Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai, Senai, Johor

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Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Senai, Senai, Johor

ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORM 1 2015 SCHEME OF WORK SMK SRI RAHMAT LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 23 Chapter 1: 1 Introducing oneself Listening – note important POEM: THE RIVER Using question Thinking Skills 5/7/ Our Friends Talking about interests details Reciting a poem with words: who, what, ICT Skills which, when, why 15/ Theme: and hobbies Reading – Scan for details, feeling and expression Values use the dictionary to find and with correct ‘Why’ questions People Asking questions politely - faithfulness and responding meaning; identify supporting pronunciation, Simple sentences details intonation, stress and - loyalty Talking about friends and Verbs- Tenses rhythm - friendship family Simple present 2 Talking about feelings Listening – find more details Finding out the meaning tense for and experience Reading – find more details of unfamiliar words by - describing using contextual clues feelings and / or the dictionary - senses 3 Reading e-mail – discuss Process writing – write a Retelling the poem in Simple past tense points of interest and give paragraph about a friend one’s own words opinions 24, Chapter 2: 1 Inviting and welcoming Listening – note important POEM: THE RIVER Simple present Thinking Skills 25 Forever Friends friends details Synopsis tense Multiple 12/7 Theme: Accepting and declining Reading – scan for details Recognizing elements Personal and Intelligences 23/7 invitations in a poem possessive Preparation for People pronouns Talking about friends and Finding rhyming words the Real World family Possessive Understanding figurative adjectives Expressing thanks and language responding appropriately; Figurative language apologising – proverbs 2 Writing short messages to Listening – find more details friends Reading – identify main ideas, supporting details; use contextual clues and identify words that associate with other words

- 2 - 3 Reading – discus points Reading – give reasons, draw of interest and give conclusions opinions Process writing – write messages

- 3 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 26 Chapter 3: 1 Talking about interest Listening – note important SHORT STORIES: Simple present Thinking Skills details Flipping Fantastic tense for WEEK26/7 BeCHAPTER/ Healthy THEMEand LEVEL TalkingLANGUAGE about health FOR LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR GRAMMAR KnowledgeEDUCATIONAL – Strong INTERPERSONAL ReadingINFORMATIONAL – tell what the text USE is About shortAESTHETIC stories USE - habitual actions AcquisitionEMPHAS 30/7 Theme: USE about; scan for details; use Introducing elements of - instructions and PreparationES for the dictionary to find 28, Chapter 5: 1 Talking about things Listening – note details NOVEL:a short story Journey To The Singulardirections and plural Thinkingthe Real Worldskills Health – meaning; group words 29 PredictingCentre Of Theoutcome Earth of a Simplenouns sentence TechnologyBalanced Diet Writing shopping lists accordingReading – toscan categories for details Preparation for around Us Partstory 1: Chapter 1 - 3 PositiveSpelling statementsrules for the Real World 9/8 Theme: Negativeregular and 2 Reading – identify main ideas Making simple irregular plurals - Technology 2 Writing a paragraph on Listeningand important – find details, more details use Introducingpredictions plot structure statements Articles with 20/8 preferences – students’ Readingcontextual – identifyclues, identify main ideas SequencingDescribe the of setting events in Punctuation: favourite food base words singular and plural and supporting details short story nounscapital –letters, a, an, the 3 Reading an Process writing – describe a comma, 3 Reading an article – Process writing skills – write exclamationFigurative language mark, advertisement – discuss product discuss points of interest a paragraph on food full– proverbs stop and andpoints give of interestopinions and give question mark opinions Figurative language 30 Chapter 6: 1 Talking about plants and Listening – note important NOVEL: The Journey To Conjunction– similes ‘and’ to Thinking Skills flowers details The Center Of The Earth link two ideas 27 ChapterOur Beautiful 4: 1 Talking about everyday Listening – note details; SHORT STORIES: Simple present ThinkingICT Skills Skills 23/8 Environment activitiesTalking about what we followReading sequence – use the of dictionaryideas FlippingPart 1: Chapter Fantastic 1 - 3 tenseSpecial finites or Multiple Home Sweet should and should not do to find meaning; group words modals – ‘should’ ICT Skills - Theme: Intelligences 2/8 Home inTalking parks, about and writing what one accordingReading – toscan categories; for details; build Giving Introducing the sequence characters of and- for ‘should habitual not’ Values 27/8 Environment shouldn’t or mustn’t do use the dictionary to find the eventsin short story actions – Theme: simple instructions new words from a given word Present continuous - gratitude 6/8 Giving instructions in a meaning - for instructions Social Issues – Talking about activities Describe and write tense – am / is / are - filial piety poster Writing simple instructions aboutTalking characters about the theme Concord (subject- Duties at Home … verb + ing Multiple and writing a simple verb agreement) 2 Reading – identify main ideas Intelligences paragraph about the Verbs – contracted and supporting details Preparation for theme in the story forms the Real World 23 DiscussingWriting short plans e-mail and ListeningReading – – give find reasonsmore details Talking about values Special finites or messages rules ReadingProcess writing– identify – write main Giving one’s opinion modals Reading – discuss points ideas;descriptions use contextual of trees clues Talking about the theme of interest and give (pronouns) and writing a simple opinions 3 Reading a Web page – Process writing – write paragraph about the discuss points of interest instructions theme in the story

