Name : Yousef Salah Abu-Mayla . Date of Birth : 20 Nov. 1951 . Marital Status : Married. Sex : Male.

Permanent Address: Home : Block B No. 292, Rafah - Gaza Strip. Work : Al - Azhar University of Gaza, P. O. Box 1277 - Gaza, Gaza Strip. Telephone & Fax. : Home , 08-2137277 , Mobile 0599-704465 Work, 08-2827806 & 2827816. fax 00970 8 2832912 E-mail: Abumayla@gawab .com

Higher Education: [A] Ph.D. in Hydrology and Geomorphology. Manchester University, England, (1984 - 87). Thesis: Hydrologic and Geomorphic Processes in Coombs Brook Macclesfield, forest (U. K. ) . [B] M. A. in Physical Geography, Alexandria - Egypt (1976 - 80). Thesis: The problem of Water in Jordan - East Bank . [C] B. A. in Geography, B. A. University (1972 - 76).

Professional Experience: Position University From to Head of Geography Department. Islamic University of Gaza 1980 1984 Assistant Lecturer and School of Geography, Munchester 1984 1987 Research Student. University, England. Assistant Professor and Head The Islamic University of Gaza. 1987 1994 of the Geography Department. Head of the Geography Department. Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 1992 1996 Asst. Professor Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 1994 1999 Professor Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 1999 Present Deputy director (WRC) Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 1995 2005 Dean of Arts Faculty. Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 1996 2000 Dean of Admission Al - Azhar University of Gaza. 2000 2003 Registration. Director (WRC) Al – Azhar University of Gaza 2005 present

1 Teaching Experience:

[1] 1980 - 1984 Lecturing in Geography at the Islamic University of Gaza. [2] 1984-1987 I worked as a tutor in lab and fieldwork, while doing my Ph.D. at the School of Geography and Geology- Manchester University - England. [3] 1987-Present Lecturing in Hydrology, Geomorphology at Al Azhar University - Gaza. [4] 1994-Present Executive Member of The Water Consultancy Group-Gaza Strip and West Bank..

Research Activities: (A) In Arabic: (1) "Water Problem in Gaza Strip", Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, No 22, 1990, pp. 95-135. (2) "Water Contamination by Caliform Bacteria in Gaza strip", Journal of Beit-Lahem Univ., West Bank, No 9, 1990, pp. 22-38. (3) "Water Resources in Palestine", Institute of Research and Arab Studies, Cairo, 1991, pp. 209-258. (4) "Ground Water Chemical Properties in Gaza Strip", Journal of Beit-Lahem Univ., West Bank, No 10, 1991, pp. 7-41. (5) "Geography and Agricultural Development in Gaza Strip", Alexandria Univ., Faculty of Arts, Geography Dept., Feb. 25-27, 1992, pp. 5-78. (6) Natural Resources issues in the occupied Gaza Strip, Research and Arab Studies Journal, Institute of Arab Studies and Research, Cairo, Issue No. 21, 1992, pp. 75-112. (7) "Water Balance in Palestine, A Geographic study", 1993, Faculty of Science and Technology, Khan-Younes-Gaza, Dec. 27-28, 1993, pp. 201- 257. (8) "Water Resources and Prospects of Artificial Sustenance of Ground Water in Palestine", Jordan Univ., Dec. 13-15, 1993. (9) "Water Needs for Gaza Strip", Water Science Journal, Water Research Center (WRC), Cairo, No 14, 1993, pp. 52-66. (10) "Development of Ground Water Level, Salinity, and Consumption in Gaza Strip", Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, No 26, 1994. (11) "Water Balance of Soil in Gaza Strip", Research and Arab Studies Journal, Institute of Arab Studies and Research, Cairo, Issue No. 24, 1995.

2 (12) "Geo-Medical Analysis of Cancer Disease in Gaza Strip from 1990- 1994", Alexandria Univ., Faculty of Arts, Nov. 27-29, 1995. (13) "Geo-Politics of Water in the Palestinian Occupied Territories" Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, Vol. 2, 1994. (14) "Geo-Politics of Israeli Water Projects, with Focus on Plain of (Mediterranean-Dead) Sea Canal, and (Red-Dead) Sea Canal", Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, No 26, 1996. (15) "Water Harvesting in Gaza Strip", journal of Kuwait Geographic Society, Kuwait Univ., No 209, Oct. 1995. (16) "Water Problem via Multilateral Negotiations in the Middle East", Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, Issue No 1, 1998. (17) "Destroyed Villages in Palestine up to 1952", Journal of Egyptian Geographic Society (EGS), Cairo, Issue No 3, 1998. (18) "A Study of Some Solutions to Water Problems in Gaza Strip", Gulf Fourth Conference, Bahrain, Feb. 1999. (19) "Geography of Arab Water Security", Second Gathering of Arab Geographers, Cairo, Nov 22-23, 2000. (20) "A Field Study of the Water Crises in Gaza Strip due to Drought in 1999", Journal of Al Azhar University, Gaza, 2001. (21) A study of the wadi hydrology network in Arab region” published in the journal of geography research section, faculty of arts and science ,Manoufia University , vol.(23) January 2001. (22) Drinking water quality in Gaza (2002) second international conference for development and environment in Arab world. Asuit Egypt 23- 25 March 2004. (B) In English: (1) "Water Resources Issues in the Gaza Strip Area", U.K, 1991, 23.3, pp. 209-216. (2) "Study of the Hydrological Situation in Gaza Strip (1994), Satisfying Future National and Global Water Demands", VIII IWRA World congress, Cairo, November 21-25,1994. (3) "Desalination for Gaza Strip, Palestine", Kick off Meeting, APAS- Renewable Energies C.R.E.S, pikermai, Greece, Jan. 30-31, 1995.

