shelley Cordier Vice President - Judy David Treasurer - Becky Wood (open - Becky will serve until filled) Secretary - Sheila Pederson Dine Out Coordinator - Jeannette Hovermale Teacher Request Committee Coordinator - Patricia Sterns Impact Cheldelin Coordinator - Becky Wood VOTE: approved with all in favor.

Principal's Report Staffing changes -- Mr. Brew reported that there are some staffing changes. Mrs. Appanaitis is transferring to CHS. They have hired a new 8th grade PE teacher with a track and field background. The 7th grade science teachers are both leaving for new opportunities and a replacement has been hired. A new Behavior Support Specialist has been hired to replace Mr. Park. Mrs. Smith (math) is moving back to Kansas so they are looking for a replacement. They are also hiring for some other positions.

Elective changes -- it has been decided that FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) will be replaced as an elective option with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). It will be a project based class and a new teacher is being hired to teach it. Students were surveyed and chose it 2:1 over FACS. Forecasting sheets with STEM as an elective option were distributed to students to determine schedules for next year.

Teacher Wish Lists -- Mr. Brew reported that he surveyed teachers to get an idea of what teacher would like to spend money on. He received requests for covering expenses such as Mock Congress, transportation for field trips, registration fees for competitions, etc. He forwarded the results to Becky for Impact Cheldelin purposes.

Outdoor School -- Mr. Brew said that the state has mandated that the Outdoor School experience will move to 5th grade instead of 6th. He's not sure how that will look/work but it has been decided.

Student Showcase -- Mr. Brew mentioned that he would like to have student's work featured at an open house once/quarter but it would take teacher preparation. He discussed the possibility of a Science Night.

General Discussion Media Skills -- Jeannette asked why students are being taught Word and PowerPoint during their MS elective instead of iPad technology. Mr. Brew responded that the MS curriculum is a holdover from past days of using computers for projects and should probably be updated to include iPad technology too.

Bell Schedule -- the bell schedule will be about the same for next year. FLEX time will remain. It was suggested that keyboarding skills be incorporated for 7th and 8th grade also.

Lead in the water -- a question was asked about when the drinking water was testing last and Mr. Brew said a statement would be released from the District on this topic.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Notes taken by Sheila Pederson, Secretary

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