IEP 041 Grammar Final Exam Winter 2014 Name:______

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IEP 041 Grammar Final Exam Winter 2014 Name:______

IEP 041 Grammar Final Exam Winter 17 Score:______/150 Name______Part 1 1. Verbs /50 points Write the correct verb (all of the verbs we have studied may be used) including simple past & simple present, present & past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, modals, and future.

Right now we (1. work) ______on our final exam, but I (2. feel) ______a little tired because last night I (3. get/ not) ______much sleep. Here is what (4. happen) ______:

While I (5. walk) ______home from school yesterday, I (6. think) ______about what we (7. do) ______in our grammar classes for the past two months. I (8.keep) ______trying to remember the irregular verbs, the passive voice, the modals… Wow! I (9.think) ______to myself! We (10. learn) ______so much since this quarter (11. begin) ______!

My plan was to go home and (12. look) ______over all of my notes and then study for several hours, but all of a sudden I (13. become) ______really hungry. So, I (14. decide) ______to eat before I started to study. As soon as I (15. get) ______home, I (16. go) ______into the kitchen to make something to eat, but I (17. find) ______out that there (18. be) ______nothing in the refrigerator! My roommate (19. eat) ______all of the food before I got home!

My stomach (20. start) ______to growl because I (21. have, not) ______any lunch. Oh no! Consequently, I (22. have to) (23. go) ______/ ______back out again to the supermarket. I (24. go) ______shopping and (25. buy) ______some sandwich ingredients.

1 By the time I (26. arrive) ______back home, another hour (27. pass) ______! Anyway, I (28. make) ______a sandwich and (29. start) ______to eat.

A few minutes (30. pass) ______before I suddenly (31. hear) ______a knock on the door! I opened it and there was my friend who had come over to visit me! He asked, (32. finish/ not) “______you ______studying, yet?

I (33. explain) ______to him that I (34. need) ______to keep reviewing, so luckily he (35. understand) ______and

(36. leave) ______.

At last I finally (37. open) ______my grammar book to study. Unfortunately, because I just (38. eat) ______, I (39. feel) ______really sleepy. I think that I (40. study) ______for only a few minutes before my eyes (41. close) ______, and I (42. fall) ______asleep on my book!

In the end, I (43. sleep) ______all night and never (44. wake up) ______until the morning!

So that is my story …

Now, however, I (45. look) ______at the exam, and I (46. think) ______that this test actually (47. look/ not) ______so difficult. It (48. seem) ______like everything that we (49. practice) ______for the past couple of months is included. I think I finally do understand all this stuff!

When I receive my final scores, I (50. laugh) ______or (cry) ______, depending on the grade!

2 Busy Baking Cakes

I had a really nice conversation recently with a little 6 year-old girl named Sasha. After talking with her, I found out that when she grows up, she wants

______(1.become) a businesswoman and have her own designer cupcake factory! She thinks about ______(2.spend) her work days supervising the making of miniature cakes. She imagines ______( her employees with candy. Also, instead of health insurance, she promises ______(4.give) her employees a lifetime supply of cupcakes. ______(5.invent) delicious new recipes would be the fun part of her job. She hopes ______(6.become) a famous baker. In fact, Sasha plans ______(7.have) people come to the cupcake factory to take tours. Sasha would even allow visitors ______(8.bake) their own cakes. She is considering ______( more cupcake factories if she is successful. I think this is a fabulous dream job and her ideas would be very popular. I look forward to ______(10.visit) her factory one day!

1. My friend is studying to be a doctor. My friend is from Saudi Arabia.


2. The student is finished writing her essay. Her pencil is on the table.


3 3. I like the book. It explains about adjective clauses.


4. The man loves the city. He grew up there.


5. I remember a time. My son learned to ride a bike then.


1. I have an appointment at 2:00 pm. Class is over then.


2. The IEP students go to school at NSC. Their families live in many different countries.


3. The students go to school at NSC. They are studying English there.


4. Cathy decided to travel to France. She is from China.


5. I like studying at NSC. It is in Seattle.

Part 2

1. We’re going to be late. We left 30 minutes ago.

a. should b. shouldn’t be c. should have d. shouldn’t have

2. A: Was it cold last night? B: It . The streets were icy this morning.

4 a. could have b. had to have c. had to have been d. ought to have been

3. A: I’m sorry I had to cancel our date.

B: Oh, I couldn't have anyway. I got sick.

a. been go b. go c. gone d. went

4. A: Did your friends see the Space Needle on their vacation?

B: They . Everyone who visits Seattle sees the Space Needle.