3 (4) "Hydrological Response to Rainfall in the Gaza", Water Science, Issued by: National Water Research Center, Egypt, Issue 21-22, October 1997. (5) "Groundwater Pollution Issues in Gaza District", International Conference on "Water Management, Salinity and Pollution Control Towards Sustainable Irrigation in the Mediterranean Region. Volume II “ Water Quality and Pollution Control". Valenzano, (Bari), Italy September 22-26, 1997. (6) "Water Resources Management and Development in Gaza Strip-Palestine", Regional Symposium, Irbid, Jordan. Irrigation Management and saline Condition, June 21-23, 1999, pp. 245-267. (7) "Anthnopogenic Nitrate Pollution in the Main Groundwater Aquifer of the Gaza Strip", Journal of Scientific Research Foundation, vol: 3, pp. 5-15, 1999. Science & Engineering. Turkey. (8) "Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation over Water Resources", Recycling, Desalination and fresh-Water Allocation overspace, Cyprus, 1998. (9) "Quality Aspects of Main Water Cistern Supplies in the Gaza Strip", Journal of Al-Azhar University, 1999, pp. 25. (10) Seasonal variation and Mechanisms of Ground Water Nitrate pollution in Gaza Strip. Environmental Geology USA (2004): 47: PP. 84-90. (11) Liquid Assets-An Economic approach for Water Management and conflict Resolution in the Middle East and Beyond. Resources for the future, Washington, Dc. USA (2005). The Palestinian team from (WRC)- Al-Azhar University was participated in this study. (12) Impact of Water Crisi in the Gaza Strip. Frontiers of Chemical Sciences II: Research and Deucation in the Middle East, Malta, November 5-10, 2005. (13) Aspects of Climate Change in Gaza Strip, Dead Sea project – work shop of the Research Area “Atmosphere and Climate” in Research Center Karlstuhe, Germany March 22-24, 2005.

# Participated in the Following Reports: (1) "Gaza Environmental Profile, Part One , Inventory of Resources", June 1994, a Palestinian Environmental Protection Authority Document (2) "Water Institutions and Water Laws in Palestine, (Gaza Strip and West Bank), for the World Foundation For Environment and Development (WFED), Oslo, with the Water Constancy Group - Gaza Strip. The Study of three parts: # Water Institutions Incl. Water Management Bodies, (Organizational Arrangements). # Water Supply Economics and Pricing. # Water Laws, Rules and Regulations. 4 (3) "Desalination for Gaza Strip (Palestine)". For APAS Program "European Network to Integrate Renewable Energy Into Water Production ", Kickoff meeting - C.R.E.S. - Athens- Greece 19 - 20 January 1995 - pp. 1-10. (4) "Potential Application of Rain Water Catchment Systems in the Gaza District (Palestine), Socio-Economic Study" - with the Water Research Center-Al Azhar University of Gaza, for the International Development Research center-Canada, April 1996. (5) Participated in the "Middle East Regional Study on Water Supply and Demand Development-Palestine Study"-with the Water and Environmental Studies Center (WESC), An Najah National University, Nablus and the Water Research center-Al Azhar University of Gaza. The Study for the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH- Germany. (6) Participated in the Harvard Middle East water project in Palestine (Water allocation system). (1997-1999)

Workshops, and Conferences:  Attended a number of workshops and conferences in water issues in the Palestinian Territory and abroad.  Also participated in all the meetings of the Multilateral Negotiations on the Middle East Peace Process for water.

Membership: (1) Egyptian Geographical Society, Cairo Egypt. (2) Water working Group in the Multilateral Negotiations on the Middle East Peace Process.


(1) Prof. Dr. Riyad H. El - Khoudary, President of Al - Azhar University of Gaza, Palestine. (2) Prof. Ian Doglase (Hydro - Geomorphology), University of Manchester, School of Geography, Manchester, M13 9pL. UK. (3) Prof. Dr. Mohammed safe El Deen Abu El Eaz, Chairman - Geographical Society of Egypt, Cairo - Egypt. (4) Prof. Dr. Fathe Abu Ayanah, Geography Department - Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University - Egypt. (5) Prof. Dr. Mohammed Khameas El Zokah, Geography Department - Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University - Egypt. (6) Prof. Dr. Yousef Faied, Geography Department - Arts Facuty, Cairo, University - Egypt.