- 4 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 31, Chapter 7: 1 Describing a friend’s Listening – note details POEM: MR NOBODY Adjectives for Thinking Skills 32 Happy at School qualities Reading – scan for details; Reciting a poem describing Multiple Asking ‘Yes – No’ understand word formation; character and Intelligences Theme: Retelling the poem in questions and responding use a dictionary to find appearance 30/8 Social Issues – one’s own words Preparation for to such questions meaning Prefixes – ‘un’, ‘in’, the Real World - Discipline in Using a dictionary to find 10/9 ‘im’ and ‘dis’ to School the meaning of words show “not” 2 Listening – find more details; Talking about values Adverbs of manner identify main ideas found in the text Yes – No questions Reading – identify main ideas and supporting details 3 Reading a quiz – discuss Reading – give reasons Saying what one thinks points of interest and give Process writing – write a of the poem opinions paragraph on past activities Changing the poem to a Reading a letter drawing Writing recounts of activities 33 Chapter 8: 1 Giving and following Listening – draw a route on a POEM: MR NOBODY Simple present Thinking Skills Right on Track directions map Introducing message tense for Multiple instructions and 13/9 Theme: Adding more details to Drawing directions and and theme in poem Intelligences show locations explaining them directions - Social Issues – Knowledge Prepositions of 17/9 Giving advice and Reading – group words Acquisition Road Safety place and direction instructions according to categories Identifying message / Preparation for Writing simple theme in a poem the Real World instructions 2 Reading to identify main ideas and supporting details Changing the text to another form

- 5 - 3 Reading and discussing Reading – give reasons road signs Process writing – draw a Reading a set of pictorial map and write instruction and discussing directions safety tips

- 6 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 34 Chapter 9: 1 Talking about holidays Listening – note important Novel : Journey To The Simple past tense – Thinking Skills Spending Time Talking about past details; follow sequence of Centre Of The Earth words that signal Learning How to ideas past time 27/9 with My Family activities Part 2: Chapter 4 - 6 Learn Skills Reading – scan for details Regular and - Theme: Asking questions to get Retelling the story in a Multiple information, and correct sequence irregular verbs Intelligences 1/10 People responding Time expressions 2 Reading – identify main ideas Making simple Place expressions and supporting details predictions Prepositions of place, time and 3 Writing simple letters Reading – identify cause and direction Writing recounts of effect; give reasons experiences Process writing – write recounts of experiences 35 Chapter 10: 1 Giving instructions Listening – note important Novel: Journey To The Simple present Thinking Skills Get Fit – Go For It Making choices details; follow sequence Centre Of The Earth tense for Multiple instructions 4/10 Theme: Talking about exercise Reading – scan for details Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 Intelligences Sequence - Exercise and games Writing plans Preparation for connectors the Real World 8/10 2 Writing short messages to Listening – find more details Dramatize a section of a friends Reading – understand non- text and role-play linear texts; understand characters meaning of words by the use of the suffix ‘ing’ Describe a character Writing announcements and write a paragraph or two about this person 3 Writing simple letters to Reading – draw conclusions family members Process writing – write plans, Reading notes on and announcements exercises – discuss points of interest and give opinions