a. could have b. may have c. might have d. must have

5. A: Are you going to go to the party next weekend?

B: I go after I finish work, but it depends on how tired I am.

a. might b. have to c. had better d. should

6. That’s impossible! Yanmin have known about her surprise party.

a. might not b. ought not to c. couldn’t d. shouldn’t

7. Omar is really unhappy at work. He for another job.

a. has look b. has to looking c. have to look d. ought to look

8. You take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

a. don’t have to b. have to c. must not d. must not to

9. The neighbors be home. None of their lights are on.

a. could b. might c. can’t d. had better not

10. I finish writing my essay last night because I was too tired.

a. might b. can c. couldn’t d. can’t 5. Noun Clauses – Change the questions into sentneces with Noun Clauses.

______10 points

1. Did Stephanie make this test?

I wonder ______

2. How long is the final?

Does anyone know ______

5 3. Do we get a break?

I don’t know ______

4. When is our vacation?

Could you tell me ______

5. When did Stephanie make the final?

Do you know ______

_____ 1. Both of my sisters were born in August.

_____ 2. NSCC was built in the 1970s.

_____ 3. Scientists have been searching for a cure.

_____ 4. Mistakes were made.

_____ 5. Students often travel by plane.

6B. Write active and passive sentences. Do not change the tense. /10 points Use the “by” phrase

1. (active)

(passive) The project was presented by the students.

2. (active) The students are studying the textbooks carefully.


3. (active) The students have studied English all quarter.


4. (active)

6 (passive) The tests were corrected by the teacher.

5. (active) The teacher might grade the tests today. (passive) ______

7A. Modal usage: Advisability in the past /10 points Directions: Read the complaint about the past and use the modals in parentheses to state the regret or complaint in the past. Use affirmative or negative.

1. I rode my bike for four hours, and now I am very tired. (should)


2. I spent too much money on video games, and now I don’t have any money. (should)


3. I only slept for four hours. Now I am very sleepy. (ought to)


4. I watched TV instead of doing my homework. (should)


5. It was raining outside, but I didn’t bring an umbrella. I got wet. (ought to)


7B. Modal usage: Speculations and Conclusions about the past /5 points Directions: Pick a. or b. for each.

1. It is almost certain that she transferred schools.

a. She must have transferred schools. b. She might have transferred schools.

2. It is impossible that I passed the exam.

a. I didn’t pass the exam. b. I couldn’t have passed the exam.

3. It is possible that I passed the exam.

a. I might have passed the exam. b. I should have passed the exam.

7 4. It is almost certain that he didn’t study for the test.

a. He must not have studied for the test. b. He didn’t have to have studied for the test.

5. It is possible that he studied for the test.

a. He can have studied for the test. b. He might have studied for the test.

7A. Conditional Sentences /12 points Directions: Combine the sentences. Keep the same order and begin the first clause with “if”. Include commas as needed.

1. I talk with other students. I make new friends. Future real conditional


2. I practice writing. I improve my writing skills. Future real conditional


3. I earn more money. I go to Europe. Present/future unreal conditional


4. I win the lottery. I buy a big house. Present/future unreal conditional


5. I have a vacation quarter. I go home to visit my family. Past unreal conditional


6. I stay in my home country. I don’t experience American culture. Past unreal conditional


Part 7B: Conditionals /8 points Directions: Use the verbs in the correct tense/form according to the situation

1. If I (know) ______that you wanted to go to the soccer game last night, I (buy) ______a ticket for you.

8 2. I (bake) ______an apple pie for you today if I (have) ______enough apples. Unfortunately, I only have 2 apples and that isn’t enough.

3. She wants to grade the grammar finals later tonight. She thinks she has enough time. If she (have) ______enough time, she (grade) ______

the grammar finals.

4. If there (be) ______no sun in the sky, I don’t think that life on earth (exist) ______.

Part 8. Transitional Phrase Usage /5 points Mark a C for correct transitional phrase usage or an I for incorrect transitional phrase usage. 1. I studied my practice exam; therefore, I will do well on the final. ______

2. I like to study English; however, I don’t like to take exams. ______

3. It was raining; consequently, I didn’t take my umbrella. ______

4. I ate my breakfast; then, it was delicious. ______

5. The book was interesting; moreover, I learned a lot from it. ______

Part 9. /15 points Write the present participle, simple past, and past participle forms.

present participle simple past past participle

1. forget ______

9 2. go ______

3. write ______

4. come ______

5. wear ______



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