Modified Ubd/Di Unit Template

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Modified Ubd/Di Unit Template


Unit/Lesson Topic: Unit 1: Cultural Diversity, The Francophone World & France Subject Area(s): French 7 (Introduction) At the end of this unit, students will be able define and discuss key ideas, including:  the concepts of culture, cultural diversity, tolerance, ethnicity, and heritage  the European Union and its value to member countries  the euro and the current exchange rate with the American dollar  cultural diversity as it relates to the Buffalo region (local ethnic festivals), Francophone countries and regions of France  languages of the world – number of languages, most commonly spoken, the importance of learning other languages, reasons for learning French  provincial differences within France (similar to USA south vs. northeast)  French speaking areas in North America – Canada (province of Quebec), states bordering Canada (Wisconsin, Maine), Louisiana

At the end of this unit, students will be able to locate various geographical sites including:  the seven continents of the world  French-speaking (“Francophone”) countries and their continental locations  Francophone countries in Europe  bodies of water surrounding Europe  cities, mountain ranges, rivers, and regions of France

STAGE 1 & 2: IDENTIFY RESULTS & ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Established Goals: (State and National Standards)

TOPIC: Cultural Understanding of the Francophone World and France STANDARD: * Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings. * Students will gain global awareness (geographical & social).

What understandings are desired? What essential questions will be considered?

Students will understand that… Students will consider the following questions:  cultures are both similar and different  If everyone in the world spoke the same  a difference is not “weird or wrong”, language and had the same culture, just a different way would the world “be a better place”?  language is an important part of  What does it mean to be different? culture  Should we all speak the same language?  French is spoken in many areas of the  Why should we speak other languages, world, not just in France. specifically French?  learning French is valuable  Is France more alike or more different than the USA? What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Students will know… ( Declarative Knowledge)  vocabulary: culture, communication, diversity, tolerance, heritage, ethnicity, francophone, European Union, euro  names of the seven continents and French-speaking countries  geography of Europe and France  reasons for learning the French language  facts about languages of the world  ethnicities in the world around us – ethnic festivals of Buffalo  components that make up a culture, in general and for French speakers

Students will… (Procedural Knowledge)  brainstorm “big ideas” of culture with partners and in small groups  discover the cultural diversity within their own world (Buffalo area)  locate and label specific areas in the world including the continents, French- speaking countries, European countries and France.  explain similarities and differences between the euro and US currency

Students will … (Critical Skills-Reading, Study, Thinking, Communication)  collect and organize ideas through note making (E.U., ethnic festivals, etc).  make sense of abstract academic vocabulary (cultural terms).  read and interpret visual displays of information (maps).  conduct comparisons using specific criteria (comparing currencies, thoughts about speaking one language, various cultures, etc.).  write clear, well-informed, coherent explanations (essential question writing and discussion).  collaborate with others in creating end products

Students will demonstrate… (Habits of Mind)  work with one another – kids who are different – aspects of collaboration  tolerance for & appreciation of others’ differences, culturally and beyond.  curiosity and enthusiasm toward learning the language & culture of others. STAGE 3: ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE

What will it look like when the students “get” the knowledge, understanding, and skill? Summative Assessments:

Written Assessments  Identify/label continents and French-speaking countries around the world  Homework assignments

Projects/Presentations (collaborative)  map of France and neighboring countries – random group of 4  brochure (Why Learn French?) – presentation in random group of 4  Buffalo Ad – poster of Buffalo’s ethnic festivals (students select partner)

How can I find out where students stand How will I check student progress relative to the unit goals, before the unit throughout the unit so that I can starts? adjust instruction as needed? Pre-Assessment: (give one, get one) Formative (Ongoing) Assessments: (will also use this post-unit) - exit passes on a regular basis Students answer the following questions: - warm-up: think, pair, share 1) Define tolerance, ethic, diversity, culture. - give 1/get 1 brainstorm lists that 2) Which different ethnic groups have are turned and evaluated celebrations in the Buffalo area? - write a reflective piece on … (give 3) How many languages are in the world? students a writing prompt to elicit 4) What are the continents of the world? feedback on level of 5) Which is the most popular world lang.? understanding at various points) 6) In which continents do they speak FR? - homework 7) How many countries speak French? - jeopardy – unit wrap up 8) Which countries surround France? 9) What is the E. Union and the euro? 10) Where is FR spoken in N. America? STAGE 4: THE LEARNING PLAN How will all students “get to” the learning goals?

Learning Activities Learning Process

DAY 1 o Anticipation o Acquisition - pre-test Q&A (give one, get one) - YouTube videos: Differences & Tolerance + reflection (share) o Extension o Application - Ethnicity discussion – observation of classmate similarities and differences - Assignment: research Buffalo’s Ethnic Festivals o Reflection - Exit pass: how can you show tolerance to classmates that are different than you? DAY 2 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Share Ethnic Festivals (random groups of 4, create 1 list) - Guess how many languages of the world – class activity o Extension o Application - Most spoken languages of the world (put top 10 in order) - Continents of the world – pick out the pieces that are countries verses pieces that are continents - In which continents/countries do they speak French? o Reflection - Create a mnemonic device to remember FR speaking countries

DAY 3 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Share mnemonic devices (find a person you don’t know, share) - Name countries that speak French – around the room for list o Extension o Application - TRUE/FALSE – They speak French in N. America? – discuss - Labeling: on map, students locate/label map of N. America and Europe with areas that speak French + countries around France o Reflection

DAY 4 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Video: FR-speaking world & France - st Text: European Union & France in the 21 century o Extension o Application - Fill-in: missing information about FR

- Research: 5 facts about France (culturegrams) o Reflection

DAY 5 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Give 1/get 1 – 5 facts about France o Extension o Application - The euro (pass around authentic currency) - Similarities & differences between the euro and US currency - Math: converting the euro (currency exchange) - What would you buy with “X” amount of euros? - Assessment: identify & label continents & FR-spkg countries o Reflection

DAY 6 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Share shopping list – what did you buy with your euros? - Video clip: provinces of France (geography) o Extension o Application - Map project: working on teams, label a map of France with surrounding countries o Reflection - Finish map to use as class posters (Open House, student work)

DAY 7 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Why Learn French? – Video (students take notes) - Discussion – begin discussing reasons to learn French o Extension o Application - Write top 10 reasons to learn French o Reflection

DAY 8 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Share ideas on why learn French Extension Application - Class guest: person in the community who speaks/uses FR o o - Brochure project: define project, show student models, students begin rough draft, ask questions, receive due date o Reflection

DAY 9 o Anticipation o Acquisition - Post-Test (repeat of initial pre-test for students to see progress) Extension Application - JEOPARDY: teacher constructed teams o o o Reflection

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