- 7 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 36 Chapter 11: 1 Asking questions politely Listening – note details to Novel: Journey To The ‘Why’ questions Thinking Skills Putting and responding support main ideas Centre Of the Earth Adjectives – Learning How to appropriately 11/10 Technology to Reading – scan for details Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 comparison Learn Skills adjectives - Work Group words according to Multiple categories Intelligences 15/10 Theme: Technology 2 Asking questions to clarify Listening – find more details Compose a simple Knowledge Acquisition and responding Reading – identify base dialogue appropriately words, identify supporting Preparation for Giving details to support details the Real World main ideas Making comparisions 3 Reading a dialogue and Reading – make simple Retell the story in one’s writing short notes predictions; give reasons own words Reading a dialogue, Process writing – gathering discuss points of interest information to write an article and give opinions 37 Chapter 12: 1 Talking about plans Listening – note important Novel: Journey To The Future tense Thinking Skills Planning a Trip Requesting and offering details Centre Of the Earth Using ‘will’ Learning How to 18/10 Theme: help Reading – scan for details; Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 - to affirm Learn Skills follow sequence of ideas - People Making telephone calls to - to request ICT Skills get information 22/10 Values 2 Discuss plans with others Listening – identify main Talking about values - respect for to go somewhere and to ideas and details Telling how events, customs do something Reading – identify main ideas characters and values Preparation for and supporting details; use are similar to one’s life the Real World contextual clues for meaning, Giving one’s opinions identify words that associate with other words 3 Writing simple letters to Reading – make simple Talking about the friends predictions of outcomes; give message Writing out plans for reasons others to follow Process writing – write plans for a trip

- 8 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 38 Chapter 13: 1 Asking for the price of Listening – note important Countable and Thinking Skills Caring and goods, stating whether details uncountable nouns Values and the price is agreeable or 25/10 Sharing Reading – scan for details; Regular plurals Citizenship too high follow sequence of ideas - Theme: Phrasal Quantifiers Multiple Intelligences 29/10 Compassion and 2 Discussing plans for a Listening – find more details Novel: Journey To The ‘Each’ as an Mental party Reading – identify main ideas Centre Of the Earth adjective Preparation for Cleanliness Making enquiries to get and supporting details; Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 the Real World information and identify words that associate responding appropriately with other words Retell the story in one’s Making enquiries about a own words product Placing orders 3 Completing an order form Reading – draw obvious Writing a magazine article conclusions in simple texts Discuss the themes of Process writing – write the novel recounts 39 Chapter 14: 1 Giving and following Listening – note important Novel: Journey To The Simple present Thinking Skills Success through instructions for details; follow sequence of Centre Of The Earth tense for Knowledge procedures ideas instructions 1/11 Team Effort Chapter 4 - 6 Acquisition Reading – scan for details; Sequence markers - Theme: ICT Skills follow sequence of ideas; use (review) Technology Values 5/11 the dictionary to find meaning ‘Some’ to express 2 Talking about plans for a Listening – find more details Narrate the sequence of infinitive quality, number project Reading – understand non- events linear texts; identify base Article – ‘the’ words - for unique nouns - with ‘same … as’ 3 Writing out plans for Reading – make predictions; Talking about messages others to follow identify cause and effect; draw conclusions Process writing – write plans for a project

- 9 - LANGUAGE FOR EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE FOR LANGUAGE FOR WEEK CHAPTER/ THEME LEVEL INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR EMPHAS INFORMATIONAL USE AESTHETIC USE USE ES 40 Chapter 15: 1 Responding appropriately Listening – note important Novel: Journey To The The define article Thinking Skills Take Part – Take to questions details Centre Of the Earth ‘the’ ICT Skills Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 8/11 Charge Reading – scan for details; Phrasal verbs Values understand word formation - Social Issues: Conditional clauses - being thankful Writing and presenting plans – ‘if’ clauses 12/11 Personal - being Discipline in 2 Talking about future plans Listening – find more details Talking about values Future tense – Wh hardworking questions and ‘will’ School to solve problems Reading – identify main ideas found in the text Multiple and supporting details by the Intelligences use of suffix ‘-ment’ or ‘-ion’; identify base words; use contextual clues 3 Reading a notice and Reading – give reasons Talking about the discussing points of Process writing – write plans message the writer is interest for a calendar putting across Composing simple stories 41 Chapter 16: 1 Asking simple questions Listening – note important Novel: Journey To The Adjectives – Thinking Skills Happy to Be politely to get information details Centre Of the Earth comparatives and ICT Skills and responding Part 2: Chapter 4 – 6 superlatives 15/11 Malaysians Reading – scan for details Values and appropriately Collective Nouns - Values: Citizenship Talking about festivals Gender Education 19/11 Patriotism 2 Writing short Web Listening – find more details Discuss the themes of Knowledge Acquisition messages Reading –find meaning using the novel contextual clues 3 Reading a dialogue – Reading – give reasons; draw discuss points of interest conclusions and give opinions Process writing – design a Web page and write messages

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