Sample Tweets On The #RaisingofAmerica free online streaming period, day of action (Nov. 17), and tweet storm (Nov. 17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET)

For promoting the free online streaming period:

1. Have you watched the new documentary The #RaisingofAmerica yet? It’s available this month for FREE here:

2. This powerful documentary shows exactly why we need a national #paidleave program: #RaisingofAmerica #FAMILYAct

3. Watching The #RaisingofAmerica is sure to inspire you to take action to advance policies like #paidleave:

4. Don’t miss your chance to watch The #RaisingofAmerica for free this month: Share it w/ your friends and family too!

5. Do you have friends or family who are skeptical about #paidleave? Have them watch The #RaisingofAmerica this month:

For promoting the tweet storm:

1. Check out The #RaisingofAmerica for free this month and then share your thoughts on 11/17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET:

2. The #RaisingofAmerica is now online for FREE. Watch the film and then tweet about it on 11/17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET:

3. Time to tweet about #paidleave! Join us 11/17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET to talk about this new film: #RaisingofAmerica

4. The #RaisingofAmerica makes a powerful case for #paidleave. Join us to talk about it on 11/17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET:

5. Join The #RaisingofAmerica tweet storm 11/17 from 2 – 3:00 p.m. ET to discuss the policies America's families need:

For the day of action and tweet storm (tweet all day and especially during the storm hour):

1. As a nation, we can – and should – be doing so much more to support children’s and families’ basic needs. #paidleave #RaisingofAmerica

2. When just 13% of workers have #paidleave for caregiving, it’s no wonder that families are struggling. #RaisingofAmerica #FAMILYAct 3. The #RaisingofAmerica asks: Why is child well-being in the U.S. so much worse than in other rich countries? (Hint: #paidleave) #FAMILYAct

4. Children are the nation's future. It's past time to make sure they have a strong start, and #paidleave is key. #RaisingofAmerica #FAMILYAct

5. Tell your members of Congress that you've been inspired by The #RaisingofAmerica and want action on #paidleave at

6. The #RaisingofAmerica makes a powerful health and economic case for #paidleave and the #FAMILYAct. Watch it here:

7. When parents' time and money are stretched, it's kids that suffer most. We need a nat'l #paidleave standard. #RaisingofAmerica #FAMILYAct

8. The #RaisingofAmerica should be required viewing for all members of Congress! It makes clear that the #FAMILYAct is long overdue. #paidleave

9. If you’ve watched The #RaisingofAmerica, you know how badly we need the #FAMILYAct. Tell Congress here: #paidleave

10. According to The #RaisingofAmerica, the U.S. ranks 26/29 in child well-being. Shameful. We need #paidleave & other policies that would help.

11. Our nation’s kids, families and economy can’t afford to wait for #paidleave. Watch The #RaisingofAmerica and then call for the #FAMILYAct.

12. The #RaisingofAmerica weaves together scientific evidence, stories and political realities to make a strong case for #paidleave. #FAMILYAct

13. As a nation, we must prioritize the needs of young kids by implementing policies like #paidleave. It's as simple as that. #RaisingofAmerica

14. The #RaisingofAmerica raises important questions about policy, raising kids and the cost of not addressing families’ basic needs. #paidleave

15. Talk of child development focuses too much on parents' choices. Having supports like #paidleave matters greatly. #RaisingofAmerica

16. Spread the word: The #RaisingofAmerica is online for free this month and it should be required viewing: #paidleave

17. We can help parents like those featured in The #RaisingofAmerica by demanding #paidleave. Tell Congress to pass the #FAMILYAct.

18. The #RaisingofAmerica can help change the conversation about why some U.S. kids thrive & others struggle: #paidleave