Ulverston Town Council s7

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Ulverston Town Council s7


Town Clerk: Jayne Kendall Town Hall Town Mayor: Cllr Dr. Bharath Rajan Queen Street Deputy Mayor: Cllr. Mark Wilson Ulverston Cumbria LA12 7AR Our Ref: JK/SY Telephone: (01229) 585778 «TITLE» «FORENAME» «SURNAME» E-mail: [email protected] «ADDRESS» Website: www.ulverstoncouncil.org.uk «ADDRESS_1» Twitter: @UlverstonTC «TOWN» «POSTCODE» Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm. Friday – 9.00am – 2.00 pm

16 December 2015

Dear Sir/Madam Councillor,

A meeting of the Ulverston Town Council will be held in the Supper Room, Coronation Hall, and Ulverston on Monday 21 December 2015 at 7.00 p.m. and you are hereby summoned to appear for the purposes of transacting the business set out in the Agenda hereunder. Please let me know if you are unable to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Jayne Kendall Town Clerk


1. Apologies: Apologies for absence.

2. Requests for dispensations: The Clerk to report any requests received since the previous meeting for dispensations to speak and/or vote on any matter where a member has a disclosable pecuniary interest.

3. Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations by elected and co-opted members of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests who have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting). Members may however also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests.

4. Town Mayor’s Announcements:

5. Public Participation: For a period of fifteen minutes, members of the public may ask questions and raise matters that they think should be discussed by the Council.

6. Minutes: The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16 November 2015. 1 7. Update: Brief update from Police, South Lakeland District Councillors and Cumbria County Councillors.

8. Town Planning: (i) To consider what observations or recommendations (if any) should be made in relation to any planning applications.

SL/15/0816 The Lancastrian Hotel, Mountbarrow Mr David Wood Road, Ulverston. Demolition of vacant public house and erection of eight new dwellings with associated parking, gardens and vehicular access. (FPA).

SL/15/0943 49 Mountbarrow Road, Ulverston. Mr. P. Swann Extension & alterations. (FPA).

SL/15/0945 2 Mountbarrow Road, Ulverston. Mrs. Mandy Wylie Erection of a canopy to the front elevation. (FPA).

SL/15/0946 17 Fountain Street, Ulverston Mrs Katie Jones Conversion and alterations to Form single dwelling. (FPA).

SL/15/0974 Land to south of Glenside Mr. John Entwistle Springfield Road, Ulverston. Two dwellings. (OPP).

SL/15/0995 Land at Hoad View, Cross Lane Mrs Eleanor Fisher Ulverston. Erection of four dwellings. (FPA).

SL/15/1004 Glaxochem Ltd, North Lonsdale Rd Leck Construction Ltd Ulverston. Construction of a new two storey glazed foyer with lift. (FPA).

SL/15/0957 Unit 1 North Lonsdale Road, Ulverston. Miss Trina Morrison Extension of car park area, formation of internal factory shop outlet for food products made on site and formation of hot food takeaway for sale of food and drink made on site. (FPA).

SL/15/1058 86 Market Street, Ulverston. Mr. Brian Armistead Change of use of the ground floor From storage to retail (Class A1) (FPA)

5/15/9008 Land to the South West of the junction Mr. James Carruthers of Daltongate and A590, Ulverston Cumbria County Council construction of new combined emergency services building incorporating community facilities and office space, with associated accommodation block, fire tower and car parking. 2 SL/15/1014 Flames 5 – 7 New Market Street Mr Okkes Ozmicco Ulverston. Removal of condition 8 (Opening hours) attached to planning permission SL/13/0620 (Change of use from restaurant café (Class A3) to hot food takeaway (Class A5) with an installation of a metal flue at the rear.

SL/15/1048/ 46-48 Central Drive, Ulverston. McColl’s Retail Group 1091 Installation of ATM & illuminated Ltd signs for ATM. (FPA & ADVERT).

9. Clerk’s report - paper attached: Brief update and correspondence.

10. Minutes and reports from external organisations to note: ATC, St John Ambulance, Dickensian Committee. (papers to follow)

11. Ulverston Business Improvement District: Update from UTC representative Cllr J. Pickthall.

12. Twinning Association: Civic Visit. (Report and minutes attached) To note a successful visit from Albert to the Dickensian Festival and a visit from the Twinning Committee to Albert for remembrance services.

13. Clean for the Queen. Introduced by Cllr J. Pickthall To consider taking part in this nationwide initiative to mark the 90th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, in 2016.

14. SLDC Parish Remuneration Panel Report 2016/2017. (Paper attached) To consider a response from the above panel which recommends that Parish and Town Councillors receive some remuneration.

15. SLDC/Town Council Planning opportunities template. (Paper attached) SLDC has developed a template for all town and parish councils to enable councils to contribute to the early development of projects by providing planners and developers with information about what is important to the community. Proposal: To delegate the initial work to the clerk for members to review.

16. Electoral Review of South Lakeland: (Papers from SLDC attached, draft paper from UTC working group to follow) Presented by Cllr C. Pickthall To consider Ulverston Town Councils formal response to the Local Government Boundary Review for South Lakeland. Proposal: To retain the current electoral procedures and practices by way of a 4 yearly election in the existing wards for all town and district councillors.

17. Allotments Standing Committee: (Minutes attached). To note the minutes.

18. Policy and General Purposes Standing Committee: (Minutes attached) To note the minutes.

19. Finance and Grants Standing Committee  Minutes: To note the attached minutes from 2 December 2015

 Lease and Licences: Update on progress (Summary attached from Livingstone’s solicitors)

 Internal Audit: To note the half yearly report from the internal auditor. 3  Management Accounts (attached) to note.

 Payments: To authorise payments of accounts for UTC and UCP (attached) and to nominate 2 councillors to sign cheques.

20. Other Matters: To discuss so far as the Town Mayor and the Council permit, other matters of local interest, within the province of government departments, regional bodies, the County Council, and matters affecting the town or the townspeople.

21. Public: For a period of fifteen minutes, after the close of the meeting, members of the public may ask questions and raise matters that they think should be discussed by the Council.

22. Date of Next Meeting: Members to note the date of the next meeting of Ulverston Town Council which is: Monday 18 January 2016 at 7.00 pm.


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